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Task 1: Justifying health and safety improvements

Question 1

In business case health and safety is simply that accident or near miss cost
money. Following are direct and indirect cost be paid, if organisation fail to segregates
FLTs and the workers.

 Direct Cost:
Cost which are easily identified during accident or near miss. Some of the direct
cost incurred during previous accident are.

 Medical cost.
Cost incurred on Hospital treatment for worker leg was broken.

 Fines and penalties.

Fines paid to Government (Court) for not maintaining safe place of work in
warehouse. E.g. no proper risk assessment records maintained by organisation.

 Sick Pay.
Paying injured workers e.g. Sick pay for six weeks off work.

 Compensation.
The injured worker seeking legal claim for compensation for leg injury.

 Repairs to plant and equipment cost.

Organization incurred repair cost for Forklift truck damage during accident.

 Damage or loss of Products.

Due to collision of FLTs with storage products. This will lead to huge wastage
of goods which are for sales e.g. oil can, chemicals etc.

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 Indirect cost.
Some of the indirect cost incurred during FLT accident are

 Time taken for investigation and other activities.

Shop was closed during accident period, for investigation the accident and
repairs and maintenance of Forklift truck and warehouse place. This will result
in time wastage.

 High employee’s turnover, and recruiting new workers.

Cost incurred on recruiting temporary worker for injured person and new
worker by replacing existing FLT driver (if necessary). Providing training for
new employees and existing employees.

 Loss of existing customers.

Due to accident some of the customer ordered goods will be damaged.
Due delay of delivery date there is chance of loss of customers.

 High insurance Premium.

By claiming insurance for the above damage, premium for next insurance
policy will be higher for the organisation.

 Loss profit and investors.

Due to not meeting with demand and supply of customers, profit of
organisation will reduce and which lead to less investors.

By segregation of FLTs and workers, organization will avoid accident or near miss
in future, this directly implies that above cost of accident will be removed if there is no
accident in future.

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Task 2: Checking management system effectiveness

Question 2 (a)

Following are the unsafe behaviour included in my report.

 FLTs Driver working in an unsafe manner such as using mobile phone during
driving time.

 FLTs driver crossed warehouse over speed limit (10 kilometer per hour)

 FLT driver applying break late while seeing oil spillage in vehicle pathway.

 FLT driver operating without forklift license. E.g. young driver less the age 18.

 Goods stacked in aisles and blocking designated walkways for workers.

 Improper storage of goods in racks e.g. heavy goods are stored in higher
racks. This will chance of high risk while handling and falling from height.

 Wrong handling of hazardous chemicals by the workers e.g. due to lack of

training, not provided information about risk assessment, no provided MSDS
sheet, etc.

 Absence of housekeeping work not done immediately, this result in FLT

skidded on an oil spillage.

 Collision with product cause damage of goods and spillage of hazardous

chemicals in warehouse.

 Horseplay found in workplace by few workers, this result in distraction of

works for other workers. This practice will lead to future injury by improper
good arranged in racks.

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 Workers in warehouse not wearing PPE such as safety boots with a steel toe
cap, Safety goggles, hard hats and safety gloves for handling chemicals. E.g.
not wearing safety boots which lead leg injury.

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Question 2 (b)

Some of the voluntary feedback on health and safety given by workers and
managers as follows.

 There is frequent near miss between FLTs and workers.

 Workers step into vehicle part due to obstacles in walkway.

 Workers informed management about bad working conditions many time but
management didn’t take any action on it.

 Rarely see management in warehouse by workers.

 Worker feedback that there is no health and safety workers representative in


 Warehouse Manager provided feedback for workers problem, there is no money

provided for health and safety activities.

 No proper records of written complains.

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Task 3: Managing contractors

Question 3

Following factors should consider for selecting external contractor in warehouse

segregation of FLTs and works.

 Health and safety policy.

To assessing health and safety policy which should come under warehouse health
and safety policy. E.g. zero accident rate, legal complains, etc.

 Contractor quotation.
To match contract quotation cost with budget allocated by management for
segregation of FLTs and workers.

 Risk assessment.
To analyse contractor risk report which they find in warehouse. This will help to
know contractors competent of work. E.g. vehicle risk assessment, welding and
painting risk assessment.

 Qualification and training records.

