Oral Communication Quarter2 Module1-Final

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Lesson: Strategies for Effective Communication
Quarter: II Week: Day and Time: See Class Program

Learning Competency/ies:
 Employs various communicative strategies in different situations (EN11/12OC-IIab-21)
 Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy
affects the following: (EN11/12OC-IIab-22)
 Language form (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.1)
 Duration of interaction (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.2)
 Relationship of speaker (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.3)
 Role and responsibilities of the speaker (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.4)
 Message (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.5)
 Delivery (EN11/12OC-IIab-22.6)

Learning Tasks:


 Pre-test, pp. 1-2 ✓Developmental Activity:
Post-test, p. 6 Activity 1, Try It Yourself, pp. 4-5

 Activity 1, What Strategy p.7
 Activity 2, Conversation pp.7-8


Congratulations for completing the previous modules! You are now ready for the next step which is
learning how to use various communicative strategies in different situations. To learn more effectively, do
not forget to enjoy learning. Good luck!
This module will help you become effective communicators. This is where you start to apply
strategies that will help you be at ease in communicating with others. You will also see the significance of
learning the different speech context, style and act which are all useful in communication.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it in your notebook.
1. What are you doing when you start a conversation?
a. Nomination b. Restriction c. Repair d. Termination
2. What refers to any limitation you have as a speaker?
a. Nomination b. Restriction c. Repair d. Termination
3. What pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversation floor?
a. Repair b. Topic Control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
4. What covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in
a. Repair b. Topic Control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
5. What strategy involves moving from one topic to another?
a. Restriction b. Topic Control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
6. What refers to how speakers address the problem in speaking, listening and comprehending that they
may encounter in a conversation?
a. Restriction b. Repair c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
7. Which refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a
a. Restriction b. Repair c. Topic Shifting d. Termination
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of nomination?
a. Hi! How are you? c. I have to go now, bye!
b. Have you heard the news today? d. Can I ask you something?
9. Which of the following is an example of termination?
a. Do you want to say something? c. It’s already time! Let us talk about it, next time.
b. I think that is wrong. d. Hello Annie!
10. When you say, “Please speak slowly, you are too fast,” what strategy are you applying?
a. Nomination b. Topic shifting c. Repair d. Termination



Here are the things that you are expected to learn at the end of this lesson:
1. List down communicative strategies
2. Find appropriate strategies to use in a given situation
3. Use the strategies effectively in communicating

We need to communicate to others to establish a relationship and to have better understanding.

However, there are times when miscommunication occurs. It is important that we know how to adjust and
be able to communicate effectively.
Cohen (1990) states that strategies must be used to start and
maintain a conversation. Knowing and applying grammar appropriately is
one of the most basic strategies to maintain a conversation. These are the
strategies that people use
Nomination – employed when you try to open a topic with the people you
are talking to. You may start off with news inquiries and news
announcements as they promise extended talk. This could signal the
beginning of a new topic in the conversation.

Figure 1. https://www.needpix.com/photo/1185610/cartoon-interview-news-program-show-tv-channel-smile-report-looking-to-
Figure 2. https://www.needpix.com/photo/1816912/argument-man-angry-silhouette-confrontation-dispute-businessmen-

Restriction – refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker. You are given specific instruction that you
must follow. These instructions confine you as a speaker and limit what you can say.
Turn-taking – pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversation floor. There is a
code of behavior behind establishing and sustaining a productive conversation, but the primary idea is to
give all communicators a chance to speak.
Topic Control – covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in
conversations. This is achieved cooperatively. When a topic is initiated, it should be collectively developed
by avoiding unnecessary interruptions and topic shifts. You can say “Yes,” “okay,” “go on,” or asking tag
questions to be actively involved without dominating.
Topic shifting – involves moving from one topic to another. You have to be very intuitive. Make sure that
the previous topic was nurtured enough to generate adequate views. You may say, “by the way,” “in
addition to what you said,” “which reminds me of,” and the like.
Repair – refers to how speakers address the problem in speaking, listening and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation. For example, if
everybody in the conversation seems to talk at the same time, give way and
appreciate other’s initiative to set the conversation back to its topic.
Termination – refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating
expressions that end a topic in a conversation. Most of the time, the one who
initiated the conversation takes responsibility to signal the concluding cues. You
can do this by sharing what you learned or complete the discussion of the topic.
If you will be able to use these strategies well, you will be good in handling
conversations. You will avoid miscommunication. However, you must also consider the situation. You
must choose your words wisely. What you say must depend on what the situation calls for.
For example, if you are just talking with friends, then it is alright to be casual and when you start and end the
conversation, you need not be formal. Meanwhile, if you are in a formal situation, you must start and control
the conversation with care. Be polite whenever you can. You have nothing to lose when you do that.



