Demon Magic - Dream Magic

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Demon Magic - Dream Magic

by Wyndham Nicodemus Holt

Copyright 2019

The story behind this book begins in December of 2011. At that time, I began
to channel a series of demons for specific purposes. My method was to scry
the demonic significance of the 16 traditional Geomantic figures, then learn
enough information about their respective demons to summon them. Upon
scrying successfully, the demons of the Geomantic figure were revealed to
me. These demons were entirely new to me, but soon proved to be quite
powerful. After a sufficient time of working with them, I have decided to
make them known to the public. This grimoire is the first in a series of works
which will catalog, describe and give instructions on how these demons can
be summoned. In this particular volume, I have selected 16 specific demons
who correspond to the 16 Geomantic figures and who primarily have powers
over the state of dreaming, out of body travel and astral travel. I have titled
the book "dream magic" on account of dreams being the main type of magic
described, but this should not be understood in an exclusive sense. Dreaming,
out of body travel and astral travel are all very much related, and when it
comes to the magical powers that facilitate such non-ordinary experiences,
that which is true of dreaming is often true the other two. With that being
said, they are not the same thing, even though they are close.

In each grimoire, the following aspects are described:

The demon's name

The demon's appearance

The demon's temperament

The demon's voice

The demon's legions

The demon's particular images

The demon's aura

The best number of candles used to summon the demon

A barbarous prayer that can be used to summon the demon

The demon's seasons and weather

The demon's Geomantic (and therefore astrological) correspondence

The name of a demon identifies it. Names are either revealed to the sorcerer,
created by the sorcerer for demons he has sought out, or, in the case of
ghosts, represent names that the disembodied once possessed.

The appearance of a demon is its archetypal form. The archetypal form

communicates its essence, when contemplated. The demon can appear in this
form during summoning, or it can appear in another form. If it is meditated
on for purposes of devotion, the archetypal form is best. However, the
appearances listed do not always correspond to how it will appear to those
who summon them. Demons can and will appear in many forms.

The temperament of a demon indicates how easy it is to commune with and

how willing it is to fulfill requests. Demons that are more difficult require
longer or more frequent sessions of summoning.

The voice of a demon is part of its archetypal form, although it often does
communicate in this exact voice. Demons are not limited to such a voice,

The legions of a demon are also part of its archetypal form and should be
contemplated after the manner described.

The particular images of a demon are images often seen in the mind's eye or
upon the scrying mirror when summoned. They can also serve as images of
contemplation, though these are secondary to the demon's main appearance.

The aura is a demon's visible or non-representational way of manifesting.

Not all sorcerers are able to perceive it. It is simply a sign of its arrival and
does not require any special action or knowledge concerning it.

The candle number gives the amount of candles best for summoning. These
are symbolic of the demon's numerical affinities.
The barbarous prayer is a short prayer that can be chanted as part of the
summoning, or chanted at other times to quickly call the demon to the
sorcerer's aid.

The weather tells what weather or season is best for summoning. All demons
can be evoked in any weather, but they are strongest or weakest in certain
types of weather or in certain seasons.

The Geomantic correspondence gives an insight into the nature of the

demon's innate qualities in an astrological sense. These details may not have
much use for beginners, but will be of interest to intermediate and advanced

In addition to these, I will also list a special sigil that the specific demon uses
as its primary method of being summoned. A "sigil" is simply the Latin word
for a character, sign or symbol, and it serves as the demon's visual
representation. (It is possible to use a sigil without a barbarous prayer, just as
it is possible to use a barbarous prayer without a sigil. The sigil is the most
important of the two, however.)

Before listing the demons and their sigils, I will also list a large section of
suggested powers that may be acquired through summoning these demons.
Such powers may be divided into four types:

1. Curses

2. Blessings

3. Knowledge

4. Neutral

Curses damage an intended target. Blessings benefit their target. Knowledge

reveals new information to the sorcerer. Neutral powers can be used for
blessing, cursing or knowledge, but have no innate nature.

Though these demons are obviously of a dark nature, they can be integrated
into any form of magical practice that allows for demonic summoning. Those
who are familiar with demonic summoning and ritual magic can summon
these demons in any way that they wish. For those who are unfamiliar, the
following summoning ritual can be observed:

Draw the demon's sigil on clear, unlined paper.

Set the drawing in a black bowl.

