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SESSION 3 – 14/09/2018

1. Do you have much free time in the mornings, afternoons or evenings?

2. What are you doing this weekend? What did you do last summer vacation? What did you do last weekend?
3. What do you do in your free time? / What hobbies do you have? How long have you had your hobby? Do
you prefer to relax or to be active?
4. Where do you spend your free time? Who do you usually spend your free time with?
5. Would you like to have more free time? If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
6. Tell me about some good places to hang out with friends. Why are they good?
7. Where do young people in Vietnam usually spend their free time?
8. How do women usually spend their free time? How do men usually spend their free time?
9. Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?
10. How do children usually spend their free time? How do old people usually spend their free time?
11. Do people's hobbies change as they get older? How?
12. Do you like gossiping in your free time? Who do you gossip with? Who do you gossip about?
13. What do you really hate having to do in your free time?
14. What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time?
15. Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? Why? What can you do to improve this?
16. Do you find that your works or studies takes up your free time?
17. Are there any activities that you used to do but don't do anymore? Why did you stop?
18. Do you spend money on your hobby? Which hobbies are the most expensive? Which hobbies are the
cheapest? Which hobbies cost nothing at all?
19. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?
20. Are there any dangerous hobbies? What are they?
21. Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
22. Why do people have hobbies? Is it important to have a hobby? If someone only works and rests, what is the
23. Can you make money from doing your hobby? Some people turn their hobbies into a career or a way of
making money. Can you think of any examples?
24. How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby? Does your hobby interfere with your work/ study/
personal life?
25. Does your hobby influence your choice of friends? Can a hobby save a child from the influence of their bad
26. Do you like to learn new skills? Can you give an example of something that you have learned to do that is
not related to your work?
27. What hobbies used to be popular, but aren’t common now? Why have they gone out of fashion?
28. Does your best friend, boy/girlfriend, or sister/brother have the same hobbies as you? What are they?
29. What would you like to try before you die? Why?
30. How would your hobbies change if you had $10,000,000?
31. Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like? Who is your favorite singer? What is your
favorite song?
32. Do you like watching movie? What kind of movie do you like? Who is your favorite actor/actress? What is
your favorite movie?
33. Do you like playing sport? What kind of sport do you like? How often do you play that sport? Who do you
play with? Where do you play?
34. Do you like going shopping? Who do you usually go shopping with? What do you usually buy? Where do
you usually go shopping?
35. Do you like travelling? Where do you want to go to? Who do you want to go with? When do you want to
-------------Daniel Boone-------------

Sunday morning up with the lark ,

I think I'll take a walk in the park ,
Hey hey hey, it's a beautiful day.

I've got someone waiting for me,

When I see her I know that you'll say,
Hey hey hey, it's a beautiful day.

Hi hi hi, beautiful sunday,

This is my my my beautiful day,
When you said, said, said, said that you love me,
Oh oh oh my my my it's a beautiful day.

Birds are sin ging you're by my side,

Let's take the car and go for a ride,
Hey hey hey, it's a beautiful day.

We'll drive on and follow the sun,

Making on Sunday go on and on,
Hey hey hey, it's a beautiful day.

Hi hi hi, beautiful sunday,

This is my my my beautiful day,
When you said, said, said, said that you love me,
Oh oh oh my my my it's a beautiful day.

Hi hi hi, beautiful sunday,

This is my my my beautiful day,
When you said, said, said, said that you love me,
Oh oh oh my my my it's a beautiful day.

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