Introduction To Information and Communication Technologies CS-101

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Introduction to Information and Communication


Lecture # 03
Lecturer: Tauqeer Anjum
LC: Abdullah Azhar
Chapter 1B

Looking Inside the Computer System

⚫ Parts of Computer System
i. Hardware
ii. Software
iii. Data
iv. User
⚫ Information Processing Cycle
⚫ Essential Computer Hardware
⚫ Processing Devices
⚫ Memory Devices
⚫ Input and Output Devices
⚫ Storage Devices
⚫ Magnetic Storage
⚫ Optical Storage
Parts of the Computer System
⚫ Computer systems have four parts
1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data
4. User
1. Hardware
⚫ Mechanical devices in the computer
⚫ Anything that can be touched
⚫ Interconnected electronic devices used to control computer’s operations, input, output
⚫ Referred to as device

Parts of the Computer System
2. Software
⚫ Set of instructions which make the computer work
⚫ Tell the computer what to do
⚫ Also called a program
⚫ Thousands of programs exist
⚫ Some to help computer perform its tasks and manage its resources,
others to help users perform their tasks such as creating documents

Parts of the Computer System
3. Data
⚫ Pieces of information that by themselves do not make much sense
⚫ Computer processes them in various ways, converting them to useful
⚫ Computer organize and present data
4. Users
⚫ People operating the computer
⚫ Most important part
⚫ Tell the computer what to do
⚫ No system is completely autonomous
Information Processing Cycle
Steps followed to process data
⚫ A computer converts data into information by performing
various operations on data according to some instructions from
a program, displays results to user and stores them
⚫ This is called Information Processing Cycle
⚫ Following are the step, and each involves one or more specific
components of computer
⚫ Input
⚫ Processing
⚫ Output
⚫ Storage 1B-9

Essential Computer Hardware
⚫ All Computers use the same basic hardware
⚫ Hardware categorized into four types
1. Processor
2. Memory
3. Input and Output
4. Storage

1. Processor
⚫ Process that converts raw data into useful information is called ‘Processing’
⚫ To perform this computer needs two components:
⚫ Processor
⚫ Memory
⚫ Processor is Brain of the computer
⚫ PC generally has one or more specialized chips called ‘Microprocessor’
⚫ These are slivers of silicon etched with many electronic circuits
⚫ Carries out instructions from the program
⚫ To process instructions computer passes electricity through these circuits

⚫ Processor is called CPU “Central Processing Unit”
⚫ Microprocessor is plugged into computer’s motherboard
⚫ “Motherboard” is rigid rectangular card containing circuitry connecting processor
to other hardware
⚫ It can be thought of as a master circuit board
Essential Computer Hardware
2. Memory devices
⚫Stores data or programs permanently or temporarily
⚫Two most important types are:
i. Random Access Memory (RAM)
ii. Read Only Memory (ROM)

Random Access Memory (RAM)
⚫ Volatile
⚫ Like an electronic scratch pad
⚫ As the program is launched it is loaded into and run from memory
⚫ Similarly when data is entered it is entered into memory
⚫ Therefore it is called read/ write memory
⚫ Made up of chips mounted on a circuit board
⚫ Stores current data and programs
⚫ More RAM results in a faster system
⚫ Measured in Bytes
Read Only Memory (ROM)
⚫ Permanent storage of programs even if computer is shut down
⚫ Called ‘Non-Volatile’ memory
⚫ Holds the computer boot directions
⚫ Whenever computer starts it checks ROM for directions that help it start up and
for info about hardware devices
Essential Computer Hardware
3. Input and output devices
⚫ Allows the user to interact
⚫ Input devices accept data
⚫ Keyboard, mouse
⚫ Output devices deliver data
⚫ Monitor, printer, speaker
⚫ Some devices are input and output
⚫ Touch screens
⚫ Communication devices

Essential Computer Hardware
4. Storage devices
⚫ Hold data and programs permanently
⚫ Different from RAM
⚫ Magnetic storage
⚫ Floppy and hard drive
⚫ Uses a magnet to access data
⚫ Optical storage
⚫ CD and DVD drives
⚫ Uses a laser to access data

⚫ Tells the computer what to do
⚫ A set of instructions that drive a computer to perform tasks is called a ‘Program’
⚫ When a computer uses a particular program it is said to be ‘running’ or
‘executing’ that program
⚫ Two types
i. System software
ii. Application software

