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Cleveland Walters
Prof. Putorti
Term Paper

Professor Ernest Joerg, MATHEMACIAN

Mathematics; (noun) science dealing with the measurement, properties and relationships of
quantities, as expressed in numbers or symbols. Mathematics includes arithmetic, algebra, calculus,
geometry etc. The word mathematics is a derivative of the Greek word mathematikos and also the
Latin word mathematicus.

Mathematical; (adjective) {1} of or having to do with mathematics. {2} exact; accurate.

Mathematician; (noun) expert in mathematics.

Most of the times when one thinks about who should qualify as a mathematician, the picture of
one of our more familiar, historical math icons such as Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin,
Archimedes and Carl Gauss appears. Some of these experts are the creators of mathematics that we use
right now. Over the centuries, there have been numerous additions to the original principles of maths.
There are improvements to the formulas and concepts occurring constantly, even right now. This fact
indicates that there are mathematicians at every point of our history, from a long time ago to present.
Therefore one can imagine that there are many unsung experts of mathematics. Most of these experts
are acknowledged after their passing. As a student of Westchester Community College, I have seen
numerous mathematicians on campus, and am acquainted with several of them. There is this one
particular professor that I believe deserves to be acknowledged for his accomplishments in the area of
mathematics; Professor Ernest Joerg, (Mathematician).

Ernest Joerg was born in the Bronx New York, in 1935, and spent his childhood on Burke Avenue
where he lived with his parents Andrew, and Johanna. He was their only child. His parents were poor,
and Ernie, as he was affectionately called, had to do without many of the things that most of the boys his
age enjoyed. This humble beginning helped to mold an industrious and ambitious young man. He
learned to appreciate the simple things in life that many people took for granted. He started working at
the The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company supermarket (commonly known as A & P) at an early
age, so that he could buy his toys, tools and other necessary personal items. From that early in life,
Ernie was determined to make a difference in his family’s quality of living. He pledged that he would

not let his children experience the hardships that he endured as a youngster. His determination kept him
focused, and particularly attentive in his schoolwork.

His educational marathon started in 1941, when he made his first entrance into a classroom at
Elementary School P.S. #76 in the Bronx, N.Y. From this early in his academics, Ernie showed a
passion for learning and a will to succeed. He successfully covered the required curriculum, and
graduated as Valedictorian. He then moved on to the Honors program at Evander Childs High School
on E Gunhill Road in the borough, where he graduated in 1953 as Salutatorian, and recipient of seven
other prestigious awards. His academic excellence was rewarded when he was accepted as a Charles
Hayden Scholar, at the highly accredited New York University School of Engineering, where he
graduated Cum Laude in Electrical Engineering in 1956. He was also a recipient of the Howard Hughes
Graduate Fellowship Award (one of only ten recipients in the USA). Only the best of the best students
are even considered for acceptance at NYU, and then the absolute best of those would get the privilege
to attend. This achievement was the launching pad for Ernie’s illustrious career. For the many years,
Ernie elevated from level to level academically. He attended Adelphi University (Graduate
Mathematics and Physics), Stevens Institute of Technology (Graduate Mathematics, Electrical
Engineering, Physics and Mechanics) and Sperry Space Graduate School (Computer Logic and Systems
Design). He was awarded the Master of Science degree with honors in 1962 and was chosen to be a
member of Sigma Xi (The National Honorary Research Society of North America).

Ernie later worked as an engineer on the Air Force contract for Transistorization and
Digitalization of the B-52’s Air Space Navigation System. He likewise worked on the Navy contract for
Transistorization and Digitalization of the Polaris Submarine’s Hydro Space Navigation System. Both
ventures were over the ten year period immediately preceding his entry at Westchester Community
College. It was close to one of their semi-annual evaluation that Ernie was approached by the Division
Chief, who inquired if he was able to instruct a physics class at Hofstra University, half way through the
semester (the assigned instructor was critically ill). He took the challenge. Ernie was not a physics
instructor, but because of his excellent command of mathematical principles and a zest to learn, he
intensely studied solid-state physics for one week, night and day, which was the amount of time he had
to prepare for the beginning of the Task. Professor Joerg amazingly developed a thorough enough
knowledge of the subject and was able to instruct his students effectively, with them reflecting an
excellent passing ratio. The students further requested that he return to teach them part two of the
course. This experience channeled the Professor’s aspirations. Professor Ernest Joerg had stumbled
upon the direction that he wanted to take his career. He wanted nothing else, but to be a teacher.

