Ved111 Module5: Queenie Thea V. Alupay Beed-Ii TASK 5.1

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TASK 5.2
Choose one model to understand human behavior. Explain how this model is related to human
nature. What impact does this model have on human nature.
Existential Model
It views a person to be open-ended, adaptable, and capable. possessing a wide range of
experiences, the ability to be self-aware, and experiencing Freedom and duty are in conflict.
developing a brand and establishing an identity meaningful relationships, and the search for life's
meaning, purpose, and values. And accepting anxiety as a normal part of life.
Human nature is related to the model which is an existential model, because of the fact that
every human has a different model of human behavior, and also due to the fact that if we were
born with this model, it would turn into our nature because we have been there since day one
and we often do that thing. For example, if we have the capacity for self-awareness, creativity,
and the pursuit of meaning, purpose, and values in life, we will have that capacity for the rest of
our lives because it has become our nature. And the impact of this existential model on human
nature is that the individual's nature will be good enough because there is nothing wrong with
this model. And this model will be good for anyone, because in the first place, the person already
knows that anxiety is a condition of living, so it means she knows that it is part of her life, the said
TASK 5.3
Analyzing your own human behavior. What model is similar to? Justify why such is the model
of your human behavior. Cite instances that show evidence why you justify it to be such.
As for me, I am in the Psychoanalytic model. Due to the fact that, according to Sigmund Freud's
psychoanalytic theory, human behavior is the result of the interactions among three component
parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego. and that the unconscious mind governs behavior to
a greater degree than people do, I had that part of the mind. For instance, I don't have any money
but in a while I see in the corner of our classroom a wallet that belongs to my teacher, so I return
it to him, even though I want to keep it so that I can have money. Another example: I was doing
things in one corner of our home when I decided to ask my mother's permission to do the things
that I was thinking about. She refused, so I got mad at her and I never talked to her the whole

Task 5.4
Write your insights on each of the six propositions on the basic dimensions of the human
condition, according to the existential approach.
First and foremost, the existential approach is philosophical. It is concerned with people's
perceptions of their place in the world and the definition of what it is to be alive.
1.The Capacity for Self-Awareness
- We human beings can reflect and make choices because we are capable of self-awareness. And
the greater our awareness is, the greater our potential for freedom.
2.Freedom and Responsibility
- As human beings, we all have freedom, yet we also have responsibilities. And when we are
aware of our responsibilities as humans, we can experience a sense of freedom, so we can feel
our freedom in the way we accept our responsibilities.
3. Striving for Identity and Relationship to Others
We all need to interact with each other in order to have unity and support in the community. We
can't deny that we are human. We strive to identify our fellowmen, because in that way, we can't
make any progress or improvement if we don't have any ideas from other people, particularly in
achieving our goals in life.
4. The Search for Meaning
We human beings need to search for the meaning of every word or thing that we do not know,
because in order to be knowledgeable, we should be learners and not be offended if people
correct us.
5. Anxiety as a Condition of Living
We all human beings have to be aware and accept anxiety. Due to the fact that life is boring if
you do not feel any anxiety, because the said anxiety is what we need in order to be stronger and
wiser, and to fight for our way of life.
6. Recognizing Death and Nonbeing
We human beings have seen and experienced being left forever by our loved ones, so we are all
aware of death and nonbeing, and some people have already accepted their death because they
accept that they will be left on this earth.

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