Team Charter

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Group 5

Revisit Team Charter

Team Member Name: Maxwell Collay
Individual assigned tasks from original charter:
I was responsible for synopsis question 2 and PowerPoint slides 5 and 6.
Collective assigned tasks from original charter:
As a team, we all had a hand in the original charter. I provided the early rough draft prior to our
initial video call and we all contributed to develop the team charter. Also I was responsible for
combining the teams work into one cohesive document.
Realized contributions:
I maintained my commitment to the contract and completed my specific tasks on time. Although
I would have liked if I completed my portion earlier, I am still happy with the finished product
and feel confident with the effort I produced. I made sure to stay on top of my Canvas messages
to prevent missing a communication from my team. We all maintained a very high level of
communication and I feel that is why we were so successful. In all honesty, I feel I earned an 8
out of 10.

Team Member Name: (Removed)

Individual assigned tasks from original charter:I was responsible for completing the synopsis
4 ( public campaign) and the 4th slide for campaign as well.
Collective assigned tasks from original charter: Collectively we were responsible for editing
and making suggestions. We all committed to finishing and contributing to our own sections. We
all committed to connecting during and prior to submitting.
Realized contributions: I think I held up my commitment for personal and collective work for
this assignment. I think I could have been more responsive to emails. Our difference in time
zones proved to be a challenge at times. I think that considering that, we all were understanding.
I completed my assigned tasks two days prior to submitting. I think I earned 8 of 10 points for
the final project. For future projects I will protect the time needed to respond and collaborate
with other team members. When we were able to meet virtually, I think I showed up and
delivered on my end of the contract.

Team Member Name: (Removed)

Individual assigned tasks from original charter: I was responsible for writing the section
relating to ‘How’ our organization would implement our idea. I was also responsible for the slide
Collective assigned tasks from original charter: We agreed to all make our individual
submissions and then peer review and suggest edits prior to the submission of any products. Prior
to starting our work on our final project, on our Zoom call, we agreed that we all had a firm
understanding of what each individual would be working on.
Realized contributions: I believe I did a relatively good job with the project overall. I made
timely and meaningful contributions throughout the entirety of the project. I do think I was
overeager on encouraging multiple milestone check-ins for the project. I made all of our
meetings and, like everyone else, contributed to them. I’m pleased with my overall effort and
contributions 9/10.

Team Member Name: (Removed)

Individual assigned tasks from original charter: I was responsible for creating the slides for
the title slide 1, slide 2, and slide 3. I also wrote the synopsis section one dealing with the
description of the topic our team was going to work on, and the specific issue we intended to

Collective assigned tasks from original charter: For the collective tasks that I contributed to, I
helped edit and make suggestions to the overall project. I also helped create content and find
material for the synopsis and slides. We also stayed in communication with one another
throughout the project.

Realized contributions:

I was able to make all the contributions as promised in our teams charter, I completed my section
of the synopsis covering the general subject area and specific issue, as well as the first three
slides of our presentation. I helped with the editing, as well as made suggestions along the way.
Our team managed to stay in communication despite my own inability at times due to the passing
of a co-worker. However, we still communicated and accomplished the tasks together though not
as scheduled during the charter. I believe I earned a 8 out of 10 due to missing a meeting due to
the memorial events. I think as a team operating in several different time zones, among differing
schedules of availability, and unforeseen circumstances, we handled the challenge well and
produced a product that met the specifications requested.

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