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1. You are tasked to create an essay regarding the recent earthquakes and/or volcanic hazards that
recently hit the country and how you prepared for it. The essay must answer the following questions:
a. What happened to your community when the news regarding the hazard came up?
b. Did your local community provide emergency measures when this came up? If not, what did your
family do in that situation?
c. If these hazards ever hit your hometown, what will you do to ensure your family's safety?
2. The essay must have the following format:
a. Minimum number of words : 200
b. Line Spacing : Single
c. Language Convention : English
d. Font Format (Face and Size) :
i. Arial (10)
ii. Verdana (10) iii. Calibri (11)
iv. Times New Roman (11)
v. Courier New (10)
vi. Garamond (11)
3. You will be graded based on the following rubric:


Criteria Description Points

The content includes a clear statement of purpose or
theme and is creative, compelling, and clearly written. A
Content rich variety of supporting information contributes to 50
understanding topics, including properly cited (and
veritable) sources.
Organization of The report is well-designed and organized, indicating a
Narration logical arrangement of ideas in it.
• All the writing is done in complete sentences.
• Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout
Writing the paper. 10
• The paper was organized and followed the specified
Total Points 100
1st Term, SY 2020-2021 *Property of STI First Periodical Practical Examination
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This is how I prepared for it if there’s an Earthquake and before an earthquake I will surely pack my
first aid kits, food cans, water, important documents and any other important things that I need to pack
up and me and my family will evacuted after hearing di NDRRMC WARNING that theres an earthquake
coming and we will surely go to the safe place without harm but during an earthquake me and my
family will follow the earthquake preparedness plan to make sure that me and my family will be safe.

If there’s an volcanic eruption and my family are in danger zone

Me and my family wil evacute and of course we will pack up some first aid kit, hygeine kit, can foods,
flashlight, radio that has battery, facemask, and any other things that we need before evacuating and
during an volcanic eruption but me and family are not in the danger zone we will also make sure the
we are safe me and my family first will use facemask we will put some wet curtains or something that
we can use to cover our window and me and my family also will make sure to seal all our food even we
are inside the house that’s all.

Samuel E. Marcelino
Stem 212

Hazard can happen anytime so a lot of people are not ready what will happen to them just
like in leyte 5.2 earthquake hit unexpected. If the hazard was happened to our community, we
should be always ready for what will happen. One important way to prepare for a hazard is to
try to make your home as safe as possible.

No, because an emergency can happen anywhere and at any time. It is important for us to
know what steps we can take before, during, and after an emergency to protect our loveones.
Parents ensure that family members are ready and know what to do when emergencies
happen. Protect yourself as quickly as possible.

When the earthquake hit in your country, you should drop, cover, and hold immediately
because anything you may suddenly be hit in the head. Make your home more resistant to
earthquake damage by assessing its structure and contents. Teach everybody in the family if
they are old enough how to turn off the water and electricity. Hold on to the object that you are
under so that you remain covered. Be prepared to move with the object until the shaking has
finished. Have an emergency kit that will sustain you and your family for at least 72 hours.

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