V05N11 Nov1983

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'68' Micro Journal
' • ' MICRO
Portions of the text for 68 Mt� JOlAtM.. was prepared
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GIMIX Inc. Copyrighted 1983 by Computer Publishing, Inc. CCPI)

1337 West 37th Place
Chicago, IL 60609
Super Malnframe-QS9-FLEX-Assorted Hardware 68' Micro Journal Is published 12 times a year by
Computer Pub II shI ng Inc. Second C.lass Postage
Eni�-¥R> �SSORS Paid ISSN 0194-5025 at Hixson, Tenn. and
Technical Systems Consultants, Inc.
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PO Box 916
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, See Page 52
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lt..s Sut.ltted tor Publication
Editorial staff

Don Wllllems Sr. Publisher A r ticles submitted for p u blication s h o u l d be

Larry E. W l l llems Executive Editor accompanied by the authors full � . address. date and
Tom E . WII llems Production Editor telephone nu•ber. It Is preferred that articles be
Robert CBob) Nay Color Editor
submitted on either 5 or 8 Inch diskette In TSC Editor
�lnlstratl.a Staff format or STYLO format, All diskettes will be returned,

Mary Robertson O f fice Manager The following TSC Text Proc,essor commands ONlY should
Joyce Wlll lems Accountin g be used (due to our proportional processor): .sp space,
Carolyn Williams Subscrlptlons .pp paragraph, .fl fill and .nf no fill, Also please d o
Penny WI II I ems FI Ie Management
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Contributing Editors rest we will enter at time of editing.

Ron Anderson STYLO commands are all acceptable except the .pg page
command, we print edited text Illes In contlnous text.
Peter Dibble
Dr. Theo Elbert
William E. Fisher All articles submitted on diskettes should be In TSC
Or. E.M. Pass FLEx• format, either FLEX2 6800, or FLEX9 6809 any ver­
Special Tedlnlcal ProjectS
If articles are submitted on paper they should be on
Clay Abrams K6AEP
Tom Hunt wh lte 8XII bond or better grade paper. No hand written
articles Chand written or drawn art accepted). All
p a p e r submitted articles will be photo reproduced.
CONTENTS This requires that they be typed or produced with a
Vol. V, Issue XI NOVE�R '83 d a r k ribbon ( n o blue), single spaced and type font no
smaller than •elite' or 12 pitch, Typed text should be
approximately 7 Inches wide (will be reduced to column
FLEX USER NOTES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 Anderson
width of 3 1/2 Inches). PIMse use a dartt rlbbonl
OS9 USER NOTES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 Dibble
BT-1 GRAPHICS BOARD REVIEW • • • • • 1 6 Hanon All letters to the editor should also c011ply with the
abOYe and bear a signature. Letters of •gripes• as well
NEW COPY UTILITY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 Taylor
as 'praise• a r e solicited. We att1111p1 t to publish all
& Puglia letters to the editor verbatl111, however, we reserve the
META LAB DAC1220 REVIEW • • • • • • • • 33 Ferguson right to reject any submission for lack of 'good taste',
We reserve the right to define what constitutes 'good
• • •


81 T BUO<ET. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39 Advertising: eo-erclal adwrtlsers please contact the
6 8 Micro Journal advertising department for current
UPGRADING A PERCOM SYSTEM • • • • • • 39 B o l l i nger
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"HOLD" REVISED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 43 Korte Classified: All classified m u s t be n o n - c0111 merclal.
Maximum 20 words per classified ad, Those consisting of
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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • • • • • • • • • 49,56 w o r d , 20 words or less S7.50 minimum, one tl11111, paid In
ADVERTISERS �x • • • ..... . • . . • • 70 advance. No classified ads eccepted by telephone.

2 '68' Micro Joumal


DS-9 BMX II Choose from GIMIX' wkle variety of aystlm components.

TIIIIIIX- CPU._. OW 8IIX a. A Uull-uw, ....lllldng� b­ The GIMIX CWSY CHASSIS 111 consists ol a heav,'welgh l alumm cabinet, constlnt
lhl ullinUe In Systam Plfb
ce I*JS p'<*lcllon r:A the syslem and dher users YOIIage teno-resonam power supply. and SS50 MOiher board wllh baud rail! gen-
erab'baird • • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13111.11 . . . . . . . . . • . . • .

Tf1ple Disk regulab' cardand cables $88 .22 Baud 13111 generab' card . . $88.13
::;(�s::)�.�.�.���.�.�-)S111!1.01 Mlsslng cycle deteclllr . .. .. .. $38.23 Fief plaiBS .
. . ......... $14.112 . .. . . • .
. . • •

IN1B..LII8fT 1/0 PIIOCDSCMI IIOARDI lnctease sys18m lhtwghput b'f redUCing Back panel connector plallls (specify) suo so Hz. option • S3D.OO • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

eprocesslllo . Prices'
lnlerTupls 10 the hOSt, bUftll1ng dala b'anSfers, and dala PI MEJIIDfiiES (GIMIX IIIII 0111¥ Slllc RAM)
� on .board llrmWare. Requires systam dl1wn. 11S7 64KB NMOS STATIC RAM bCiard . . . .. .. .. ...................... S47U7
1113por1RS2325erial(�l .................. · S411
. 11
.112 4 por1 Parallel! (SS50) .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ....... :A.. . saaa.1!
dJD .
1164 64KB CMOS STATIC RAM bairdw/ballety back·up
134 8K PROM bCiard • . . • . . •
• ..
. • • . • • • • • . • • . . . . • .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $91.34
08-9 GMXIII drMirs (included when purchased wlltl GMX Ill pad(age)..S2110.110
. •
13216soclcecPROM/AOM/RAM baird. .. . .. .. ......... .'........ $231.32
QS-9 1.M 2 users -contact GIMIX tor system l8qOiramenls and avallablily. 110 e.nts (see abcMIIor lnlellgent 1/0S)
Ill 141 Single pon sertal, RS232/2tml. rurrenllocp. $81.41
1121( BMX I 171 SYSTEMS: AI Include GMX 68)9 CPU Ill and QS-9 GMX
• .. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. . . •

143 2 pon serial. R$232.. ......... .. $121.43

(101); a 111 3 por11nllllligent serial I/O & cables; 119 Classy Chassis; 1921<8 Slatic
t4S 8 pon serial. RS232. . . . . .. . ..
. . • . . . • • . . . . . . • .

. .... $318.46
RAM, 168 OMA conlrollef, all necessa1Y cables, power regula�. and tier platas. .
. . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . .. • •

142 2 pon paralel . . . .. Slll.42

The OS·9 EdiW, .AsserTtiar, Debugger, BASIC-o9, and RUNB are lncludlld.
. . . . • . • . • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . •

17hlthdoal40trackOSOOdrlves ... . ,..-.71 145 8 pon parallel .

150 serial. RS232.RS422. RS423 .
• . . • • . . ..

. . . .. .. .... .. .. . ..
. • . . . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . • . $1!16.45
171wlltldUal80traci<OSOOdrlves . . . . . ...... .
• .

. . . . .

. �71
. . . . • .

. CI''� 162 SSDA serial. RS232. RS422, RS423.....

. .

