Movie: A Wednesday: Synopsis

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Set in 2008, on the day of his retirement, Mumbai Police commissioner Prakash Rathod
receives a call from an unknown person claiming that he has planted five bombs in different
location of Mumbai and it will explode in four hours if his demands were not met. For the
proof of his action he gives away the location of a bomb he planted in police station
opposite the Mumbai police headquarters, recovering the bomb from the police station,
Rathod starts believing the caller about planting bombs in Mumbai. The caller asks Rathod
to release four militants to be released in exchange to the location of the bombs planted.
Two police officers are given the job of handing over the 4 militants to the caller, as per the
instructions they reach a place as described by caller. But due to trust issues, police officers
captivates one of the terrorists to make sure that the caller reveals the location of the
bombs. Once the three militants reached the place as per the caller, they receive a call from
the mobile placed under a bench and explodes resulting in the death of the three militants.
Caller calls Rathod and informs that he is not from any terrorist organization and he only
wants to clean his home (India) from these infiltrates. These are the same militants who are
responsible for the bomb blasting of Mumbai train in2006. Now the caller asks the other
police officer to kill the remaining militant on the name of self-defense in order to know the
location of bombs. Once the militant is killed the caller informs that there are no other
bombs he planted, but rathod informs that he already knew it and he just killed the militant
as he agrees with the caller. Rathod reaches the place where the caller is making call from
and sees a man leaving the premise, He recognizes him as the caller from the face sketch,
and offers him a ride to home. Caller introduces himself to rathod, but rathod doesn’t reveal
the name of the caller to audience as it would give away the religion of the man. At the end
the commissioner feels that whatever has happened has happened for the best

When working under pressure time management is an important factor that is to be
followed. For every work that is to be done time/deadlines should be present so that it is
delivered to the client/customer without any delay. When the caller has given police 4 hours
of time in order to release the Militants, police has to work accordingly and manage all the
protocols without any mistake as many lives are at stake.

Throughout the movie it was shown that Anupam Kher had to take quick decisions with
limited resources in form of man power i.e. his security team and time available. While he
had to act on life saving decisions, he was prompt on it which shows that crisis management
is a big lesson in real life.

For any project to be success a proper planning is to be done before hand and continuous
improvements are to be made depending upon the requirement. In the movie we can see
how caller has well defined plan for himself and improvises his plan according to the

For any team/organization to be successful good leadership is needed. A Proper leadership
makes team be more responsible towards the work and strive for the success collectively. In
the movie it is shown by Police commissioner, how a good leader needs to work even under
immense pressure.


Decision making skills is an important factor in success, Taking right decision at right time is
needed for the organization to be on path. Taking hard decisions with calculated amount of
risk considering all the factors is hard feature. In the movie, Police commissioner takes the
decision of killing the fourth militant taking the risk of his job and also by knowing that the
caller has not planted any bombs by believing in the cause.

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