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ECT is prescribed in cases where drug treatment is contraindicated for the patient, if the therapeutic
dose of medications increases significantly, if ECT is the only method that allows saving the patient's life.

As a rule, the procedure is carried out to the patient every other day. The duration of one session is up
to 10 minutes. The patient is pre-injected into a drug-induced sleep, so he does not feel anything at all,
does not experience discomfort and pain. This approach allows you to completely eliminate any injuries
to the patient. The ventilator is not used during the procedure.

Electroshock therapy is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Schizophrenia and prolonged
depression require from 8 to 10 procedures, obsessive states - from 5 to 20, depending on the
characteristics of the course of the disease. As you can see, everything is very individual.

Treatment includes:

* The patient's referral to the clinic and his admission to a psychiatric hospital. The doctor assesses the
risks and gives treatment forecasts;

* Preparation of the patient for receiving therapy - examination and consultation of other doctors -
therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, as well as conducting a hardware examination;

* Direct ECT with active follow-up by the doctor and monitoring of the patient's well-being.


In some cases, prior to electroconvulsive therapy, preliminary drug preparation is prescribed (for
example, if the patient has pathology — cardiovascular insufficiency, hypertension, organic or vascular
inferiority of the central nervous system, electrolyte disorders). If necessary, such therapy can be carried
out over the entire distance of the ECT course.

With organic or vascular pathology of the central nervous system, a nootropic course is usually
prescribed, including drugs: piracetam, pantogam, glutamic acid, pyriditol, cerebrolysin. In addition, the
course can be supplemented with cerebral vasoprotectors: trental, cavinton, sermion, nicotinic acid.
These drugs can prevent the development of dysmnestic and psychopathological conditions.

To date, there is enough knowledge about drug preparation for ECT, including the risk of epileptic status
or the risks associated with taking certain medications (for example, aminazine, lithium, tryptophan). In
other words, the patient who is going to have ECT sessions, according to indications, is undergoing
therapy that stabilizes the somatic state, preventing possible risks.


Depending on the disease and the current condition of the patient, the optimal number of sessions of
electroconvulsive therapy and the intervals between them are selected. The distance between sessions
on the course can be changed both in the direction of increase and decrease, according to the observed
effect on the mental status.

As a rule, the ECT procedure is carried out every other day in a specially equipped office. Treatment is
carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. For example, in schizophrenia, severe depression and
bipolar affective disorder, electroconvulsive therapy is carried out in a course of 8-10 procedures. The
session duration does not exceed 10 minutes.

Electroshock therapy is performed with the introduction of the patient into a drug-induced sleep —
therefore, patients do not feel pain and do not experience almost any unpleasant sensations.

Performing ECT according to a modern modified technique completely eliminates the possibility of
injury during treatment. At the same time, there is no need for temporary artificial ventilation of the
lungs. Reviews of patients who have undergone such electroshock therapy in various institutions are


It is also important that electroconvulsive therapy can be prescribed to pregnant women - ECT is a safe
procedure, unlike psychopharmacological treatment, which can harm both the patient and her fetus.
Moreover, about 70% of all patients in the world who are prescribed electroshock therapy are pregnant
and breast-feeding women suffering from depression, delusional and manic states, and other mental

Modified electroconvulsive therapy is safe for health – treatment is carried out under modern
anesthetics and anticonvulsants, completely eliminating painful sensations and injuries. During the
procedure, the patient is unconscious and does not feel a sense of fear.

The effectiveness of electroshock therapy

The effectiveness of ECT in world practice

Elderly people may also be prescribed electroshock therapy due to drug resistance. Such treatment has
a beneficial effect on the course of diseases in old age and eliminates the risks associated with the
toxicity of drug treatment. For example, ECT is recommended for the treatment of senile depression,
senile psychosis, Parkinson's disease.

According to the RCT, the effectiveness of ECT in the treatment of severe forms of depression, acute
psychotic states and severe mania is 70%. At the same time, about 50% of all patients who have
undergone ECT achieve stable clinical remission. In some cases, electroconvulsive therapy is prescribed
repeatedly – such a supportive ECT is necessary, for example, if the patient has schizophrenia, other
chronic and often recurrent mental disorders.

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