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%%stable system
n1=input('enter numerator coefficients of system1' ); %[1 2]
d1=input('enter numerator coefficients of system1' ); %[1 -0.7 0.1]
sys1=tf(n1,d1,0.1) %generate and display descrete time tansfer function

%% marginally stable
n2=input('enter numerator coefficients of system2' ); %[1 1]
d2=input('enter numerator coefficients of system2' ); %[1 0 1]
sys2=tf(n2,d2,0.1) %generate and display descrete time tansfer function

%% unstable system
n3=input('enter numerator coefficients of system3' ); %[1 4]
d3=input('enter numerator coefficients of system3' ); %[1 -5 6]
sys2=tf(n3,d3,0.1) %generate and display descrete time tansfer function

subplot(2,2,1);zplane(n1,d1) %generate pole zero plot for descrete system

subplot(2,2,2);zplane(n2,d2) %generate pole zero plot for descrete system
subplot(2,2,3);zplane(n3,d3) %generate pole zero plot for descrete system

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