A Day in The Lifo of SBR - RD Bhat

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A Dayin the Lifo of Sbr.rd Bhat

lhc day is Sunday- do ofa,ce- shmd unb ro lpcnd rime wi& hk family! *anb ro neet m old Giendwho is leavins
ror imlher cou.try - ilighr at I I am. He alsownb ro e.l c0\ qE presuft .hsked. Tte nemi pdml pumpwherche
can eei hn IyE an prcsuE ch.ck.d is 4 kms away. Apan f6n all rhk, ie also wmll !o sp.nd som. tiF. ftvi.wins
rhercaM\ monyof them .loralof eund l2 p!EB.

cds trpd 7 m with thellom sd snueglesdeptr insiderh. blankeb- only one dayro sle.p long.!6. wak6 up wirh o
lan ar 3.r0 am andsuddenlyEali4 thar niend would hav. b rcpod ro rhe rnpon by t huni.dly seis Eady and dliles
ro rh lilpon (ee6 frnedfor br.lkine rulesar rheMmc fidb). Ju$ abourm@E6 ro shak. hk riisdt handbeforc rhe
Inenddisappem inro lne riDon

lri 9:15: he\ depEsed and hnngry. shaBd $ope for breokfst ar a redrudi r@rty lnd iinds a cop! olthe n.vspaper
ll]crc. l{esebimE s.d in th. spotupagc.nd by rh. rimeh. C.b od ofrhe placewith rh. waie6 givinghim diny
looks.iris l0:15. Fe.k ups.rwfthhim*lffor siningrhe6for sucha lonsriF. md d v.s honc *Eigh. solharh. coutd

Ar homeshmd Ealiz$ n\arhccouldhav.hadth. tyr. prc$u€ ch€kedonrhe bekl He6nss6 a phoiecall ar l2

liom a colleague Atun who.lso hs som.docummts -rysomeptobtms ud EquircshelpircE
to r*ier. Arunis lacing
shandinsoninsirouL Canhecom.ov.ro! ce we6er hc6ks? Pleae,heEqudqrhhhEallycrnicallj
ShaBd\ wife. sanjana is ov?d?aring thi! @nv6.rion wirh an angt look aboi ner. He glcn6 np ar her snd rhfl
niccpkbly relus$ 6 meerAsn giving somc lilu rc&n cbout hlving a family nrnction ar home. Saij@ is visibly
hrppy. mkins Sh8mdf.el for !h. mom.nt tha! h. hasdon. th. dgh. rhin& bd Arn soundsv.!y !ps4 H.aglir rdes b
cxplain rhe EBviry or $e sitoalion Sh6ad is rooUy @ntu$d by rhis rine. H. d6r'r know whri b say and ju$
flumuE the same.xcuseand p!1srhc phon. down rhoughsom.ding in him is naking hiD v.ry uncomronablewitn

l-rtrch h noi d plcds 6 n could hav. b.s. AII rlong, though6abourhis Evi.! ftolf$e day i, dEady Eon. and hc
(LLl h6 ro se. his lyrc prc$u!9 chsted!) 6 well a Arunt plca lor hdp niunr hin. To add ro tle tun, his wife Mnb b
rlkc in an afremoonmovie - 3h. h6 already decided *hich one. Sh@d k no. k..n at all. bur f.odne funi.r
Ni$qucncs leres andf€k Esentfulrharheis being.norioMlly mrnipulared.

