Chapter-12 Geometrical Optics

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Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

1. The speed of light is 300,000 km per second. It takes light about 8 minutes to reach earth from
sun. Can light go around the earth?
Ans. No light cannot go around the earth, because light travels in a straight way, so the part of
earth which is in front of sun, light reaches at that parts only. The remaining part of earth is
2. Reflected light is often more intense. Why?
Ans. Reflected light is often more intense, because this light reflected in one direction only and
at a particular spot.
3. Why the polished surfaces are better reflectors of light?
Ans. The polished surfaces are better reflectors of light because it reflects rays of light in one
direction only.
4. Why is the word ‘AMBULANCE’ written as reverse letters on the back of an ambulance?
Ans. Because the reverse letters look erect when it is look through convex mirror/ concave lens.
5. What will be the focal length of a plane mirror?
Ans. The focal length of a plane mirror is zero.
6. On new Murree, convex lens are present near dangerous turns. Do you know why?
Ans. Because convex lens gives a wider view on the other side of the turns and other vehicle are
looked to see.
7. Can you make a real image by using a plane mirror?
Ans. Yes! We can make a real image by using a plane mirror.
8. What happens to light when it falls on the surface of an object?
Ans. When light falls on the surface of an object, it may be
i. Absorbed
ii. Transmitted
iii. Reflected
9. What happens if an object absorbs all the light?
Ans. If an object absorbs all the light falling on it, it will appear perfectly black. For example, a
black body appears black because most of the light falling on the black body is absorbed and
very little light is reflected from it.
10. What happens if an object transmits light falling on it?
Ans. If an object transmits the light, i.e. the object allows the light to pass through itself, it is said
to be transparent. For example, an ordinary glass sheet transmits most of light falling on it and
hence appears transparent.
11. Define reflection of light?
Ans. The process of bouncing back of the light rays which fall on the surface of an object is called
reflection of light.
12. What is mirror?
Ans. The smooth and polished surface of a medium from where most of light is reflected is
called mirror.
13. What are the laws of reflection?
Ans. When a ray of light falls on a plane mirror, it is reflected according to some laws, called laws
of reflection.
14. Define incident ray.

Composed by Kashif Mughal

Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

Ans. The ray of light which falls on the mirror surface is called the incident ray. It gives the
direction in which light falls on the mirror.
15. Define point of incidence.
Ans. The point at which the incident ray falls on the mirror is called the point of incidence.
16. What is reflected ray?
Ans. The ray of light which is sent back by the mirror is called reflected ray of light. It shows the
direction in which light travels after reflection from the mirror.
17. What is normal?
Ans. The normal is a line at right angle ( perpendicular) to the mirror surface at the point of
18. What is the angle of incidence?
Ans. The angle between the incident ray and normal is called the angle of incidence.
19. What is the angle of reflection?
Ans. The angle between the reflected ray and normal is called the angle of reflection.
20. State first law of reflection.
Ans. According to first law of reflection of light, the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the
normal ( at the point of incidence), all lie in the same plane.
21. State second law of reflection.
Ans. According to second law of reflection of light, the angle of reflection is always equal to the
angle of incidence.
22. Define spherical mirror.
Ans. A section of a hollow sphere with its inner or outer surface is polished to reflect light is
called spherical mirror.
23. How many types of spherical mirrors are there.
Ans. There are two types of spherical mirrors concave and convex.
24. Describe concave mirror.
Ans. A concave mirror is that spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes place at the
concave surface ( inner curved surface). Concave mirror has the ability to converge parallel
beams of light at a single point. Therefore, it is also called converging mirror. The inner shining
surface of a spoon is an example of concave mirror.
25. Describe convex mirror.
Ans. A convex mirror is that spherical mirror in which the reflection of light takes place at the
convex surface ( outer curved surface). Convex mirror has the ability to diverge parallel beams
of light. Therefore, it is also called diverging mirror. The back side of a shining spoon is an
example of convex mirror.
26. Define center of curvature.
Ans. The center of the hollow sphere of which mirror is a part is called its center of curvature. It
is represented by ‘C'.
27. Where is the center of curvature of concave and convex mirror?
Ans. The center of curvature of a concave mirror is in front of it but the center of curvature of a
convex mirror is behind it.
28. What is the radius of curvature?
Ans. The radius of the hollow sphere of which mirror is a part is called radius of curvature of that
mirror. It is represented by “R”.