Software Runs The Machine
i. System software
⚫ Any program that controls computer’s hardware or used to maintain it and run
in an efficient way
⚫ Most important software
⚫ Three basic types
a. Operating system
b. Network operating system (OS)
c. Utility

a. Operating system
⚫ Tells computer how to use its own components
⚫ Windows XP, Macintosh, Linux
⚫ Essential for any computer as it acts as an interpreter between hardware,
application programs and the user

b. Network operating system (OS)

⚫ Allows computers to communicate and share data across a network
⚫ Windows Server 2003

c. Utility
⚫ It is a program that makes computer system easier to use or perform highly
specialized functions
⚫ Symantec Antivirus
ii. Application Software
⚫ Accomplishes a specific task
⚫ Most common type of software
⚫ MS Word, power point, games
⚫ Covers most common uses of computers

Computer data
⚫ Fact with no meaning on its own
⚫ Stored using the binary number system
⚫ Computerized data is ‘digital’
⚫ Data can be organized into ‘files’
⚫ File is simply a set of data with a name
⚫ File that user can open, and use is often called a ‘document’
⚫ Programs can also be organized as files

Computer users
⚫ Personal computers are specifically designed to work with human users
⚫ Some people think of computers as intelligent devices but in sense no computer
is completely autonomous
⚫ Computer can take on various Roles
⚫ Setup the system
⚫ Install software
⚫ Running programs
⚫ Mange files
⚫ Maintain the system

⚫ “User-less” computers
⚫ Require no human interaction once they have been setup, programmed, installed
and started up
⚫ Examples might be many home appliances, security systems, communication
⚫ Run with no user input
⚫ Automated systems
⚫ Typically controlled by operating systems
Chapter 2
Interacting with Your Computer
Chapter 2A

Using the Keyboard And Mouse

Overview Of Input Devices
⚫ Used to input data to computer
⚫ If computer is brain, input devices are sensory organs
⚫ Keyboard and Mouse
⚫ Devices for Hand
> Pens > Touch screens
> Game controllers
⚫ Optical Input Devices
> Bar Code Readers > Image Scanners and OCRs
⚫ Audio Visual Input Devices
⚫ Microphones
⚫ Other Audio Inputs (Musical Instruments)
⚫ Video Inputs
⚫ Digital Cameras
The Keyboard
⚫ The most common input device
⚫ Must be proficient with keyboard
⚫ Skill is called keyboarding
⚫ Has 100 keys app
⚫ Each key sends different signal to CPU

Standard Keyboard Layout
⚫ Character or Alphanumeric Keys
⚫ Modifier Keys
⚫ Numeric Keypad
⚫ Function Keys
⚫ Navigation or Cursor Movement Keys
⚫ Special Purpose Keys
Standard Keyboard Layout
The Keyboard
⚫ How keyboard works

⚫ Keyboard controller detects a key press.

⚫ Places a code into part of its memory called keyboard buffer.
⚫ Controller sends code to the CPU through system software.
⚫ Code represents the key pressed
⚫ Controller notifies the operating system.
⚫ Operating system responds.
⚫ Controller repeats the letter if held too long.
⚫ Setting for it is called ‘repeat rate’.
How PC accept Input from Keyboard ?
The Mouse
⚫ All modern computers have a variant
⚫ Allows users to select objects
⚫ Pointer moved by the mouse
⚫ Pointer is an on screen object
⚫ Mechanical mouse
⚫ Has a rubber ball connected to rollers and sensors
⚫ Sensors send signals to computer
⚫ Rubber ball determines distance, direction and speed
⚫ The ball often requires cleaning

How PC accept Input from Mouse ?
The Mouse
⚫ Optical mouse
⚫ Light shown onto mouse pad
⚫ Reflection determines speed and direction
⚫ Requires little maintenance

The Mouse
⚫ Interacting with a mouse
⚫ Actions involve pointing to an object
⚫ Clicking selects the object
⚫ Clicking and holding drags the object
⚫ Releasing an object is a drop
⚫ Right clicking activates the shortcut menu
⚫ Modern mice include a scroll wheel

The Mouse
⚫ Benefits
⚫ Pointer positioning is fast
⚫ Menu interaction is easy
⚫ Users can draw electronically

Variants of the Mouse
⚫ Trackballs
⚫ Upside down mouse
⚫ Hand rests on the ball
⚫ User moves the ball
⚫ Uses little desk space
Variants of the Mouse
⚫ Track pads
⚫ Stationary pointing device
⚫ Small plastic rectangle
⚫ Finger moves across the pad
⚫ Pointer moves with the pointer
⚫ Popular on laptops
Variants of the Mouse
⚫ Track point
⚫ Little joystick on the keyboard
⚫ Move pointer by moving the joystick
Ergonomics and Input Devices
⚫ Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and
systems so that they fit the people who use them.

