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• Bystander Effect Bystander effect, also called bystander indifference, may be a psychological science hypothesis that claims that when
passive spectators are present in an emergency scenario, there's less chance that folks will help or assists. After the gruesome murder of
Kitty Genovese in 1964, bystander effect was born; it had been stated that 38 onlookers witnessed or heard the attack but relied on others
to act or notify the police. to own this phenomenon in Field research methods, using participant observation, researcher should create a
situation or social experiment which will trigger a bystander effect – example is sort of a child being forced or kidnap into a car. After this
example, the researchers should interview or asked for qualitative data from the observed participants. the worth of employing field
methods to be told about this psychological phenomenon is that you just may get a peek of what is occurring in someone's head within the
circumstance, and why they behaved in accordance with the bystander effect. • Placebo Effect When somebody's physical or mental state
appears to boost after receiving a placebo or 'dummy' therapy, this is often called the issue or the placebo effect. The phenomenon is
caused by the person's belief within the treatment's value and their expectation of feeling better. To use this to Field methods, researcher
should have a case study where they utilize direct observation and participant observation. The researcher should take a detailed have a
look at people taking unadvisable treatments and record data through interview and direct observation. Having in-depth knowledge of this
phenomenon through field methods are extremely useful to the scientific community, as this phenomenon could also be wont to help
patients within the future. • Mere Exposure Effect The mere exposure effect may be a psychological phenomenon during which people
acquire a preference for items or persons with which they're more familiar. Familiarity grows with repeated exposure. As a result, this
phenomenon is additionally called the familiarity effect or familiarity principle. to use field methods during this phenomenon, the researcher
should get people who have things in common like place and have the same familiarity. To have this phenomenon tested, the researcher
should apply direct observation and participant observation where the researcher should create a situation where those people would
choose between a thing, they are familiar of and is not the best choice, and the unfamiliar thing which is the best choice. The importance of
applying field methods in this kind of phenomenon is you get to know how people get to decide between things that they are comfortable
with and things which is much better but they have no knowledge of.

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