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The Socio-Cultural Impact of Tourism in the Caribbean

Write an essay on the above topic: in your essay identify TWO

cultural events that attract tourists to the Caribbean, then state
TWO ways in which tourism has influenced the development of
cultural events in the region. Next, give THREE reasons tourist are
interested in the cultural events in the Caribbean. Finally, suggest
to tourism officials ONE way that may provide feedback from
tourists on cultural events. Write a statement to show why
tourism officials should accept your suggestion.


Culture is a way of life of a people or tradition, customs or norms.

Socio-culture is both cultural and social factors.

I agree that socio-cultural events and activities impacts on

tourism and increased tourists attraction to the Caribbean. There
are several socio-cultural events and activities that are done in
the Caribbean to attract tourists. Two cultural events that attract
tourists to the Caribbean, for example in Jamaica, are carnival and
independence celebration. It is evident every year that several
tourists visit Jamaica during these periods as there is an increase
and influx of tourists during these times. These activities are
practiced by the Caribbean people and tourists enjoy the fun,
food, socialization, dance unique to the Caribbean and traditional

Tourism has influenced the development of cultural events in the

region in many ways. Two ways are the fact that the Caribbean
sustains the cultural events and significantly improves the events
geared toward satisfying not only those at home but the tourists.
The increase in the foreign currency received from tourists allow
for development in economic growth which assist with the
development of cultural events by government due to the
benefits cultural events brought to their country.

Tourists are interested in the cultural events in the Caribbean for

many reasons. It gives additional meaning to their vacations, it
provides the history of a region or country and it acts as a means
of taking back ideas to their own country which can be developed
into activity that can grow their economy. It is therefore important
to ensure that all persons are being satisfied and as such would
need to receive feedback from tourists in the Caribbean and
overseas as to the cultural events. One effective way we could
receive feedback is through questionnaires. This is convenient
and easy to distribute at each function and immediate feedback is

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