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Page nO» 4 Tose A Task | 3 Discussing moral eacons fy manag’ heat, tind Sofehy ry From the tien Alononio , the Ongenftertsn's harm and - Tosk 4 q a Absence Ord sickness Raitee s Tn tne wen Scononio, the. obsente Ond Afolenees alee «ok petowse — hee ongoniaciion — moral Hteasous to provide aoe worcplae sap plow and canna ond Sap Systm Bh WOK Reposing 3 fi ‘4 aaa I The ongantsextion de port syst fs ven er predeme / inSidewr ond_ Neannass TE Liewe dale reported oud — ques acyone = 1D ecolve. Gren dou a enerally = phovide wonrene by the orgonication PinsurOwte = Paemnt eoutiouyr te higte ls the ongonisariiu meets eoryon'S sires amd syecpouaibitiny Ww do tei jobs by tro Stapp Twunovel fa less betruse the pigoonresitin nélon the moxvated wortelte. b tho Kepubatu ie good als the ong anication iz eeach MaKked fore OF cremical ‘mduatuse _ ly the pagonteation employs the D5 ~y tans Senior agin for fouk moslificahou tasre =e AWwss Conmpouatts cunts Hy aud ACtLowst abiliny ; NO-S 1 “JOSK 4 — 1 | Tomring ond Swpewision =- : e the 0% anieHOn —-xeuton euginee Condues meet ‘bo aoe Conhactore nels tH unin, ond norvacttoua) training ; a ti parotets opviator fhdepemdeut cite Coutacks hon MOutO the productiou — alto Fou modification oud process. o, 2 . Audi = pygqrieation Conduct Rot Utena) and — extvina} ouditing to — tdewthyy ce pagoide — aud contol Hen 4 Aows mews — Coen Urner Jowosd Aoqery yee AULA ae morale paovide Atal PrE’S Diganiecdion poole chve ok auipyrentc to Comply Witte Meacone = GH eempuaryelt A Mona) Resountes = pio, organisation provi ss pelest eo wilee to «hut down Lowk Stonage awa . tute cwows Qpod mohate Cxtwine) — Customut Comploanis ie ) Heasouw the Additonal mona aE neroiving oud necpendiig tne extoual Customeh — Complowste — ovid giving 4olwow to Hom, Te shows — Mahal responsibil of on oncpooy a. Poge No--H Josk 2 = Task 2 Ros Ond Responsibilinit, by Frm iv i i ie given SCRnoKID , the employ as nto yers Jule OM — JHecponereitihy To {bution = management's healt And. Aroandods , on by Some rf the —evidancre ate = Plot process Opeiatoy = Know “the phoblem which ovatse th the fonge ALOGL fouk also he. hepmsibe to sepont the poblem — tm oigoriention and. health and 4a jehy advisor b oaqpnisection decide tv aseigu Q most ee eo a ‘ages ly the Corporate management Raw hac pagstrnaare op Task 3 = Ingen if Healthy i owl Spey Cutuye -- From the ccenontd the high bagebdous InteinadtonaL = Chemical monuifocnsng ongontation pos dome ef the Lndtcotprr to be gollowrc! by health and aah CuMWIE. postive in “tnduetay : ° Reputcton '- the Or ‘Fecehwon Ste putation Te good and due te tho “2X0 actiderte , Less orbeentees™) fneweonle — piiemurmt nigh leas dtage — tusinvve. high employee monole , fnavied Costs , and Comply Sir heat ond safety tara Bench monking > 7 ante paganiention has an example Ate Atondods and fot Complying healt. ound. poende the moral Legal, £otiol needs vo tel Ot. — [nductiree to employees ere makes i Bench moa King wR owe —Ongaateorftons b By Companifg al Those clotuments, tnduring steconds , -engotdementt ny -cuggesions Wein Owe Dagowieatt6 workers — Welpprie — Jae ilitfes maxes health and the pagenieatiou need to Update the pce — Assercament — Af) OW