Over the next forty eight years Professor Joerg has taught Physics and Electrical Engineering
Science at Hofstra University in NY for five year; and also at Fairfield University (Bridgeport
Engineering Division) in CT for twenty years; Math and Electrical at Hudson County Community
College in NJ for five years; Math at SUNY-Empire State College in NY for two years; Electrical
Engineering Review Series for Professional Engineers (PE) in Nassau County for two years;
Fundamentals of Mathematics, Calculus (from Pre-Cal to Differential and Integral), Physics, Electrical
Engineering and Laplace Transformational Techniques at Pace University in NY for over twenty-three

years; and Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, and Physics at Westchester Community College from
1965 to present. During the mentioned timeframe, Professor Joerg had written a seven volume electrical
manual, “Technology Yours Forever”, which covers vast areas of technology, from applicable
mathematics in volume one, “Mathematically Yours” to circuit transformation in volume seven,
“Transformationally Yours”. The material from the manual is presently used at WCC in their Electrical
Technology and Engineering courses. The Professor had also contributed to another book that is
relevant in today’s electrical curriculum nationwide; “Handbook of Electronics: Calculations for
Engineers and Technicians, 2nd edition”, by Milton Kaufman and Arthur H. Seidman. He had also
made a fascinating discovery of shifts in transistors, and had registered numerous copyrights. His
copyrights include; Original Equations, Transformations, Formats, Techniques, Number Systems,
Corollaries, Diagrams and Tables. Many of which have been entered into the library of Congress. He
has been embedded into the roots of the electrical and mathematical communities through the offices
that he held, his professional affiliations, his discovery, the enormous amounts of copyrights that he had
registered and the numerous awards and recognitions that he had received. These amazing
accomplishments were only possible because of his great expertise in mathematical applications. It is a
known fact that the science of electricity is only possible through the applications from the science of
mathematics. So in recognition of a brilliant mathematical mind, let’s acknowledge; Professor Ernest


(1) SUNY, Westchester Community College ---- Technology Department and Curriculum
Chairperson. (1965-2004)

(2) I.E.E.E. Westchester Subsection of the New York Section ---- Chairperson of the Westchester
Subsection. (1979-2004)

(3) Epsilon Zeta Chapter # 11952 of I.E.E.E. ---- Faculty Advisor, Mentor and Counselor of the
W.C.C. Student Branch. (1971 to present)

(4) Tau Alpha Pi – Beta Omicron Chapter ---- Faculty Advisor for the W.C.C. Student Branch.
(1972 to present)

(5) Pace/USAB Technical Advisory Board to Congress ---- N.Y. Representative on the U.S.A.B.
Technical Advisory Board. (1979 to 1994)

(6) Power Engineering Society ---- Faculty Advisor to the W.C.C. Student Branch which is the
first student chapter at a college. (1983 to present)

(7) E.T.A. The Engineering Technology Association of N.Y., N.J. and P.A. ---- Officer on the
E.T.A. Board at W.C.C. (1971 to present)

(8) B.E.T. Bachelor of Engineering Technology Program. ---- Officer of B.E.T Consortium Board
at W.C.C. (1972 to 1975)


(1) I.E.E.E. ---- The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (1953 to present)

(2) E.K.N. ---- Eta Kapa Nu, the honorary Electrical Engineering Society. (1955 to present)

(3) American Society of Swedish Engineers. (1963 to present)

(4) Danish American Engineering Society. (1968 to present)

(5) E.T.A. ---- Engineering Technology Association of N.Y., N.J. and P.A. One of the charter’s
founding member. (1971 to present)

(6) T.A.P. ---- Tau Alpha Pi. The honorary Engineering Technology Society. (1972 to present)

(7) Sigma Xi ---- The honorary Research Society of North America. (1978 to present)

(8) A.S.E.M. ---- The American Society of Engineering Management; Lifetime Member. (1976
to present)

(9) P.A.C.E./U.S.A.B. ---- The Professional Activities Committee in Engineering, United States
Activities Board; Technical Advice to Congress. (1979 to 1994)

(10) C.O.V.E. ---- Committee of Vocational Education of New York State. (1980 to 1990)

(11) P.E.S. ---- Power Engineering Society. (1983 to present)

(12) State Educational Department of New York; Occupational Education. (1981 to 1996)

(13) Triangle Coalition Of Education. (1986 to 1991)


(A) Discovery: Permanent Beta Shifts in Transistors. (1958)

The discovery was recorded in the Inventions Research Notebook #9695, pages #s 54-57,
60-61 and 66-67 at Sperry Rand Corp. and verified by Texas Instruments, a leader in semi-
conductor fabrication. It was used by the Government in creation of a navigation system,
saving them from a million dollar per day penalty if they missed the delivery deadline.

