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My dream job

My dream job would most likely be a stylist, or personal shopper. Ever since I
was little, I always told people how much I loved fashion. I was always the
person who dressed up and meticulously planned my outfits. I enjoyed playing
with dolls due to the fact that I could plan countless of outfits.

Getting into the fashion industry is competitive, which is why being a personal
shopper is a dream job of mine. My daily duties in this job would be to expand
my clientele, stay up to date on trends in fashion so my clients will not look
dated, buy new pieces for my collection for my clients to choose from, stay up
to date with designers new pieces, create new ensembles for clients, work on
my communication skills so I can create great relationships with my clients,
and more. My ideal income would be $100,000 a year or more.  I know that to
have this high of an income being a personal shopper, you have to be  really
great at what you do. The best of the best stylists get millions of dollars as their
salary. If I were to become a stylist, I would definitely want a salary where I
would have extra spending money to look the part for my job.

Location for my job would be in a city that has lots of people and where people
are fashion forward. For example, LA, New York, etc. I also would like commute
to work thats not super long. Work conditions would be in a store where I
would dress my clients, or even my clients house. I would brain storm in an
office that is not boring and is filled with sources to expand my creativity. My
work environment would be mostly individual work. As a stylist, you clients
rely on your creativity only, not the creativity of multiple stylists working
together. I would surround myself with friends or co workers (who work in the
same store as a stylist) who are also stylists so we can all discuss our passion
and job, and give one another ideas.

My ideal work schedule would be around the time of 8am-6pm, 5 days a week.
For stylists I know this is not realistic. If I was an independent stylist who did
not belong to a specific store, I would have to open my schedule to fit my
clients schedule. Which means working mornings, late nights after people get
off work, and holidays because my clients may have events on holidays that
they need their outfits planned for. My dream company would most likely be
nordstrom, bloomingdales, neiman marcus, or saks fifth avenue. I would love
to work in a store that has a trusted name for clients, where I could obtain
clients who buy high quality clothing. I would also like to explore being an
independent stylist, not belonging to any company and getting my name
recognized in my own ways, not by a stores policy.

Katarina Jokić

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