Phrasal Verbs 3

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~_h~ra- s~_a_l_V~e-_r~b-:-s- 1.:.._
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ro Phrasal verbsare very common in English, and should be learnt .like ~ny other item of English
0 vocabulary. In the TOEFL, -they are tested in the L_i stening Comprehension section, and appea·r
> frequently in other parts of the test . .. _

I,._ Exercise 1 • • •I '

Cl.J° In the following sentences, choose the correct verb in bold to complete the phrasal verb in italics .
Cl) The meaning of each phrasal verb is given in brackets at the end of each sentence. •·. ·. . · . - ·
. . . . - .,-\l...
l9 1. Some parents are criticized for the way they bring/ make/ throw up their children. (to raise
~~n) .. . . . . . . r

2. They
refused (-~ ove I face I com~ up to their responsibilities, with disastrous consequences .. (to
. .

accept an unpleasant state of affairs, anc! try to deal with it) · · ·

3. . The President decided to shout I cry I call off his visit to Europe . (to not to go ahead with a plan) -·
. . . . I . . . --' \
4. · It is only at election time that senators add/ count I read on support -f rom their constituents . (to rely
I depend on other people) · · - . I

5. - Many developing count~ies ar~ failing to run I chase I catch up with their more develop~d
· neighbors. (to get to the same ievel) . ·. · · · · · · ·

ti. It can t ake months or even y~ars }or political scandals to die I cut I fall down. (to become le~s strong)

7. An al~rming number of students jump I drop I fall out of school early every year. (to leave -~ race, a _·
· .competition, a course of study, etc., early or before you have finished)

8, Major international companies can't carry I cut I figure out the .p opularity of the anti~capitaiist ·
. movement. (informal: to find it hard to understand) .

9. . The committee members dropped I made I fe/1 out over plans for the new health center. (to argue)
. .

1b. lfthey examined the issues more closely, they would search I look /find out the reasons. (to
. .

11 . As we grow I stand I look up out priorities change . (to change from being children to being adults) ·

17 s2!.=;~~5: \'6ry r2:-C!~' =~-t~.'-: /!:::::;;/~ ..,. ~,-,'; ·up v·v·/t/-, t:-1c: cu5t uf :i·v·i1-,g. (iU ,i::,t= di ii,~ ~a,ne speed .as
something else) . ·

13. The latest government report leaves I keeps I throws qut the real reasons for current demographic 1

shifts. (to not include) · ·

14. The journalist showed I pointed I spoke out the mistakes made by the agency over the last few
· years . (to show)

15 . Before you write your essay, you should search I hunt I look into the Party's history. (to research)

16. Nobody at the meeting carried I brought I moved up the subject of paid leave . (to start discussing a
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· 17 . Once people lose I 1ump I fall behind with their mortgage payments, they come under extreme
·· · · financial pressure from their bank . (to fail to do something or pay something at the time that you should)

18. The first step to a healthier lifestyle is to .c;ut I slice I chop down on the amount of saturated fats
you eat. (to start doing less of something, usually because it is bad for you)
H; ,

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Exercise 2
Instructions as above . In one of the sentences, all ~f th_e verbs are pqssible.
1. D~ring the early 2000's, a lot of.sta.te-run schools were controiled / taken /•acquired over by . \H
private companies. (to start to do something in place of someone else) ·· Q.)
rr ;i J~

2. In my last essay", I tried to argue I place I put forward the arguments in favor of global capitalism : c:: 6·

(to suggest or state the case for . something) . · ·. • · Q.) il\

. . ""i >j-

3. Desi-dte
I the seriuusrit:55 of the inncs:; h2 mJrlJcc~ tn ;,...,,...,..." I J U \.J ,._._.••.:, I ,"'
1 --• • •I ~;il,o thrr)I ,nh
,II .. - ._ , ftn
, , ...,..,.::, • • · ,\ ' - - rorrn1o'r
• - --. - · - · frnm;
• • - • •• -

serious illness or accident) · · w

. . . . . . _·
4. A lot of restriction~ on-(mports have been done I. gon~ I put away with. (to get rid of something) .,

. 5. · It you have a compiaint, put it in writing di 10 d~K Li 1e Lui 111-Jdl 1y i.u ii,v,:::,i.i'!:Jai.~ /;.:,.:,~/Si:-.:: _f;-,~c, it ~vi .,!

Y?U. (to try to discover the·faets about something such as a problem) _ ·

6. It is very important to carry I work/ do out my instructions carefully. (to do something that you have
been told to do, often in a particular way) ·

7. Many employees went I kept I carried on workJng despite pressure from the unions. (to continue)
. ' . :

8. . The drug's effects are very powerful, but they begin to wear I come I fall off after a few hours. (to
gradually disappear or become less intense) ·

9. · The meeting will be canceled if not enough people arrive I move I turn up. (to come somewhere,
often unexpectedly)

10. At first, sales of the product were slow, but they kicked I hit I picked up when people realized how
useful it was . (to slowly improve) "'

11 . I have given I put I moved across several suggestions, but so far they have all been ignored . (to
expiain an ide~, often in a way that is easy for people to understand)

' 12 . I came I ran I moved into Laura outside the theater last week. (to meet someone by chance)

Thie- rf""II ,r,o h::ic co+/ n,r,11c,rl f n11+ mp .h;:id- hv ;:ihn11t 'tJnnn linfnrmr1I: to cost someone a oarticular .
13. , , ,, .... ._...., ..... ,, .... _ ,, _, .... - ~ - · · - - - - - - · · j- -- - · · · - ·· · · J . · , •

· amount of money, especially a large amount)

When I look I consider I move back on my childhood, I remember the many sa~rifices my parents
made for me. (to think about something that happened in the past)

15. We were all disappointed ·with the way things turned I came I changed out. (to develop in a
particular way or have a particular result)

The exhibition was so popular that a lot of visitors had to be pushed I turned I thrown away. (to
be not allowed to enter a building)

17. The total cost of the project makes I moves I works out to about $250,000. (to add up to a
particular amount)

The telephone service is rather unreliable, and it's quite common to be cut I shut I run off in the
middle of a conversation . (to be disconnected while talking on the telephone)


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