, ......
. . . . , • •


. . .. . . • $254.5 2
171 with 188 8" Dual DIM llisl( SysiBm . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . 17111.71 154 AOLC serial, RS 2 32. RS422, RS423 . .. . ....... . $288.54
• • . . . . . • • . . •

171 with 19> 19MB WincheSter subsystem & one 80 trac1< OSOO diM . -· Each cable With connec1ors lor back panel mounting (specify baird) • • . • • • • • • • • S2U5
Unifl.EX lor the GMX 68)9 CPU Ill and lnlalgenll/0 lardS Is In �. DISK CONTliOUBIS
f&8 DMA (lealllred In al syslems aiXMI) .. . . . . . .. . $518.18
• • • • . . • . . • .

m dbl. dens.progratml8d 110 (5" drives onttl .. . .. .............. 5211.28

The 105 GIMIX 6809 PlUS CPU baird
Options: GMX OAT . . •

$35.00 SWTPC OA T •
.. .. $578.05
f58 single dens. programmed 110 (5"and/or 8" drives)
f48 same as 158 bullor 5" drives only
. . . . . .. ..

. . . S22UB

. . . ..
. .

.. • • . .
. .

9511A . . . . • • • • • $312.00 9512 .. .. $266.00 Cable seiS: 8" With Back Panel connecb' . . .... .. ...... . .... $29.25
lor IWO 8" exlllmal drives . .. S4Ut
f49 64KB GHOST SYSTEM lncildes: f05 CPU; 119 Classy Chassis; 64KB stllle RAM;a143 2
• . . . . • .

loriWOS"drlves $34.!16
pon serial card & cables: 168 OMA Controller;aa 06C8SS3l'f cables. power regulattn.and filler
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SOFTWARE: GIMIX exclusive versions ol 05-9/GMX I. II. Ill & FLEX are lor GIMIX han!ware
plates; GMXBUG monilor. FLEX: and 05·9 GMX I. You can �are select eilher FLEX or
only. All varslons ol 05·9 reqllh lhe 168 c:oniiUier.
DS-9, The 05·9 Editor. Assernl,llef Debugger, BASIC�. and RUNB are also Included.
149 with dual40 track osoo drives $4391.49
When ordered With any conlroller, FLEX is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . • . . . . .. S3D.OO
149 WiMual 00 track OSOOdrMS .
149 with 188 a·· Dual Drive Disk Syslllm
. . . • . . $46111.49
. . •

. .

. .. $5991.49
• .

. . .. . . . . . . . • .

• GMXBUGPROMsand�... . .
Boa1 or Video boot PROM .. . .. .... $30.00 UN IFLEX boot PROM
. ...... $11.15
. . . . .

. $50.00
• . . . • . .. . •

. . • • . • . .
1 49wilh 190 19MBW1ncllester subsysll!mS &one 80 track DSOOdrne $7391.49 • . • • • . • 05-9 GMX I . . . .. .. .. ... .. . $200.00 DS-9 GMX II . .. . ... .. .. . .... $500.00
Editor . $125.00 Assembler . . . .............. $125.00
139 128KB SYSTEM lnQJdes: f05 CPUwDAT: 1 19 Classy Chassis: 128KB ol stllle RAM:a
. .. . . • • •

BASIC� $200.00 RUNB . .. $100.00

143 2 pon serial caRl & cables; 168 DMA Controller; al necessary cables. power regulalllls.
• • • • • •

and filler plates: GMXBUG monilor. FLEX; and OS-9 GMX II. You can software seled tlither DISK DIUVES FOil GIMIX SYSTEMS - ���� with cables and power regulalors.
Fl.£X or DS-9. The DS·9 Edilor. Assembler,llellugger, BASIC-Q9, and RUNB,and GMX.YOI5K 5" osoo40 lraek . • . 21or S900.00
lor FLEX are ilcklded. 5" DSOO 80 track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 21or $1301,00
139 wilhdual40 track DSOO drives .. $4991.39
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • fiB" DualS" 0500drives, cabinet, power suJll)ly. & cables . .. . . . S21188.11
139 withdual80 track DSOO drives .. . .. . .... . $5291.39 Cablnel only. . . .. . .. .. .. ... $841.11 220V 50Hz. Opllon, add . . .. . $30.00
. .
• • . . . . . • . .

139 with t88 8" DuaiiJ!t.oe Disk Syslem . .. ........................ $85911.39 Aller plate . . . .. .. .. .. .. $14.83 catlle lor 2 drives .. . ... .. .. .. $44.12
139 with 190 19MB �ler subsysll!m & one 80 track 0500diM . $79111. 39
UniFLEX. available at extra cost, requires 8" or Winchester drives. A signed licenseagreemenl
• . • • • • .
. • . • .

cable lor 4drives . . .. . .. .. . $67.14 Cable lor cabinet to mainframe . . $45.81 . . .

WINCHESTER SUBSYSTEMS: lor use only In GIMIX sysll!mS with 161

With TSC Is required belore shipmeol
DMA controller.
You can add to any GIMIX system RAM, /lOs and other options, or ftO: lncaldesone 19MBdr1ve,lnleltace, and Sollware S351UO • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • . • • .

substitute non·volatlle RAM. GIMIX will customize to your needs. 191: includes two 19MBdrives.lntertaceand Sottware . .. . ........ $5288.91 . •

ConlilCI GIMIX lor prceand avallabilily ol other lorthcornlng subsysll!mS.

COMING SOOit ConlilCI GIMIX lor prce and availability on 40MB and 72MB WinchesiBr
(5 v.") drives, rBITlMiilble pack Wlncheslers. 256KB stili: RAM balrds. OTHER BOARDS
f71i GHOST 80X 24 VIDEO BOARD. . $3911.76
AI GIMIX syslemS are guaran!Bed lor 2MHz operation. GIMIX sysll!mS lnciKie documenlilflon
. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . •

tal SO pin P1'ololla1rd s $56.66 133 30 pin ProiDbc:ards . $38.33

lor al balrds and software In a GIMIX binder. AU DRIVES ARE 100% TmBI AHD AUGHED
• • • • • • • • • • •

103 6800 CPU • . • • • • • . • • • • • . . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • $224,.03
106 6800 CPU With liners . . S2J8.06 Baud ra1e option, add . . . . S3D.OO
11011 RElAY DRIVER (baird. brackel,llanslormer,and 31relays) • • . • • • • • . $1128.06
1186 11011 (bclard. bracket, 11ans1ormer. Withoul relays)
• . . . . . . •. .. . . $5311.•
TO 0t1DB1 IY liM.: SSiO CHa:K OR MONEY OROOl OR USE YOUR VISA OR MASTEJl CHARGE. Pllsase 185 OPTD board • . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. • • • $348.85
dOw 3 weeks IIJ personal checks r1 dlliW . U .S. OllleiS � $5 1\Yding I order is lnier $200 . 00. f«eogn WIIORUSH El'ftOM P!IOGRAMMER . $375.00
Dlllers � $10 Nrdng � OIOe< is urder $200 .00. Foreign Dlllers - $200 . 00 wl be � >41 Enwy I.JI
• • • • . . • • . .

