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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.

A viscoelasticity, 123
Absolute global warming potential (AGWP), wood floorboard, 121, 122f
557 Bark, 78
Accoya wood, 33 appearance, 78
Acetylation, 214 diversity, 79
Acoustic insulation, 136 formation, 78–80
Acoustic performance, 256, 256f functions, 78
Acoustic protection, 256 Basidiomycetes, 259
Aesthetics Battenboard, 60
bio-based material versatility, 286, 287f Beeswax, 226–227
customer preferences, 292–293 Bio-based boards, 350t
definition, 285 Bio-based building materials
functions, 286 acoustic protection, 256
material perception, 286–288 aesthetics, 251f, 252
material selection, 293–294 aesthetic versatility, 286
modelling, 285 benefits, 2
and service life, 288–291 dimensional and shape stability, 252–253
Agar block test, 387 embodied energy, 12–13
Air infiltration, 76 end-grain erosion, 282, 283f
Air velocity, 358 human well-being, 256–257
Annual rings, 23 issues, 14–15
Anobium punctatum (furniture beetle), moisture, 277–278
195–196, 195–196f, 396–397 role in modern building sector, 2–4
Archetypal stains, 222 slip resistance, 253–254
Architects, air quality, 361 stiffness and hardness, 253, 254f
Assessment tools, 6, 8t for structural purposes, 250
sustainable agenda, 10–11
sustainable planning, 11–12
B thermal insulation, 254–255
Bacterial decay, 392–393 uses, 4–9
Bamboo, 120f Bio-based products
bahareque walls, 123 resistance against biological agents,
charcoal, 124 603–604
composites, 121, 122f resistance against moulds, 602–603
creep behaviour, 124 Biocidal Product Regulation, 204
degradation, 123 Biocides, 204–207, 205t
disadvantages, 120–121 Biodegradability, 2
extraction, 123 Bio-economy, 562–563
fibres, 121, 121f Biofilms, 253–254, 283
MDF, 123 Biohygrothermal model, 487–488
screen fence, crack formation, 282, 282f Biopolymers, 63

Biotic decay, 289–290 Cerambycidae (longhorn beetles), 197

Black alder wood waste, 63, 64f Chemical modification, 33
Bleaching process, 71–72 Chemical pulps, 71
Blockboard, 60 Chemi-thermomechanical pulping (CTMP), 71
Blue-stain infestations, 221, 221f Chemomechanical pulping, 71
Bottom-up approach, 12 Circular economy, 560–562
BRE environmental assessment method Coating material, 218
(BREEAM), 6, 8, 577–578 Coating permeability, 220–222
Brown-rot fungi, 190, 190f Coleoptera (beetles), 193–194, 193–194t
Building durability, 445 Compounding process, 65
Building-level assessment methods, 573 Compressed strawboard, 119
Building occupants, 358 Computer numeric cutting (CNC) machine
Building physics technology, 42–43
acoustic properties, 341–343 Construction market, 1
bio-based materials, 345 Construction Products Directive (CPD), 4–6
definition, 335 Cork, 78
hygrothermal properties, 337–341 agglomerates, 84–85
phase-change materials, 343–344 in construction, 83–86, 83f
properties, 336 formation, 78–80
Building regulations, 3–4, 5t granules, 84–85
structure and properties, 80–82, 81–82f
C Corn, 157–158, 160f
Canadian Wood Council (CWC), 50 Corn cobs, 170, 172
Canal infrastructure, 44, 45f Cortical cell, 129–130, 129f
Cancun agreement, 10–11 Cradle-to-cradle (C2C) certification, 562
Capacitive measurement devices, 427f Cradle-to-gate assessment
Carbon accounting method manufacturing
AGWP, 557 common operation, 551–552
carbon storage benefits, 556–557 modification treatments, 552
carbon-trading scheme, 555–556 production of bio-based boards,
GWP impact, 558–559 552–553
harvested wood products, 555–556 raw material supply
HWP pool, 559 additives, 550–551
methodologies, 555–556 agriculture and animal products,
Carbon storage, 13 549–550
Cattails, 170 forest products, 549
Cellulose, 24, 68–70 recycled products, 551
accessibility, 74 transportation, 551
applications, 76–77 Creosote, 206, 210f, 429–430
degradation, 74–75 Cross laminated timber (CLT)
dense packing installation, 77 evolution, 41
esterification, 75 fair-faced surface, 45, 46f
etherification, 75 game changers, 47–49
insulation, 75–76, 77f lamellae, 40–41, 41f
physical properties, 73–74 nailed stacked plank panel, 40
structure, 69–70, 69f properties and performance, 45–47
swellability, 73 tall timber buildings/vertical timber city,
Cell wall, 23 50–51
Cement boards, 60 uses, 42–45

