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Education: BA Political Science, Jefferson City, MO, 3.

169 GPA, 100% financed b

y ROTC scholarship.
College: Mentoring Program; Worked part-time, 20-30 hours weekly; Kappa Alpha P
si Fraternity Incorporated (President).
Experience: 01/03 - 09/09 The Home Depot, Store Manager
06/88 - 01/03 - Captain, Military Police, United S
tates Army Officer
01/03-09/09 Home Depot Store Manager: Responsible for the day to day operations.
Responsible for maximizing sales and profitability while working ethically and
modeling Homes Depot's core values. Develop strategies and objectives and lead
ing a team of 150 associates in proper execution. Responsible for ensures the p
rofitability of a $40 million dollar 112,000 square foot retail establishment.
* Received Store of the Year Award for sales of 330K for HVAC installs.
* Served as the District Loss Prevention Captain, District Safety Captain, Distr
ict Operations Captain, and District Credit Captain
* Received an best Inventory score of in the district two years running
* Top 25% in credit goals
01/03-01/05 Home Depot Store Leadership Program Assistant Manager: The Home Depo
t's challenging 24-month Store Leadership Program is comprised of the following:
* Basic Store Operations (4 months) Learn the basics about customer service, ope
rations, store merchandising and the culture of our company.
* Merchandising (4 months) Experience project-based learning about the fundament
als of merchandising and its role in the organization. You focus on building rel
ationships in merchandising and across the company.
* Support Function (4 months) Gain project-based experience in key functional ar
eas such as finance, human resources, loss prevention, logistics and more. You l
earn the fundamentals of the business while continuing to build relationships ac
ross the organization.
* Advanced Store Operations (12 months) Function as an Assistant Store Manager t
o apply your leadership skills. You will have the tools to lead a Home Depot sto
re, with average sales of over $50 million a year.
* Classroom Training (Bi-monthly, throughout the program) 250 hours of intense t
raining taught by divisional leadership and training experts. Your coursework fo
cuses on leadership, merchandising, operations, and finance. A key deliverable o
f the program is your ability to apply Six Sigma problem solving methodology acr
oss multiple business functions.

01/01-01/03 Battalion Intelligence and Security Officer: Intelligence Officer fo

r a military police battalion consisting of three diverse companies with approxi
mately 400 soldiers and 17 DA civilians, $10 million of assigned equipment and i
nstallation property and Installation Provost Marshal Office.
* Received a rating of 100% on the Commanding General's Inspection Program 2001
in the areas of Security Education and Training, General Security, Information S
ecurity, Personnel Security and Information Assurance Security. The best in the
* Received 100% on all intelligence areas during the 2001 Military Police Brigad
e Command Inspection Program.
* Serves as the Unit Status Report (USR) Officer resulting in no late reports to
battalion, brigade or division.
* Attended The National Cryptology School's OPSEC Practitioner's Course.
01/00-01/01 Intelligence & Surveillance Platoon Leader: Responsible for the comb
at readiness of a 40-soldier platoon and associated assets worth 1 million dolla
rs. Responsible for training, discipline, morale and welfare, safety, and profe
ssional development of all soldiers including 6 Warrant Officers and 11 Non-Comm
issioned Officers.
* Attended Joint Counterintelligence Staff Officers Course.
* Attended Area Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense School
* Despite a constrained budget managed to acquire over $100,000 in computer and
office furniture to increase productivity and improve the overall appearance of
the section.
10/98-01/00 Battlefield Intelligence Coordination Center (BICC): Responsible for
intelligence training in support of theater operations and serves as the primar
y map custodian. Serve as the primary Information Systems Security Officer perf
orming inspections and advising commanders on all matters related to information
* Raised over $12,000 in sales as the 2nd Brigade Formal Officer in Charge.
* Raised over $23,000 in donations as the Combined Federal Campaign Officer in C
* Increased community awareness by spearheading the successful execution of Jane
Wayne Day resulting in media coverage by Channel 8 News.
1992-1994 Signals Intelligence Analyst: Analyzed single channel and cellular com
munications using sophisticated computer software and precision electronic measu
ring equipment for the purpose of detecting, demodulating, analyzing, identifyin
g, processing, and reporting unknown communication signals.
* Airborne/Air Assault
* Basic/Advanced Signals Analyst Course
1988-1992 Non-Morse Interceptor Operator: Worked in a 24 hour a day mission, pro
viding real-time information to high-level U.S. government agencies. Analyzed t
raffic and updated databases while routinely formulating daily reports for trans
mission. Maintained accountability and quality control of high-tech equipment w
orth 3 million dollars.
* Served as the assistant training NCO, Unit Fund Council Representative, and Fe
bruary 1990 Soldier of the Month.

Fluent in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, and MS PowerPoint...Participate in Lani
Kula Meals on Wheels Program...Honolulu Alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Frate
rnity Incorporated (President)...Granted a Top-Secret security Clearance...North
Hills Church of Christ Youth Director...Hobbies include motorcycle riding and b
eginner golfer.

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