� COU£CT . w ... w1 charge no Nnclk1g � D���ers n-..st be plllpll(l ln u S ftJncls Pllsase rw tal
3" Binder . . • • • • • 12.00 2" 8ilder . . . . . • . . . . . . ... $9.00
knign Cheeks 11M been laking abOII 8 weeks lor CXIIIc1on so we WQJICI acMse wtfng I!'CiliiY. or CheCks GIMIX DOES NOT GUAIIAHTfE PEREORMANC£ Of AHY GIMIX SYSTEMS, BOARDS OR SOfT·
e1111wn en a llill* acmJn1 In h u s. � bark Is h Conhn1al llhlls NaiiMII Ban< cc Cl*ago. 231 s WARE WHEN USED WITH OTHER MANUFACTURERS l'fiOOUCT.
US* Stlllll. ClllcaQo . ll 60093. � 113-� vea or lol<1sll!r � 1150 � .
GIMIX InC ,_ h � D Change pricing llrmS, n prooua spallllc:dOnS at tnr tnt wi1houl IIASIC-09 '"'()$.9 .. na.nrtsllllol...... � � '"' loiOTOfOA 1riC- fUX'"' UnfUX .. - d
Uhrnob. T""'** ��. K. GlloiiX. CIClSI,GIIX,Cl.ASSYCH.\SSIS,M na.nrtslll GIMIX, K.


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·sa· Mlcfo Journal 3

Microware presents 4 new
OS-9 soft ware packages.

programs; Most can be used as "filters" using OS-9 pipeline
facflitles. Included are:
LEVEL II D - unformatted directory listing with "wfld card" matching
PRINT SPOOLING SYSTEM Compreu - does character compression on text fifes.
Expand - restores a "compressed" file to the original state.
This versatile package gives your OS-9 LeveiJWo System a Split - breaks a file into smaller fifes.
complete print spooling management capability for time­ Spaca - indents lines with optional spacing between lines.
sharing applications. Features of the spooling system are: Code - decodes any key on a keyboa1d to hex.
• Handles up to seven independent spooling devices and Qsort - quick sort for small fifes, directories, etc.
queues with "print on first avaflable devcei " feature. Pr - versatile formatted file printing utility.
• Prints large block header pages between listings with date, Tr - transliterates text pattern to substitution pattern.
time, user name and job name. Grep - searches file for a pattern and prints matching lines.
• Multiple listing copy option.
Xmode - same "tmode" except changes are made to the
• Complete forms change capability for each jo b and device.
device descriptor.
• Prints formatted or unformatted listings.
Count - counts words, lines, or characters within a text fife.
• Status command displaYs print queues and status. Suggested List Price 185.00
• User can kill or change priority of queued jobs.
Available only for OS-9 Level JWo Systems.
SUWf$11d Ust Price: $150.00 M1nual Only: 115.00 4 ENTERTAINMENT

A collection of games and other interesting programs that
are not only entertaining but serve as good instructional
examples of Basic09 programming techniques. All programs
include complete Basic09 source files and can be easily edited
AJ last - a full feature relocatable macro assembler and to run on standard alphanumeric or graphics terminals.
linkage editor for OS-9. RMA permits sections of assembly Blk/ik - A Vegas-rules blackjack game.
language programs to be Independently assembled to Clk - graphical display of a wall clock on your terminal.
"�table otiect files': The linkage eator tal<es any number Dogs - Greyhound racing with simulated graphics.
of program sections and/or library sections and combines El/u - Basic09 version of the famous artificial intelligence
them into a single executable OS-9 memory module. Global simulation of natura/language dialogue with a psychiatrist.
data (including indexed and direct addressing modes) and H1/ku - Program that Cleates original "haiku" prose.
program references are automatically resolved in the pro­ Quest - a minf.:'Adventure" game.
cess. The macro faciliyt permits commonly used statement Rlt.- find your way out of a computer-generated maze­
sequences to be defined, then used within the program with from a rat's point of view.
appropriate parameter substitution. RMA also supports con­ TOwn - a graphical display of the solution to the '7ower
ditional assembly and library source files. of Hanoi" puzzle.
SUIIQUilld U$1 Price: $200.00 M1nu1/ Only: $20.00 Suggested List Price: 185.00


MlctOWIII Systems Corpor11Jon
Introducing a special toolbox for OS-9 users who do a lot P.O. Box 4865 Des Mon
• i es, lA 50304
of file manipulation! A collection of 12 useful OS-9 command 515-279-8844 • Telex 910.520.2535

OS..If'ICI....... ···�01 �.,., �

Unh ... .,....,... .... La

'68' Micro Journal

THE 6800-6809 BOOK
By: Ronald W. Anderson
As published in 68 MICRO JOURNAL, ..

The publishers of 68 MICRO JOURNAL are proud to announce the publication of Ron Anderson's FLEX USER NOTES, in
book form. This popular monthly column has been a regular feature in 68 MICRO JOURNAL SINCE 1979. It has earned the
respect of thousands of 68 MICRO JOURNAL readers over the years. In fact, Ron's column has been described as the
'Bible' for 68XX users, by some of the world's leading microprocessor professionals. Now all his columns are being
published, In whole, as the most needed and popular 68XX book available. Over the years Ron's column has been one of
the most popular in 68 MICRO JOURNAL. And of course 68 MICRO JOURNAL is the most popular 68XX magazine

As a SPECIAL BONUS all the source listing in the book will be available on disk for the low price of: FLEX format only- 5''

$12.95- 8" $16.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling, if ordered with the book. If ordered separately the price of the disks
will be: 5" $17.95- 8" $19.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.

Listed below are a few of the TEXT files Included In the book and on diskette.

All TEXT files in the book are on the disks.

LOGO.C1 Ale load program to offset memory ASM PIC


MEMOVE.C1 Memory move program - ASM PIC

DUMP.C1 Printer dump program- uses LOGO - ASM PIC
SUBTEST.C1 Simulation of 6800 code to 6809, show differences - ASM
TERMEM.C2 Modem Input to disk (or other port input to disk)- ASM
M.C2 Output a file to modem (or another port) - ASM
PRINT.C3 Parallel (enhanced) printer driver- ASM
MODEM.C2 TIL output to CRT and modem (or other port)- ASM
SCIPKG.C1 Scientific math routines- PASCAL
U.C4 Mini-monitor. disk resident, many useful functions- ASM
PAINT.C4 Parallel printer driver, without PFLAG- ASM
SET.C5 Set printer modes- ASM
SETBAS1.C5 Set printer modes -A-BASIC
(And many more)

..Over 30 TEXT files included In ASM (assembler)- PASCAL- PIC (position independent code) TSC BASIC-C, etc.

NOTE: .C1,.C2, etc.=Chapter 1, Chapter 2. etc.

This will be a limited run and we cannot guarantee that supplies will last long. 0 der n w for early delivery.
Foreign Orders Add $4.50 SIH

Softcover - Large Format

Book only: $7.95 + $2.50 S/H

With disk: 5" $20.90 + $2.50 SIH

With disk: a� $22.90 + $2.50 SIH

See your local SSO dealer/bookstore or order direct from:

Computer Publishing Inc.

