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Plant vs Animal cell

Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic cells

Prokaryotic cell: cell wall, pili, flagella, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, 70S ribosomes, nucleoid with naked DNA
Eukaryotic cell: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, 80S ribosomes, nucleus, mitochondria, other membrane bound
organelles (only some have a cell wall)

Fluid mosaic model

Phospholipid bilayer,
peripheral proteins,
integral proteins, intrinsic
proteins, glycoprotein,
Glucose structure
- Hydroxyl group on C1 is facing DOWN

- Hydroxyl group on C1 is facing UP

Ribose (D-ribose)

A saturated fatty acid

Generalised amino acid

Effects of temperature, pH and concentration of enzyme activity

Single nucleotides of RNA/DNA

Absorption spectrum for chlorophyll vs action spectrum for photosynthesis

Stages of meiosis:

Stages of mitosis:
Recognition features of bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta and angiospermophyta

Recognition features of animal phyla

Digestive system:

Male reproductive system

Female reproductive system:

Hormones in the menstrual cycle:



Link reaction:
Krebs Cycle:

Electron transport chain:

Calvin cycle:

Primary xylem vessels (stems)

Internal structure of seeds

Animal pollinated flower:

Chiasmata forming by crossing over

Sarcomere: Z lines, actin filaments, myosin filaments with heads, light and dark bands
Human elbow: cartilage, synovial fluid, joint capsule, named bones and muscles

Antagonistic pairs of muscles in an insect leg

Human kidney
Nephron glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule,
collecting duct

Effects of ADH:

Seminiferous tubule:


Mature egg/sperm

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