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Republic of the Philippines I.

Department of Education
Region III A. Content Standards: The learner understands the principles
Schools Division Office of Bulacan and uses of surveys, experiments and scientific observations.
National High School
B. Performance Standards: The learner produces a well-written
CARLOS F. GONZALES HIGH SCHOOL report for various disciplines.

C.MELCs: Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires

D. Specific Objectives:
ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC 1. define a questionnaire;
AND PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES 2. compare and contrast the two types of questionnaire; and
3. design, test, and revise survey questionnaires
Quarter 2
Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Lesson 5 – Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey
ACTIVITY SHEET 5 Questionnaires



General Directions: Carefully read all directions and supply what

is asked. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

Page 1
III. PROCEDURES: C. Presenting the new lesson:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pre-Test I. Motivation
Read each statement below carefully. On your answer sheet
Surveys are an effective way to collect data from your customers.
write TRUE or FALSE for each of the following statements.
They are helpful in evaluating your offerings and finding ways to
1. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a
make changes for the better. Yet, some people struggle with survey
series of questions for the purpose of gathering information
design and creation and create surveys that aren’t giving them the
from respondents.
most accurate results.
2. Without a clear definition of the aim, it is clear what data
Answer the sample survey below then assess it using the rubric
you should collect.
below. Write your score in every criterion in your answer sheet. If
3. A questionnaire ensures standardization and comparability
the total score is 28, then it is a good survey questionnaire.
of the data across interviewers, increases speed and
accuracy of recording, and facilitates data processing.
4. Make the interview long and be equivocal that the Community Level Questions
respondents may be challenged to think critically of their
answers. Please identify which Community you represent.
5. Large samples can be made use of and thus the results can Name of Community Represented
be made more dependable and reliable.
Covid-19 Awareness and Knowledge
B. Reviewing the previous lesson: Health and Covid-19 Yes No N/A
Before we start exploring the topic, let us find out if you can Has your community been affected (by Covid-
distinguish a well-written survey question from a confusing one. 19?
Write YES if the question is good, and NO if otherwise. Did your community receive any public health
1. How short was Napoleon? awareness about Covid-19?
2. How would you describe Napoleon’s height? Did your community impose any preventive
3. Do you think special car seats should be required for infant measures associated with Covid-19?
Has there been any positive Covid-19 cases
4. Should concerned parents use infant car seats?
identified in your community?
5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the pay and work
Is there any food shortage or food insufficiency
benefits of your current job?
in the community?
Do you receive any support from the
Government, or other Organization?
Page 3
Page 4
Food Production and Income Generation
The selection of The selection of The selection of
Food Production Yes No N/A graphics, line graphics, line graphics, line The selection of
Does your community have any restriction on styles, and styles and styles and graphics, line styles
arrangement arrangement arrangement and arrangement
food production through fishing and options enhances options mostly options sometimes options do not
aquaculture farming? the layout and enhance the enhance the enhance the layout
Does your community have alternative ways to Layout
meaning of the layout of the layout of the of the survey.
survey. survey. survey
generate income? Most of the Some of the
Has there been a reduction in the capacity to All essential
essential essential One or fewer
questions are
produce food in the community? Content properly
questions are questions are essential questions
properly properly are addressed.
addressed. addressed.

Market and Distribution All words are

spelled correctly.
Most words are
spelled correctly.
Most words are
spelled correctly.
Numerous spelling
errors. Grammar,
Market and Distribution Yes No N/A Grammar, Grammar, Grammar,
Spelling/ punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
Is the community selling any fish, fish products Grammar spacing and word spacing and word spacing and word
spacing and word
and aquaculture products at markets? usage have a
usage are usage are mostly usage have some
number of errors.
appropriate. appropriate. errors.

Category Easy to use and
Choppy, but gets Difficult to follow
Score Utility
pleasant to look Easy to follow.
the job done. and is jumbled.
4 3 2 1 at.

Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is

stated clearly. stated stated not stated. Total Score
Purpose somewhat vaguely.

Questions are Questions Questions Questions

crystal clear, are very are are
Clarity of and a person clear, and a somewhat confusing
would not person clear, and a and
have to ask might have person ambiguous. Page 6
for to ask for would have
clarification. clarification. to ask for
Every person Most people Few people No one
would be able would be would be would be
Choice of to choose able to able to able to
from the choose from choose from choose
responses. the the from the
responses. responses. responses.

