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Figure 1: Facebook Live statistics for 2021

The figure above depicts that Facebook Live is the most popular platform for video

content. This is important for users and marketers and indicates an increase in

interaction from 2022 and beyond.

Shopping motivation is an important aspect to understand consumer behavior which

plays a role in making purchasing decisions, Wahaba et al. (2018). It is defined as the

reasons that encourage consumers' behavior which leads to them to the market in order

to fulfill their internal needs. A prior study written by Chandrruangphen et al. (2021)

suggests that several shopping attributes may influence consumer values including

product attributes (e.g. assortment, quality, trendiness, and brand name), seller

attributes (e.g. presentation, interactivity, guidance, image, physical attractiveness, and

humor) and price. The study further adds that three major motivational patterns includes

frictionless shopping, shopping enjoyment, and value seeking. Three minor ones have

also emerged including quality seeking, fashion orientation, and product selection

support. Commonly, shopping motivations of consumers are sorted into two groups that

are hedonic and utilitarian. Hedonic shopping motivation is a person's desire to shop in

order to satisfy psychological needs such as feelings of emotion, satisfaction, prestige

and other subjective feelings. Utilitarian motivations relate to the functionality of the

shopping or reflecting vital needs and the accomplishment feelings which are fulfilled by

shopping. Consumers have various demands, and different factors influence individual

adoption decisions, Won and Kim (2020).

Figure 2: Comparison of hedonistic and ulitarian shopping motivation

Research in eCommerce suggests that the intention of shoppers to buy a product can

be predicted by their motivation for shopping, Pappas et al. (2017). Shopping

motivations are a crucial factor in online shopping and important determinants of

purchase behavior. These motivations include finding the best price, searching for

product promotions, online shopping convenience, stimulation from the interaction with

websites, receiving personalized services, quality of the received services, perceived

value and information availability. With the upsurge of live streaming applications and

this new mode of shopping environment, this study aims at gathering more information

on Facebook Live attributes and its relationship to the shopping motivation of customers

in Barangay Navarro, Cavite City.

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