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601 •
.. FLEX is 1 trademark of Technical Systems Consultants

'68' Micfo Journal 5


Digital's Test
Station Integrates
and Debugs Your
System Faster.

lntroducmg Advanced Digital's powerful trace disassembler are standard. They

new 40098 Test Station. The test enable you to view software and make changes
scotion that combines emulation and without returning to the development system.
logic analysis into one system. Until
now, most emulators operated in real-time MORE THAN AN EMULATOR
by resrraining the target system. Not with
As a "digital engineering test station,"
Advanced Digital. Our 40098 Test Station is
Advanct'<:i Digital's 40098 gives you a synergistic
totally transparent. Totally real-time. We meet or
approach to inccgrarion problems. Two micro­
exceed manufacturer's timing specifications. This
processors control the system. One is dedicated to
is particularly important when emulating inter·
emulation while the second microprocessor
rupt mtensive systems and accommodating
supervises the 32 channel logic analyzer and all
DMA operation.
system menus. Thts dt�ign lets you emulate and
Universal operation enables you to emulate
perform all system funcnons simultaneously.
61!111 and 61!111E c;erics microprocessors without
Discover the most powerful diagn otic tool
making software or hardware changes.
available for hardware and software mtcgrarion.
Up co l28K of memory overlay, four
Call Advanced Digital Technology for a free
hardware triggers and 2K deep
of trace help you pinpoint
problems fa ter. A line-by­

� V ���:a7ced
line assembler and a � II\
I Technology
13400 Northup \\lay, 127
Belle\'uc:, WA Q8005
(206) 643-2382

6 ·5e· Micro Joumal

TMP (Total Management Planning)
Here are th'e comprehenalve/y throu�h " hands-on- exercises that In·
aupported OS-9 application aoft­ stantly build confidence. and minimize
warit paclcagea that dfacernlng reference to manuals.
profeaafonafa are aelectfng today. CLEAR DOCUMEI'ti'AnON Is specially
Each one runs atand-alone or prepared for each TMP package.
In combination with other TMP Remarkably readable because
paclcagea. they are conversational In styl.e
and logically organized. Lh ls scr·
TMP/CALC Is a III?WiJC'Ili?ITlllon
lcs or manuals further assures
"Electronic Sprcadsht-et" package
quick user comfort and pro·
that goes a quantum lc:ap beyond
ductlvlty with TMP software.
ordinary CaJe software. Supertor
Includes sections on how to best
speed. and cxlm fe atures like
utilize the system: Integrating
Dynamic Calculations and Oy·
uscr·wrtucn software \vllh TMP
namlc Overlay. mean you tan
packages. and other bonus topics.
change a cell anywhere on the
spreadsheet and �ct autornatlr
updates wherever they belong. No more
TMP PACKAGES ARE to TMP Deal ers. They dramatically take
"wrap-around" since output to tht• prtnt
er Is fonnau<.-d. "llclp" screens prompt
EXCEPTIONALLY FRIENDLY. the \�ewer Into real buslnt"SS environ·
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'68' Mlcto Journal 9

Flex User Notes I don't doubt Den's claim for en lnstent (for DAN, that
Is). Mv problem Is one of discipline. Every time I used a
"stenderd" subroutine, I would went to change It to fit
Ronald w. Anderson the present eppllcetlon exectly. (I know thef for e fact
.3540 Sturbrl dge Court beceuse I'lie been there>. Well the discussion didn't end
Ann Arbor, Ml 48105 there, and hesn't as of th (s writing. I reellze that
there ere areas where Assembler should be used, but 1
m e l n t a l n that those ereas ere getting smeller es
compliers bec0111e more efficient. Den has written e
business software peckege ell In assembler with standard
s u b r o u t i n e s for metfi and formattin g of numerlcel
output. It beets the pents off of enythln� written In
Compile It or Ass8111ble It? BAS IC In the wey of en accounting system. The programs
ere short so you don't spend ell dey waiting for enother
I'm going to use this forum to make public a llffle program to load to do enother function. This seems to
pr ivate debate that many of you might not only find me fo be II very cgood example of II cese where Assembler
Interestin g , but be stirred to respond to. (I know. reelly makes a drfference. Of course If you have a herd
W i nston Cfiurchlll said once that a preposition Is d l sk t h e loed t i m e for a BASIC p r o grem Is not
something you should n....ar end a sentence with.) Before t
objecTionable, but I'm talking ebout SMALL computers.
I get to the heart of the matter, I have to give you a
llftle background. A couple years ago, I wrote a boOk on "C" was developed es a system progremmlng language,
progremmlng In Pascal. As one of the chapters, I wanted thet Is one In which a progremmer could Implement en
t o tac kle a non-trivial program as en example of operetlng s,ystem. In fact the femous UNIX"' Is written In
something more c0111p lex then a "sey hello" program . I "C ". The designers" of "C" must have known whet they
ended up writing e text formetter thet woul<f accept were doing beceuse benchmarks coded In "C" elweys seem
text wl th embedded commends end produce e nice output to run fest. The "C" conp llers end up at the top of the
w l th f e e t u r e s such es centering of titles, right speed list. A look at the output code of e goo d "C"
j ustlflcetlon of short lines, fill end justlflcetlon of complier (that Is the essembler source code>, or at the
peregrephs, etc. d I sessembled obJect code of the PL/9 compller would
convl nee most any good Assembler programmer the f he Is
The example program worked out reasonably well end not going to be abre to do MUCH better. While I'll egree
the book was publ rshed with version 9 or so o '( the that there mey be e factor of two to four possible In
program. I kept adding features to It, end It ended up going to Assembler, It Is not the 50 or 100 factor that
recently at version 17. When I got Involved In the PL/9 exIsted e few yeers e9Q• I was able to code the Prime
lanpuage, I decided that It would be shorter end fester benchmerk (the one In 8YTEl In assembler so It runs In
If trensleted It to PL/9. As a side benefit, It would ebout .3.:5 seconds on a 2 MHZ 6809. Two "C" conpllers
be a good way to learn the lntrlcesles of PL/9 end to end PL/9 ran It In 10 10, end 12 seconds respectlwly.
f I n d a b u g or t w o I f they were to be found. The That Is only e fector of ._
.) or :5 1/2 for those compliers.
translation was ecconpllshed and the output code wes
ebout helf as lerge es the orlg(nel. It ran s....aral times There ere those who cry "but look et how meny bytes of
fester then the original P-code Pescel Yerslon. object code you generated." With our 64K 111e1110rles
eve liable for eround $.300, I wonder If that Is e valid
At that point I decided to Implement some of the fency obj ectlon. That text formatter mentioned eboYe Is 4K
feetures of the Epson MX-80 with Graftrex end I edded I n PL/9. In essembler It might be 2K or possibly J.5K.
the cepeblllty of switching print modes wlt�ln a line. I Does It reelly metter? The text file Is read fron e disk
decided to see If South East Medle would want to market and processed a II ne at e time. There Is no need to
l t . I also decided to send three copies to various buffer the whole text In lllei iiO • In most of our systems
people for c0111m ents. I had been workIng with Den we don't hiiYe multi tasking end multiple users. For most
Farnsworth of Pal111 Beech Softwere, testing his SPELLS of us, progremmlng 15 pe�s of PU9 or "C" Is every much
<sold by s. E. MEDIA, see ed this Issue} end music smeller J ob then wrltrng 60 pages of Assemblerl Another
software, end I had reellv ripped up some of the music progremmer cen reed and understend our high level code
complier to add the cep eb lllty of loudness control. I mucfi more quickly then he can understand our Assembler
flgured I owed Den a chance to be critical of somet"hlng code. A "C" programmer can progrem e Z-80 a DEC POP­
of m i n e , e n d he c e r t a i n l y was. The result of my II, a 6809, e 65"0 2 + or whetever. A 680!$ Assembler
Implementing his suggestions (a dozen or sol was a p rogremmlng exper can only progrem e 6809. Of course
greetly lmprc:Ned text lormetter. One of his suggestions he cen learn to program those others In reesoneble tlme1
removed a n awkward wey of breaking the 1111 mo<fe et the just as I can leern to run a new editor or a differenT
end of a paragraph, that had ....an frlpped me up once In operetlng system.
e while.
Well, that's my side of the ergument. I'll send a copy
Pet l ence. the plot Is thickening rapidly. I had of this to Den Farnsworth end let him write a rebuttel.
written the f'ormetter es an example of a Pascal program. I'd sure like to know whet you reeders think. Whet
When I rewrote It In PL/9 It was reduced to ebout <SK of eppllcetlons demand Assembler programs, end where are
object file. I wes quite pleased with Its sfeed· It will h igh level language programs better. <You can reed
dump formatted text to a CRT about as fes as the LIST b etter as more econonlcel, more maintainable, porteble,
c0111mend does. It cen certelnly keep up with most dot or any wey you like>.
matrix printers end specleltv "daisy wheel" tvDes. One
of Den's comments was something like "Now thet you have Who's the Joker?
gone to ell the trouble of w rl trng this, why not code It
Tn A s sembler?" T h a t hit e nerve somewhere In my HEY Don Willi ams The jul y Issue of '68' contains a
constitution, end a friendly debate sterted. I allowed � COI!Iplelnlng about the degree of
letter fr0111 Bill Bell
a s how 4K w e s c e r t a i n l y smell enough for a text reduct Jon that some of the thIngs In '68' undergo-before
formetter, end that It wes certelnly edequetelv fest. printing . Some JO<ER (I cen't lmeglne who> printed that
The hi g h level lenguege source Is eesler to maintain, letter so s111e ll that I had to get a magnifier to be eble
takes Jess time to list, etc. In feet, front ll'!f first use to meke out most of It, end I do weer glasses for close­
of Asselllbler, I had been looking forwerd to the dey when up work. Meybe Bill, you ought to weer glasses tool
co11p llers becl!lllllt capable enough end efficient enough so
thet I wouldn't h....a to write esselllbler code any110re. I Don•s Note· Ron that Is the size we receiYed Jt. I
certeI nly got enough practice at Assembler for a couple r e e l ly don;t re�nember ever ,Printing eny ertlcle or
of years before sucti a complier appeared. envth ng else quite that 'smell . HoweYer, we print e lot
of 'stuff"other magazines would not bother with. I do It
Den's reply to that was SOIIIethln g like "You still don't beceuse I feel the need or benefit, to my readers,
understand how I program In Asselllb ler." My reply to hlln e x c e e d s t h e requirement of Iorge, solid, dark or
w a s " I u nde rs tencfg u l t e w e l l how y o u progra111 I n otl)erwlse good copy materiel. MeYbe that Is why over
assembler , but you don t understand how the rest of us 95S of our reeders resubscrlbe. 'tie eln't fency but we
program I n a s s e111b lerl" so- folks ere by nature gotte lot of good stuffl
organized. Sollie get things done. Usually pt!<>ple who fell
I nto the extre111 e of one of those categories don't fit DMW
the other et ell. I clesslfy myself as e doer who Is
almost OOIIIP ietely disorganized. Den Is en exception. He "C" Senior
Is well orgenlzed AND he gets thii!Qs done. Den, O't'er the
years , hes developed e set of ST ANDARD subroutines for I thought of labeling this bit "Confessions of a herd
doing :J ust about e�hlng. He cleiiiiS (and I don't doubt> heeded Swede"• I'm not totelly unfe���lller with "C", but I
thef Fie cen put to�tller a 400 line Assembler program heve never really gotten deep_ly Into using Jt. (I'm going
end heve It running I n a couple hours <that's about 8 to save some tvolng end onlt the quotes eround C for the
pages of source>. remelnder of ' this >. I decldecf to trv to conwrt '!"'

