Us Clients

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shephin : Hi swami, how are you?

swami : Hi shephin, I am fine

shephin : iam fine, it's been a long time we met with each other
swami : Though we are in same company,we are unable to meet and we are busy with
out works
shephin : Yeah, that's right
swami : Shephin, how's your work going
shephin : It's good, What about yours
swami : It's not that bad, there is a lot of pressure on me.
shephin : Hey wait a minute, i got a mail. let me check.
swami : what's the mail about.
shephin : it's from our manager regarding a conferece meeting. Have you received
that mail?
swami : Yeah, I too got it.
shephin : Let's meet in the conference room then

Harshitha: Good evening, guys

swami and shephin: good evening ma'am
harshitha: How is your work going.
swami and shephin: it's good ma'am.
harshitha: I'm here to inform you that we are conducting a new training session
about networks for one day to our employees.
swami : okay ma'am. who will be the trainer for those sessions
harshitha: Our company is sending some professional US clients for these sessions.
shephin : Oh! That's great.
harshitha: So we are dealing with US clients for this training. Be ready, for that.
swami : At what time they will come Ma'am.
harshitha: they will come at 9. And shephin you be in the airportto receive our
clients. and Swami you have to do the arrangements for the training and take
care about all their needs.
And guys, they are coming to india for the first time so we have to show
our indian traditions and some foods to them.
Shephin : Hello sir, Good Morning to both of you
sharath : good Morning, by the way what's your name
shephin : My name is shephin shaji sir, you can call me shephin.
vara : good morning, Shephin
shephin : Welcome to India. We arranged a vehicle for you sir, let's go.
vara : Okay,shephin. Sharath, can we go now.
sharath : yeah vara. we can go
Harshitha: Good morning sir, how's your journey
vara : Yeah, It's good.
sharath : Are you aishwarya, the manager here?
harshitha: Yes sir, you're correct.
swami : How are you sir, I'm swami, Team leader here.
sarath : nice meeting you swami
vara : it's good to see you swami
harshitha: They are the clients that i said yesterday. And they are here to explain
about Networking.
Sharath : Hi guys, I am sharath and I belongs to cyber security field.
Vara : Hello everyone, I am vara and i am from data science background.
cyber security is a oractuce of defending computers ,servers,mobile
devices ,electronic systems ,networks and datamalicious attack.It's also known as
information technology security or electronic information security
It consits of few securities·
Network security·
Application security·
Information security·
Operational security·
End-user education
wh have to practice of securing a computer network from intruders.
sWamy : how can we prevent our sysytem from viruses?ans :-we have to focus on
keeping software safe from the malicious attack
shefin :what is mean by End user education ?ans :- we have to prevent from the
virus and we teaching users to delete suspicious mails
Data Science is a blend of various tools, algorithms, and machine learning
principles with the goal to discoverhidden patterns from the raw datait Captures:
Data acquisition, data entry,
signal reception, data extractionand its communicates: Data reporting, data
visualization, business intelligence, decision making
harshitha: what is the use of data science in todays world?ans :- data science uses
in our day to day life like in healthcare centers ,gaming .
.swamy : what is data science ?ans :- data science is a meachine language which u
can make programs in a better way and its has high demand intodays world

harshitha: Thank you sir. And before we go. sir we planned some places to visit.
sharath : okay harshitha
vara : okay harshitha
sharath : hey vara they said that they planned a trip. did you know about this
vara : no sharath, I too didn't know about this. I think they planned a
surprise for us.
sharath : oh okay
vara : let's wait for it

harshitha: sir there are so many places in hyderabad to visit. so can we go now?
vara : yes harshitha, i heard that this place is a major tourist place in whole
sharath : What's the first place that we are going to visit
shephin : It's charminar sir
swami: : sir this is charminar and this is a famous place here
vara : oh is it. what's special in this area.
harshitha: sir charminar is famous for bangles and ornaments.
sharath : oh, then i will buy some bangles for my wife then
vara : Nice sharath, she will feel happy if she see this
sharath : don't you buy anything vara
vara : you know that i haven't married yet. so i wont buy anything
sharath : think once we won't come again and again
vara : yeah, then i will buy an ornament for my mother.
sharath : ha that's good

Harshitha: Sir,we booked a hotel for you to stay this night.

sharath : okay, thank you harshitha
vara : I'm about to ask you that thing. Good job Aishwarya

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