Decarbonised economy. See Low-carbon Earth overshoot day (EOD), 2–3, 3t
economy Eco-labels, 565–566
Decay fungi Economic issues, 14
classifications, 188, 189t 80-storey Barbican Oak project, 51, 51f
fungal rot, 188–190 ELODIE, 580
physiological needs, 190–191, 191t Embodied energy, 12–13
temperature requirements, 190–191, 192t Empirical aesthetics, 286
Decay models Energy efficiency
biological models, 510 bio-based product evaluation, 347–349
black and white box model, 512 bioeconomy, 351
challenges, 520–522 definition, 345
climate indices, 512–513 energy requirement reduction, 345–346
dose-response functions, 510–512, 511f smart bio-based materials, 346–347
hazard mapping, 516–517 Environmental assessment
mathematical models, 510 bio-economy, 562–563
performance prediction, 513–516 of buildings, 576–584
service life prediction and planning, carbon accounting, 554–559
517–520 circular economy, 560–562
variability, 521–522 construction stage, 553
Degree of exposure, 262 end of life stage, 554
Developers, air quality, 361 life cycle assessment, 548
DGNB system, 8–9 low-carbon economy, 564
Dimensional stability, 252–253 measurement and certification, 565–584
1,3-Dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxy-ethyleneurea product stage, 548–553
(DMDHEU), 216 use stage, 553
Dipping method, 207 Environmental labels
Doha agreement, 10–11 certifications, 572
Do-it-yourself (DIY) products, 207 drivers, 572–576
Dried block-peat, 148, 148f EPD in Europe, 569–572
Drilling resistance method, 458, 459f types, 565–569
Dry-wood insects, 194, 194t Environmental product declarations (EPD)
Durability in Europe, 569–572, 575t
bamboo, 271 for wood products, 573f
biological decay and, 258–261 EOD. See Earth overshoot day (EOD)
classes, for fire retardants, 313–314 Epicuticle, 130
definition, 257–258 Equilibrium moisture content (EMC),
exterior out of ground contact conditions, 408–409
265–270 Eurocodes, 4, 7t
in ground contact conditions, 265 European Chemical Agency (ECHA), 204–206
hazard/use classes, 261–262 European classification system (EN 13501-1),
integrated approach, 262–263 309–311
interior conditions, 270–271 European Directives, 363, 363t
laboratory accelerated testing, 272–273 European regulations, wood-based products
lab test methods, 273–276 biocidal products regulation, 606
nonwood products, 271 Construction Products Regulation,
statistical analysis, 276 605–606
timber classes, 258, 258t existing regulations, 604–605
wood products, 271 Lead Market Initiative, 606–607