(B) Copyrights: Equations;

(1) J.E.C. ---- Joerg Equivalency Corollary. (1978)

It is a quick, simplified solution for:
(a) Total resistance for two related resistors in parallel.

(b) Total conductance for two related conductors in series.

(c) Total inductance for two related inductors in parallel.
(d) Total capacitance for two related capacitors in series.

(2) J.M.E. ---- Joerg Mesh Equation. (1978)

A unique, predigested and quick method to read the circuit diagram and to write the
voltage in block formation (rows & columns) to find the electrical currents. The
equations are ready for solution by; Determinants, Matrix Solution, Gaussian
Elimination and Back Substitution.

(3) J.N.E. ---- Joerg Nodal Equation. (1978)

A unique, predigested and quick method to determine electrical voltages in the circuit
diagram by simply “reading” the diagram and writing the Current Equations in Block
Formation (rows & columns). Then the voltage values can be found by Gaussian
Elimination, Determinants or matrix methods of solution.

(4) J.S.L. ---- Joerg Super Loop Equation. (1991)

If a constraint equation is written due to an isolated source in a circuit (which cannot be
source-transformed), the J.S.L. will solve for the Super Mesh Current in an unique,
quick and formatted way. The lengthy process using the Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law’s
basic approach is unnecessary and thus avoided.

(5) J.S.J. ---- Joerg Super Junction Equation. (1991)

The J.S.J. enables a circuit with a particular constraint of an isolated voltage source
between two nodes (which cannot be source-transformed into an equivalent current
source) to be quickly analyzed by this unique equation. The lengthy process using
Kirchhoff’s Current Law’s basic approach is unnecessary and thus avoided.

(6) J.I.V.E. ---- Joerg Induced Voltage Equation. (1986)

Whenever a circuit contains sinusoidal and cosinusoidal excitations along with
transformers, the effects of mutual inductances and their associated induced voltages are
included in the final analysis using the predigested and formatted Joerg Induced Voltage

(7) L.M.J.C.A. ---- Laplace Modeling Joerg Circuit Analysis. (2007)

The Laplace Modeling and the Joerg Circuit Analysis equations, the J.M.E., J.N.E.,
J.S.L. and the J.S.J., enables and offers students a rapid solution to some difficult
problems within time limits.

(C) Copyrights: Techniques;

(1) J.V.S.A. ---- Joerg Voltage Sensing Arrow Technique. (1991)

The technique uses a closed voltage sensing arrow loop to find open circuit voltage

during analysis. It is extremely helpful in a Thevenized circuit. Vthev. Junction

voltages in solid state amplifiers are also easily found.

(2) J.O.M.T. ---- Joerg Origami Map Technique. (2008)

Similar to Japanese Origami, the art of folding paper, Joerg developed a Five Variable
Folding Map Technique. It is used with either the Veitch or the Karnaugh Map types. A
Six Variable Map Folding technique was also developed which employed a vertical and
horizontal fold.

(D) Copyrights: Formats;

(1) J.T.F. ---- Joerg Trigonometric Format. (1990)

Sinusoidal trigonometric equations or waveforms can be easily plotted on graph paper
even if the argument of the sinusoidal function contains a phase shift angle (other than 0
degree or radian). The use of J.T.F. will always result in the correctly shifted graph.

(2) J.K.I.Q. ---- Joerg Kocur Integral Quotients. (1996)

A certain formatted dividend is found (or a special numerator of a fraction); and, if the
four special divisors that were also discovered (also known as denominators, in a
fraction) are used, an integral quotient will always be the answer, without any leftovers.

(3) J.R.P.M. ---- Joerg Removal of Pole Method. (2008)

An organized and simplified approach to remove the poles of a function, and then to
evaluate the partial fraction coefficients associated with that pole’s value.