To know the contractor employees qualification and training acquired by them.
This will help to avoid accident by the contractor. E.g. on welding training,
cement mixture training, usage of PPE training, etc.

 Trade association membership.

Whether they having trade association membership to avoid some legal problems
in future. E.g. ISO 45001, work permit for welding activities, etc.

 Following SSOW system.

To assess with SSOW for following process, such as painting, welding, drilling,

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 Accident record.
To assess with accident record take place in previous road contract. This will
help to no health and safety potential of the contractor.

 Enforcement action.
To know previous enforcement action such as paying fine, removal of licence etc.

 Adequate resources.
Whether they having adequate manpower, sufficient PPE for their workers, etc.

 Client review.
By checking with previous client review about their performance of the contractor
in safety preference.

 Work permit.
Whether they having work permit like electrical work permit, working at height,
Hot work permit etc.

 Motivation.
Contractor’s motivation of employees in health and safety such as, rewards and
awards, Motivation speech, Training to upgrade skills, etc.

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Task 4: Working within a health and safety management system

Question 4

Following are the benefits to the organisation by having formal safety management
system by latest ISO 45001:2018

 Increase productivity.
By following ISO 45001, organisation will have safe working condition. So demand
and supply of stocks without any interruption. Increase productivity.

 Improves staff moral.

Providing safety workplace in warehouse for workers to make them to feel to
give their opinion to management if anything go wrong in work place.

 Reduce risk.
Help to reduce risk in work place by proper warehouse setup for easy to access
of goods and material without any interruption. E.g. separate FLTs way and
walkway for workers can reduce risk level.

 Reduce insurance premium.

By implement a successful ISO 45001 management system may enjoy lower
Out-of-pocket expenses and premiums, including worker’s compensation.

 Reduce Accident.
Management can reduce damages done by forklift truck to goods. By help of ISO
45001 management arranged separate path for forklift truck and workers walkway.

 Improve staff moral.

By providing safe work environment in warehouse for workers, will reduce workers
absence and reduce workers turnover in warehouse.

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 Reduce staff complains.
By providing safe workplace and equipment, staff complains in workplace can by
reduced. E.g. if spacious of worker walk way, will avoid near miss in warehouse.
So their complains will be reduced on near miss event.

 Reduce damage to goods.

By safe management system for storage good in adequate place will avoid
collision of forklift truck. This will reduce damage of goods.

 Improve company reputation.

The organisation owned 100 stores nationally, by providing safe management
system each and every stores will increase reduce reputation on customers and

 Reduce cost of accident.

By effective management system accident will be eliminated. It will also eliminate
accident cost like fines, compensation, sick pay, damage goods cost, repair and
maintenance cost, etc.

 Increase Profitability.
By safe management system of ISO 45001 the business will carry out without
any interruption of accident and near miss. This will increase more profitability by
concentrating on customers demand and reduce cost of accident, damage of
goods etc.

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Task 5: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 5

Following are the negative indicators of safety culture in warehouse.

 High accident and near miss rates.

In the warehouse there are high near miss found on investigation with workers
and Major accident happened in warehouse which result in worker leg injury.

 High sickness rate.

Due to major accident cause worker leg injury, resulting six weeks sick leave.
More sick leave showing negative work culture.

 More workers complain.

Workers frequent complains on near miss between FLTs and workers in
warehouse place. This implies management not taking any steps for near miss
event, this indicating negative work culture.

 High Absenteeism.
By seeing workers absentees record, it was clear that more periodical absentees
by workers this indicate negative safety culture.

 High Staff turnover.

Negative safety culture can be identified by high staff turnover, because of unsafe
workplace provided by management in warehouse.

 Less compliance with safety rules.

Not following safety rules like speed limit for forklift tower, no separate pathway
for forklift truck and workers walkway, inadequate storage place, etc. implies
negative safety culture.

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 Not valuing employees.
Warehouse not considering workers complains for health and safety decision e.g.
suggesting for Segregation of pathways for forklift truck and workers walkway.

 No proper record.
Management nor following written complains record of workers, improper risk
assessment, etc. shows negative safety culture.

 Less management interest on safety.

No health and safety representative in workplace, no safety tour taken place, no
resources (money) provided for safety care, lack of leadership, no training
programs, etc.

 Workers Behaviour.
Workers not following rules and regulation in workplace. E.g. FLTs driver using
mobile phone while driving.

