English 10 Quarter 3 Melc 3

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CONTENT: story of a huntsman’s son and his struggle to prove himself as a good hunter.
The genre of the story is adventure fiction.

AUTHOR’S INTENTION: The author tells the legend of Keesh. It’s like the author wanted to tell
everyone how a little boy have the courage to go hunting by himself just to
prove to all people in IGLOO that you don’t need to use witchcraft, charm or evil

YOUR REACTION: It made me rethink about the estimation of myself. The story teaches us to
value of confidence and determination. It tells us that there is no limit to our
imagination. If we can imagine it, it can be done.

LITERARY DEVICE: Figurative speech, one of the lines in the story is “The anger boiled a white
heat.” Personification and metaphor in the story to describe or identify
something that is related to or the same as some unrelated things.

LITERARY TECHNIQUES: The theme of sacrifice. The technique used in the story are repetition
and metaphor. It’s enjoyable to read because while reading you’re likely to
experience the story of Keesh. The repetition, thus began the mystery of Keesh,
a mystery that deepened with the passing of the days. Metaphor that ends were
sharp as needle points.

ENDING OF THE STORY: The ending of the story Keesh states that the people knew about how
Keesh killed a bear and brought home fresh meat that when the chief of the
tribe died, Keesh was the one to replace him. The ending resolve the plot and
bring closure to the crisis of the character because he just give and evidence
that he was using the head craft and not the witch craft


1. Author Arthur C. Clarke used the language English in the story

2. The story is inspired mainly about the dangers and effects of nuclear warfare to the society.
3. It has lessons that you can learn with and life lessons.
4. This story raises my awareness of the environment, or the Earth, in general. The world is slowly
dying. Pollution, genetic engineering, Wars that might happen, and any other man-made
5. It helped me realized that the nature should be preserved and care because it also provide us on
our needs and other useful things.
6. For the earth should be sustained, people should be responsible in their action like throwing
trash everywhere. Discipline attitude should be observed. Educating other people in terms of
sustaining the earth. Know their limit in terms of using mineral and other natural materials and
learn how to recycle. Avoid nuclear war and someday the earth can be reclaimed.
7. The overall presentation of the story is good. The story implies that we are responsible to the
preservation and protection of the Earth and that the use of destructive weapons such as
nuclear bombs are a threat to life and must be taken an action before it is too late.
8. As a 21st century reader and learner, I should be able to know the importance of literature
because at this century many people develop themselves in different ways like writing and
painting. In reading we can take many information that are helpful in our society and spread
awareness and the information for others will know.
9. Being one with nature, means you are letting yourself absorb what comes natural in life. There is
an immediate feeling of relief when you let yourself experience this. It reduces anger, fear, and
stress and increases pleasant feelings.
10. To avoid the probability of the earth’s extinction and exile of mankind to outer space, one
should take their own responsibilities to make the whole world a better place for you and for me
and the entire human race or choose where they like to stay but in outer space there should be
numbered of people can go through it.
11. The family, community and entire nation should work together as one to help and to keep the
mother earth healthy and happy. Know their limit in terms of using mineral and other natural
materials and learn how to recycle. Avoid nuclear war and someday the earth can be reclaimed.
12. 10, because the story implies that we are responsible to the preservation and protection of
the Earth and that the use of destructive weapons such as nuclear bombs are a threat to life and
must be taken an action before it is too late. Marvin wanted to keep the dream alive.


The story “A grain as big as a hen’s egg” written by Leo Tolstoy. A Russian author in 1886 about a
king seeking to understand the properties of a grain he acquires. It is written from an objective,
omniscient point of view, observing each event that led to the eldest man’s story without participation
in the action or commentary on its own presence, remaining anonymous to the reader. Tolstoy uses
parallel sentence structures to establish patterns which add to the suspension that he creates in the
story. Most of the sentences are either simple or complex, using sentence structures that are common
in everyday conversation to add to Tolstoy’s intention of making it an easily communicated story that
can reach a number of different audiences. The theme or main idea of A Grain as big as a Hen's Egg is
reaping what you sow. as the old man said, the present time is so different from his time. In his time,
there was no money, no trade. People had to work for his own good. The purpose of the author here is
to show that our times have become so reliant on the power of purchase, of assigning tasks to other
people, that we have forgotten the bigger reward of making something out of sheer skill and hard work.
We may find things that are close to it, but it will never be as grand. The king wanted to know when and
where such a grain was grown but the wise men could not answer the question. They suggested that
a peasant be questioned about it and so the king wanted to meet a very old peasant. The response of
the old man “Because men have ceased to live by their own labour, and have taken to depending on the
labour of others” which have a hidden message is that one of humility and content with one’s life, an
attempt by the author to make people realize how greed can overcome a person, affecting not only
mental health, but physical health as well.

I have learned that in giving insights and performing the independent critique will need an
understanding and analysis of the story or article. Critique is a genre of academic writing that briefly
summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept.

I find the topic on composing an independent critique useful and interesting because writing
a critique on a work helps us to develop: A knowledge of the work's subject area or related works. An
understanding of the work's purpose, intended audience, development of argument, structure of
evidence or creative style. A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work. Critiquing writing
is important because in order to write a good critique you need to critically read: that is, you need to
closely read and understand whatever it is you are critiquing, you need to apply appropriate criteria in
order evaluate it, you need to summarize it, and to ultimately make some sort of point.

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