European standardisation Flame retardants, 67–68

biological durability, 602–604 Flax
European regulations application, 102–105
biocidal products regulation, 606 board, 99, 102–103
Construction Products Regulation, morphology, 100–102, 100–101f
605–606 production, 98–99
existing regulations, 604–605 shives, 99, 102–103
Lead Market Initiative, 606–607 stem, 98–99, 99f, 101f
wood and wood-based products, 594–595 Floating test method, 414–415
biological resistance, 596–597 Flowerpot test, 421, 422t
moisture risk, 598–599 Formaldehyde, 140, 141f, 353
performance, 597–598 Formaldehyde-based resins, 54, 63
service life planning, 599–600 Fourteen-storey treet building, 50, 50f
wood-disfiguring fungi, 599 Fungal decay, 258–259
European Technical Approval Guidelines bio-based building materials, 280–281
(ETAGs), 4–6 field testing, 416–418
Expanded polystyrene (EPS), 349 laboratory testing, 387–390
Exposure dosage, 265, 266f test methods, 388t
quasi-continuous approach, 267–268, 267f Furfurylation, 215–216
Extrusion process, 65
F Glue lamination, 42
Factorisation, 238–239 Grafting method, 227
Fibreboard, 52, 58–60, 59–60t Graphite, 362
Fibre saturation point (FSP), 277–278, 407 Grass
Field testing, 385 in building structures, 154–155
description, 416 hay bales, 151, 151f
fungal decay, 416–418 mowing herbs, 153–154
termites, 421–422 thermal conductivity, 155, 156t
weathering and leaching, 435–440 Graveyard test, 416, 416f
Film-forming coating, 220 Green building, 21, 576–577
Finite element analysis (FEA), 320 Greenhouse gas emissions, 12–13
Fire performance Growth ring. See Annual rings
reaction to fire, 305–307
bio-based building products, 309 H
European system for, 309–311 Hardboard (HB), 58–59
wood products, 311–312 Hardness, 253, 254f
resistance to fire Hardwoods, 22, 23f
bio-based building products, 315–317 Harvested wood products (HWP), 555–556
load-bearing function, 317–320 Heartwood, 22–23
separating function, 316–317 Heat flow (HF) method, 296, 297f
retardant treatments, wood products, 312–314 Heat release rate (HRR), 164, 165f
safety, 305 Hedonistic testing, 292, 293f
Fire resistance Hemicelluloses, 24–25, 25f, 32–33, 126
mowing herbs, 153 Hemp
peat, 146 applications, 110–112
of straw bale construction, 118, 119f bricks, 110
Fire safety engineering (FSE), 306 concrete, 110
Fire testing, 320 mature plants, 106, 106f

morphology, 107–109, 108–109f Indoor air quality (IAQ)

oil, 225 air velocity, 358
particle board, 110–111, 111f architects and developers, 361
production, 105–106 biological pollutants, 354–355
shiv, 107 building occupants, 358
stem, 106–107, 106f, 108f government and organisations, 363–365
uses, 106–107 hygric performance, 139–140, 139f
Hempcretes, 111, 172 individual occupants, 360
High Quality Environmental standard (HQE), 9 manufacturers, 361–362
Hindered amine light stabilisers (HALS), 223 pollution, 351–353
Hollow WPC profiles, 67, 67f primary pollutants, 353–354
Horizon 2020 Framework programme, 346 relative humidity, 357
Hot-plate (HP) method, 296, 296f secondary pollutants, 355–356
HQE-France, 579 temperature, 356
HRR. See Heat release rate (HRR) ventilation, 357
Human factors/ergonomics (HFE), 370 VOC abatement, 140–141
Human well-being VOC sampling and analysis, 358–360
building materials, thermal properties of, Injection moulding, 66, 66f
256–257 Insect monitoring, 454–456
description, 365–366 In-service tests, 444
design paradigms, 371 decay check, 457–458
factors affecting, 366 description, 456
future prospects, 372 instrumented survey, 458–460
human factors/ergonomics, 370 visual inspection, 456–457
impact measurement, 371–372 Insulation corkboards (ICB), 343
material- and product-related factors, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
368–369 (IPCC), 10–11
material performance, 369–370 International Energy Agency (IEA), 10–11
psychophysiological well-being, 367 Intrinsic durability, 258. See also Durability
Humic acid, 439 Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC),
Humidity buffering, 338 204–206
Hydrolysis, 355–356 Isoptera (termites), 198–199, 199f
Hydrophobic treatment, 32 subterranean, 199–200
Hydrophobization agents, 225–227
Hydroxyl groups, 73
Hygroscopicity, 163
Hygro-thermal models, wood Keratin, 129
future aspects, 502 Knowledge based bio-based products
moisture-induced stresses, 495 (KBBPS) project, 601
moisture-related degradation, 495–496 Konto-insulation plate, 148, 148f
multi-Fickian method, 495–496, 498–500 Kraft sludge fibres, 64
recent advances, 495 Kyoto Protocol, 10–11
single-Fickian model, 495–498
Hylotrupes bajulus (house longhorn beetle), L
197, 197f, 397 Laboratory testing, 385
Anobium punctatum (furniture beetle),
I 396–397
IMPACT compliant tools, 580 Anthrenus flavipes (carpet beetle),
Impregnation method, 208, 209–210f 397–398

