Specimen Handling and BBP Test

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Specimen Handling and Bloodborne Pathogen Test

Your name: ________________________________ Date:_____________________

These questions are not meant to be simple. Some answers are more correct
than others. Think carefully before you make your choice.

1. If you drop a specimen on the ground and it breaks, what should you do first?

____ Run quickly and find the lab director.

____ Go to your vehicle and get your spill kit.
____ Contain the site, and then contact the dispatcher for instruction.

2. Blood borne pathogens are limited to HIV and HBV?

_____ True
_____ False

3. What type of hepatitis virus can survive for up to 7 days on a dry surface?
_____ Hepatitis A
_____ Hepatitis B
_____ Hepatitis C
_____ Hepatitis D
_____ Hepatitis E

4. What is the single most important factor in preventing the spread of dangerous
germs in healthcare settings?
_____ Wearing rubber gloves
_____ Having good intentions
_____ Clean hands

5. You should throw your used surgical gloves in the nearest:

_____ Biohazard waste container.
_____ Trash can.
_____ On the floorboard of your vehicle.

6. You should decontaminate the inside of your specimen cooler with:

____ Hot water
____ Alcohol
____ 1:10 or stronger bleach solution

7. You open your specimen cooler and discover that a specimen has leaked out of
it’s bag. Put in order what you should do.
____ Carefully place the specimen in a biohazard bag.
____ Call your dispatcher so they can begin an incident report and inform the
____ Deliver the remains to the appropriate lab so they can determine if the
specimen is salvageable.
8. According to the CDC, which viral infection is the most common chronic
bloodborne infection in the United States?
____ Herpes
____ HIV/Aids
____ Hepatitis C
____ Mad Cow Disease

9. The term “Universal Precautions” means:

____ All workplace safety procedures.
____ Treat every specimen as if it’s highly infectious.
____ Be very careful at Universal Studios.

10. What is the most common cause of specimen rejection in laboratories?

____ Electrolysis
____ Dialysis
____ Osmosis
____ Hemolysis

11. All specimens should: (mark all that apply)

____ Be placed on ice.
____ Be treated with Universal precautions.
____ Be placed in a biohazard marked transport bag before going into your
specimen cooler.
____ Be decontaminated with 1:10 or stronger bleach.
____ Be delivered as soon as possible.

12. If a clinic gives you a frozen specimen and you don’t have dry ice, you should:
____ Accept the specimen and put it with the refrigerated samples.
____ Politely refuse the pick up, explain that you don’t have dry ice, and assure
the client that you’ll make arrangements for a later pick up with dry ice.
____ If in winter, tie the specimen with rubber bands to your antenna.

13. An exposure incident means:

____ A specimen has leaked into your specimen cooler.
____ A potential infectious material may have entered your body through a cut.
____ Your weird uncle Harry was seen in his boxers in public.

14. It is safe to place your lunch in your specimen transport cooler:

_____ If you put your lunch in a zip lock bag first.
_____ If you decontaminate your lunch before eating it.
_____ Never put food or drink in your specimen transport cooler.

15. If you have open cuts or abrasions on your hands, you should:
____ Call in sick.
____ Wear surgical gloves when handling specimens.
____ Wear surgical gloves at all times until the wounds heal.
16. A specimen leaks outside the plastic bag and contaminates your hands, what
should you do first?
____ Report an exposure incident to the dispatcher.
____ Wash your hands with antiseptic soap.
____ Decontaminate your ice chest immediately.

17. What bodily points of contact should you avoid touching prior to proper hand
__________ __________ __________
__________ __________

18. It’s ok to share Patient Information (PHI) as long as your keep it in the family.
_____ True.
_____ False.

19. If a specimen leaks and contaminates the inside your vehicle, what should you do
____ Report the spill to the dispatcher immediately.
____ Use your spill kit to decontaminate the spill.
____ Trade your car in for a newer, faster model.
20. The policies and procedures described in this manual are only suggestions and
not to be considered as mandatory.
____ True
____ False
_________ Initials of Employee

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