BC Assignment

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Term 1 - Assignment

Business Communication
Subject Code: MGT 403
Name: Vengatesh Sunderraman
UID No: EPG/August21/1051
1) Write a brief report on the communication process in your organisation. You can start with
defining the role of business communication in your organisation. Also write about the role
of Kinaesthetic in bringing effectiveness in communication in your organisation."

It’s virtually impossible to run the business effectively without communicating with the internal &
external stakeholders. Leaders spent most of their time in communicating, their ideas to plan,
organize, Lead & control, almost every other person they see in their workplace. The channels we
communicate on the business context have evolved over the time and it differs in each organization
however, the communication process remains almost same in the business context as mentioned

The communication process in the organization I work for has the above mentioned components
i.e., a sender, an idea, encoded message, a receiver – who decodes the sender’s message, feedback
and Noise- which can interrupt the message across the whole process

Role of the communication in my organization is to achieve the following things

Creating Business Goals: Effective communication is vital across all employees and it helps the “C”
level officers (CEO, CFO, CHRO etc.,) to exchange the information. This make sure that CEO has setup
the goals for each Chief Officers

Plans to achieve goal: Communication helps all the heads to take business goals forward to their
team members. By effectively discussing the goals each department has come out with the action

Communicate the goal: The crucial part is to making sure all the employees are communicated with
the organization goals & understand how this is been tagged to their individual goals.

Evaluate & Feedback: In the course of time its’ managers responsibility to evaluate and provide the
feedback. This feedback needs to be communicated on timely fashion to avoid any deviations as
feedback is instrumental in the communication process
Resolving Conflicts: Business conflicts can happen anytime when the multiple teams are working. As
the management slogan says “It’s better to communicate in person, wherever possible” to sole any
conflicts, as the communication plays a significant role in this.

Channel of communication: It largely depends upon what is getting communicated & with whom.
For example: To take an hour permission we may communicate to our supervisor verbally or
informal written communication like SMS or Whatsapp.

To send the weekly or monthly report we prefer to send formal written communication. To discuss
the project related issue we prefer to have face to face (prior to pandemic) which helps to express
and understands the non verbal mode of communication

Role of Kinaesthetic in effective communication

Kinesics is the study of body language or studying non-verbal communication interpreting the
behaviours associated with gesture, posture, facial expression and most importantly eye contact.
Kinesics basically understanding the body language through scientific ways.

It simply says transfer of non-verbal communication which expresses the attitude and the emotion
use of body movement.

Research says in our entire communication process 55% of them is non verbal that can be
understood through their body language

Gesture: It is the movement of hand, face, and other parts of the body concurrent with the words or
could be stand alone. This could helps in clarifying, empathizing etc., Some of the study suggest
while explaining cognitive concepts its better to use the gesture in conjunction with words so that
could help in conveying the right information

Body Movement: It involves the moment of body parts such as hands, feet, shoulder and legs which
may be inline with what we spoke or contradicts. Eg: Shoulder shrug conveys I don’t care, am
doubtful. Palm rubbing clearly says the result to be in favour of either the speaker or opponent

Mouth Guard: One of the common gesture seen in the business environment, if the speaker closes
his mouth using four fingers excepts thumb which gets placed on the chin conveys speaker is n’t
telling the truth. If the same is carried out by listener try to suppress something as the brain
consciously informs to do so

Nose Touching: It clearly indicates the person is doubtful of what’s been said. It also implies they are
expressing themselves to reject an idea. If the same body language is been expressed by speaker or
the presenter represents that they are not comfortable with what they are conveying or saying

Ear Rub: Ear rub implies by the adult indicates that they heard enough or they are desperately
looking forward to say

Eye Rub: The simple attempt to mask the doubt or lie and this is been subconsciously instructed by
the brain to do so or simply to avoid the eye contact which conveys they are telling some lie
Like this there are so many aspects of the body language can be understood. It is very important to
understand these body language in the business environment as a part of non verbal
communication. As it plays a pivotal role in dealing with the clients, customer & internal

By understanding the characteristics of kinaesthetic style, business can tailor communication style.