Here are the things that you are expected to learn at the end of this lesson:
1. Explain that a shift in speech context, style, act and communicative strategy affects the
a. language form
b. duration of interaction
c. relationship of speaker
d. role and responsibilities of the speaker
e. message
f. delivery
2. Use appropriate language in a given situation
3. Communicate effectively in different situation

You have learned about the different speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative
strategies. Why do we need to know all of these?
We need to know the speech context so that we will know what style and act to use in
communicating with others. We can choose the best words to say in applying the communicative strategies.
Whenever there is a shift on any of these, the language form, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker,
role and responsibilities of the speaker, message and delivery are affected. Therefore, all of these can affect
how we approach, what we say, and how long we to speak with others.
For example,
Approach Situation: you and your best friends are talking
Context: Dyad Style: Casual
Language Form Less formal words, use those that you both understand
Duration of interaction Not very long unless you are in a hurry
Relationship of speaker Friends
Role and responsibilities of the Make each other feel happy or comfortable
Message Funny experiences
Delivery Extemporaneous, not rehearsed

Approach Situation: you are talking to your guidance counselor
Context: Dyad Style: Consultative
Language Form A bit formal and serious
Duration of interaction There is a time limit from 10-30 minutes
Relationship of speaker Professional
Role and responsibilities of the Speaker must be polite and honest
Message Personal experience
Delivery Clear and extemporaneous

You will see that there is a difference in the approaches if the context is different. What is important
is you know what the APPROPRIATE approach is. This is the best way to become effective in our
communication with others. It is not enough that you know the concepts. You have to understand how to
use them, where to apply and when to adjust. Before you know it, you have already been a good speaker!
Activity 1. Try it yourself
Fill in the tables with appropriate approach.

Approach Situation: You are having a meeting with your family

Context: small group Style: intimate
Language Form

Duration of interaction

Relationship of speaker

Role and responsibilities of the


Approach Situation: You are asked to give the opening remarks of the
school orientation program
Context: Public Style: Formal
Language Form

Duration of interaction

Relationship of speaker

Role and responsibilities of the



IV. POST-TEST. Let us check how much you have learned in this module’s coverage.
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. All of these are affected when there is a shift in speech context and speech style. Which does NOT
belong to the group?
a. Topic Control b. Language form c. Delivery d. Message
2. Which of the following is NOT a communicative strategy?
a. Restriction b. Responsibility c. Repair d. Termination
3. What pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversation floor?
a. Repair b. Topic control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
4. What strategy involves moving from one topic to another?
a. Restriction b. Topic control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
5. What covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in
a. Repair b. Topic control c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
6. Which refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a
a. Restriction b. Repair c. Topic Shifting d. Termination
7. What refers to how speakers address the problem in speaking, listening and comprehending that they
may encounter in a conversation?
a. Restriction b. Repair c. Topic Shifting d. Turn-taking
8. Which of the following is an example of nomination?
a. Hello, Jazz! How have you been? c. I have to leave. Excuse me.
b. Please go back to the main topic. d. Speaking of fun, there is a carnival in town.
9. Which of the following is an example of termination?
a. No, you got it wrong. c. Do you know the latest event?
b. The correct answer is “true.” d. Please excuse me; my mom is calling.
10. When you say, “Please tell Geo that the he has to see Ms. Daisy,” what strategy are you applying?
a. Nomination b. Topic shifting c. Repair d. Restriction



1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. C


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. D

Deped Curriculum Guide
Sipacio, Philippe John Fresnillo and Balgos, Anne Richie Garcia. Oral Communication in Context.
Quezon City: C&E Publishing House, Inc., 2016.
communicative strategies accessed May 12, 2020
communicative strategies accessed May 12, 2020
examples of context, style, act and strategies accessed May 12, 2020
examples of context, style, act and strategies accessed May 12, 2020

Don Antonio Village, Rosales, Pangasinan

INSTRUCTION: Detach and submit this Worksheet together with the activity sheets.


Grade/ Subject:
Subj. Teacher: Week:


Test/Activity Score
A. Pre-Test
B. Post Test


Activity 1 What Strategy
Direction: What type of strategy is used in each statement? Write your answers on the space provided.
____________________1. Do you have anything to say?
____________________2. One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of
listening well to others.
____________________3. Excuse me? I think we should talk one at a time.
____________________4. Go on with your ideas. I will let you finish before I say something.
____________________5. Have you heard the latest news?
____________________6. Hi Jonas! How are you?
____________________7. Send my regards to them! See you next week!
____________________8. Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I want to personally offer
apologies for what happened yesterday.
____________________9. Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. Let us discuss it tomorrow, okay?
____________________10. Now, it’s your turn to ask me a question.
Activity 2 Conversations
Create a dialogue or conversations between or among people where each of the strategies are used
effectively. Take note of the situation given and make sure that you apply the strategies appropriately. Use
the given template below. (5points per scenario)
Situation/Scenario 1: You and your friends are talking about the new movie
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________
Situation/Scenario 2: You are having a meeting with your teacher and classmates
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 4: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 4: __________________________________________________________
Situation/Scenario 3: You are trying to stop two debaters in a debate from quarreling
Speaker1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________________


1. What concepts or skills did you learn well?

2. What concepts or skills was difficult to understand?

3. What activities did you enjoy the most?

4. What activity was hard to execute?

5. Did you ask help from your teacher? (Yes or No).

If Yes, did you immediately receive the needed assistance?
Was the given assistance helpful for you to understand better the lesson?

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