(E) Copyrights: Transformations;

(1) J.B.N.T. ---- Joerg Base Number Transformation. (1990) The J.B.N.T. method is a
faster way for transforming numbers of any base or radix into our common everyday
decimal system (base or radix 10). It enables you to key into a calculator in a sequential
fashion, and obtain quickly and accurately the decimal equivalent of any quantity of any
base or radix (whether integral, fractional or mixed number). It is a lot faster than using
the total value method.

(2) G.P.P. ---- The Games People Play transformation system. (1995) A quick and easy
method to transform power related bases (radix) to or from each other by either flairing
or crushing (expansion or contraction). A time conserving method.

(F) Copyrights: Tables;


(1) P.J.P. – T.O.T’s ---- Proclus-Joerg - Plato Table of Triangles. (2004) An expansion of
Proclus’s and Plato’s developed sets of rational-sided-right-triangles. Elaborated in
volume one of Technology Yours Forever, Mathematically Yours.

(G) Copyrights: Diagrams;

(1) J.Q.V.D. ---- Joerg Quatrovariable Venn Diagram. (2002) John Venn (1834-1923)
devised a method to diagram Logic Algebra using intersecting circles or balloons. The
Boolean functions of AND, OR, and NOT can be shown with Variables A & B or
variables A & B & C as easily as Venn did. It becomes very difficult with four
Variables. Joerg developed this easy four variable diagram.

(2) J.C.V.D. ---- Joerg Cincovariable Venn Diagram. (2003) The JCVD builds on the
JQVD by taking one more step, to a five variable Venn diagram. Now there are
intersecting triangles, rectangles, trapezoids, etc., bit the challenge was met. In 2003 the
five variables Venn diagram was developed.


(1) “A Rapid and Unique Approach to Mesh and Nodal Analysis Using the JME
and the JNE”
NY State Engineering Technology Association ---- NYSETA
Conference, Garden City NY, October 1978.
(2) “(QA) Quick Analysis Methods in Mathematics and
Electrical Circuits” Electrical Technology Association 27th Annual
Convention. Callicoon NY, December 1995.
(3) Annual Math Club Lectures for High
School Teachers and Students SUNY Westchester Community
College Campus, Valhalla NY.

(a) “Be a Logical Thinker” & “What is Digital” 2005.

(b) “Mathematical Sports” & “Touch Every Base” 2006.

(c) “The Importance of Leftovers in Mathematics” 2007.

(d) “Fun With Mathematical ORIGAMI” & “Removal of Poles Quickly” 2008.



(A) SUNY Chancellor’s Medallion for Scholarship and Creative Activities. 2008

(B) SUNY Chancellor’s Medallion for Excellence – Teaching. 1996

(C) Foundation of Westchester Community College, Excellence Award – Scholarships. 1993

(D) County Executive of Westchester County – Certificate of Merit. 1996

(E) Henry I. Norr Memorial Scholarship. 1953

(F) Rensselaer Alumni Association Award in Mathematics and Science. 1953

(G) Mathematics Chairman Award. 1953

(H) Literary Award for Excellence in Foreign Languages. 1953

(I) Bausch & Lomb Bronze Plaque in Physical Science Excellence. 1953

(J) New York University, Charles Hayden Memorial Scholar. 1953, 54, 55 and 56

(K) New York University Scholarship – Excellence in Electrical Engineering. 1955 and 56

(L) New York University Founders Day Award. 1957

(M)Howard Hughes Fellowship Award, [1 of 10 within the US annually] 1956

(N) IEEE – Region 1 – New York Section Awards. 1982 and 92

(O) Dr. of Humane Letters, LHD, Honoris Causa. 1971

(P) SUNY – State Education Department Service Plaque.

(Q) WCC Language Department, Amicita Linguarian Award

(R) Middle Eastern Society of Westchester Community College Award.

(S) NISOD – Excellence in Education Medallion. 1996

(T) Listed in The International Science and Research Community: Tokyo, Japan.

(U) Stafford’s Who’s Who – Millennium Edition. 2000

(V) Gymnastics and Leadership in Gymnastics Award. 1953

(W) Outstanding Educator’s Award.

(X) Loyal Donor of Westchester Community College Foundation Award 2009

(Y) Member of President Barak Obama’s Kitchen Cabinet. 2010


Professor Joerg presently teaches at SUNY-Westchester Community College and Pace University, both

in New York.

Information provided by Professor Ernest Joerg, SUNY WCC, Valhalla NY. (2010)

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