faci dew SES allies Ape ar Wn aE appened. the. orgpnication —poiity cenoutd 1 Hewtesoed TE faves fume ap omploysis aud — ecpwited fon phaplnn purposes tho DX feahon Should — Leovint om. nti to owid posters morale onde “ye oper Cubite Be negate and porte tho NeputaHon - Fon Awdihig - yale Audiing jo Onganteatwon“< ‘htideat — Heports wd comeckve mensuies Should be tokm fs Cynsideied = Povo Is by lowimt from nat wD avord Audtt novierd9 Fon__Moral ReasOMe — pranyieation need Te [ooant pom jwiident fp Compa WTA employe} moral Reasons tb Moontown Repubativn Page NO jp : Toc 4 KConowie_loss > 08 Tho oagonizarion weed to leon. from incident — b> event tae pUject and. thaece Cost «(Ue ae bog” Feo ohy als te frored ond ntnsunad Costs ow — taieon tuto atfount- 7 tho paoductibn pote ond ually ef the paoduct also agect sf Not leavin fiom Enciceat St wounpvese tof te ane ongonication — Leann from tnevdent” to aod Wn atoggovey , Ewe TOY oye motivated and — goeprttenced pdabe__Standord Opermiy Phocedute > 40 Avoid update stoundosd operating protedwie (Sop te hovrdling chonicall Leon the Lessons flom favident vo ovord Ae occwyeace - Reputation = paganieation mecte Poon Peputatiou cond (28S cdogg morale = >No Leoaur fiom “nett Engonumext Acitone my “Lost chine “injury” ‘ntideuts (rds to meek onganfeahou indd -engortoment actions tt Spoils ongpunfs ations geod wil (a Task 5 Page NO: Ie Task 65 tr 7 REE Aadecément E Z ven- trough: re rite Assezeameut ic auitable and Auggctat” YH the Chomical — Helease fiom the AION owe Wilk OMe _Crtachophit tb meee te ati i Pestdoital — houses ond — Hkacol® _ Be membih ob public, — Visitone amd Qvrone nrorby, tne plow * Is Alco Conrado also befone Conduct plac Aarerament « these peoples of Chowicol freon tat AC eo bh py ater Leak Awws the prganisotvow pievwut ire pfsic acsecement fe eee “utable ond * emough- aonggg chant” Adected peoples ate = » Adyaour Jeugerness mates iD pestdentiat how ses {iD Schoolt w Contractions w visttons Page NO> 16 Tole 5 Tash 5 3- 7 Rise Asevcement _ (bs} Th the gun i z mee o abonohiv the Rite Aesecemeut ts Suitable ond supgickeut "af giv Cention) Meacwis th yeduce the higte site ‘io Ip tee By providing = [Sa sgetn a wore onrgenitsairon provide the Zage sypbio op wot om We phoveth Tae hig. toxie cCrenitae tid two Tox'e meduim - Peimit —to- _ WOAK '- e By ApPNyPHO Systm Tooutify tne hoxorrdou: chemitole and Qiviny Coro) yyrncwue fo ft Suppomentnhy wget, ofengone’s By a auggeelt se CoulMaciore to Gmdvel piste Azgeamevt by pumen of anppemen vy eanoligenty, OnKovagemente ows ord Responsibriey |e "y Risk Assesment oleoly The rows tne objettie mf Wolk and — Hoth Ei Ouiworige the fasts tb wesponsib tury a ° Hecuce mona Cormplannts Communication. '- et Communication Behoeen tho onganteatiou oud Comboctot to (puduek tho FES Aesessmeut fp edule tho pise Rovhes ® Page NO PE Tosk 5 :- Metiod Statement :— By Handling high toxfe chenatcal Paodwote fi the lange ioage touke | by ust“ Safery Rata sheet” Ww homdee qo. omomical —" yyrile §— Conducrlig Jetare Agsesement= tore place to Aedwce the Fe overau tre ite Couhont taveu Ww Cm) he pice by Assessing fiom tO poduwe ge vel FO ipo lel = Ahowe tno ‘eaitble oud — denpgrelaar” }s Also Auggickot phe Aacument te to Compare evidence on