Composed by Kashif Mughal

Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

29. What is pole?

Ans. The midpoint of a mirror is called its pole. It is denoted by “P”.
30. What is principle axis?
Ans. The straight line passing through the pole ‘P’ and the center of curvature ‘C’ of a mirror is
called the principal axis.
31. Define aperture.
Ans. If a small portion of a spherical mirror is exposed to light then the distance between the
extreme points of the exposed portion is called its aperture.
32. What is the principal focus of a concave mirror?
Ans. When rays of light, parallel to the principal axis, fall on a concave mirror, after reflection
they converge at a point on the principle axis. This point is called principal focus of the concave
mirror. It is denoted by “F”.
33. What is the focal length of a concave / convex mirror?
Ans. The focal length of a concave / convex mirror is the distance between its pole and principal
focus. It is denoted by “f”.
34. What is the principal focus of a convex mirror?
Ans. When rays of light, parallel to the principal axis, fall on a convex mirror they diverge after
reflection from the convex mirror, in such a way that they appear to come from a point on the
principal focus behind the mirror. This point is called the principal focus “F” of the convex
35. What is the formula for the focal length of a spherical mirror?
Ans. The focal length of a spherical mirror ( concave or convex ) is equal to half of its radius of
curvature. i.e.
36. Define regular reflection.
Ans. If the parallel incident rays are reflected in such a way that all the reflected rays are also
parallel to each other, such a reflection is known as regular reflection.
37. Define irregular reflection.
Ans. If the parallel rays fall on an irregular surface. Then the reflected rays scattered in all
directions. Such a reflection is called irregular reflection.
38. What happens if an object distance is changed from a concave mirror.
Ans. If the distance of an object from a concave mirror is changed then nature, size, and location
for the image is also changed.
39. What image is formed if object lies at infinity from concave mirror.
Ans. When an object lies at infinity, its real, inverted and very small image is formed at principal
focus F.
40. What is mirror formula?
Ans. The relation between the image distance, ‘q’ object distance ‘p’ and focal length ‘f’ of a
spherical mirror is known as mirror formula. It is given as
41. Define Linear Magnification.
Ans. The ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object is called linear magnification. It is
represented by ‘M’.
M = size of the image / size of the object

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Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

M = distance of image / distance of object = q / p

42. Write some uses of concave mirror.
Ans. Concave mirror are used in :
i. Flashlight to produce a parallel beam.
ii. Telescope to collect light from a distant source and focus for viewing.
iii. Cosmetic mirror to produce an enlarged image.
iv. Headlights of a car to produce a parallel beam of light.
43. Write some uses of convex mirror.
Ans. Convex mirror are used in vehicles to observe rear view. It make small, erect and virtual
images of the objects behind the vehicle and provides a wide field of view. Convex mirror are
placed at dangerous road bends for safe drive.
44. Define refraction of light.
Ans. The bending of light, when it passes from one transparent medium to another is called
refraction of light.
45. What is refracted ray?
Ans. When light ray enter from one medium to another medium it slightly change its direction.
This ray is called refracted ray.
46. What is angle of refraction?
Ans. The angle made by refracted ray with the normal is called angel of refraction.
47. What is rare medium?
Ans. The medium in which the speed of light is more is called rare medium.
48. What is denser medium?
Ans. The medium in which the speed of light is less is called denser medium.
49. State laws of refraction.
Ans. The laws of refraction are:
i. The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of
incidence all lie in the same plane.
ii. When a ray of light passes from one particular medium to another, the
ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction is
constant. i.e.
n = sine i/ sine r
50. What is refractive index?
Ans. The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is constant. This
constant is called the refractive index of the 2 nd medium with respect to the 1st one. Or
It is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (air) to the speed of light in any other medium.
n = sin i/ sin r or n = c / v
51. What is the formula of refractive index when light enters form rare medium to denser.
Ans. When light enters from rare medium ( air) to denser medium ( glass), the refractive index is
given as:
n = sin i/ sin r
In this case light bends towards normal and angle of incidence is greater than angle of
52. What is the formula of refractive index when light enters from denser medium to rare medium.
Ans. When light enters from denser to rare medium the refractive index is given as:

