What Am I

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Ever since I was young, I dream of being one of the biggest successful businessman in

the field of business. And yes, I dream of being a businessman.

Every day, I saw different businessmen being interviewed, about how they became

successful and how they become the person today. Just like what the quote said the most

successful people follow passion, not paychecks. On that day, I decided to be a businessman who

will be successful in the near future. This quote inspired me to follow my passion, to follow my

dream and now I am an ABM student of Masbate National Comprehensive High School, having

the best business teachers and collaborating classmates in achieving one goal, to be someone

who makes our parents proud.

Aside from being a businessman someday, I also dream of giving my family the best way

I could. I want them to feel comfortable and for them to know that they are successful in raising

a businessman. This is also the reason why I do my best in school for them to be proud of me. I

also dream to travel around the world and enjoy life to the fullest, creating memories with my

love once. Helping people is one of my ideal goal in life, creating foundation, giving food,

providing school supplies to the children, and donating food to the person who need.

If I fail in achieving my dreams, then I’ll find another one that will be suitable as a cover-

up or a plan B because I believe life doesn’t revolve in a single dream, dreaming what make

goals be achieved and what makes life, live. I am normal person in your perspective but I have

countless dreams to be followed.

Joren G. dabalos

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