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DAILY Teacher JERALYN B. LAGONASO Learning Areas H.O.P.E. 3

LOG/PLAN January 5, 2022
Date & Time Quarter 2nd Quarter (First Semester)

Time :


A. Content Standard The learner understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
B. Performance
The learner leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
C. Learning The learner...
1. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in – and out – of
Write the LC Code for each
school. PEH11FH-IIa-t-8
D. Learning objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Identify the different dance terminologies in folk dance

2. Perform the different dance terminologies with accuracy.
3. Display discipline in executing the dance terminologies



A. References Health Optimizing Physical Education 3 Quarter 2 Module 7

by Sara Jane A. Berte and Novie Grace A. Lastimado
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Textbook pages Week 4

B. Other Learning Pictures, Video clips


C. Subject Integration Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

discusses various art forms found in the Philippines CAR11/12IAC-0b-2

IV. PROCEDURES *Prayer Students, let us pray…

*Checking of attendance
Monitor, kindly check the attendance properly…
*Safety Health Protocols

Establishing a purpose for Motivation Fundamental position of arms and feet

the lesson. “Fixed Me Up”

Let’s divide the class into 5 groups with 3 members each. (Groupings will be done by
counting-off). 1st position of the arms and feet
Activity 1

Each group will be given an envelope with puzzle inside. You are to fix the puzzle in order
to form the correct image or figure and post it in the manila paper here in front and after 2nd position of the arms and feet
which you are going to demonstrate the image with your group. The first group to fix the
puzzle will be given a prize.

Processing Questions

1. Did you enjoy the activity? 3rd position of the arms and feet
2. What are the fundamental position of the arms and feet?
3. Why do we need to learn the fundamental position of the arms and feet?

4th position of the arms and feet

5th position of the arms and feet

Activity 2
Gearing Up to Start
examples/instances of the
lesson/ Developing

Rock painting of a dance performance, Tassili-n-Ajjer, Algeria, attributed to the Saharan

period of Neolithic hunters (c. 6000–4000 bc).
Discussing new concepts ANALYSIS
and practicing new skills The students will answer the following questions:
1. How would you describe the images in the rock painting? -Students’ answers may vary.
2. What are the activities or movements performed in the images?
3. Explain in one sentence the origin of dance by looking at the image above.

Follow up questions based on students’ answer

1. How did you come up with your answers based only by looking at a picture?
2. What is it in the picture that helps you explain the origin of the dance?

Making generalizations ABSTRACTION

and abstractions about the Folk dance, generally, a type of dance that is a vernacular, usually recreational, expression
lesson After 10 minutes, the student will perform the dance terminologies
of a historical or contemporary culture. Folk dance helps to preserve the cultural unity of
based on how they interpret the dance using its definition.
the people. People think that folk dances are important because they help keep a culture
alive. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years, and there is value in
keeping that tradition alive.

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

discusses various art forms found in the Philippines CAR11/12IAC-0b-2

Activity 3
Read and Move It…..
This time group yourselves by counting 1, 2,3 to form three groups. I am going to
distribute a piece of paper with the dance terms and its definition written on it. You are
going to read, interpret and perform the definition of the terms with your group. Each
group will have a leader to facilitate the group, 1 reporter to read the dance terminologies
and its definition and the rest of the members are demonstrators. You will be given 10
minutes to work with your groupmates.

Group 1
1. Bilao- to turn palm up and down position.
2. Abrasete- partners stand side by side, hooked elbow
3. Arms in “T” position- both arms at sides and bent at the elbows so that the upper arms
are at shoulder level
4. Arms in reverse “T’ position- both arms at sides and bent at the elbows so that the
forearms are parallel to the head, palms facing inwards.
5. Arms in lateral position- to bring both arms either to the right or left side
Group 2
6. Hapay- to swing arms upward downward position with a handkerchief or to offer a glass
of wine
7. Hayon hayon- to move arms either front or back of the waist
8. Clockwise- following the direction of the hand of the hands of the clock
9. Counterclockwise- reverse direction of clockwise
10. Kumintang- with palm slightly closed, turn the wrist inward

Group 3

11. Salok- to swing arm upward to fifth position, as if scooping

12. Sarok- to step L foot sideward left, cross R foot over L, arms crossed in front R over
13. Saludo- to bow to partner, to audience, or to opposite partner
14. Curtsy- to point one foot in rear of the other foot, while bending the knees

Class very good, you have interpreted the dance with less errors. This time we will do it all
together. Let’s perform each dance terminologies for 8 sets.

- a set is a collection of distinct elements or members. The elements that make up a set
can be any kind of things, people, letters of the alphabet, or mathematical objects, such as
numbers, points in space, lines or other geometrical shapes, algebraic constants and
variables, or even other sets. In dancing we group numbers into a set.

-A time signature tells you how the music is to be counted. The time signature is written at
the beginning of the staff after the clef and key signature. Time signatures consist of two
numbers written like a fraction.

The top number of the time signature tells you how many beats to count and the number
below tell you the kind of note that is being used. So let’s say in 2 , there are two counts,
in 3 there are 3 counts, and in 4, there are 4 counts.
4 4

Finding practical APPLICATION

applications of concepts
and skills in dialing living. The students will perform the dance terminologies in time with the music.

1. Bilao 11. Salok

2. Abrasete 12. Sarok
3. Arms in “T’ position 13. Saludo
4. Arms in reverse “T” position 14. Curtsy
5. Arms in lateral position
6. Hapay
7. Hayon-Hayon
8. Clockwise
9. Counter clockwise
10. Kumintang

For the practical test:

With the same groupings used in the third activity, the class will be given 10 minutes to
choreograph a simple dance using the different dance terminologies in folk dance in the
tune of Carinosa to create a 3-minute video presentation. You can use waltz step in
performing the dance terminologies. A waltz step has a step pattern of (step, closed-step,
I will show you an example for your reference.
Using the Tiktok App or Viva Video in your smart phones, record your dance routine video
and upload it in your Facebook wall and tag me.

Use of Dance Terminologies 35%
Accuracy of movements 35%
Timing 10%
Discipline 10%
Over- all Impact 10%
Total 100%

E. Evaluating learning Assessment

Test I: Identify the following dance terminologies that I am going to perform. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. Bilao
2. Kumintang
3. Salok
4. Cut
5. Curtsy
F. Additional activities Dismissal
for application or


A. No. of learners who

earned (80%) in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. Of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Observed by:


H.O.P.E. 3 Teacher SHS Coordinator Head Teacher Designate Principal I

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