 Blame culture.
Warehouse manager not responding to workers complains. At time of manager
feedback they blame on management not providing resources (money), workers
not willing to provide written complains to manager.

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Task 6: Developing safe systems of work (SSoW)

Question 6

Following things are consider for first aid should realistic and proportionate to
warehouse workers.

 The number of employees

In the organization 20 workers are working in warehouse. This worker count
helpful for first aid box capacity, training program and schedule.

 Type of hazards presented in workplace.

Following hazards are, chemicals, Forklift truck accident, manual handling of heavy
goods, slips and trips in warehouse place, etc.

 Travel distance for hospital.

Distance for hospital is 8 Km from the store, Road condition is good. This
information is required if distance more than organization should arrange some
doctors for emergency purpose. Since it is easy to reach hospital within 20-30
minutes no need for special doctors.

 First aid room.

First aid room should centrally located in workplace for fast action. First aid room
should have proper ventilation, Keep clean and dry, tape water facility, chairs and
beds etc.

 Training Program.
Since 20 employees in two shift are working, it is necessary to have basic first
aid training for all workers.

 Appointing first aid inspection person.

By giving responsibility to any one of the workers to monitor and regular
inspection of expiry of first aid products, stock list check, re- filling of stocks,
arrangement, etc.

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 Accident history.
By finding previous accident report, to identify what type of accident happened,
how frequently it take place. E.g. In warehouse there are frequent near miss and
one accident take due to Forklift truck accident. Chance of crush injury, broke
leg, etc. take place.

 Vulnerable persons.
Vulnerable persons such as physical disability person, old people working, young
people etc. should consider for their easy accessible of first aid kit.

 First aid communication.

By providing first aid usage instruction, sign board, in working place and notice
board. Will help for fast action at emergency. Even better if graphical posters
placed in workplace.

 Easy visibility.
First aid kit should be easy visible to workers, so at time of emergency workers
can access faster and reduce consequence.

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Task 7: Investigating incidents

Question 7

In the organisation the recent accident, worker leg was broke as investigated by
health and safety officer. It has clearly describe that high level of investigation is
required in the case. Because the consequence of accident fall on major category
(worker leg broken) and likelihood of accident this forklift occurs more likely based on
workers feedback of near miss event. High level of investigation following procedure.

 Step one: Gathering the information:

- Information from previous accident and near miss records. Since forklift
truck near miss happened frequently has been clearly mentioned.
- Information from workers, workers informed that near miss incident on
forklift and workers, has been informed to manager.
- By observation on warehouse place, there is no segregation of forklift and
workers pathway.

 Step two: Analysing the information and draw conclusion.

Immediate causes due to unsafe acts.
- FLTs Driver working in an unsafe manner such as using mobile phone
during driving time
- Workers in warehouse not wearing PPE such as not wearing safety boots
which lead leg injury.
- FLTs driver crossed warehouse over speed limit (10 kilometer per hour)

Root causes for the accident.

- No PPE provided.
- No speed limit sign board.
- No periodical inspection and checking.
- Inadequate of risk assessment.
- No supervisor

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 Step Three: Identifying suitable control measures.
- Segregation of pathway for both workers and forklift truck.
- Providing speed limit of (10 km per hour) to avoid near miss and
damage of goods.
- Prohibition of usage of mobile phone while driving.
- Selecting experience person as driver for forklift truck.
- Providing training to use of PPE and handling materials.
- Regular inspection on warehouse.
- Proper maintenance of written complains.

 Plan to remedial action.

From above control measures should be discuss in health and safety committee
meeting to make necessary action to control upcoming accident in future. Since
high level of risk is investigated, action should take immediately as much as

Recommended action Priority timescale Responsible

Supervisor, warehouse
Inspection Medium 1 month manager, H & S officer.
Training (Handle forklift Expert person in forklift truck
truck and usage of PPE) High 3 months driver, H & S officer

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Question 8

Following are the individual human factors resulting negative influenced the
behaviour of the young FLT driver.

 Individual behaviour attitude such as using mobile phone while driving Forklift

 Not having enough experience for Forklift truck handling. E.g. for handling heavy
forklift capacity driver should have 2+ years’ experience for handling.

 Their training in Forklift truck driving, includes no skills training, job specification
training, etc.

 Less learning capacity, not read the instruction to handle FLTs. Fail to put
break at time of collision.