10 '68' Micro Joumal

scientific functions package that I 'had written In I've ordered "The C Primer", reviewed by Norm Conwno In
Poscol some time ag o, end recenttv upgraded thanks to the July '68' Micro Journal. Perheps a more organized
the efforts of Motf Scudlere In '68' In the Aorll Issue. and step by step epproach will make learning C o 6ft less
I've recently been workIn g on the PL9 version of that o chore. I managed to �t o square root function going
p ackage In cOOP.eratlon wltn the folks at Wlndrush, so I after some consl deral51e trouble on Saturday morning
had the PL9 wrslon to start with. after finding the problem with sin end cos. <The cos
function sim p ly adds Pl/2 to the angle and calls the sin
Generally when I try out o new language I first get o function). The sqr function Involves repeating on
feel for o few simple programs. I tnougn� In this case, approximation calculation, each time getting a more
that I wos post that J>9lnl. The next step Is to try to accurate answer, untII the dl fference between two
translate something significant from another language, successive answers Is S�MIIer then SOlie limit. Since the
a n d 1 set off to do l ust that with the scientific two numbers bein g compared get closer together with
functions. I+( first aftempt ot a test program end the each pass through the calculation, but either may be
Implementation of the SINE ond COSINE functTon roduced larger then the other, a n absolute value function Is
th ox <f needed. No problem, t h o u g h t I Just use "while
� 11fe'"re::�u�g� :-:���:t �:n.re;fat :rn!�� T�� c ��dftf� � <abs<<result - guessl/resultl > 1.Oe·-6f" to keep the loop
must be In parentheses. Oops, still an error, undefined going until the error Is smell enough.
symbol "then". Ah so C doesn't wont the word then. It
e x pects only "If <'condftlonl statement;". Well, that one Oops agoIn.. obs Is o defined function but It Is an
went away, and when I put the parentheses Into oil the Integer function. Now oil I had to do Is de / lne obsf as a
other "If" statements end deleted the "then", most of function that returns a float, ond declere It In "sqr" as
the errors dlsoppeored. 1 I n d i c a t e d ebove. That worked fine too ebout 8
complies later after I had found and fixed all Iff'/ little
1 had another peculiar error that pointed out a errors.
difference between C and most of the others <I hod
foraotten this onel Not equal In C Is represented by T h a t o n e d o w n , I edded the "otn" function
"l• or rather than the more common "<>"· Again, when the (arctangent). By now I had mode most of t h e eas
error message told me that there wos an error on that mistakes, ond so didn't foil Into arry serious trap s. y
line, It was ol)vlous. tried declarin g some "boolean" values as char, but of
c o u r s e , the library had defined TRUE end FALSE as
I still had one very stubborn error In 'hlo p laces In Integers. Thet one was easy. Now "atn" worked fine but
the pro g ram. I had remembered to declare Iff'/ functions aga rn The Wron g Answer! This time e careful look
"float sln(anglel etc., and thought that was all I hod to revealed t h a t I fiad 111 1 s t y p e d o n e of the series
• • •

do to Insure return of a float value from the function. coefficients.

