CHOOSE The Correct Alternative To Complete The Sentences.: PAGE 227 N. 11

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PAGE 227 N.


CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 They were waiting outside the cinema when she called

2 Who did you see  at the party when you arrived there?

3 Yesterday I went to the swimming pool, next I had lunch, then I met a friend of

4 What were you doing at 11 last night? Too much noise was coming from your

5 We were playing  beach volleyball when Andrew hurt his arm.

6 Martha was living  next to the art museum in that period.

7 Why were you standing  on a chair when I came into the sitting room?

8 At 5 p.m. yesterday, the Simpsons were having  a walk in the park.

Page 228 N. 12
COMPLETE the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1 When Lucy was driving  (drive) to Edinburgh, the engine of her car suddenly 

2 Were you having  (you / have) dinner when you heard (hear) a loud noise?

3 While I was admiring  (admire) the views, my sister was chatting  (chat) on the

4 When my father unpacked  (unpack) his luggage, he didn’t find (not find) his

5 While we were swimming (swim) happily in the pool, it started (start) to rain.

6 Did Jane visit  (Jane / visit) Dublin when she was doing (do) a language course in
7 ‘Why didn’t you answer (you / not answer) the phone?’ ‘Sorry, I was listening
(listen) to music and I didn’t hear (not hear) it.’

8 I didn’t understand  (not understand) what the experts were talking  (talk) about.

PAGE 228 N. 14
COMPLETE the text with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday the sun (1) was shining (shine). It (2)was  (be) a beautiful morning and so

I (3)  decided (decide) to cycle in the countryside. I (4) went (go) to the garage and
I (5) took (take) out my bike. While I (6) was cycling  (cycle), I (7) saw (see) some
people in their gardens. A boy (8) was cutting  (cut) the grass while his father (9) 
was picking (pick) some apples from a tree. After an hour, a big black
cloud (10) appeared (appear) in the sky. I (11)  was getting (get) wet when a young
woman (12) saw  (see) me and (13) invited  (invite) me to come into her house. I
immediately (14) thanked (thank) the woman for her hospitality. After an hour,
while the sun (15) was coming (come) out again, I (16) decided (decide) to cycle
back home.

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