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2021 / 2022

Fakultas : Ilmu Komputer

Program Studi : S1- Informatika
Mata Kuliah dan kode mk : Bahasa Inggris III (ST024)
Sifat Ujian : Online Dashboard Mahasiswa
Soal dibagikan tanggal : Senin, 17 Januari 2022
Tugas/ Jawaban : Maksimal Sesuai jadwal ujian di web DAAK
dikumpulkan tanggal

Dosen Pengampu : Marita Nurharjanti, S. Pd., M. Pd

Hermenegildus Agus Wibowo, S.S., M.Hum.


NIM 20.11.3697
Class 20S1IF07

A. Instructions:
a. Identify the Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence or Complex Sentence (Noun Clause, Adverb
Clause or Adjective Clause) from below paragraphs!
b. Explain your answer based on the grammatical rules!

: Noun Clause
: Adverb Clause
: Adjective Clause
: Conjunction

Paragraph 1

Practitioners commonly described that computer science is more as the science of

computation than the science of information. While laypeople cannot be expected to understand
what “science of computation” is, the term computer science is not nearly as prone to the
interpretation “knowing how to fix your computer” like the word informatique in French, due to
containing the word science. Informatics, on the contrary, is usually the science of information,
often (but not always) with a focus on its social implications. The term information science also gets
some use and it has a more consensual meaning covering how societies process information. Italso
develops its ownconceptual andtheoreticalfoundations andutilizesfoundations developed in other

Answer Paragraph 1 :
1. Practitioners commonly described that computer science is more as the science of
computation than the science of information.
Complex Sentence with Noun Clause because a clause that functions as a noun and occupies
a position as an object and there is a word order that + subject + verb.
2. While laypeople cannot be expected to understand what “science of computation” is, the term
computer science is not nearly as prone to the interpretation “knowing how to fix your
computer” like the word informatique in French, due to containing the word science.
Informatics, on the contrary, is usually the science of information, often (but not always) with a
focus on its social implications.
Compound – Complex Sentence with Adverb Clause and Noun Clause because Adverb
Clause is a statement to explain a time condition namely ‘while’ and Noun Clause is a clause
that functions as a noun and occupies a position as an object, there is a word order question
word + subject + verb..
3. The term information science also gets some use and it has a more consensual meaning covering
Compound – Complex Sentence with Noun Clause because Noun Clause that functions as
a noun and occupies a position as an object and there is a word order question word + subject
+ verb.
4. It also develops its own conceptual and theoretical foundations and utilizes foundations
developed in other fields.
Compound Sentence because independent sentences separated by a conjunction 'and'
Paragraph 2
Information technology has become an essential part in transferring enormous volumes of
data rapidly and accurately and it is the support for international transport firms and port
organizations. The proper management of systems, which process this information and
communicate it to those who manage port operations, is vital for efficient transport. This explains why
container‐tracking systems are given high priority among operational computer applications in
ports. It is very important to investigate the importance of information technology and its role in
improving the operational systems in cargo handling. A computer simulation model is developed to
compare two different operational systems – a container terminal equipped with electronic devices
versus a terminal without such devices. The importance of information technology in supply‐
chain management is also discussed.

Answer Paragraph 2 :
1. Information technology has become an essential part in transferring enormous volumes of data
rapidly and accurately and it is the support for international transport firms and port
organizations. The proper management of systems, which process this information and
communicate it to those who manage port operations, is vital for efficient transport.
Compound – Complex Sentence with Adjective Clause because Adjective Clause a clause
whose role is to modify pronouns and nouns in a complex sentence, namely ‘which’
and ‘who’
2. This explains why container‐tracking systems are given high priority among operational
computer applications in ports.
Complex Sentence with Noun Clause because Noun Clause that functions as a noun and
occupies a position as an object and there is a word order question word + subject + verb.
3. It is very important to investigate the importance of information technology and its role in
improving the operational systems in cargo handling.
Compound Sentence because independent sentences separated by a conjunction 'and'
4. A computer simulation model is developed to compare two different operational systems – a
container terminal equipped with electronic devices versus a terminal without such devices.
Compound Sentence because have more than one subject and predicate.
5. The importance of information technology in supply‐chain management is also
Simple Sentence because has 1 subject and 1 predicate.

A. Essay
Write an essay that tells about “your impression, experiences and activities in online
learning in English III” using sentence patterns that you have learned in class (Simple Sentence,
Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence (Noun Clause, Adverb Clause or Adjective Clause)

a. The essay must use Ms.Word, Calibri (12 font) and 1,5 spacing on an A4 paper using Normal
Margin setting.
b. The essay that is submitted must consist 500 words or more

My English Class In Semester 3

Introducing my name is Mayda Cisanghyang Tora, I come from class IF 07, my house is
in Godean Yogyakarta, I studied at amikom University Yogyakarta in 2020 and now I am in
semester 3, in semester 3. In this English III course the lecturer who teaches me is Mr.
Hemenegildus Agus Wibowo, he is a very friendly and patient person
Because there are various stories that can be shared, especially stories in online English
classes. In English class 3, my class was taught by a very extraordinary lecturer, whom I
mentioned earlier, namely Mr. Hermenegildus Agus Wibowo. he is very fun and friendly which
makes 3rd grade english not boring. Because he always provides a better and more complete
study reference.
Mr .Hermenegildus Agus Wibowo teaches each material clearly and also in a fun way.
He is also a very patient lecturer. Even though I lecture online or online, I have friends from all
over Indonesia, yes indeed I have not met them in person, at least I have recognized them from
the meeting in the class. Mr. hermenegildus Agus Wibowo That is an extraordinary figure, he is
patient and behind his patience during each class he always provides extraordinary insight, while
also providing evaluations and evaluations, as well as give. minitest to test the ability of each
student. With an evaluation in the form of a minitest, it can support students' abilities to develop.
Each evaluation is given a very complete justification explanation. He also gave a good response
to students when asking questions. Each evaluation given is also always explained so that
students know if something is wrong and are expected to be able to do more in the future.
Mr. Hermenegildus Agus Wibowo has enough time to teach this online English class.
Even when he is unable to attend online English classes, he always informs students in advance
via voicemail. When he has time to teach online English classes to students, definitely the day
before or two days before the substitute class, he will inform students. From here, I took a lot of
lessons from him about the importance of building communication between lecturers and
students so that lecturers don't miss communication with students.
Behind my happy story, there are several things that make me sad, namely because the
covid 19 pandemic has resulted in me not being able to meet directly with Mr. Hermenegildus
Agus Wibowo who is one of the lecturers teaching me in this English III course and I also cannot
meet and joking directly with my classmatespandemic that has been going on since the beginning
of the lecture made us unable to gather together even though we met in a way that made the
atmosphere more pleasant. If we take care of our health, we will meet at our campus, Yogyakarta
Amikom University. Hopefully in the next. semester we can meet on our campus, Universitas
Amikom Yogyakarta. Tetapi saya selalu tetap bersemangat untuk kuliah meskipun saya kuliah
selama ini melalui daring semoga saja saya di semester depan nanti saya sudah bias melakukan
kuliah secara tatap muka agar saya dapat bertemu dengan dosen dosen yang mengajar saya dan
teman teman secara langsung tidak dengan secara online seperti selama ini yang saya alami

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