A careful reading of Kernighan end Ritchie (at 1::50 AMl
1 ndlcated that I have to declare the function In the 1 worked on Into the evening adding eech n � function
calling p rogram too, ri ght along with the local vorloble to the package and testing ft. No mOre peculler errors
declarations. "float angfe, number, sinO, cos<>;" seemed calli& to lighT, just o very hard to find typographical
to take care of those last complier trapped errors. error In an arrtlj Index and that "••" trap agaln. This
time I knew what the problem would be when the result
NOTE : I l a t e r f o u n d out t h a t those function came out a s though a variable had the value zero, and
declarations ore ontv necessary If the function coli Is o found It Instantly.
"forward reference�<,. sort of analog ous to the FORWARD
c oli In Poscol. Tnot means that calls to library Norm Commo, this probably has 'r'OU In stitches br nowl
functions don't need the function declorotlons since Cor Whet's my point? Flrst t the entertal,_nt value o this
l f l the #Include for the library file Is before the maln<l might ma�e It I nteresTing reading. Second, CIs a bit
function In the C program. more "lntrlcete" than some of the other languages. You
c a n make an error and still have o perfectly legal
Now to run the thing. Gee, It actually ran, with onlv statement Cas In the =• case abOYel. Of course wl\en .,.ou
one problem. I put In 45 degrees as the angle, and It do this, the complier has no woy of knowing that .,.ou
returned 0.0 00000 for the sine and 0.000000 for the didn't Intend to do what you did, so It doesn't report an
cosine. error. ThIs sage of C Is not Intended to be critical,
Just a factual relating of what hap!) ens when this
Well, after a couple hours next morning <Saturd ay) of p rogrammer tackles a new langua g e. This reinforces Iff'/
adding print statements and recompiling, I f ound the bell ef thet there Is no substltute for USING o language
error of errors for neophyte C progronner s. Of course t o become proficient In ft. I had read about C for 501118
I knew betterl Only with the evidence pointing et one or time, and ·had used It previously for some sl111ple test
two lines did the p roblem become obvious. Actually, programs, but hadn't REALLY gotten Into anything deep .
there ere two proble111s . They reinforce each other.
The first Is the "uncommon" use of "••" for an equoll "tv
test. The second Is the "understood" 1•0 <te. not equal
Ol thet Is built Into a test. You can get away with such
t hin g s as "do <statement> while <counl--l;". The "while"
condl tlon tests for the value of the argument end
a n yt hing BUT 0 Is c o n s i d e r e d TRUE. There /ore,
l n ltlollzlng en Integer "count" to 10 will make that loop By: Peter Dibble
run 11 t l111es. <The trailing -- causes the value to be 517 Goler House
decremented AFTER the test, so the loop runs for count Rochester, NY 1�620
•aO as well as 10 through 1. l

Now put that little feature Cwhlch I like a great deal

because It allows shortcuts In progr-lngrtogether The OS-9 User Seminar
with the •• feature and you get disaster. I had
I n t ended to t e s t my varfable "eng le" In the "sin"
function, and return the value 0 If the angle Is o. On August 12 the OS-9 User Seminar opened
There Is no use going through ell the celculetlons to get rather s l o w l y as I and a few other people stood In
appr oximately zero when exactly zero Is known to be the line In front of the exhibit hoi I on the third floor
answer. Well, I ended up with the following: of the Des Moines Marriott. We watched as various
Mlcrowere staff s'ruggled to get a Redlo Shock
If <engle • 0.0) return O.O; computer <running OS-9 of course> Interfaced with o
/*continued calculation of sine •; television. When I got Into the hal I, I was
surprised at the number of exhibitors. I have
al ways thought of the OS-9 commun ity es about the
Do .,.ou see the dlsester? Since C ellows on assig nment size of a large fami l y -- there were 24 booths
statement within the condition. I uncondltlono l lv set l i sted In the exhibitor guide. I hod o ba l l
an g le • 0.0. "If <angle • O.Ol Is olw� s FALSE BECAUSE IT wandering through the hoi I, meeting people I have
FOR CES angle 0 ond of course 0 Is FALSE. Naturally
the function didn't "return o.O" because the condition only known through phone conversations, and seeing

w a s false. It DID set an g l e t o 0 , so t h e following some exciting hardware.

c a l c u lation of the sine of the angle DID return o.
ChangIng the <angle • O.Ol to (angle •• 0.0) chang ed an Several of the exhibitors were showing machines
unwanted as s l g n11ent statement to the lntendecfTEST, that used OS-9 as a process control environment.
and suddenly sl n returned an answer (of course It wos
I ncorrectl. I found a s l���pl e and unrelated error that I One booth sported a reck of equipment ttlet would
corrected easily to fix that problelll. have been more ot home next to an ass�bly l ine.