Light the set number of candles on the sides of the bowl.

Calm yourself.

Burn the sigil.

Watch it as it burns.

When it is ash, completely, close your eyes.

Recite the demon's barbarous prayer.

Concentrate on your inner mind and all feelings you have. Look for signs of
the demon's form, its images and its aura. When conjured successfully, one or
many of these will appear, but it is also possible that no perceptions may
occur. This does not mean that the summoning is unsuccessful, however, and
you should proceed with the summoning as if you did indeed see such things.
The descriptions of aspects do not exhaust all possible manifestation, either.
There are sounds and scents which may also occur. Nonetheless, the test of
the demon is in its abilities, and though the attendant phenomena described
can give important indications of a successful summoning, the real test is and
whether the summoning leads to its intended effects.

I will now list the blessings, curses, knowledges and neutral powers that can
be achieved through these demons. These do not exhaust the demon's powers,
but can be used as a beginning reference point.

to induce ecstatic dreams

to encounter visions of other lands in dream

for protection against nightmares

for protection in lucid dreaming

for protection during astral travel

for protection during out of the body travel

to have dreams which inspire new avenues of wealth or inspiration

to encounter beautiful and wise demons in dreams

to provide excellent dreams to those who wish for them

to have arousing, erotic dreams

to acquire a succubus or incubus in dreams

to acquire a succubus or incubus in the out of body state

to acquire a succubus or incubus in the astral state

to cause another to have erotic dreams of oneself

to do away with recurring nightmares

to protect one's dreams from outside influences

to protect the soul when it is out of body

to protect oneself when astrally traveling


to afflict an enemy with nightmares

to instill madness in an enemy through dreams

to haunt an enemy with obscene, shameful dreams

to prevent an enemy from remembering dreams

to prevent an enemy from lucid dreaming

to prevent an enemy from astrally traveling

to prevent an enemy from leaving the body through magic or meditation

to sway an enemy's opinion through dreams

to cause an enemy to be attacked by demons while out of body

to cause an enemy to be attacked by demons while in the astral state


to have dreams that reveal the past, present and future

to have dreams of the dead

to cause any person to have a dream of insight into themselves

for knowledge of one's path after death, according to one's current trajectory

to have divinatory dreams, or dreams which answer questions posed

to receive instructions from demons in dreams

to increase one's recall of dreams

to have premonitions of upcoming events in dreams

to have dreams of one's own fate

to have visions of demons when out of body

to have dreams of insight, unveiling the nature of the reality

to give true answers regarding the nature of dreams and the nature of astral

to witness the dreams of any person, or to have their same dreams

for knowledge of the meaning of dreams

to have visions of another person's death in dream (foresight into their death)

to have visions of one's own death in dream

Neutral powers

to induce vivid dreaming

to induce lucid dreaming

to induce out of body travel

to induce astral travel

to cause another to leave the body during sleep

to cause any individual to dream of oneself

to visit the lands of the dead in the astral state

to encounter demons in dreams

to cause a person to dream of anything

to lengthen dreams

to control another's dreams

to unite with any person in dream

to dream of anything one wishes

to encounter any person one wishes to in a dream

I will now list the demons, their correspondences and aspects.


Zagal appears as young boy with the head of a panther. He is dressed in

tattered robes and carrying a long black sword in his right hand. His
temperament is amiable and graceful, and his voice is melodious and low. He
has 20,000 legions of demons at his command, who appear in the form of a
swirling storm of black locust. His particular images are:

a stone statue of a warrior

a pyramid

a small, dancing blue flame

a black orb with a white ring around it

a gray rabbit

a long, winding stream

His aura is silver and shimmering, moving swiftly in a descending motion.

He should be summoned with three candles with the following barbarous

Hemin anar hemin

Tesvesa ke ari

Neresa nocriya antanari

Zagala zur ce naxarga

He is strong during rain storms. He is never weak. His Geomantic figure is

Cauda Draconis, the tail of the Dragon, symbolizing the descending lunar
The sigil of Zagal


Vimon appears as an old man surrounded by a flock of doves of all colors.

