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คอร$สเตรียมทหารออนไลน$ ระดับ ม.

English by Kru P’Wan

ตะลุยโจทย)ภาษาอังกฤษ [ ENGLISH No.1 ]

1. The medicine _______ in use for many years when it ______ to have a number of harmful side effects.
1. will be, has declared 2. has been, will be declared
3. was, had declared 4. had been, was declared
2. On the way to work yesterday, one of the tires of the minibus burst suddenly.
Obviously, the driver _________ them properly before he ______ off.
1. didn’t check, had set 2. hasn’t checked, has set
3. wouldn’t check, was setting 4. hadn’t checked, set
3. I wouldn’t have met you at the bus terminal if I ______ that you ________.
1. knew, were arriving 2. knew, had arrived
3. had known, were arriving 4. would know, had arrived
4. Nearly half of the goods stolen from our store _______ been recovered, but the rest ______ still lost.
1. has, are 2. have, are 3. has, is 4. have, is
5. Jack: How’s the weather like in Bangkok now?
Nat: ____________________________
1. It’s raining cats and dogs every day. 2. Yes, I like the weather in Bangkok so much.
3. Bangkok is a hot city situated in Thailand. 4. I don’t like Bangkok because of traffic congestion.
6. The police are trying to obtain a more _________ picture of crime levels.
1. reckless 2. accurate 3. instant 4. flexible
7. Managerial concepts are very useful for business owners.
1. purposes 2. ideas 3. objectives 4. goals
8. Doing lots of exercise won't keep you healthy if you don't eat ______ food as well.
1. remote 2. fragile 3. damaging 4. nutritious
9. He could hide his anger because he did not show any expression on his face.
1. attitude 2. comment 3. belief 4. feeling
10. Mai : Do you mind if I turn on the air-conditioner?
Min : _____________ I’m under the weather now.
1. Not at all 2. No, please do. 3. Certainly! 4. Yes, I do. Sorry.
11. A man politely opens a door for a woman and says, “__________”
1. After you. 2. Thank you. 3. Lucky you. 4. Up to you.
Selling through websites is the best method of _____12____ trade worldwide. Business ____13____
electronically is called E-Commerce. It includes many different activities ____14___ in the business-to-business
market and in the business-to-consumer market. Besides, it includes trading of goods and services and transferring
of funds electronically. It has a very big range of communication ____15___ i.e. e-mail, websites, and social media.
After considering the benefits of internet, people prefer to shop online ___16____ it makes shopping easy and saves
a lot of time.
12. 1. increase 2. increases 3. increased 4. increasing
13. 1. does 2. done 3. doing 4. is done
14. 1. so 2. also 3. both 4. either
15. 1. technologies 2. technologists 3. technological 4. technologically
16. 1. after 2. since 3. unless 4. although
17. He still can’t _________ properly because of the bad memories of the war, although it _________
nearly a year since he _________ home.
1. sleep, is, would return 2. sleep, has been, returned
3. sleeping, will be, returns 4. sleeping, was, had returned

CODE : EN46127 : ENGLISH by Thanawan Kam-arj , Page 1

คอร$สเตรียมทหารออนไลน$ ระดับ ม.4-6
English by Kru P’Wan

18. He was accused of the misuse of public funds.

1. abuse 2. available 3. leisure 4. inhabit
19. Tom : How often do you see your parents?
1. One in a million. 2. Once in a blue moon. 3. Call them up at once. 4. Once is enough.
20. His mother is careful to _______ all dairy products from his food due to his allergies.
1. collude 2. delude 3. conclude 4. exclude

21. The students _______ to write a summary of approximately 300 words after they _______ the story.
1. ask, are reading 2. are asking, were read
3. have been asked, will read 4. were asked, had read
22. Thai men are glad for the additional income as life is expensive. So more and more Thai women work
outside the home.
1. hours of work 2. food 3. money you can earn from a job 4. cost
23. It was difficult to decide between the two candidates.
1. affect 2. delude 3. suggest 4. determine
24. They hope this new evidence will ______ her innocence.
1. moral 2. desert 3. prove 4. conserve
25. In the past, many people never left their hometowns. Nowadays, more and more people travel to other
cities or other countries. Some people travel to visit friends and relatives. Other people travel to see
beautiful or famous places. Businessmen travel because of their work.
From the article, the main idea is _____________.
1. In the past, people never traveled. 2. people travel for many different reasons.
3. More people travel to other countries. 4. Nowadays, people like to leave their homes.
26. Pam : I’m so nervous. Look at my hands. I’m so scared. I’m shaking. I can’t believe, I’m going to sing
in front of 1000 people.
Som : Well, _________. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. I’m sure.
1. fight like cat and dog 2. bear in mind
3. take a deep breath 4. sleep on it

27. The museum ________ mainly by those ________ are interested in the Impressionist painters.
1. is visited, who 2. is visited, whom 3. visits, whom 4. visits, who
28. Dolphins are considered to be _______ __________ mammals.
1. high intelligent 2. high intelligently 3. highly intelligent 4. highly intelligently
29. My parents aren’t happy together. I think they’re going to ___________.
1. get divorced 2. get married 3. get engaged 4. get out
30. A : What does your mother do?
B : ___________________.
1. She seems to be fine these day 2. She is very hardworking person.
3. She is doing her work very responsibly. 4. She is a manager of a restaurant.
5. She has a health problem

CODE : EN46127 : ENGLISH by Thanawan Kam-arj , Page 2

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