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1- Usamos el presente simple para:

a) Habitos regulares y rutinas diarias;
b) Hechos, cosas en general;
c) Situaciones permanentes o de larga duración;
d) Calendarios y horarios.

2- Se usa con los siguientes adverbios:

Always (siempre), often (seguido), usually (usualmente), sometimes (a veces), rarely

(raramente), never (nunca), everyday (todos los días).

Para he/she/it/ :

Generalmente al verbo se le agrega –S al final

Ejemplo: She eatS pizza; she sleepS in her bed

Pero hay excepciones:

Cuando el verbo termina en:

a) –o, -ss, -sh, -ch,x le añadimos –es

Ejemplo: Go= He GoES; Wash= She WashES


b) Cuando una consonante es seguida por una –y la –y cambia a –ie y le añadimos s.

Ejemplo: Study= He studies

A-Use the present simple affirmative. (Usa el presente simple en su forma afirmativa)

1. I __go______ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends __study______ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School __finishes______ (finish) at three o´clock.

5.You ________ (live) near me.

6. He ________(like) rap music.

7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

B-Use the Present Simple Negative.(Usa el presente simple en su forma negativo)

1. I ___don’t play______ (not play) tennis after school.

2. You _________ (not start) school at nine o´clock.

3. We _________ (not have) lunch at school.

4. They _________ (not watch) TV after dinner.

5. She ___doesn’t __get up____ (not get up) at seven o´clock.

6. We _________ (not go) to bed at nine o´clock.

7.He _________ (not play) football.

8.It___________(not eat) my mom’s food.

C-Write the sentences in negative. (Pasa las oraciones de positivas a negativas)

1. I study French. _____________________________________________

2. School finishes at two o´clock. _____________________________________________

3. You copy from other students. ______________________________

Write the sentences and finish the short answers.

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?

_____________________________________________ No, ___________________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat
_____________________________________________ Yes, ___________________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go

_____________________________________________ No, ___________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?

_____________________________________________ Yes, ___________________

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock / ?

_____________________________________________ No, ___________________

D- Complete the texts with the words from the box.(Completa el texto con las palabras de la

I usually (1) ______________ at 7 o’clock. I (2) ______________ to the gym before breakfast.
For breakfast I (3) ______________ eggs. I (4) ______________ eggs, but I (5)
______________ cheese. Dominic sometimes (6) ______________ at 6 o’clock in the morning.
He (7) ______________ swimming before breakfast. For breakfast Dominic always (8)
______________ eggs. He (9) ______________ eggs, but he (10) ______________ cheese.

E- Match the pictures with the actions. (Une las imagines con las palabras del recuadro)

a- b- c- d- e-

f- g- h- i- j k-
l- m- ñ- o-

F- Put the images in order depending on how you do them (Escribe las acciones en el
orden que las realizes)

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