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Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Gabriel Villanueva

Lesson Plan Title: Keeping Myself Well
□ Single Classroom Lesson
□ Unit of Classroom Lessons: Lesson _____ of _____
□ Small-Group Session Lessons: Lesson __2___ of __6___
Target Audience:

Evidence Base:
⬜ Best Practice

(commonly used and believed to be of high quality)
Action Research (individual investigates own practice to improve content/delivery)

⬜ Research-Informed (a review of research provides foundation for content/delivery)

Evidence-Based (highest level of evidence, results published in peer-reviewed journal)

ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives:

Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write or
targeted group and goal: select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
M 1. Belief in development of whole Student(s) will:
self, including a healthy balance of
mental, social/emotional, and -Learn that there are eight areas of self-care that
physical well-being contribute to our everyday wellness.

M 3. Positive attitude toward work -Learn that they can struggle in some areas of
and learning self-care and be stronger in others.

BSM 7. Demonstrate effective

coping skills when faced with a

□ Paper or index card
□ Writing supplies
□ Self-Care Rating and Reflection handout for each participant (collect participant copies at the

Updated, June 2021

end of this session, as they will be used again in the next session)
□ A copy of the Self-Care Circle (colorful cover of facilitator booklet) for each participant

Describe how you will:

Introduce Lesson
Topic/Focus: The counselor will open with the purpose of this lesson: To discuss how
we can support our wellness by looking at how we currently care for
ourselves. Group members will be promoted to reflect on three

1: I like...

2: I would change...

3: I want to know...

Communicate the The lesson objective of this small group is to review the Eight areas of
Lesson Objective: wellness that help have positive self-care: Relationships, Emotions, Core
Values, Rest & Play, Stress Resilience, Care for My Body, School/Work,
and Organization.

Teach content: There are eight areas of wellness listed below that go into making a good
day for a person:

Heart –
1. Relationships (the ability to create and maintain healthy connections
with others)
2. Emotions (the ability to express your emotions and receive others’
emotions in a healthy way)

Spirit –
3. Core Values (the development of a personal value system that
supports your sense of meaning and purpose)
4. Rest & Play (the ability to balance work and play and to renew oneself)

Strength –
5. Stress Resilience (the ability to deal positively with the challenges of
6. Care for My Body (the ability to build healthy habits and practices
around your physical wellbeing, and to end unhealthy habits)

Mind –

Updated, June 2021

7. School/Work (the ability to get the most out of educational, volunteer,
and employment opportunities)
8. Organization (the ability to keep track of and make good use of time,
priorities, money, and belongings)

Practice Content: Self-Care Rating and Reflection Handout.

What does a good day look like to you?
Rate yourself in all areas of your self-care for the past week.
What happens when our eight areas of self-care get out of balance?

Summarize/Close: Ask students to share one thing they want to do more of and one thing
they would like to do less of in the following week in regard to their
self-care. End by sharing something you are grateful for.

Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, complete this section only once for the unit.
Participation Data Plan: 
Anticipated number 5-10 students
of students:
Planned length of 45 mins
ASCA Student Standards Data Plan:
For each lesson/unit/small group, school counselors will administer pre-/post-assessment aligned with the selected
ASCA Student Standards and student learning objectives.
Pre-/Post-Assessment items are:
Outcome Data Plan: (choose one and describe specific data point to compare)
⬜ Achievement (describe): School counselor will compare Academic performance before and
after delivery of lesson.

⬜ Attendance (describe):
⬜ Discipline (describe):
Updated, June 2021
Updated, June 2021

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