 Driver body condition during the accident day, such as tired for long working
hours, not having enough sleep in previous night, etc.

 Lack of concentration in driving forklift truck.

 Work related stress and psychological trauma. Due to absence of colleague, will
lead to high pressure of handling goods.

 Horseplay done by driver during work lead to accident at workplace.

 Mistakes done on more eager to finish work faster.

 Worker unsafe action of drunk and drive during accident time.

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Question 9

Following are the management factors which have contributed for the actions.

 Management fail to prepare proper risk assessment for warehouse hazards e.g.
forklift risk assessment, chemicals handling risk assessment, Workplace space risk
assessment, vehicle path risk assessment, etc.

 Management fail to make periodical check and inspection to know the workers
are following SSOW, using PPE, Housekeeping maintenance done periodically.

 Management fail to provide adequate resources for better health and safety
workplace in warehouse. E.g. due to lack of money there is no segregation of
forklift and workers pathway.

 Management fail to give importance to health and safety department, e.g. before
accident there is no health and safety representative in warehouse, no health and
safety committee meeting conducted.

 Management fail to prepare SSoW for Forklift truck handling process. E.g. weight
capacity to handle, speed limit to follow, etc.

 Management fail to recruit competent person for forklift driver post. E.g. For
handling forklift truck it required 2+years’ experience.

 Management fail to provide sign boards, such as speed limit, prohibition of usage
of mobile while driving, etc.

 Management fail to provide supervisor to identify if workers violation of rules and


 Management fail maintain written complains records in the warehouse.

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 Management fail to have safety tour in work place to check warehouse workers
activities and performance. E.g. workers are following rules and regulation or not,
workers complains. Etc.

 Management fail to compare other company benchmarks such as risk assessment,

accident and incident records, health and safety policy aims and objectives,
SSOW followed for forklift etc.

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Task 8: Reviewing performance

Question 10 (a) (i)

Active monitoring
Active monitoring means taking action before something goes wrong. In the above
scenario organisation to follow active monitoring.
- No safety tour done by managers in warehouse work place. This will help to
know working condition for workers, identifying any wrong practice against policy.

- No performance reviewed done on workers. This help to know workers

competency, if training require for update, etc.

Reactive Monitoring.
Taking action after some things has gone wrong. E.g. accident done by Forklift
truck driver in warehouse place.

- Accident data, helps to know what reason for accident. By taking necessary
action it will be reduced. E.g. in forklift accident, we can segregate vehicle and
workers pathway. This will reduce further accident in warehouse.

- If any Complains by workers should be investigated and take necessary action.

E.g. workers complains on near miss occurrence periodically. By taking action on
proper storage for goods it will be reduced.

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Question 10 (a) (ii)

Following are adequacy of current risk assessment.

- Not provided correct information on hazardous substance in warehouse. E.g.

hazardous chemicals not mentioned, forklift truck chances of accident not
mentioned in risk assessment.

- No control measures for risk assessment mentioned such as providing adequate

storage place, segregation of path ways for both forklift truck and walkway.

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Question 10 (a) (iii)

Organisation performance on procedures and rules are.

- No legal written complains maintained by warehouse manager in workplace.

- No Specification procedures in warehouse such as no warehouse inspection taken

place, not having proper risk assessment records maintain in workplace.

- Not prepared SSOW for handling Forklift truck, and warehouse storage place.

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Question 10 (a) (iv)

Organisation fail to compliance with legal requirement such as,

- Management fail to prepare SSoW for forklift truck handling in warehouse place.
Such as not having experience person, prohibition of using mobile phone while

- No proper risk assessment maintained. Risk assessment not reflecting any actual
risk in the workplace. Such as forklift accident, not having enough storage place,

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Question 10 (b)

Few source of benchmark information could use.

- Risk assessment
Risk assessment benchmark of other similar organization should consider to know
various types of risk involved in warehouse.

- Accident and near miss records

By considering accident and near miss record benchmark of other company can
be used to determine various types of accident in workplace. Help to reduce the
levels of accident.

- Inspection report.
By considering inspection report of forklift truck of other company help ti know
risk level, training required, experience person to handle, capacity to handle etc.

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Your total
3210 Words
word count*
* please note that this form already has 317 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which you can
deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count function.

Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSG245, ISO 54001:2018.
of information you used
in your examination

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