Chapter Five: Researcher Work Drawn Made From The Research in The Previous Chapters

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This chapter summarizes the researcher work and the conclusion drawn from the findings made

from the research. The chapter also gives solutions and recommendations to the various

problems observed in the findings in the previous chapters.


The researcher focuses on how quality can be achieved in the manufacturing sector with regards

to specification drafting at Olam Cocoa Processing Ghana Limited as the case study.

It was observed that financial approval was the major problem facing the purchasing department

during the performance of their duties, due to this it delays drafting process and also delays


From the findings, the researcher got to know that, the organization practices using the

performance specification and define its specification as a statement of description of items, as

cited in Lyson (2003) that, performance specification reduces and controls the expense

associated with the approaches to describe requirement.

The institution prefers the use of sample as an alternative method of specifying their

requirements since it allows for clear and unambiguous communication of what is required.
Also, the institution rejected products when they are substandard or do not meet or conform to

their specification.

It was disclosed that the institution holds the importance of specification in high esteem because

it helps to monitor standard of quality for all items purchased.Moreover, it was noticed that the

institution communicated their requirement to suppliers in written forms.

From the findings, the researchers realized that, the relationship between purchasing department

and the other department are dependents. This means purchasing department will have to give

the other department information concerning about the lead-time, availability of space, and the

right specification of product. In terms of specification the other department concern need to tell

the purchasing what they need. The purchasing department also inquiries from the store what

items are lacking and items available in order to meet the specifications of the organizations.

According to the findings, majority of the workers believe that the purchasing department has

helped the organization to achieve quality goods through proper specification made by the

purchasing department. It was also observed that, the purchasing department has brought an

improvement in quality to increase production level with regards to proper specification.

From the findings, majority of the workers believe that there is a quality control unit which has

help the organization to check the quality of goods by using more of inspection method than any

other methods in checking quality.

According to the findings, it was known that the organization does not receive complaints from

suppliers concerning the organization specification drafted, which made the organization aimed

at building more and retaining the relationship of customers.


It has been observed that the role of purchasing in drafting specification is well practice can yield

great benefits to the organization and improve the goods and services supply to the organization.

In addition purchasing in drafting specification can be used to determine strategic areas of

opportunities in the total quality management.

In general, it is the application of what is learned in specification that delivers the mark and

impressive result so often noted. For this reason organization should try to make specification

more clearly and not be ambiguous, so that the suppliers will understand what is expected of

them in order to achieve superior performance.

In short, if specification is well taken in Olam Cocoa Processing Ghana Limited, it will result in

cost reduction and efficiency in operation. Whereby gaining advantage over competitors because

of customer’s satisfaction.

From the research conducted, the researchers realized that the above mentioned benefit that

occurs as a result of proper specification is not well practice by the management of Olam Cocoa

Processing Ghana Limited, although some of the respondents were of the view that the

organization involved purchasing in the drafting of specification. Therefore in order to gain

competitive advantage in the business environment, there is the need to enlighten them about the

activities involved in specification. This seems to be a difficult task, but with help of proposed

recommendation made by the researchers the task can be carried out more effectively.

In respect of the findings, the researcher seeks to recommend that, the organization should take

the role of purchasing in the process of drafting specification more seriously in order to acquire

the best quality of materials needed in the organization.

Moreover, in drawing up specification, the institution should bear in mind to standardize their

requirement. According to Dobler (2000), standardization is the process of establishing

agreement or uniform identification for definite characteristics of quality, design, performance,

services, etc.

The researcher also recommended that, the institution should not focus mainly on the prices of

items in drawing up specification. Price alone means little. It is what you get for the price that

matters. Aiming for the best buy, the most value for money requires consideration of technical

features as well as of commercial features. It may call for second look at the specification

(Bailey et al 1994)

However, it is recommended that the following disadvantages of specification should be noted

aside the advantages it presents; it is an expensive process and almost certainly uneconomic if

small value purchase are in question, the cost of inspection are greater than if purchases are made

by brand, time consuming and requires special expertise if the product in question is technical.

Bailey (1994)

Again, the researcher recommends that the purchasing department should continuously develop

and maintain its good liaison between or among other department concern in developing
specification and assuring quality of goods specially the user department. This is of immerse

importance as it may safeguard any possibility of drafting wrongful specification.

In addition, the purchasing department should be continuously given the mandate to take full

responsibility of all purchases in the organization.

Finally, the organization should employ different methods of specification to acquire the right

characteristics required in materials ordered.


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