'68' Mlcro Journal

Smoke Signal broadcasting had a video tape rig with classes, presentations, and "roundtables"
showing a movie of a ml lltary-looklng man. I ranging from OS-9 and Baslc09 Features, which
remember a bugle and a lot of strutting up and down, covered things like the Baslc09 editor, to the OS-9
but I just can't remelllber what he was talking about; Roundtable, which g8ve us 8 chance to Interrogate
I think he was promoting the TMP package. Smoke the parents of OS-9 about Its workIngs. In the
Signal had a compact SS50 based machine that I have evenings a few of the exhibitors r8n "hospitality
never seen before. suites" which gave some of us an excuse to stay up
late end talk about our computers.
There were a couple of Japanese engineers
demonstrating Fujitsu FM-7 and FM-11 computers. Saturday night there was a meeting of the OS-9
Very wei I done. I wish they were available In this User Group. The User Group Is having some troubles
country. A particularly nice feature of the which seem to stem mostly from having only a few
software on the Fujitsu machines was split-screen members spread over a wide geographical area. We
support. I sew them editing on one pert of the elected officers for the next year: Dele Puckett
screen while two other sections displayed moving <President), myself <VIce President), Goerge Dorner
graphics at I running at the same time.
• • • (Tre8surer), and Tom Murphy <Secretary). We ere
respectively responsible for the Software Exchange
Teno was showing a Oregon computer, Imported <I Committee, the Membership Committee, the
believe) from England. The Oregon Is a smal I, Communications Committee, and the By Laws Committee.
Inexpensive computer with oolor graphics and OS-9
Level One. I only sew It playing g&mes, but It does Monday those of us who were stll I left around
that pretty well. went off to Mlcroware's offices. I had e chance to
discuss some of the difficulties I am having with
Prlvec was showing the graphics board that I OS-9 and C with the appropriate people, and
have been coveting for months now. It looks even discovered that those programmers are seriously
better In rea I I ty than It appe8rs In an crowded. They desperate Iy need to make the move to
advertisement. There was a program running almost a larger facility that they have been planning.
continuously that demonstrated the board. Figures
end characters wou I d appear, dIsappe8r, rotate, and Shell Commands
float across the screen. I had always wondered how
wei I the Prlvec board was supported under OS-9; It The shel I Is a program that Interprets command
turns out that OS-9 Is the operating system they I lnes and does what Is cat led for. The full Unix
use. The demo program was wrItten In Baslc09. shell Is a programmi ng language In Itself, The OS-9
shel I Is only a subset of the Unix shelI, but It has
Wires fr0111 the Glmlx booth seemed to spread all enough ffexlbl llty to be useful. The first thing to
over the hal I. The OS-9 User Group, JBM Group, and learn &bout the shel I Is how to use the built-In
Frank Hogg Labs alI were borrowing computer services shel I commands. The chd, chx, ex, klI I, w, and
from Glmtx. Perhaps to demonstrate the tireless setpr comlllln
l ds are bul It Into the shelf, The shel I
ability of GMX-11 I to spew characters out on many commands ere used to control the environment of the
terminals, unused terminals were kept busy listing programs that 8re run by the shell.
strange programs. Whenever I walked by, one of the
termln8ls 8t the FHL booth w8s listing 8 COBOL use the chd command, which Is the command
program. At the Glmlx booth I met the engineer which changes the working data directory, more th8n
responsible for my h8rdw8re (who Is 81so the any other shelI comman d. The working d8t8 directory
president 8nd the service man8ger of Glmlx). He Is the directory which wll I be used for most flies
thinks Glmlx h8rdw8re should move In 8bout the same you re8d or write without specifying a directory In
direction I went It to go. If things go wei I, the file name. It Is usu81 ly much better to ch8nge
there should be some terrific new hardware con�lng the working directory th8n to explicitly Include
out SOIMtlme In the Indefinite future. directories In file nemes so I frequently ch8nge
dlrectorIes as I change from one task to another.
The JBM Group Is h8rd for me to ch8r8cterlze. It Is e r8re dey when I use the chx command, the
They hlld some utI I ItI es th8t sounded goo d except comml!lnd which changes the working execution
that they were written at least partly In Baslc09. directory, even once. I Imagine that someone with 8
The thing that upset end feclnated me was that they sm81 fer system disk th8n mine would use the chx
have a sort which they claim runs very fast. They command much more frequently then I do bec8use OS-9
clal111 to have comp8red their sort to a standard remembers where the work Ing dIrectorIes 8re on dIsk,
disk-based merge sort, and come out significantly and needs to be reset with chd 8nd chx commands when
better. Either the algorithm used by the program 8 disk Is changed. If you forget to ch8nge
they compared theirs to was not the best available directories when you change disks, OS-9 will give
In the literature, or their claim may have to be you a nasty message next time you try to use the
placed In the same class as perpetual motion directory. I have never gotten Into trouble by
machines. The man who Invented their sorting forgetting, but It Is not wise to trust an operating
algorithm wasn't there for me to ask about the system too far.
details of his method, and I had no way to check
their figures, so I wlI I continue to view their sort The ex comman d should be classed as an advanced
with skepticiSM; however, even If It Is only en command. It replaces the shelI with another
average sort, Its m8nual clocuments e fine general program. Replacing the shel I Is certainly a goo d
sorting program of e type which Is much needed by thing to be able to do, especially for users with
serious OS-9 users. They had several other packages smal fer systems, but It can have disconcerting
Including a set of Baslc09 subroutines for ISAM file results -- ml!llnly that when the program ends, the
handling that sounded much less exotic, but shel I won't be there.
The rest of the shel I commands are primarily
There were, of course, many exhibitors useful for those who run programs concurrently. You
haven't mentioned (for example Mlcrowere's own can Instruct the shel I to start a program running,
booth>, but I don't Intend to make this column Into then give you another shel I prompt by putting en &
a walking tour of the exhibit heft, after the command on the comman d line:
OS9: dlr >/p& would list the flies In the data
Friday there was plenty of tl111e to look around. dIrectory on the prInter wh I Ie you run othGr'
Saturday and Sunday were so busy there was barely progre��s.
time to eat. Mlcroware filled most of the weekend

12 '68' Micro Journal

If you run progr8ms concurrently, the kll I, The Idee cen be extended even further. There
setpr, end w commends wll I be useful. The kl I I Is no compel ling reeson why the loglcel device
commend should be used ebout the wey you use the should refer to exectly one physlcel drive. The
quit control key (usuelly <CNTL>O or <CNTL>El. The loglcel device could refer to severe! physlcel
quit key only works on the lest progrem to do 1/0 to devices or just e pert of one.
the termlnel, the kill commend works on eny progrem.
The setpr commend Is used to control the wey the Some possible uses of the concept ere:
computer's resources ere divided up. The higher the
priority of e progrem, the Jerger e shere of the A disk drive with essocleted ceche storege.
computer It wll I get, end the fester It wl I I run. A
program's (or, more properly, process's> priority A neet, end felrly eesy wey to support split
cen be anywhere In the renge 1 to 255. The w screen
commend ceuses the shel I to welt for e child process termlnel dlspleys with eech section of the screen
to finish. Thet meens thet the shel I won't prompt
for enother commend until e progrem thet wes sterted treeted es e seperete termlnel.
by It terminates. The meln use of this comme nd Is
to recover from the mlsteke of running e progrem A getewey to e network.
thet does 1/0 to the termlnel In background. The
usefulness of the w commend cen be epprecleted by A wey to essoclete e printer with e termlnel for
trying the following experiment: screen dumps.
OS9: dlr x& Now try to get some useful work
done when you ere disgusted with the screwy A termlnel-lndependent Interface.
behevlor of your termlnel, type w et the OS9 prompt:
OS9: w The device driver I heve Included with the
column Is e loglcel SCF device driver for e level
There Is one pertlculerly nice feeture of the Two system. A RBF driver, or e driver for Level One
she! I which Is, so fer es I know, undocumented. If would be somewhet different, but only the detells
you run e progrem like the assembler with Its output would need to be chenged. The driver, which I nemed
directed somewhere other then the termlnel, then VCIA, doesn't do enythlng et ell except weste time.
decide thet you would I Ike to run enother progrem et It Is e skeleton for something Interesting to be
the seme time, you cen cut the essembly loose from built on.
the shel I with the Interrupt control key (usuelly
<CNTL>C). The Interrupt control key wll I usuel ly Stertlng from the top, let's go through the
termlnete the progrem which most recently did 1/0 to Interesting perts of the progrem. A loglcel driver
the termlnel, but, If the progrem In control of the must look just like e reel driver to the system, so
termlnel (the assembler In this cese> doesn't do eny It must heve the type Orlvr+Objct, end It must heve
1/0 to the termlnel et elI, It won't kll I Jt. e byte efter the normel module heeder reflecting the
lnsteed, the shel I sees the Interrupt, end converts modes In which the driver cen be used. This one
the progrem In control of the termlnel to e seys It Is good for updete, It might be e good Idee
concurrent progrem. to edd execution. The storege required by e device
driver Is celled the device stetlc storege, It Is
A loglcel Device Driver elloceted, end pertly lnltlelllzed by the file
meneger, In this cese SCF. The file meneger uses
This column Is en experiment with e new formet. the first section of the device stetlc storege, the
There Is e demend for Information for new OS-9 storege reserved for It with the "org V.SCF."
users, but I heve elso heerd requests for more
edvenced discussions. In this column I em trying to Performance Is cruclel et this level. Every
Include something for everyone. Whet follows mey be cherecter reed from or written to the termlnel will
of generel Interest, but, for en Inexperienced pess through this module so even e smel I Improvement
computer user, It mey be heevy going. In efficiency Is go<>d. Normel good coding prectlce
Is stll I Important, but the priorities shift
Severe! months beck I sterted e project whose somewhat. SCF wll I brench to entry, entry+3,
objective wes to find e wey to give OS-9 e entry+6 depending on whet service It wents.
termlnel-lndependent wey to control CRTs. I heve e The normel convention Is to put e list of lbre
speclel device driver which does just whet Is eelled Instructions here, but e bre Instruction Is e little
for, but It Is built eround Mlcrowere's ACIA source. fester, so I used them end pedded them to three
I mey be eble to get permission from Mlcrowere to bytes eech with nops (which ere never executed In
publish the modified driver, but I would rether not this context>.
heve the termlnel mepplng tied thet closely to the
computer's 1/0 port. Not every computer uses en The INIT eel I must find the physlcel device
ACIA chip for Its serlel lnterfece, end my speclel driver end set up the proper environment for lt.
driver only works with ACIA serlel Interface chips. The physlcel driver, which I eel I P.o., Is found end
Whet Is needed Is e vlrtuel, or loglcel, device mepped Into the eddress spece with e FSLINK eel 1.
thet cen lnsulete the termlnel mepplng code from the This Is e bit tricky. In level Two, the module Is
physlcel Interface. I Inked Into the eddress spece be Iong I ng to the
process doing the link. The device driver uses the
The Idee of e loglcel device driver hes meny process number of the process thet opened It, but It
eppllcetlons beyond e termlnel-lndependent runs In the system eddress spece. I hed to fool the
Interface. At the User Semlner I spent some time operetlng system Into thinking I wes running under
tel king to the engineers from the Fujltsu booth. the system process number by pleylng with the
They wented my opinion of e propose! to meke loglcel pointers In the system direct pege. If this were
devices e pert of OS-9 In order to el low the system Level One, I think I could heve simply used e
drive to heve e consistent neme regardless of the FSSLink eel I without elI the fussing eround.
type of herdwere being used. This would meke It
ees Ier to wrIte progr ems thet referenced f IIes on The reel device driver Is going to need Its own
the system drive. A loglcel device cen certelnly do device stetlc storege, so the loglcel device driver
this. It would be possible to set up e loglcel disk pleys SCF for e moment end gets the emount of
with some obvious neme like SYS, end heve It know storege P.o. needs. I use the level Two system
the neme of the physlcel drive being used es the memory request, Level One users cen probebly use the
system drive: 00, HO, or whetever. Level One enelog. The eddress of the memory must be