Laboratory testing (Continued) laboratory testing, 400–402

data interpretation and evaluation, types, 398–400
393–394 Marino wool, 130, 131t
development, 394 Martesia striata, 399–400
digital image correlation, 411, 412f test method, 401–402
durability, 273–276 Material protection
fungal decay, 387–390 biocides, 204–207, 205t
Hylotrupes bajulus (longhorn beetle), 397 preservation techniques, 207–211,
limnoriids, 402–404 207–210f
lyctid beetle borers, 396 Mechanical performance modelling
marine borers, 400–402 background, 522–523
teredinids, 404–405 cracks, 530–532, 531f
termites, 394–396 degradation phenomena, 526–528, 527t
Tineola bisselliella (clothes moth), glued-laminated timber structure,
397–398 533–538, 533–534f
weathering and leaching, 430–435 (see load and resistance factor design (LRFD)
also Weathering and leaching) concept, 525–526
wood-based panel materials, 389–390 modelling approaches, 528–530, 529f
Laminboard, 60 pile foundations, 532, 532–533f
Lap-joint test, 417, 417f reliability function, 523–526
18 h lasting batch leaching tests, 433 Mechanical pulping, 71
Leaching protocols Mediumboards, 60
Leadership in energy and environmental Mercerisation, 74
design (LEED), 6, 8 Metal angle brackets, 44, 44f
Least-square regression analysis, 116 Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI),
LEED-United States, 578 166–167
Legal issues, 14 Microcrystalline cellulose, 76
Legislation, 6 Microfibril angle, 100–101
Lignin, 25, 126 hemp, 108–109, 109f
Lignocellulosic materials, 161 Mini-block test, 387
Limnoria lignorum, 201, 201f Mini-stake test, 416–417, 416f
Limnoria quadripunctata, 399, 400f Modified transient plane source (MTPS)
Linseed oil, 225, 226f method, 297, 298f
L-joint test, 417, 417f Modulus of elasticity, 32
Load and resistance factor design (LRFD), Modulus of rigidity (MOR), 32
523, 525 Moisture, 188, 277–278
Load-bearing structure, 250, 251t Moisture buffer capacities, 338, 339f
Log buildings, 36, 36f Moisture buffer value (MBV), 338
Longhorn beetles, 193–194 Moisture content (MC)
Low-carbon economy, 564 characteristic, 407
Low-density board, 167, 168f description, 406
Lumen, 101 discrimination of wood species, 415
Lyctidae (powder-post beetles), 198 EMC, 408–409
Lyctidae brunneus (brown powder-post material moisture, 277
beetle), 198 mechanical effects, wood matrix, 407–408
monitoring, 447–454
M wood, 302–303
Marine borers in wood, 406–407
field testing, 422–424 Moisture ingress, bridge deck, 280, 281f