Composed by Kashif Mughal

Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

1/ n = sin i/ sin r
In this case light bends away from normal and angle of incidence is smaller than angle of
53. Above is figure of two prisms attached at the point ends. Which lens does this system
resemble and why? ( fig. On page 61 side box ).
Ans. This system resemble with concave lens. Because in this system, the rays of light after
passing through them expand.
54. What is total internal reflection?
Ans. When angle of incidence becomes greater than critical angle, instead of refraction, light is
totally reflected back into the denser medium. This is known as total internal reflection.
55. Define critical angle.
Ans. The angle of incidence in the denser medium for which corresponding angle of refraction is
90° in the rare medium is called the critical angle.
56. Write essential conditions for the total internal reflection.
Ans. Two conditions are essential for the total internal reflection:
i. Light must travel from denser to rare medium.
ii. Angle of incidence in the denser medium must be greater than the critical
57. What is prism?
Ans. Prism is a transparent body having three rectangular and two triangular surfaces. Prism
bends the light and change its direction.
58. Define angle of deviation.
Ans. The angle between the direction of the refracted ray and the direction of the incident ray
when a ray of light passes from one medium to another medium is called an angle of deviation.
59. Write some uses of optical fiber
Ans. Optical fiber are used in telecommunication, industries and medical fields. Optical fibers are
hair sized threads ( radius 10^ -6m ) of a very fine quality of glass or quartz.
60. What is endoscope?
Ans. Endoscope is a diagnostic and surgical tool used by doctors for viewing internal organs of
human body.
61. Name some specialized endoscope with their target organs.
Ans. Some specialized endoscope named after their target organs are as follows :
i. Gastro scope ( stomach )
ii. Nephoscope ( kidneys )
iii. Cystoscope ( bladder )
iv. Bronchoscope ( bronchus )
v. Colonoscopy ( colon )
62. What is lens?
Ans. A lens is a transparent material, bounded by two surfaces at least one of which must be
63. What is convex lens?
Ans. A lens which is thinner at edges and thicker at the middle is called convex lens. It converges
the parallel beam of light at a single point and hence is called a converging lens.
64. What are the types of convex lens? Define them.

Composed by Kashif Mughal

Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

Ans. There are three types of convex lens.

i. Double convex lens:
It is that lens whose both sides are convex.
ii. Plano convex lens:
It is that lens whose one surface is plane and the other is convex.
iii. Concave convex lens:
It is that lens whose one surface is concave and other is convex.
65. What is concave lens?
Ans. A lens which is thinner at the middle and thicker at the edges is called concave lens. It
diverges a parallel beam of light after passing through it and hence is called a diverging lens.
66. What are the types of concave lens? Define them.
Ans. There are three types of concave lens.
i. Double concave lens:
It is that lens whose both sides are concave.
ii. Plano concave lens:
It is that lens whose one surface is plane and other is concave.
iii. Convex-concave lens:
It is that lens whose one surface is convex and other is concave.
67. What is optical Centre of a lens?
Ans. The central point of a lens is called optical centre of a lens. It is the point through which ray
of light passes undeviated.
68. What is principal axis of a lens?
Ans. It is the line which passes through the optical centre of the lens and perpendicular to both
the faces of the lens.
69. What is the principal focus of a lens?
Ans. A point where parallel rays of light meet after passing through the lens is called principal
focus of a lens.
70. What is focal length of a lens?
Ans. The distance between the principal focus and optical centre of a lens is called the focal
length of a lens.
71. Define linear magnification.
Ans. It is the ratio of height of image and the height of object. And is denoted by M.
M = size or height of image / size or height of object
72. What is the power of lens?
Ans. The degree of divergence or convergence of a light ray by a lens is expressed in terms of
power of lens. Power of lens is reciprocal of focal length. And is denoted by P.
73. What is the SI unit of power of lens? Define it.
Ans. The SI unit of power of lens is diopter “D”. And is defined as “A lens having 1m of focal
length has a power of 1 diopter.
74. What is camera?
Ans. Camera is an optical instrument for recording or capturing images.
75. What is slide projector?