⚫ Study of human and tool interaction.

⚫ Concerned with physical interaction.
⚫ Attempts to improve safety and comfort, to minimize risk of injury or harm.

Ergonomics and Input Devices
⚫ Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
⚫ Caused by continuous misuse of the body
⚫ Many professions suffer from RSI
⚫ Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
⚫ Carpal tunnel is a passage in the wrist
⚫ Holds nerves and tendons
⚫ Prolonged keyboarding swells tendons

Ergonomics and Input Devices
⚫ Office hardware suggestions
⚫ Office chairs should have
⚫ Adjustable armrests and height
⚫ Armrests
⚫ Lower back support
⚫ Desks should have
⚫ Have a keyboard tray
⚫ Keep hands at keyboard height
⚫ Place the monitor at eye level

Ergonomics and Input Devices
⚫ Techniques to avoid RSI
i. Sit up straight
ii. Have a padded wrist support
iii. Keep your arms and wrist straight
iv. Keyboard properly
v. Take frequent breaks
Class Participation

⚫ COMPUTER stands for??

⚫ Different PORTS in your System??

Computer Ports
⚫ A computer port is a connection point or interface between a computer and an external or internal

⚫ Internal ports may connect such devices as hard drives and CD ROM or DVD drives

⚫ External ports may connect modems, printers, mice and other devices.

⚫ Serial (Mice , Modems).

⚫ Parallel (Printers).
⚫ SCSI (hard-drive, other drives, up-to 7 devices).
⚫ USB ports.
Chapter 2B

Inputting Data In Other Ways

Devices for the Hand
⚫ Pen based input
⚫ Tablet PCs, PDA.

⚫ Pen used to write data

⚫ Pen used as a pointer

⚫ As a tapping device

⚫ Handwriting recognition

⚫ On screen keyboard

⚫ Used for short notes taking, inputting 3B-50

signatures, delivering orders

Devices for the hand

⚫ Touch Screens
⚫ Sensors determine where finger

⚫ Sensors create an X,Y


⚫ Usually presents a menu to


⚫ Found in cramped or dirty

Devices for the hand
⚫ Game Controllers

⚫ Enhances gaming experience

⚫ Provide custom input to the game

⚫ Modern controllers offer feedback

⚫ Joystick

⚫ Game pad 3B-52

Optical Input Devices
⚫ Allows the computer to see input

⚫ Bar Code Readers

⚫ Converts bar codes to numbers

⚫ Computer find number in a database

⚫ Works by reflecting light

⚫ Amount of reflected light indicates number

Optical Input Devices
⚫ Image Scanners

⚫ Converts printed media into electronic

⚫ Reflects light off of the image

⚫ Sensors read the intensity

⚫ Filters determine color depths

Optical input devices
⚫ Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
⚫ Converts scanned text into editable text.

⚫ Each letter is scanned

⚫ Letters are compared to known letters

⚫ Best match is entered into document

⚫ Rarely 100% accurate

Audiovisual Input Devices
⚫ Microphones

⚫ A sound card is a device which translates analogue audio signals to digital (a process called
digitizing) and vice versa.

⚫ Used to record speech.

⚫ Speech recognition

⚫ “Understands” human speech

⚫ Allows dictation or control of computer

⚫ Matches spoken sound to known phonemes

⚫ Enters best match into document
Audiovisual Input Devices
⚫ Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

⚫ Connects musical instruments to computer

⚫ Digital recording or playback of music

⚫ Musicians can produce professional results

Audiovisual Input Devices
⚫ Video Input

⚫ Uses PC video Camera

⚫ Digitizes the image by breaking it into pixels

⚫ Its color and other characteristics are stored as digital code

⚫ Usually now Webcam is used

⚫ Using Video capture cards other video devices can also be connected

Audiovisual Input Devices
⚫ Digital cameras

⚫ Captures images electronically

⚫ No film is needed

⚫ Image is stored as a JPG file

⚫ Memory cards store the images

⚫ Used in a variety of professions

End of Chapter

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