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1. Wpisz odpowiedni przyimek:

1 A cottage ……. the country.
2 A house …… sea.
3 A skyscraper ……….. the city centre.
…../ 6
4 A farmhouse …………… a lake.
5 A summer house …………… the mountains.
6 A block of flats …………… the suburbs.

2. Przetłumacz wyrazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski:

ANN: SO, Mark, how do you like living in the city?

MARK: I simply love Liverpool. My house is in the (1) (dzielnica) …………………… called Everton.
ANN: Isn't it (2) (niebezpiecznie) ………………………………….. to live there?
MARK: Oh, no, my (3) (okolica, sąsiedztwo) ……………………… really safe.
ANN: But I bet a city the size of Liverpool must be really (4) (zanieczyszczone) …………………….., you can
forget about fresh air.
MARK: I'm afraid you're right about that. I think old (5) (fabryki) …………………..are responsible for this.
But it doesn't mean that my city is (6) (brudne) ………………….. We try to keep it clean and tidy.
ANN: HOW about public transport? Is it any good?
MARK: It's not bad, I think. There's a (7) (przystanek autobusowy) …………… …………………right in front
of my house, so I can't complain. It's true that in the morning the buses are (8) (zatłoczone)
……………………… but it only takes me 15 minutes to get to school.
ANN: Are there no (9) (korków ulicznych) ………………… ……………………..?
MARK: Well, sometimes the (10) (ruch uliczny) ……………………….. on the roads gets pretty heavy, but
only in rush hour.
ANN: And how about the places where you can relax?
MARK: Oh, we have a few (11) spokojnych) ………………………………parks where you can rest in silence,
far from the (12) (ruchliwych) …………………………….. streets.
ANN: Sounds like a nice place to live after all. …../
3. Wpisz nazwy pomieszczeń w domu na podstawie opisów:
A) We sleep there. ………………………………..
B) There is a sink there. ………………………………..
C) You have a shower there. ………………………………..
D) It is under the roof. ………………………………..
E) You watch TV there. ………………………………..
F) You eat meals there. ……………………………….. …../ 6

4. Wpisz nazwy mebli i wyposażenia w języku angielskim we właściwe miejsce planu.

umywalki zlewozmywaki fotele ręczniki

wanny kuchenki szafy na ubrania

stoliki nocne szafki kuchenne poduszki

5. Przetłumacz wyrazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski:

1 The living room is (1) (jasny) ………..……. and really (2) (przytulny) ………………..… .
2 It is (3) (obszerny) …………………… and very (4) (ładnie udekorowany) ……………… …………… .
3 The furniture looks rather (5) (staromodnie) ……………… and (6) (zagracone) ………………….
4 There is a small table (7) (między) ……………………... the armchairs.
5 There is a lamp (8) (na) ………… the coffee table.
6 There is a plant (9) (naprzeciwko) ……………………. the entrance.
7 There are some pictures (10) (nad) ……………… the window.
8 There is a big painting (11) (obok) ……………….. the fireplace and a small rug (12) (w
rogu)……………………………… of the room. …../

6. Uzupełnij wyrażenia słowami z ramki a następnie przetłumacz na język polski:

bed carpet clothes dishes room rubbish shelves shopping

1 putting the _________ out …………………………………………..

2 tidying my__________ ………………………………….............
3 doing the___________ ………………………………………….
4 dusting__________ ………………………………………….
5 washing and ironing__________ ………………………………………….
6 making the__________ ………………………………………….
7 vacuuming the__________ ………………………………………….
8 washing the__________after a party …………………………………………. …../ 8

7. Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi słowami:

…../ 8

…../ 64

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