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Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

Ans. A device which forms a greatly magnified, real and inverted image of a slide or film on a
screen is called slide projector.
76. Define magnifying power.
Ans. Ratio of the angle (a) subtended at the eye by the image as seen through an optical
instrument to the angle ( B) subtended at the eye by the object when seen directly. It is given as:
M = B/a
77. Define resolving power.
Ans. Ability of an optical instrument to form distinctly image of two objects that are very close to
each other is called resolving power.
78. What is microscope?
Ans. Convex lens held close than 25cm to the eye to magnify image is called simple microscope
or a magnifying glass.
79. What is compound microscope? Also write its three features.
Ans. Compound microscope is an optical instrument which is used for higher magnification of a
small object.
i. It gives greater magnification than a single lens.
ii. The objective lens has short focal length f•<1cm
iii. The eyepiece has a focal length of few cm.
80. What is the formula of the magnification of compound microscope?
Ans. The formula of magnification of compound microscope is:
M = L / f. ( 1 + d / fe )
81. What is telescope?
Ans. Telescope is an optical instrument which is used to see distant objects clearly.
82. What is the magnification formula for telescope?
Ans. The magnification formula for telescope is :
M = f./ fe
83. What is cornea? What is its function?
Ans. A curved transparent membrane as a front covering of the eye is called cornea. It allows
the light to enter the eye and begins the refraction.
84. What is Iris?
Ans. It is a circular colored area behind the cornea. Iris can control the amount of light entering
the eye by changing the size of pupil.
85. How does Iris perform its function?
Ans. Iris contracts in dim light to enlarge the size of pupil allowing more light to enter the eye.
While in bright light iris expands thus reducing the size of pupil.
86. What is pupil?
Ans. Iris has a small opening at its centre to pass light, called pupil.
87. What role do ciliary muscles play.
Ans. Ciliary muscles play very important role in vision as to adjust the focal length of eye lens by
changing its curvature.
88. What is least distance of distant vision?
Ans. A person with normal eye sight can see clearly all objects that are at a distance greater than
about 25cm from the eye. This distance is called least distance of distinct vision.
89. What is meant by defect of vision?

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Chapter 12 (10th Physics) Geometrical Optics

Ans. If due to certain abnormalities the lens is unable to accommodate effectively, the eye is
said to be defective.
90. Write down the common defects of the eye.
Ans. There are two common types of defects of the eye:
i. Myopia (Nearsightedness)
ii. Hypermetropia (Farsightedness)
91. What is myopia?
Ans. A person suffering from myopia can see near objects clearly while distant objects appear
92. What are the causes of nearsightedness?
Ans. This defect arises because the power of the eye is too great due to the decrease in focal
length of the eye lens. This may arise due to either
i. Excessive curvature of the cornea or
ii. Elongation of the eyeball.
93. How nearsightedness can be corrected.
This defect can be corrected by using a concave lens. A concave lens of appropriate power or
focal length is able to bring the image of the object back on the retina itself.
94. What is farsightedness?
Ans. Farsightedness is an eye defect in which one can see distant objects clearly, but closer
objects may be seen blurry.
95. What are the causes of Hypermetropia?
Ans. This defect arises because either
i. The focal length of the eye lens is too great or
ii. The eyeball becomes too short so that light rays from the nearby object,
say at point N, cannot be brought to focus on the retina to give a distinct
96. How farsightedness can be corrected.
Ans. This defect can be corrected by using a convex lens of appropriate focal length.

Composed by Kashif Mughal

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