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through which the head must be twisted to bring the movable

so that by increasing or diminishing the fire in the former

in his various forms begins in the XIIth dynasty and becomes

intense, and attempts at assassination became more and more

fleet off Diu in February 1509, he completely destroyed

capital of a province which bears its name, situated on the

Waterloo, Adam's brigade, of which the 52nd under Colborne

e.g. ``woman,'' ``boy,'' ``master'', ``brute.'' In other

provided with gardens in which horticultmal teaching is given.

he said to the French ambassador, ``therefore the world is

acid into its sodium salt and fuse this with caustic soda.

Elkington's system of deep covered drains. In 1834 James Smith

ADELAIDE, the capital of South Australia. It is situated in

(Ar. Rhet. iii. 1). This change is traditionally attributed

of his poetry and enthusiasm they inherited nothing, ``nor

condensed milk consumed in England is imported from abroad,

two consecutive years 1893 and 1894; from only nine million

Kush. One of these routes follows the Balkh river to its

the death of General C. G. Gordon, the Sudan was abandoned

of a noble family at the castle of Arbent near Bugey about the

and development of this practice is not fully worked out.

inscriptions, but not in the alphabet series preserved;

collect Rumanian popular songs, no doubt influenced by Western

hydrogen, forms the compound (NH4)2S.12NH4HS. An

legality of prizes made during war has to be decided by prize

auditory of his sermon (Redeeming the Time) at the funeral

dividing line between first-contact ethnology and pre-contact

Lucia. But nothing decisive occurred. The Spanish fleet

two volumes are printed every year. In 1872 there was

arecaidine; guvacine; pilocarpine; cytisine; nicotine;

by water to give the acid; the action of urea chloride

9), was a byword for old-time might and power (Num. xxiv. 7).

he acted temporarily as Viceroy of India. (M. G. D.)

care, for if the temperature be not carefully regulated, the

(vol. ii., 1902; vol. i., 1907) (see especially Herkunft un

grain, that of meal and flour was in the proportion of about

The principle involved in spinal anaesthesia is this: that a

Rolled pieces of amber, usually small but occasionally of

(London, 1735); Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia, 3

erected by him during his third consulship. His friendship

neirher Umbrian nor Oscan has this form. T appears in

guns employed and pom-pom cartridges for the cavalry,--in

States government with a view to establishing a naval station

antiquities. His later life was spent in various parts of

section of Mahommedan British subjects was recognized by the

rational and the mystical, the school of Antioch and that of

pseudo-Democritus, Zosimus and Synesius. The philosopher's

end, but, so far as the heresy was concerned, Albigensianism

disencumbered in 1847 by Robert Cadell, the publisher, who

Sq. m.

as variously as ever. Certain features--the high physical

more than a modification of Alison's theory. Philosophical

born on the 10th of March 1833 at Guadix. He graduated at

bequeathed by his son Meric Casaubon to the Bodleian Library at

feathers are produced chiefly by the ostrich farms of Cape

go back to a period preceding the Viking inroads of the 8th

frequently given to the science of sound, that is, to the

8th of October Rodgers and Decatur sailed--the first on

hills, in which most of the Band-i-Turkestan drainage is

resistance. Defeated there, it would quickly dissipate in all

French prosody has given great attention to the breaking up

Britain and Germany defining their spheres of influence in

states. These colleges take students prepared in the common


the Spaniards were driven to go farther afield. In 1510

restored by Septimius Severus, after temporary abolition by

seems most probable, to compare together different opinions,

of the Craftsman, a weekly periodical, which he conducted

the recto-vesical pouch in the male and the pouch of

but the story is incredible, and must have arisen from the

in the cryolite is 4.0, provided the bath is kept properly

the dispersive powers must also be different (according to 4).

Russia.--The Academie Imperiale des sciences de

students of pedagogy. The school is perhaps best described

foreign orders to pray for their souls. They were frequently

Intussusception.---This is a terribly fatal disease of

literally ``want of blood,'' a word used as a generic

century. These at first encircled the whole border; but soon

own timidity (contrast Ezek. xxviii. 16). But certainly the

orbit, and s the true position of a star. When the earth

(Ordo VI.) and three assisted at the washing of the

strength, did not hesitate on their arrival to compel the

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