He wears a dark shroud and has a cruel, strange face. He is of stern
temperament and speaks in whispers. He has 316,000 legions of demons at
his command. They each appear like a swarm of white or silver lights, similar
to that of candle flames. His particular images are:

smoke rising from a chalice

an iron chain hanging down

a beast of burden

a staff with a lion's mane at its top

a white goat

a silver ring

His aura is incandescent and gray, spinning like a whirlwind. It comes from
above, descending upon those who summon him. Summon him with six
candles in the following barbarous prayer:

Fouro te sithe

Lesit siri toderou ne ce

Thero na gara Vimone

Volora rancarna sin

He is strong during clear whether and weak in the winter season. His
Geomantic figure is Puer, the boy, symbolizing the planet Mars.
The sigil of Vimon


Osyar appears in the form of a bear with silver or gray hair and long black
wings, like that of crow. His temperament is stern and grave. He does not
speak. He commands 45,000 legions of demons, all of whom appear as the
faces of men and women within a roiling mists or dark clouds. His particular
images are:

three mountains in the distance

a silver crown

a black rope

a chalice of dark fluid

a phantasm passing over graves

an axe

His aura appears as faded rust or a dark brown like the earth. It flickers in and
out of existence and is shapeless. He should be summoned with three candles
and the following prayer:

Antara lac vere

Sitha cad daranoc elcar

Osyara vula mamcara

Nil ansperis se enteris

He is strong in winter and when the sky is overcast. He is weak during rains.
His Geomantic figure is Fortuna Major, the greater fortune, symbolizing the
The sigil of Osyar


She appears like a young maiden, her hair composed of vipers, her robe a
pale blue, holding a long, dark scepter or broadsword. She is quiet in her
temperament and speaks in a soft, hesitant voice. There are 17,000 legions of
demons under her command. They appear as snakes, dim in their luminosity,
wriggling through the air in swarms. Her particular images are:

a thin, red dragon by a black mountainside

a white river

two doves fighting in the air

a crossroad

a birch tree without leaves

a violet shroud

Her aura is a cascading, shimmering red or purple light, dim in the way it
shines and shapeless. Summon her with nine candles, saying the following
barbarous prayer:

Veri an asthe

Sheneralamimec an asthe

Pa rascarna nara na

Envia steris belil cana se

She is strong under clouds and the autumn is her strongest season. She is
weak in summer. Her Geomantic figure is Fortuna Minor, the lesser fortune,
symbolizing the Sun.
The sigil of Sheneralamimec


Ano appears in the form of a hawk, her feathers the color of earth, her eyes a
piercing green. She is amiable and quick to bestow her gifts. She speaks in a
high voice. She commands 26,000 legions of demons. They appear as the
faces of women, moving slowly, brightening and dimming. Her particular
images are:

a crown surrounded by black flames

a tower the color of pearl

a mirror filled with various reflections

an iron cup

two candles

a maiden asleep in her bed

Her aura changes from a soft yellow to a harsh red, then to thick blackness. It
is shapeless and descends from above. Summon her with two candles, saying
the following prayer:

Vel se agalel

Nentar onus meraskine

Ne Ano tel ah nursa

Tera la ve re

She is strong at night, under a cloudless sky. She is weakest in the winter.
Her Geomantic figure is, Populus, the people or multitude, symbolizing the
The sigil of Ano


Glachab appears in diverse shapes, with his first apparition being that of a
man with the head of a wolf, arrayed in black clothes, the second that of a
dim red orb, the third that of a Python coiled around a black pillar in the
fourth that of a great bull with black and outstretched wings. He is somber,
but amiable. He speaks hoarsely. He commands 17,000 legions, but they do
not appear. His particular images are:

a red star against a darkened sky

two black cats

a sword sticking up from stone

churning clouds

a soldier returning from battle, exhausted

an old man holding a scythe

His aura is flickering and large, with silver and red hues, at times swirling
and at times remaining still. It descends from above or rises from the earth.
Summon him with two candles, chanting the following barbarous prayer:

Amova ciusi na

Saraje vel narasca niya

Tel anan vo neraga

Glachaba desya nax

His power neither waxes and wanes in dependence upon the weather. His
Geomantic figure is Amissio, loss, symbolizing the planet Venus.
The sigil of Glachab


Phara appears as a beautiful maiden riding upon a gray horse, a wreath of

laurel upon her head and dressed in a flowing white robe. Her temperament is
graceful and amiable. She speaks in a mild voice. She commands 90,000
legions of demons. These appear in the form of stars in the midst of a great,
dark mist. Her particular images are:

a bright cloud

a silver fox

a goblet of honey

a willow tree

a cypress tree

a book

Her aura is a shining darkness, and may appear in any color, though white,
silver and light blue are the most common. It descends from on high,
covering the body of those who summon her. Summon her with five candles,
saying the following barbarous prayer:

