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The Great Stone Face 1.

Long Answer Type(Write)

Write the meanings in your notebooks

Question 1.

Imagine you are Ernest. Narrate the story that his mother told him.

Begin like this: My mother and I were sitting at the door of our cottage. We were looking
at the Great Stone Face. I asked her if she had even seen any one who looked like the
Stone Face. Then she told me this story.


One afternoon, my mother and I were sitting at the door of our cottage. Our eyes were
looking at the Great Stone Face. Suddenly I asked a question after my mom did. She
saw anybody that resembles the face of the Great Stone. After hearing this, mom
started a story related to the prophecy of that Great Stone Face. She said that there is a
belief that one day a child bearing exact resemblance to the great Stone Face, in
manhood, would take birth nearby and would be destined to be the noblest and the
greatest person of his time. Some people believe in the old prophecy and others take it
as an idle tale.

Question 2.

Imagine you are Gathergold. Write briefly the incident of your return to the valley.


Begin like this:

My name is Gathergold. I left the valley in a horse drawn carriage. The people mistook
me for the Great stone face. They welcomed me and shouted “Sure enough, the old
prophecy is true and the great-man has arrived at last”.

Question 3.
(i) What made people believe General Blood-and-Thunder was their man?

(ii) Ernest compared the man’s face with the stone face. What did he conclude?


(i) General Blood-and-thunder rose to his present position in defence from a soldier. He
desired to return to his native valley. The residents of the valley said that he bore the
likeness of the great stone face. His childhood friends also said that the General had
always looked life the Great Stone Face. It made people believe “General
Blood-and-Thunder was their man.

ii) Ernest compared the face of Blood-and -Thunder with the Great Stone Face. He could
not recognize any similarity between them. His heart assured him that the General was
not the right person he was waiting for. So Ernest concluded that the greatest and the
noblest man of his time bearing the resemblance to the Great stone face had yet to

Reference to Context - (Do not write)

.Passage 1
The Great Stone Face was a work of nature, formed on the perpendicular side of a
mountain by some immense rocks, which had been thrown together so that, when
viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the features of a human face. If the
spectator approached too near, he lost the outline of the enormous face and could see
only a heap of gigantic rocks, piled one upon another. But seen from a distance, the
clouds clustering about it, the Great Stone Face seemed positively to be alive.

It was the belief of many people that the valley owed much of its fertility to the benign
face that was continually beaming over it. A mother and her little boy, as we said earlier,
sat at the door of their cottage, gazing at the Great Stone Face and talking about it. The
child’s name was Ernest. “Mother,” said he, while the Great Face smiled on him, “I wish
that it could speak, for it looks so very kindly that its voice must indeed be pleasant. If I
ever see a man with such a face, I should love him very much.”

Question 1.
What was ‘the Great Stone Face’?


The Great Stone face was a work of nature formed on the perpendicular side of a
mountain by some immense rocks.

Question 2.

Why is it named so?


It was named so because when viewed at a proper distance, they resembled the
features of a human face.

Question 3.

What was the belief of many people there?


It was the belief of so many people that the valley owned much of its fertility to the
benign face that was continually beaming over it.

Question 4.
What was the wish of the child?
The child wished that the Great Stone face could speak. It looks so kindly that its voice
must be pleasant.


The Great Stone Face 1 Short Answer Type(write)

Question 1.
What is “The Great Stone face”?


The Great Stone Face is a work of nature, formed on the perpendicular side of a
mountain by some immense rock, which had been thrown together so that when viewed
at a proper distance, he resembles the face of a human.

Question 2.

What were the mother and her little boy doing at the door of their cottage?


The mother and her little boy were sitting at the door of their cottage, gazing at the
Great Stone Face and talking about it.

Question 3.
What was the old prophecy that Ernest’s mother told him about the Great Face?
Ernest’s mother told him a story that, when she herself was younger, at some future day
a child should be born here. That was destined to become the greatest & the noblest
person of his time and whose face would be remember red with the great stone face

Write the character sketch of Ernest.You may add points of your own
Ernest was industrious, kind & neighbourly. He helped his mother in works. He liked to
gaze at the Great Stone Face. Great stone face was like a teacher for him. He had
sentiments with the stone face.

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