Page 5
3. ABSTRACTION ( Discussion of the topic) 3. Discussion of the Topic: (ABSTRACTION)
Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Design and Types Open Questions
By Saul McLeod, updated 2018 Open questions allow people to express what they think in their own
A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the words. Open-ended questions enable the respondents to answer in as
purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires can be thought much detail as they like in their own words.
of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by telephone, Strengths
computer or post.  Rich qualitative data is obtained as open questions allow the
Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large respondent to elaborate on their answer. This means the
amounts of information from a large sample of people. Data can be collected research can find out why a person holds a certain attitude.
relatively quickly because the researcher would not need to be present when the Limitations
questionnaires were completed. This is useful for large populations when interviews
 Time-consuming to collect the data.
would be impractical. However, a problem with questionnaires is that respondents
 Time-consuming to analyze the data.
may lie due to social desirability. Most people want to present a positive image of
themselves and so may lie or bend the truth to look good, e.g. learners would  Not suitable for less educated respondents as open questions
exaggerate revision duration. require superior writing skills and a better ability to express
Questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large one’s feelings verbally.
amounts of information from a large sample of people. Data can be collected
relatively quickly because the researcher would not need to be present when the Questionnaire Design
questionnaires were completed. more cheaply and quickly than other methods. An With some questionnaires suffering from a response rate as low as 5%,
important distinction is between open-ended and closed questions. Often a it is essential that a questionnaire is well designed. There are a
questionnaire uses both open and closed questions to collect data. This is beneficial number of important factors in questionnaire design.
as it means both quantitative and qualitative data can be obtained. Aims
Closed Questions Make sure that all questions asked address the aims of the research.
Closed questions structure the answer by only allowing responses which fit into pre- Length
decided categories. Data that can be placed into a category is called nominal data. The longer the questionnaire, the less likely people will complete it.
The category can be restricted to as few as two options, i.e., dichotomous (e.g. “yes” Questions should be short, clear, and be to the point.
or “no” “male” or “female”) or include quite complex lists of alternatives from Pilot Study
which the respondent can choose (e.g., polytomous). Run a small scale practice study to ensure people understand the
Strengths questions. People will also be able to give detailed honest feedback on
I. They can be economical. They can provide large amounts of research data for the questionnaire design.
relatively low costs. Question Order
II. The respondent provides information which can be easily converted into Questions should progress logically from the least sensitive to the most
quantitative data allowing statistical analysis of the responses. sensitive, from the factual and behavioral to the cognitive, and from the
III. The questions are standardized. more general to the more specific.
They lack detail. Because the responses are fixed, there is less scope for
respondents to supply answers which reflect their true feelings on a topic. Page 8

Page 7
3. Discussion of the Topic: (ABSTRACTION) Develop instruments
There should be a minimum of technical jargon. Questions should be
simple, to the point and easy to understand. Select Sample
The language of a questionnaire should be appropriate to the
vocabulary of the group of people being studied.
Presentation Conduct Pilot Test
Make sure it looks professional, include clear and concise instructions.
Benefits of a Pilot Study
A pilot study is a practice/small-scale study conducted before the main
study. It allows the researcher to try out the study with a few Revise Instruments
participants so that adjustments can be made before the main study,
so saving time and money.
Reasons for conducting a questionnaire pilot study: Conduct Research
 Check that respondents understand the terminology used in the
 Check that emotive questions have not been used as they make Analyze Data
people defensive and could invalidate their answers.
 Check that leading questions have not been used as they could
bias the respondent’s answer. Prepare Report
Ensure the questionnaire can be completed in an appropriate
time frame. Establishing Goals. The first step in any survey is deciding what you
DESIGNING A SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE want to learn. The goals of the project determine whom you will survey
Questionnaire Research design proceeds in an orderly and specific and what you will ask them. If your goals are unclear, the results will
manner. Each item in the flow chart depends upon the successful probably be unclear.
completion of all the previous items. Therefore, it is important not to
skip a single step. Notice that there are two feedback loops in the flow Selecting Your Sample. There are two main components in
chart to allow revisions to the process and questionnaire. determining whom you will interview. The first is deciding what kind
Questionnaire Research Flow Chart of people to interview. Researchers often call this group the target
Design Methodology population. The next thing to decide is how many people you need to
interview. Statisticians know that a small, representative sample will
reflect the group from which it is drawn. The larger the sample, the
Determine Feasibility more precisely it reflects the target group.

Page 9
Page 10
Avoiding a Biased Sample. A biased sample will produce biased Multiple Choice
results. 1. Where do you live?
North South East West
Personal Interviews. An interview is called personal when the Numeric Open End
Interviewer asks the questions face-to-face with the Interviewee. 2. How much did you spend on groceries this week? ________

Telephone Surveys. Surveying by telephone is the most popular Text Open End
interviewing method in the USA. This is made possible by nearly 3. How can our company improve its working conditions?
universal coverage (96% of homes have a telephone). __________________________________________________________________
Computer Direct Interviews. These are interviews in which the __________________________________________________________________
Interviewees enter their own answers directly into a computer Email ___

