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Estrofem for transgender treatment

Estrofem 1mg can be used as part of a gender reassignment program for male to female transsexuals,
by providing a source of oestradiol, an active form of the female hormone oestrogen. Estrofem 1mg
tablets stimulate the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast
development and also induce metabolic changes such as fat distribution to redefine the general body
Estrofem for feminising hormone therapy
Estrofem 1mg tablets contain 17β-oestradiol, the most feminising form of the female hormone
oestrogen, which provides a very effective means of feminisation when used as part of a gender
reassignment program for male to female transsexuals. Estrofem 1mg stimulates the development of
female secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast development and also induces metabolic
changes such as fat distribution to redefine the general body shape, while at the same time Estrofem
overrides the effects of testostero

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