Moisture measurements partial differential equations, 498

continuous, 267–268 shape parameters, 499, 500t
field testing sorption isotherms, 499–500, 500f, 500t
capacitive method, 426–427 Multiway data analysis (MWA), 509, 509f
electrical resistance, 425–426 Mycotoxins, 354
gravimetric methods, 425
hygroscopic method, 427 N
NMRI, 427–428 Nacerdes melanura (wharf borer), 398
substitute sensors, 427 Natural castor oil, 225, 226f
laboratory testing Natural fibres
electrical resistance, 410 advantages, 337
gravimetric method, 409 classification, 337, 338f
neutron imaging, 411–413 Natural oil based finishes, 224–225, 226f
NMRI, 413, 414f Neutron imaging (NI), 411–413
X-ray computed tomography, 410–411 New wood species, 264
Moisture performance NF environment, 567
bio-based building materials, 277–278 Nonstructural purposes, bio-based materials,
material properties, effects on, 281–284 250
moisture sources, 278–281 Nordic Ecolabel, 566
quantification measures, 284–285 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
Moisture protection, 229–230 (NMRI), 413, 414f
Moisture storage function, 336 Numerical modelling, 300
Monitoring, 444
design standards, 446–447 O
direct moisture measurement, 450–452
indirect moisture measurement, 448–450 Object quality, 288
insects, 454–456 Oil treatment, 213–214
MC assessment, 447–448 Organisational protection, 229, 229f
mechanical stresses, 452–454 Oriented strand board (OSB), 52, 57–58, 57t
Mould fungi, 192
Mould germination graph method, 487, P
488f, 489t Paraffin, 214
Mould resistance design (MRD) model, Parenchyma, 156–157
493–494, 494t Paris agreement, 14
Moulds, 259 Particle board, 52, 55–56, 56t, 169–171
field testing, 418–419 Pattern, 287, 288f
laboratory testing, 391–392, 392f Peat
test methods, 391t in building structures, 147
Mowing herbs chemical properties, 146
chemical properties, 153 current techniques, 148, 148f
fire resistance, 153 fire resistance, 146
mechanical properties, 154, 154–155f mechanical properties, 146
mixtures of, 152, 153f mires and peatland, 142–144, 144f
moisture conditions, 153 producing methods, 145–146, 145f
technological properties, 154 radon protection, 147
thermal properties, 153 rodent resistance, 147, 147t
Multi-Fickian method, 495–496 technological properties, 147
in Abaqus code and applications, 501 thermal and moisture properties, 146, 150t
bound water concentration, 498–499 3D printing, 149

Phase-change materials (PCM), 343–344 shelter effect, 232f

Phenol, 216–217 from splash water, 232–233f
Phenylpropane, 25, 25f steel anchors effect, 236f
Pholad borers, 399–400 termites, 237, 237f
Physical barriers ventilation measures, 230, 230–231f
against marine borers, 237, 238f from water accumulation, 234f
against termites, 237, 237f water draining, 236f
Pigmented paints, 219–220 from wind-driven rain, 231f
Plaster-based building material of windows, 232f
bacterial growth testing, 393f Pselactus spadix, 398
Plywood, 52, 54–55, 55t Psychophysiological well-being, 367
Pole buildings, 36 Pulp and paper, 70–73
Political issues, 14 Pulp washing process, 71
Poly-aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) loss rates, Pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter
429–430 (PCFC), 164
Polymer particle dispersion, 227
Polypropylene, 110 Q
Polyurethane adhesive, 40–41 Quasi-continuous approach
Postframe, 36 of exposure dosage, 267–268, 267f
Potential hazards of material resistance, 268, 268f
bacteria, 192
decay fungi, 188–192, 189t, 191–192t
discolouring fungi, 192
insects, 193–200 Rattans, 120–124, 120f
marine borers, 200–201 fibres, 121, 121f
moisture, 188 Recycled boards, 60
physical and biological hazards, 201–203 Reed, 347–348
Powder-post beetle, 193–194 composition, 126, 126f
Powderpost beetle attack rating, 396t premature decay, in reed thatched roofs,
Pozzolanic materials, 362 125
Prefabrication, 43 thatching material, 124–125, 125f
Preference test approach, 293 water absorption, 126–127, 127t, 128f
Preservative retention, 210–211, 210f Reed thatched roofs, 125
Pressed insulation plates, 154, 154f Refining process, 72
Pressed peat, 147. See also Peat Reliability analysis, 494
Pressure plant, 208, 208f Repelling water method, 213–214
Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), 13 Resin treatment, 214–215
Product Environmental Footprint Category Restorative environmental and ergonomic
Rules (PEFCRs), 13 design (REED), 371–372
Propiconazole, 204–206 Rhinotermitidae, 200
Protective measures Rigid board, 165–166, 166f
covers effect, 233–234f
end grain, 233f S
from ground contact, 235f Sapstain/blue stain, 259
marine borers, 237, 238f Sapwood, 22–23
moisture protection, 230 Seaweed balls, 154, 155f
physical barriers, 237, 237f Sedlbauer’s isopleth model, 484–487, 486f
principles, 228–230 Semitransparent finishes, 222–224
quantification, effect of, 238–239, 240f Sensorial analysis, 292