Bench manning oud REO ouditig ly the Rise eet clearly slows the wcage oF emle awd Aelgcwiou ef ptole ctive eavipmets — Do waduco fhe atti Page No! |S Tk 6 Task 6 Pasi -to-wonk ystom © Permit —to- work the font ‘troge’ -enVay gf omnes ad tb ane oboe pescrsphor e - tan help The prw eye : : modizication meted - Anthosisation = i oe ROAI SATION . Permit to ~ wort Aye qs an owthonieation faust. - Revd Cac taste ord Atnnd dy MON, tp do thelr jasts and thoy O88 manly swn Mes fons) lo actovntale for. Selection ot ppe's = Fesuor . 1 Bn Pil pein | ee iempeant er b =r the _epuvted Auultole pnolecrve PHULpMjents ItKo Comic) jut tank mecipecatiin Work» Poge no 20 Task 6 the Senate owe aha Chomical peratig tase syetmibres— Chanticol — qoggee On wolech ‘to clalized Holectve pamipryent se sho | Healt and coger _xtcncoud Active montoAng also wont. : ee no , ame * ai inodipicadion voone fe qory with powalleL of nowine. ptiodvehibn, the te ne help te maintain the Phoduetio going as wel, and ossthn the employe to toke Cow oe Ofna productivity op “renee = WithL Contracts - Poae No =2 Toék ~t Tosh Monaging Contnociohe = ° From the lo gare Gre phoress —Opermtion, the moansgement Needs te tonsil ee woreers . by pect or vide hoe wowed ond 4oples, i attano yoTtn. wore name TSE that Con” seponde ond Video -PeAdentat one doneewoed: objectives ner 7 ; Prpro the Abenaalo tne prgarisafion Bes Clee obje chves and Checks thet They mer os a Legal Compliance, thot phoductii ond health 4 AdgehE standoude objrenves Me also Consideded awstng, Me Mevrew Pee No - 2b Task & Aco: Fiorn Phemvos devin = E S TS Ohi Pate Chamtcal Moy. fo chaning On Heaton z hw actions and. JyeCommendogt arould aie from previo Devinn , Frat clpsed out” syetotds phe peing Costdued ot fuvtewo . Healtt ond 4 pol a Open a cleo, u prjecnies and "oly ‘Techni aue te Aome Focues fom as opsaton, the _fo : fs nemtewrd 40 fae yyewrewoed = PO ity token Tmt “ocenme , 2 a ioe e Risic aaa Atenohio,, Te wear engined on plant monogeh one gender? do pice Agarsémnent . &D Facto 1 advised — Con onde should be Conkidle’ the PBR Aasmaroente Heb yonile Jyeniew - osdtangem ene - aed i he prgonintion. neady Te orange the — aemotgents ton epowunent Wonk of an as gine. york, 49 that « eng ent, Ovorangement plan. — [nyork. Anowinge Ayould be — weviewedl - Peni: —to- pooner Relords~ 7 7 The Copies of the permit Showd be -tuchosed — Aurii tae—stevien g Cudituig Jase § Poe No :- 9% Bench massing horde = athe prgonisnrdn ft Wihe om : pore tt = Bench bn my gs wim Ee ‘tndusbi’ Pench monk — Witt. DTA . tes, thar §=fwo extinal = Be — chords Oho Movéerord ne ni Enjokcement Actions ~ tee FApM re the prgonisal? it 4oxic chomicals ao THe Tigred ob gene Some — uggeshor laws, 42 thot eats nedords — OO# “Toren. int Stevie | Tor) Box jorks SeCords = Too! Bex qalrs Corductd by process pavisn te ott A ectlendees nome Acenohtd, operatote that ¢ ter ote Consider tb yen Worerns medital Zeponis . while accidents ole general heati checkup wiih tne Alte. trot pertmyenr —_ htston) ond — medical neports One consider td Meyer: Taran : fees aan 7 the oO sartuon gewer Troan induction panning. WoAKaMest hema operational proinig” » That Se nia fonene) tow arth. Ovad afer oo

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