Ci nervi

En tara cain menalel

Santi cener mena

Phara cona melsta

She is strong when the sky is clear, and in the season of spring. She is
weakest in the winter. Her Geomantic figure is Acquisitio, gain, symbolizing
the planet Jupiter.
The sigil of Phara


Marochas appears as a tree with white, glowing leaves and black branches, at
the foot of which a multitude of snakes wriggle and writhe. He is amiable,
and quick to fulfill requests of those who summon him. He speaks in a high
voice. He commands 63,000 legions of demons. They appear in the form of
veins or branches, black in color, expanding and contracting in the midst of a
dense, silver fog. His particular images are:

a silver statue of a woman

an open grave

a boar

a dagger

a serpent writhing before a candle

a black crystal

His aura is heavy and its color shifts continually from silver to black, then
back to silver. It descends upon those who summon him, then surrounds their
person. Summon him with eight candles and the following prayer:

Cena ganar viel tena

Gan ventera sen naren

Marochasa ni yegan

Tel anarka vena seris maroa

He is strongest during the summer and weakest during the rains. His
Geomantic figure is Conjunctio, the conjunction, symbolizing the planet
The sigil of Marochas


Carfus appears as a ferocious and malignant dragon, his skin black and
caustic, his eyes white and unblinking. He is cold and difficult to encounter,
but worth it for those who have need of him. He speaks in a low, stern voice
and has 28,000 legions of demons under his command. They appear as
slowly moving flames, some in the shape of spheres, others in the shape of
hands, still others amorphously. His particular images are:


a black raven

a warrior bearing an axe

a torch burning upside down

a great pyramid

a cauldron billowing with smoke

His aura is white and tattered like a shroud, neither rising or falling, but
slowly emanating around those who summon him. Summon him with a
single candle, and the following barbarous prayer:

Vesis gerin se na lefaya

Lac ve oris an asthe

Santi cener mena

Carfus rascarna ne caran onis

His strength and weakness is independent of the weather. His Geomantic

figure is Carcer, prison, symbolizing the planet Saturn.
The sigil of Carfus


Rontiu appears as a sick man riding upon a thin, malnourished horse, a black
noose around his neck. His temperament is graceful and amiable. He speaks
little, and when he speaks, he speaks hoarsely. He commands 19,000 legions
of demons. They appear as smoke,forming into images of snakes. They move
slowly, in an unnatural way, and at times appear to shimmer like stars. His
particular images are:

a stag

a black garland around a silver sphere

an egg

a white shroud with stains of blood

a white ring of light

a green herb

His aura is faint and vibrant, appearing amorphously, descending like a cloud
or missed upon those who summon him. Summon him with two candles,
saying the following prayer:

Envia desya cisui

Saraje vel cener mena

Rontiu ganar oris an se na

Santi anan tel ah

He is strong during thunderstorms. He is weakest in the summer. His

Geomantic figure is Albus, white, symbolizing the planet Mercury.
The sigil of Rontiu


Phalas appears as three young maidens, each arrayed in silver robes, each
beautiful and graceful in appearance. Her temperament is amiable and
graceful, and she delights in being summoned. She speaks in a soft,
melodious voice. She commands 18,000 legions of demons. They appear as
doves, glinting like the surface of the sea, their colors dim blue-gray or white.
Her particular images are:

a silver willow tree

a house on fire with blue flames

a goat

a comb

a mirror without reflections

a royal bed

Her aura is white and appears as an outline around the summoner's body,
whereafter it expands into an orb or egg shape. It also appears shapelessly.
Summon her with three candles, reciting the following barbarous prayer:

Ve se na asthe

Vel rascarna on telara

Phara cener mena

Phara steris elil

Her season is winter, and she is strong during rains. Her Geomantic figure is
Puella, the girl, symbolizing the planet Venus.
The sigil of Phalas