I ld docsnlenioylhe movie.! alll To addfuelto rhefirc, Sanjana

cdylysuggess$ar rheyhavedinis outsidcin a good
rcsblEnr. Sh@dnowleek nore victimizEdand!* . litle agsrBsiwandsays,,.lf I don.. finGhrh. rdid, I am
goiil robein rEuble in rn ecusirgrone.Sanjam ft.ts intohersherrofhun imnediarcty.Shradb soupset a h.
waythedayi: ruminsoutthatheforsecro so for rhetE p6uE ch6k onrhe*ay hdne aEainl

rinall] they reachhomear 3 beauserhey€.t sruct in a talfrc jb. He sbtu rtvieying (he nufi*iL\ a Gnseleeling (d
*e las someheduE olguiit) At rhis p.int he diizs rhal il is coing !o ra*eat le6r 2 houB anddes n wirh a sds. of
{earines. Ar 9 pm Shmd suddelly Ealias fta on. olhk all-tim. favouire novies - Gore xnh fte *ind" h playing
or llBo. I16 to seeir of@uree!Endsup frnishingrh. reviewsomehov6y I am

\c{ &y hewakesupa linl. laE.rak* a derolrto 3d his .yrepre*urechecked,

rcehcaofi.c l.r lnd bump6in@Arun
who,.s r verydkranhnd6ld lool.
lid lhjneii th. momine,

Applyingthe phnring cycle

1, Analy3i!of curr.nl Position
i Whatarcfie tdks th.t need10beompleted?
ii, Wharis de b*ksFund oleachof theseEsks(ha!$methinsagedfoi vcrr lons,h thb rclttedro a vctv

ni whooremysrakeholders?
iv WhatarerheexpecHLons ofthe (licalslehold.u?
v. comnunicale whh tne crnic.l $skeholdds - 6k ed sha.
vi. rlow bng will eeh ofthse tak Eke? GsriFarion)
vii. H6w muoh1i6edo I hale atnv disposl?
!iii. AE there$me inheFntpriornies?
ix. Are eme ofde tark linedependen(?

a. SetSMART gools

ii. M = medurable
iii. a = anai.able

v, T = timebolnd
b. B4sically,howwouldoneknowif a goalhasheenod or nof
. Art we clearon the difcrcnce beNeent Eoaldd . task/activitv?

3, ErploreoDtioG

a. Do I halero do it hyselfl Whocd helt mewilh a €ndn l6k?

b, Do I have10do ii how?
c. Do I haveto do n aU?(Reihinkinglhe ciricahv of tn.lask)

a. Whal d.1he la5k3?

b. whicn areth. tine dependentactivni€s?Sch.duleth€mfist
c. CanI conbinesonebslc?
d. Ho! nuchtire will .ach6k 6kc?
e. How nuch boffer do I need10include?
t Facor in sakeholderd+.nd€noes
s. Putdownlhe $hedule (this depcndson vour srvl€)


a. Doesmy ple alisnb;e sooh

b. whalarethelisks?wllichof then r.€ 4itical? Mich ofthen ae prob.ble?
c. How an I hddlin8 th. risk? Do I haveem€ wo*arounds?
d. Do I haver buy-inton thediticalsbkeholds?

d. neaNal raplemenhnormrehtt.q lom ffion ro peMn deDending on rhenryk.

' reelld in&dels, checkwith theplan ilooe is on trock, Unoi, whatcoftctive nesu€s aE needed?
b. At

a. WhatcouldI complete?
b. wharis rharI ould notcomplet?
c. Whichunplanned &tilitiesdid I pickup?
d. whai isrhentio ofphhn.d ro unplanned activilies?

a. what did I doqell in $h plahhing

b. whor could I havedon€bener?
c. Do I seesone p.nem i. ny behrvior Ep.oting? (e.g. I mnnol ey bo to a prnicul p.Mnj I am nor
sble6 focrs100'0on$ne ryps of 6ln
d. Do | *dt to rmedy someolrben?
c. llow willl incorporatelhhleornins
in thenexlpldninscycle?