Separating function, fire resistance, 316–317 Surface finishes

Service life, 289 coating material, 218
Service life prediction (SLP), 263 maintenance, 228
levels of, 269–270, 269f materials, 218
Shape stability, 252–253 products, 218–227
Shipworm, 200 Sustainability assessment of buildings
Simulated house test, 422 15978EN
Single-Fickian model, 495 Bionova Ltd, 580–584
in Abaqus code and applications, 497–498 ELODIE, 580
governing equations, 496–497 IMPACT compliant tools, 580
Slip resistance, 253–254 Tally, 580
Smart bio-based materials, 346–347 Sustainable agenda, 10–11
Social issues, 14 Sustainable construction, 1–2
Softboard (SB), 58, 59f Sustainable planning, 11–12
Soft rot decay, 390 Synthetic paraffin wax, 226–227
Soft rots, 259
Softwood, 22, 23f T
Soil block tests, 387 Take-make-waste economy, 560–561
Sorghum, 158–161, 160f Tally, 580
Sorption isotherm, 28, 29f. See Moisture Teredinids, 400
storage function field testing, 424
Sphaeroma, 399–400 laboratory testing, 404–405
test method, 401–402 Termites
Stadthaus 9-storey, 48, 49f field testing, 421–422
Stake tests, 421–422 laboratory testing, 394–396
Steel screws, 44, 44f Thermal conductivity, 294
Stegobinone, 195, 195f and density, 301–302
Stiffness, 253 measuring methods, 295–300
Strain, 32 and moisture content, 302–303
Straw numerical modelling, 300
acoustic properties, 118 and temperature, 304
bales as construction material, 114–115, and wood orientation, 303
115–116f Thermal modification, 32–33
compressed straw board, 119 Thermal treatment, 212–213
fire resistance, 118, 119f Thermomechanical pulps, 71
hygrothermal properties, 116–117, Thermoplastics, 62
117–118f Thermoset resins, 63
mechanical properties, 117–118 34-storey Västerbroplan, 51, 51f
structure and composition, 112–113, 113f Timber bridges, 38–39, 39f
Strength/weakness/opportunity/threat Top-down approach, 12
(SWOT) analysis, 15, 15t Totora plants, 167
Suberin, 81–82 Traditional flaxboard, 102, 103f
Submersion test, 415 Traditional wooden house, 35
Sulphite process, 71 Transient hot bridge (THB) method, 300
Sunflower, 158, 160f Transient hot strip (THS) method, 299–300
Superhydrophobicity, 227 Transient hot wire (THW) method, 297–299,
Surface appearance 299f
lab assessment, 290–291 Transient plane source (TPS) method,
visual assessment, 290 296–297, 298f

