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English homework

Healthy bodies,healthy minds-the brain changing benefits of exercise

Some people may think that exercising your body at home or in the gym is a
waste of time and it only makes you spend unnecessary money just to be fit.
Well,they couldn’t be more wrong about it,since it has been studied and
scientifically proved that exercising and working out have a lot of benefits not
only for your physical condition, but also for your brain and mental health.
Studies have shown that every time your move your body, a number of
beneficial neurotransmitters gets released into your brain. These substances
can decrease feelings of anxiety and depression.
In my personal experience as a high competition athlete I can relate a lot
and also confirm this theory. I exercise at least three times a day with a day off
at wednesdays. Working out and being active is really fun and it improves my
concentration a lot. I can also be in a good mood even when I’m tired. My
grades are excellent and this routine makes me feel like I’m being
productive,wich is a really good mood booster,specially when I’m doing it with
my friends and teammates!Also, as a really anxious person I feel calm during
the day and don’t rush into things,because it makes me feel like I have time to
do all I want.
I really recommend working out and taking care of yourself. It´s really life
changing and you get to be fit,improve your brain’s skills and mental health for

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