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E..dout 3 -UrgencYnlt r

vournorml behaliorsEgatdingthesratcmcnh
Cncb rhe.unbet alonglhe marir fiot d6r closelvpresenls

O=NeveJ l=Ratly 2=Son€times l=v€rv Onen 4=Alwavs

-t seen t ao my test wort *tren I an underpressw 0 I 2 3

t--I Ioftenblame'herushord pres ol e{emarhtngsror 2 -l

riilurc b sdendde@.inrosDectivedme with nvslt
Fm oneniumled ty ttrcsto*n€ssof people& things 0 I 2 t
ffel guiltywhenI lare iimeoff work 0 2 l

I sl*aysRd roberushingbdt€ plocsMd dents 2

I liequdly nnd my$lf pushingpeopleawlv sorharI cm 0

I feeldxious whenI m oul ofio

L w m i n u ts . - .mdomg
s I moften preoccupied
wiihonelhingwhfl I
$melhins else
I'n d my b6t whenl'n handling a ciisissrtuahon 0r214

t0 The.dEnalnerushfrom! ner ca$sRds norc ensryrng 2

i" rh'n rhesreadvuohDlhhneffi of lone t€m rcsull!
n -.
Gnen si'e !p qulity.ti@ widr inportantp€opl€in mv lil€ o 2 3

t2 if I baveto
I a3sMe D@plewill natuaUyunderstand 2 l
I] i reli-* *t'i"e *dr*isi. t" ci1@e a seneor purpose o 2 3

t otunstlun.h ororhermetls*nLreworkrne 0 I 2 3

0 I 2 l
l5 @
l6 a h u g e i & k i n n y o u l -b a ske ra t1 ne.ndoihe0.vnds 2 l
de feel lik€ I'v€ bq very Prcdu

Ob 25 - Lowurseoc,nalrix
26to 45- Slroq utg€ncy
46+ - Ursqcy addictions

Checlmd'h Fom rhechelr Re\iewr&'ous work requers ChRl
sFtusol rhed. i\.4 ofdocrm-F rharis roco onsik by evfli19.
sendou themailon iniriaringappEisals
lo thewhoteteam.
send .norh€. nlil b th. rem askins ntem to put doM netr
o b j e cti v€ sfo rrhemonr
Aslh $em@eelbockbr tO t5 a.m .
Senda mailorrpeotb 2 ,5.nios ro hne up $r.h dai ror Kshop

Fix upn€etioCNnhneadoftrainingfof l.3Op,n.

Apprcvew.ekly acrivily Epons.

M€etRanbirfor thefollowing
Askhih to ftvi€wsomeofthed@umems.
Ask him to bl<elnder Kunlr $rough tn. pr@ess.
Chechwith him any issls with mBardsb th. doc!fte s delivcry.
Consoliddeobjedvs ent i. by vdious read memb.N.

M€et ddrse! lo dhcussobjeclives. C€ale pl.nn€d &tivities fo!

the 6 subordindtes,Sendth.m ro dc

I l.4J a m.lo 12.30p.n, co arounddd helpDople r€solveprobtemswith lhet documens.

Metihgwidi h@dof rEininglo esotv. theuaininsschedule,

Bufer time lo check sr.lus of vgrious isks. Eview sbrB of

deumenB.arpra.s iniriarion.walrinero fie me.rife<ireek.


lniiate Elecohwirh onsitelesm for poactive rean buitding.

I Takesrockofrheplanfor rheday.


rmpkment Plan
offe d 8 45 . m He b€g$ b reviewhis

l;l::il*i*::L:H ji,iixlfi,i"ll"".ll,l
p€ople iB@m
hennaeei ro 6sientheworkh difTerenr 'n

hehddrime'odi$bs a peGonslprobrem

'*:*$:t "fi*f[::ti'i:#i
r;: :'* m'il"?'11' " h'|m

;iilrx':*#r:1r";4;,fu '#$;:*
**".n;:l ji*ii"J i,u
iliili"Hi;"'"Jil:'"f."[ qent onunlil I I E m
wilh hismdager'
He$en adivedlatefoi hh meetihs