Transmission loss (TL), 342 characteristics, 358

Transparent finishes, 222–224 sampling and analysis, 359–360
Tung oil, 225, 226f VTT model, 490–492, 492t
Twenty-storey apartment blocks, 51, 51f
Typha, 159 W
Wall cladding, 83–84, 83f
U Washington declaration, 10–11
Urbanisation, 10 Waste wool, 136
US-based Green Building Council (USGBC), 8 Water immersion tests, 430–431, 431f
Use class 3 (UC 3) Waterproof barriers, 279, 280f
complete sampling, 435, 437f Wax, 226–227
copper leaching rates, 436, 438f Wax treatment, 213–214
Cr-Cu ratios, 438, 439t Weathered wood samples, 290, 290f
mean moisture, 437–438, 438f Weathering
UV-light-induced chemical reactions, 436 cellular level, 503–504
vertical test design, 436, 436f deterioration processes, 502, 503f
Use class 4 (UC 4) dose-response models, 507–508
abiotic and biotic aspects, 439 factors influencing, 502–503
brown rot degradation, 439, 440f field testing, 435–440
copper (mg/kg) and compression strength, lab testing, 430–435
439–440, 441t macro level, 504–505
copper retention, 440 molecular level, 503
Cu and Cr, leaching of, 440, 442–443t multiway data analysis (MWA), 509, 509f
humic acid, 439 non-destructive sensing techniques,
UV absorbers, 223–224 505–506, 506t
U-value requirements, 3, 4f partial wetting, 429f
UV protection, wood, 222–224, 224f preservative component depletion, 428,
V preservative component displacement, 429,
Valchromat, 60 430f
Varnish, 222 regression models, 508
Vegetal pith tissue level, 504
chemical composition, 161–162, 161t validation procedure, 510
concretes and blocks, 172–173 Wind computation algorithm, 506–507
distribution, 158, 158f Weight percent gain (WPG), 214–215
hygroscopicity, 163 Wheat straw isopleth, 117, 118f
morphology, 159–161, 160f White-rot fungi, 190
particleboards, 169–171 White rots, 259
sorption isotherms, 163, 164f Whole building assessment schemes
sources, 157–159 BREEAM-United Kingdom, 577–578
thermal degradation, 164, 165f DGNB-Germany, 578–579
thermal insulation boards, 164–169, HQE-France, 579
166–168f LEED-United States, 578
thermal properties, 162–163, 162t Wood
Ventilation, air quality, 357 absorbability, 30
Virgin cork, 80, 80f acoustic properties, 31
Visual strength grading (VSG), 457 applications, 35–39
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in building constructions, 35
140–141, 219, 351–352 coating, 33

colour, 27 wood-disfiguring fungi, 599

as construction material, 276–277 Wood-destroying beetles, 194, 194t, 260
decks, 38 Wooden floor, 37, 38f
density, 27–28 Wooden pillars, 37, 38f
durability, 34 Wooden roof, 37–38, 38f
elemental composition, 26, 26t WoodExter/WoodBuild approach, 519
fillers, 63–64 Wood facade claddings, 39, 39f
fire performance, 34 Wood floor covering, 567, 568t
flour, 63 Wood modification
gloss, 27 acetylation, 214
impregnation, 33 dimensional stability, 211, 212f
marine testing, 423–424, 423f DMDHEU, 216
material resistance, 265–266, 266f furfurylation, 215–216
mechanical properties, 31–32 oils and waxes treatment, 213–214
moisture content, 28–29 phenol, 216–217
moisture storage, 406–407 resins treatment, 214–215
oil treatments, 264 thermal treatment, 212–213
pattern, 27 Wood panels, 52–61, 53f
permeability, 30 future directions, 60–61
polymers, 29 Wood plastic composites (WPCs ), 603
porosity, 28 components, 62–64
precipitation, 279f in construction sector, 66–67
principal directions, 302f manufacturing process, 65–66
properties, 26–32 performance, 67–68
quality, 34 Wool
seismic performance, 35 acoustic performance, 136–139
service life performance, 263–264 construction material, 133–136, 133f
specific heat, 30 cortical cells, 128–130, 129f
specific thermal conductivity, 30 cuticular parts, 128–129, 129f
stress, 31–32 indoor air quality performance, 139–141,
structure, 22–26 139f, 141f, 141t
thermal conductivity, 294, 295t, 348 insulation, 134–136, 134–135f, 137t
thermal diffusivity, 31 main fibre, 128–130
thermal expansion, 31 microscopic properties, 132–133
thermal properties, 30 morphological composition, 130, 131t
treatments, 32–33 surrounding lipid layer, 131–132, 132f
waterproof barriers, 279, 280f thermal performance, 136
Wood and wood-based products, 594–595 ultrasonic disruption, 130
biological resistance, 596–597 Wool-based insulation, 134–136, 134–135f
moisture risk, 598–599
performance, 597–598 X
service life planning, 599–600 Xylophagaids, 399–400

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