Osentisyagenti appears as a woman arrayed in dark blue robes, her hair long
and shining white, holding a dagger in her left hand and an empty chalice in
her right. She is stern, but graceful. She speaks little, and when she speaks,
she speaks in whispers. She commands 55,000 legions of demons. They
appear as strange, shadowy forms, at times appearing like bodies, at other
times appearing like clouds. Her particular images are:

a cup that gleams like a pearl

a white cat

a Greek column

a woman holding a basket

a tree with sparse leaves

a birch tree

Her aura is clear at first, then changes from white to silver, then to black. It
alters its shape, being at times a sphere, at times a square, and other times
amorphous. Summon her with seven candles, chanting the following prayer:

Nentar hemin anara

Thero siri ciusi na

Cener cona melsta


She is strongest in the spring and autumn, and she prefers the sky to be clear.
Her Geomantic figure is Caput Draconis, the head of the Dragon,
symbolizing the ascending lunar node.
The sigil of Osentisyagenti


Bolas appears as a silver-furred beast, like that of a bear or large dog, with
gleaming black horns atop his head.. He is extremely harsh and wrathful at all
times, disliking to be summoned. (Nevertheless, he is useful to those who
summon them successfully.) He speaks in a low, stern voice. He commands
64,000 legions of demons, all of whom appear like a raging bulls made of
smoldering shadow and dust.

His particular images are:

a large fire burning in the midst of a rainstorm

a bull

a bear

a battle axe

six torches

a shadowy, tall figure in a doorway

His aura appears as a red shadow without any set shape. It neither descends
nor ascends, but fills space, surrounding those who summon him like a
shroud. Summon him with five candles, chanting the following barbarous

Ce ari rancarna sin

Tel ah nursa agalel

Bolasa la ve naxarga

Cener mena cona

He is strongest when the sky is overcast. His season is the fall. His
Geomantic figure is Rubeus, the red, symbolizing the planet Mars.
The sigil of Bolas


Agost appears as a beautiful maiden in the midst of three white deer. Her
eyes are black and she wears a robe of black, spangled with softly shining
stars. She is kind and true, always willing to help those worthy of her. She
speaks in a soft voice and commands 100,000 legions of demons, all of
whom appear as the fluttering of doves in a silver mist. Her particular images

a white, smokeless fire

the full moon

three torches with white flames

the crescent moon

a twisting stream

a white door

Her aura is a white mist, dimming to gray. It descends from on high.

Summon her with three candles, chanting the following barbarous prayer:

Viel cener ve orisa

Daranoc nia ciunera

Onavis se agalel

Agosta tarancara na velia

She is strongest in the fall, and weakest in the summer. Her Geomantic figure
is Via, the way, symbolizing the Moon.
The sigil of Agost


Murmoc appears as a shining man without a face, a strange crown upon his
head made of brass or bronze. He wears a black robe. He is wrathful and
irascible, and does not suffer frivolous requests. He speaks in a low, hoarse
voice. He commands 66,000 legions of demons. They appear as large,
bulbous creatures, spectral in form, slowly appearing and disappearing,
traveling through the air like smoke. His particular images are:

a black castle

a pile of ash


a woman in a white robe weeping

a raven

a dead snake coiled around a broken pot or vase

His aura is a thick smoke, churning and seething around those who summon
him, neither ascending or descending but expanding from all sides. He should
be summoned with three candles, chanting the following barbarous prayer:

Nera anda viel tena

Signa rascarna shanar

Vula mamcara

Murmoc endra miz

His strength and weakness is independent of the weather. His Geomantic

figure is Tristitia, sadness, symbolizing the planet Saturn.
The sigil of Murmoc


Eliolor appears like a long, silver serpents with six feathered wings like those
of a dove. She also appears as a beautiful maiden with long white hair, black
eyes and a gray or silver robe. She is friendly, loyal and true, though her
magic manifests slowly. She speaks in a quiet, slow voice. She commands
28,000 legions of demons. They appear as faces or shapeless lights,
appearing and disappearing in a dimly shining cloud of silver or dull blue.
Her particular images are:

a ghostly child

an image of the night sky

a white horse

a hand pointing upward

a candle

three coins

Her aura appears as a light blue mist, swirling like a vortex around those who
summon her, coming from no particular direction.

Summon her with three candles, chanting the following barbarous prayer:

Sitha ce ari anar

Rascarna tera la nura

Vel narasca desya asthe

Eliolora nagan tesa ne

She is strongest in the winter and in the autumn, and weakest when the sky is
clear. Her Geomantic figure is Laetitia, joy, symbolizing the planet Jupiter.
The sigil of Eliolor

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