;H"d il:"
would havenxed it in 15dinutes
pople abour
c@rion of planspan and 3penttine ch{king wilh
Sinceil wasalrcady11.45.Ravi skippedrhe
rny issles H€ 4ked rhem
, \ ra b o u ( l 2 . l 0 , j u $ 6 R a vi w .sso i h sto l u nch,Ravismono8er caneuptohidandr skedil hehadal ew
nomcnrs to reviewa newpocessrclated issleprblem. Thet wenlro Ravit olficeandthercRavispentaboul
l0 minutesl@kingat thep@blens,ofering somespeinc suggesdons on whatw6 practical,b6ed on vhat
Rdrikncs lo bethelimnalions of th. prcce$.
Ravilhenwentlor aquicl snack$d rerlnedto hisomceal abolt Lio p.m.

Alif l'rnchRavibcsanto vork on someguidelines

to createa SeryiceLevelAg@men. As hestarled,
his membeBcameto Ravi\ ofilcedd explained rharhe washavingsme sienificant pBbleds. Ravicalled
rlp deskro geremeclaiincalions.4 n rrmodincar ion *aspok' be.d.dRr v r hm .er i.ghr

Lhi\took rbdur45 hinutesandhe foundanother employeewahingrorhio wirba qlesrionaboutwh€therhe

w h
c!tr d bkc a doy off in two weeks' limelo anendan imponantschoolfuncrion.Ravispenlfive mmures
rh. cmploleerof couNe,hegnnred

p.h. Ralirenembered
/\12..15 thalhehadro pickuplhepEscription,lthechehist. He droveto thcch€misr.
pickcdup lhe prcscriplion,droppedit at home,endrelumed.

whdnhc gotbackal r.30,theFacilitics

monasqwaswaitin8for hin wilh a complaint
mcmbcErveremisusins thephonelines,Ravispentlhenex1l5minutesarguinswilh him.

bour1.,15p.m.Raviretumedto his depsnme ed checked prcgress

on the issues,As h€ wtlkedroundhe
erv rhdtihe issueshadnor becnsolvedandit still h.d to be rcviewsd.RavicalledRrbbirto seeifhe *6
icclingbenerandcouldcome. Ranbirsaidhewoulddo so,andRavi{6 relieved.At4.15 p.m.Rali realikd
rhlr ltanbirhadnotanivedyet. Naturally,
h€became anxious r.d phonedRdbirreain ddi€ ressuredhim

Ar 4.r0 p.m.whenRanbn$illhadnorerived,Ravidecided lo go throughlhe issueshimself.Ilwas$on 5.00

p.m. Scleralmailsuerevailinc in hG inboxfor adion. whiht non€appesred lo beurcenl.Ravieplied10all

Abo0ts.l5 p.m.afterrcplyingtoallthemaik,
hecalledameetinc. Themeetinawasnotveryprcdlctivesince
al his rclm memberewerebusywith rhedelivery.Aner rbolt 20 ninules,theytook a dEcision
to havethis

l{rvi rhei beganro work on rhereviewofsone ol rhecompleted seNiceLelel Aer€enentdocumenls, lhei

ruddcnlyhe got a.allon his mobile.Apparnlly,oneofhisteammembeEhsdcaughlhis fingere in the lin
doorandwhileit wasnora serious snuadon, Ravidecided heshouldaccompany theemployee to themedicll
dopanment andhrvelhe nuse examin€ hishand.Fonunalely,lheE w.s no seiousdamageandRavieturned
ro his ofliceal7.00 p.m. Sinceeverybody hsd left,Rsvidecidedlo lakeseveraloflheSLA docune.tshome
xnh him for leviewandsendthe6 de nexrmomjng.As hedrovehone rharevening,R.vi reilecEd:'why
canr lgetmoredone?Everydayseems to ily by andI neverreallyaccomplishanyofthe
impodant thingsthat
I hcdplanned to dodurinsthatday".
pldnedsd unPlanned
CaEeorizR.vishankals a.tivili.sintoliis @tir



NoT lIl



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