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SESSION 4 – 08/11/2020

1. Describe you first date. Where did you go? What did you do? What did you wear?
2. Describe a perfect date. Where would you go? What would you do? What would you wear?
3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What does he/she look like? When and where did you meet
4. Do you think that you can find your true love through the Internet? Why (not)?
5. Do you think it’s OK if a woman has a younger boyfriend? Why (not)?
6. Have you ever had a crush on someone? Where did you meet him/her? What does he/she look like?
Why did you like him/her?
7. Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships? What did you do then?
8. Would you introduce your date to your family? Why (not)? What would you do if your parents did
not like your boyfriend/girlfriend?
9. How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married? Why?
10. How often would you like to go out on dates? What are some popular places to go on a date?
11. What do you think most people talk about when dating?
12. Would you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person? Why?
13. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? At what age do you think that
dating should begin?
14. In Vietnam, who usually pays on a date? In your opinion, who should pay on a date? Do you know
what it means to 'go Dutch'?
15. If you are a man, and a woman asks you for a date, do you feel you should pay, or that the woman
should pay?
16. How would you feel if your boyfriend or girlfriend went out to party without you?
17. What do you think about dating a friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
18. Do you like to have boyfriend or girlfriend when you’re a student? Why (not)?
19. How would you feel if your boyfriend liked talking to a female friend when you're not there?
20. How would you feel if your girlfriend liked talking to a male friend when you're not there?
21. If your boyfriend/girlfriend dated another person, then he/she wanted to return and date you, would
you date again? Why (not)?
22. If your boyfriend/girlfriend dated your close friend, what would you do?
23. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why?
24. Do you think that love lasts forever? Why (not)?
25. What is the most romantic thing somebody has done for you? What is the most romantic thing you
have done for somebody else?
26. In which situation would you feel jealous? What would you do when you were jealous?
27. Do you want a husband or wife who is older, younger or the same age as you? Why?
28. Do you think it is okay to marry someone of a different country? Why or why not?
29. Do you think it is okay to marry someone with a different religion? Why or why not?
30. At what age do most people in your country get married? At what age do you want to get married?
31. Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not?
32. Do you think it's okay for a man to hit his wife/girlfriend? Why or why not?
33. If you had to marry either a poor person whom you really loved, or a rich person whom you did not
love, who would you choose? Why?
34. If you had to marry either a person who truly loves you but you don't love him/her back, or a person
who doesn't love you but you truly love him/her, who would you choose? Why?
Shalala Lala -------------Vengaboys-------------

There's a boy in my mind and he knows I'm thinkin' of him. 

All my way to the day and the night the stars shine above me. 
He's been gone for some time but I know I truly love him. 
And I'm singing a song, hoping he'll be back when he hears it. 

My heart goes shalala lala, shalala in the morning. 
Shalala lala, shalala in the sunshine. 
Shalala lala, shalala in the evening. 
Shalala lala shalala lala just for you. 

If your love's gone away just like mine you feel like crying. 
Sing along maybe once maybe twice, let's try it together. 
Some sweet day no one knows he'll return and you'll be happy. 
Shout it sweet in a song, listen to your heart it is singin'. 


If your love's gone away just like mine you feel like crying. 
Sing along maybe once maybe twice, let's try it together. 
Some sweet day no one knows he'll return and you'll be happy. 
Shout it sweet in a song, listen to your heart it is singin'. 


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