Ved111 Module8: Queenie Thea V. Alupay Beed-Ii

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TASK 8.1
Filipinos are nice,
Emotional Closeness and Security in a Family compassionate, and helpful
people. As we can see from the
collage, Filipinos genuinely hold
those values, especially within
their own families, because
family is a gift and we must love
one another. And I can claim that
those photographs in the collage
represent emotional closeness
and security in a family because
we can see that they literally
reflect security and closeness in
the family, regardless of their
riches. The most essential thing
is that they are happy to be with
their family and love each other,
and serve God all together.

Approval from Authority and of Society

Filipinos have the right to be
called brave, fighters, or warriors,
especially if they believe that what
they are doing is for the greater
good of their country, their rights,
and their freedom as human
beings. So, I believe the images in
the collage show the approval
from authority and of society
because, as we can see, they were
battling for their desires, rights
and are now accepted. Other
things have also been accepted
and allowed for society, for the
sake of unity and the wellbeing of

Economic and Social Betterment Some Filipinos may be

judgmental and lazy, but I am
confident that there are many
more who are not. So I can
argue that the photographs in
the collage depict economic
and social progress because
such things are required in
order to establish
togetherness, peace, and love,
as well as to improve our
economy. And, among other
things, these are critical
factors in ensuring that our
economy grows and our social
lives improve.
Patience, Endurance, and Suffering

All people have different

trials and situations in life,
so we can’t deny that we
suffer from them. Yet,
despite that, we develop
ourselves better and we
turn into a better version of
ourselves. So, as a Filipino, I
can say that those pictures
in the collage represent
patience, endurance, and
suffering because we have
been here and the also
represent who, where, and
what we are.

TASK 8.2

Pakikisama, go-between, shame, respect, pagdadamayan, and clannishness are the cultural or social values that
have been had in order to build peace and unity, also full of love and care in society. Those pictures that are there
in the collage represent the values of Filipinos. And those values are the most important and perfect combination
of all of them. As I stated previously, those are the things we must have in order to build peace and unity, also full
of love and care in society. And due to the fact that those values make the world better, and also fear of God and
faith in Him, because He is the only one who gave us life and the opportunity to experience living in this mysterious
yet beautiful world.

TASK 8.3
Which of the Filipino cultural values are evident in the Ilocos Region. Identify at least 5 cultural values. Justify
your choices and give examples when these cultural values are manifested.
As a Filipino citizen, as an Iloco living in the most attractive, most tourist destination, and my beloved province, Ilocos Norte, I saw
that we Ilocanos have had the values of pakikipagkapwa, pagdadamayan, shame, respect, and clannishness since ever. We are good
at communicating with each other, which we can call "hostile," "respectful," and "knowing how to makiramay," "clannishness," and
"shame." That's why I stated previously that our province is the most popular tourist destination because we have those good values.
Moreover, we can't get rid of those values because we practiced them and they became our nature as we lived in the Ilocos Region.
And these are the examples of those values: give and take; what you give is what you receive; supporting and loving family to family,
and people close to each other always have their backs on each other. And many people are amazed at us as Ilocanos, not only because
of our values but also because of our intelligence in everything and every aspect of our lives.

TASK 8.4
How Can I Demonstrate the Value of Love in My Family?
Our first priority is our family. We're adaptable. We're globetrotters. Not stuff, but memories and experiences are what we
accumulate. We're a fun-loving bunch that aren't scared to be ourselves and believe in looking after our plane and believing in the
importance of being present, as well as valuing good health since it is riches. We might have our differences, but nothing is more
important than family. Love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds us closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
And in family life, "love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds us closer together, and the music that brings harmony.
I can demonstrate the value of love in my family by showing that I am blessed to have them as my family, my support, and
being proud that I am part of the family, even though we had an imperfect family, yet challenging, and lots of lessons I can gain. and
by serving and doing good things for my family, being honest, being respectful, being caring, and being helpful and thrifty for the sake
of the family as well. Most importantly, all of their sacrifices and hard work on me are repaid.

What Benefits Can I Possibly Reap from being a Loving Person?

If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal. So the good deeds will become memories. Memories will be remembered.
And we always remember all the good, though old, things that will remain in our hearts and minds.
As a loving person, even if I have some bad sides because I'm an imperfect human being, I can still possibly reap good
communication and good things as a reciprocity for all the things I have done, even in my eternal life, because I'm planting good things
while I'm still alive. And this presence of mine here in this world, I believe that I am good and I love the people around me, even though
we are not sisters or brothers by blood, but it is in the heart. And I believe that this feels good for me to do and that this is the right
thing to do in this world.

TASK 8.4
1. Pray and work: Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you.

Prayer is a must. Due to the fact that having a commitment to God makes us feel grateful and blessed, and prayer can also help to
alleviate our concerns. This saying: "Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you." In my opinion,
I understand that by praying and praying with sincerity, God will do what we have prayed for. Just have faith in Him and never get
tired, even though we have lots of trials to face before we turn to victory. And our actions and reactions will take charge of us because
everything we do will come back to us. So, as for me, I walk with God because I am nothing without God in my life.

2. Love is the key to our nation’s progress. It will encourage our people to be committed to serve and be concerned for each
other’s well being.
This saying, "Love is the key to our nation’s progress." It will encourage our people to be committed to serving and be concerned for
each other’s well-being. Love can ruin everything, and love can do everything as well. Love is the only key to making our world better,
as well as our society and the community where we live and surround ourselves with. And love is the best medicine, among other
things, because, as I stated previously, love can do everything. Just trust the process and don't rush, because sometimes love can cause
too much pain in our hearts.

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