Email surveys are both economical and very fast. These are limited
to simple questionnaires. Rating Scales and Agreement Scales are two common types of
questions that some researchers treat as multiple choice questions
Internet/Intranet (Web Page) Surveys. Web surveys are rapidly and others treat as numeric open end questions.
gaining popularity. They have major speed, cost, and flexibility
advantages, but also significant sampling limitations. Rating Scales
4. How would you rate this product?
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Questionnaire Design
5. On a scale where “10” means you have a great amount of
General Considerations
interest in a subject and “1” means you have none at all,
1. The first rule is to design the questionnaire to fit the medium.
how would you rate your interest in each of the following
2. KISS –keep it short and simple.
3. Start with an introduction or welcome message. A good
Domestic politics….. ___
introduction or welcome message will encourage people to
Foreign Affairs……… ___
complete your questionnaire.
Science & Health….. ___
4. Allow a “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable” response to all
Business…………….. ___
questions, except to those in which you are certain that all
respondents will have a clear answer.
Agreement Scale
6. How much do you agree with each of the following
Researchers use three basic types of questions: multiple
choice, numeric open end and text open end. Examples
of each kind of question follow:
Page 12
Page 11
Strongly Strongly It’s when you force respondents to answer two questions at once.
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree 4. Absolutely do not use absolutes in questions.
My manager provides Absolutes in questions force respondents into a corner where they
constructive criticism can’t give useful feedback.
Our medical plan provides 5. Be clear by speaking your respondent’s language.
adequate coverage
I would prefer to work longer
hours on fewer days C. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES (Formative)
1. ACTIVITY A: (Written Works/Task)
Question and Answer Choice Order WRITING A SURVEY: Decide which criteria have been violated in the
There are two broad issues to keep in mind when considering writing of this survey question. Rewrite the question to make it a good
question and answer choice order. One is how the question and survey item.
answer choice order can encourage people to complete your survey. 1. Why do you enjoy listening to music?
The other issue is how the order of questions or the order of answer Criteria violated __________________________________________________
choices could affect the results of your survey. Rewritten question _______________________________________________
Other General Tips 2. How satisfied are you hearing music you like but you do not
Keep the questionnaire as short as possible. know the title of?
Start with a Title (e.g. Leisure Activities Survey). Always include a Criteria violated _________________________________________________
short introduction – who you are and why you are doing the survey. Rewritten question ______________________________________________
Reassure your respondent that his or her responses will not be 3. Experts believe that all consumers should comparison shop.
revealed to your client. Do you agree?
Include a cover letter with all mail surveys. Criteria violated _________________________________________________
The overriding consideration in questionnaire design is to make sure Rewritten question ______________________________________________
your questions can accurately tell you what you want to learn. 4. The government should force you to pay higher taxes.
Criteria violated _________________________________________________
Pretest the Questionnaire Rewritten question ______________________________________________
The last step in questionnaire design is to test a questionnaire with 5. The product is wonderful.
a small number of interviews before conducting your main ___ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree
interviews. Criteria violated ________________________________________________
5 COMMON SURVEY QUESTION MISTAKES THAT WILL RUIN YOUR Rewritten question _____________________________________________
1. Don’t write leading questions. 2. ACTIVITY B: (Written Work/Task)
Top survey mistake #1: Questions should never be worded in Beside each question number, provide a positive comment and
a way that’ll sway the reader to one side of the argument. constructive criticism. “Good job” or “bad question” is not constructive
2. Avoid loaded questions. criticism. Use the features of good survey questions to give feedback.
3. Stay away from double-barrelled questions. An example of constructive criticism is “remove the leading words from
this question so it is more neutral.”
Page 13 Page 14
Question 1: Why do you enjoy listening to music? Survey A range of Only two Only one All
Participant participants differences difference participants
Positive comment s surveyed. among the among the are the same
_________________________________________________________ (Age, gender, participants participants Age, gender,
Constructive criticism race, etc.) and race
______________________________________________________ Questions Questions Questions Questions Questions
Question 2: How satisfied are you hearing music you like but you do not (Spelling/ are crystal are very are are
Grammar) clear and a clear and a somewhat confusing
know the title of? person person clear and a and
Positive comment would not might have person ambiguous
__________________________________________________________ have to ask to ask for would have Numerous
Constructive criticism for clarification to ask for spelling
clarification Most words clarification errors
______________________________________________________ All words are spelled Most words Grammar,
Question 3: Experts believe that all consumers should comparison shop. are spelled correctly are spelled punctuation
Do you agree? correctly Grammar, correctly , spacing
Positive comment Grammar, punctuation, Grammar, and word
__________________________________________________________ punctuation, spacing and punctuation, usage have
spacing and word usage spacing and a number of
Constructive criticism word usage are mostly word usage errors.
______________________________________________________ are appropriate have some
Question 4: The government should force you to pay higher taxes. appropriate errors
Positive comment _____-______ ____________ _ Traits Student Student Student Student
Surveyed surveyed a surveyed a surveyed a surveyed
Constructive criticism
variety of few traits few traits, one trait
_____________________________________________________ traits but nothing
Question 5: The product is wonderful. interesting
Positive comment Discussion Intellectual Interesting Difficult or Random
_________________________________________________________ Questions questions but easy confusing questions
based off of questions questions or not related
Constructive criticism survey based off of questions to survey or
______________________________________________________ results survey not related results
results to survey
E. REFLECTION: results
Complete the statement below based on your learning from the previous Total
activities and discussion. Score
1. A ______ is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions References:
for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. 
2. The two major types of questionnaires are _______ and _______. structure
3. KISS means _______.  McLeod, S.A. (2018). Questionnaire: definition, examples,
4. By avoiding ______, your survey should run like a well-oiled machine, design and types.
your data will be more accurate, and your respondents will exit your Page 16
survey feeling great because they have shared honest and accurate
5. _____ questions are questions writtenRating
Category in a way that forces the

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