2) As a customer service manager write a letter responding to a customer complaint regarding

poor customer service in the Big Bazaar Super Center in M.G.Road.

Date: October 04, 2021


Bangalore 560061

Dear Sir / madam,

Subject: Response to your complaint regarding the customer service issue in M.G Road Branch

On October 05, 2021 we’ve received your complaint regarding the service lag on Big Bazar super
centre outlet. At the outset, on behalf of Big Bazar, we extend our sincere apologize for the
unforeseen experience you had with us.

At all our outlets we try to make our shopping experience as fun & enjoyable and our staffs are
trained to provide cent percentage services to our customer. In your case we fell short of your

All our staffs are highly trained to understand the customer concerns and solve their problems
cordially and in-case of the issue resolution is beyond their hands, on behalf of customer they can
escalate the issue at any level. We apologize as we missed the opportunity to address your concern
efficiently. As a Customer Service Manager it’s my responsibility to make sure this kind of situation
doesn’t repeat in future.

We would also like to make you an offering of Rs 150 worth gift voucher which can be redeemed
against your next purchase in any of the outlet of Big Bazar across India.

I want to personally thank you for bringing it to our notice. Should you need any help please write
back it to me and will be happy to serve you

Yours Sincerely

Vengatesh S

Customer Relation Manager

3) Many new recruits are joining your company, which is on an expansion path. This growth
means that several officials have to travel to introduce the company to the new batch of
employees. You feel that a video about the company would do the job. Write a letter to your
manager about the advantages and disadvantages of using a video to showcase the
company to the new employees and how it can help reduce the cost.
With almost 75 branches across India, no doubt we reached almost all the states. As the company
started growing our new recruitment has increased massively with 60% fresher and 40%
experienced professionals. As a part of our company policy all of them need to undergo induction

As most of the senior associates, who addresses the new joiners, are in travel due to work reasons.
To make them travel to our various branches will not increase the cost of the training program alone
but it may halt their current crucial activities on hold for some definite time.

Considering this situation, after initial round of discussion with HR and Learning & development
team, am proposing a well profession video to be made about our organization’s mission, vision,
value, marketing strategies, delivery strategies, role & responsibilities will make the induction
program more engaged & enjoyable. This offers the more convenience & greater flexibility for the
learners. For those who are in extensive travel profile, we can integrate these videos in our existing
UY apps.

The inconvenience associated with this are connecting with employees personally and video creation
activity for the first time would be little time consuming, cost associated with making of these videos
& embedding it in our website or our employee UY apps would be slightly higher. However,
approximately within 3—4 batches we may get the ROI (Returns of Investment)

By presenting the said facts we leave the decision to your safe hands and looking forward to hear
from you. Thank you in anticipation.

4) There has been a lot of negative news floating around in the media about your company.
When you contact the PR team, it blames the marketing department, mentioning that the
latter does not pass on information in time. The marketing department says it lacks the time
and resources to be more proactive. In addition, employees are using every possible avenue
to write blogs, bringing disrepute to the company. What are the corrective measures that
you will take?

In this digital era negative news about company needs to taken very seriously and addressed

A) Understand the issue: There is a clear non-alignment between marketing & PR team. It’s the
responsibility of the marketing team to provide the appropriate information on time
irrespective of their band width. Equally, it is PR team duty to get the information from the
marketing team.
B) Bandwidth Issue: If there’s a band width issue for the marketing team then it needs to be
escalated to marketing head to handle the resource issue, for them to be proactive and not
to put the company in trouble
C) Acknowledging the mistake: As a corrective measure first acknowledge the mistake and
learn out of this. Assure this is not going to repeat.
D) Dealing the Inaccuracies: Monitor the social feeds for the news about company reputation.
The spammers would be reported to the corresponding social media team & withdraw the
content. Use the company’s official social media pages to dismiss the false allegations
The above mentioned are the corrective actions that being a manager I would prefer to implement
and watch the result of it. After watched this for 6-8 weeks if there’s a scope to improve I would
incorporate those and keep monitoring for the result.

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