'68' Micro Journal 13

saved for future calls, and I save the size for Rocr-• OS·! ,,....1., 1.1 OIII0/11 �.u,u
convenIence. fCU • YathNI U..tUlj MIU .,,.,.,

-I t<U 1111
One never knows when SCf wll I change Its part
00002 til Vuta•l tt••c•U lfttU .,.,,.
of the static storage, so before each call C*1 ·---- --·--------·--
lnfonmetlon from VCIA's static storage must be -· "'" -It ....11 1>t ,,._ " 1 SCJ ISo(Motul t
copied to P.O.'s static storage, and after each calI _, Cl>ttKII< ftltl fnut frl-. It ..... I
Information must be copied back from P.O.'s static - .,,__. ..-, lftCthc •"'"• kt, ,,,._.,, ulh
storage, to VCIA's. _, t ,.J'IUI lf'tU ., ,..,, ""' "ICI&, C.

IOOCit fttl ••:• t.a. .,.,,aul ""''"·

-· '""'It""'
The INIT cal I, and each other calI, basically 00010 t ""'" •.,,_.. tttltUh t l j th14ftf t
changes from VCIA's static storage to P.O.'s and 00011 . ,..,_11 .. .... -.
caI Is the appropr Iate entry In P.o. eotiJ • 'II ..... 11(11 to ,......
' ,, .. . . ,
toOil ..,tdtoltlt ,.,.11.. ol torttul """''
The TERM entry Is responsible for cleaning up
OOO IS " II IIIMI 1•11 -�� U I.....,. ll '"'"
as the device Is closed. After calling P.o. to
ooo.. oil Ulh lll<tqll toll 1101- tolorltuou.
allow I t to close down the physical device, It frees 00117
the devIce statIc �Mmory that INIT aI Iocated for 0001 1 lilt 1111 coli IIIII yt ., lilt ""'to-1 lor
P.o., and unlinks P.o. It Is worth noting that TERM OOIIt U11 ft•ut ",.. ., INion ''"'•• tM utl •·
Is the mirror Image of INIT. 00010
000%1 loti, Wilt, ftlflll, Ill MlflOI C.. 'rotoltlr
ooon ttl "" •ttl l111 I�M l�fT It, hi &II
The device descriptor I use for VCIA Is called O?Oll •or '"1ft ort ,.,,.. ltl- c•lttl IIOCU
VTERM. Since SCf thinks VTERM Is a real device, Its )(.'Olt to rttut t'-•l t•u t1041Uit u ,,...,.,,.t.
device descriptor Is Important. Even the address of OOOlS
the port that VTERM uses Is Important. If you keep OOIU lh lUll coli ..,, ,.,.,.. _, ollocoiH lot •
00027 Ult Pf'lf\IUl drl'ftf' Hfou rttutal"t•
things as simple as I did, the logical device driver
00011 · --- -.·�·---·- ..·--.---·---------.
wl I I map everything Including the Information from 00011 lftt ou /toiDHS/Itltl ut
the device descriptor directly to the physical 00011 UK
device driver, but, If you want to support something oom I« I ''" Ul ..... 4tcl
like split screen, you wl I I have to give each ooon ootl ..., ut ltUI•I
00014 OOOOIIUW7 1101 tc•M..te .....,r,., , ..
t ,,utr,,IMSht
logical terminal a different port address, or SCf .
000� 000t OJ lc• u,4ol. ..,.., ,.. HuH f• .,.,t,. .,,., • _.,,,,
wl II know they alI are referring to the same device, 000� *I �l41CI - ... /I'CIII
and get In the way. 00tl7 Mil 01 lei I ,.,,,......,
001� 0011 411l41CI ,.... lu IIICIII
fortunately this virtual driver works with 00111 ...........
- • ..,.u, cuuc ,,.,,.. •• tlltt •utwl *'""
GIMIX 1/0 processors. This Is pure luck because
GIMIX doesn't publish enough Information about their
-% totlt .,, •.KJ t- f.. !Ia •Wtlll lft
driver for me to design an Interface for it. Let's OOOtltMtt ,_ ,. l ""I" It 1'111'JCtl ..,...., .......
consider this a gentle push for Richard Don at Glmlx OOttt • otll � ... 1 �atlw to "l••uJ frnw"t bttr
to release more Information about his proprietary 0004S t ...%1 ·� .. 1 '-••ltr It ""'"' ..,.., 1 Shhc _,
software. -••�m �·· 1 -� ol _, ollocoltl lot " Illite •
OOOtltQtlS MSau '"

It should be possible to move a good deal less .... .........

data back and forth between VCIA's and P.O.'s static • tlocl ol .., ,, '"""
storage than I do, but I played It safe In spite of •

the large cost. It would be good to try to find 0017 E•lrr

0017 ':010 ... loti
some fields that don't need moving so time could be
OOit U •• pol •I ,..,...,,, It u•r• lytn
saved by not moving them. 0011 IOU ,,. Rt..
001( 1% ..
This module demonstrates that, although OS-9 .... 106( ,,. •at.
Level One Is compatible with Level Two for user OOIF U ...

programs, 0010 IOU .,. ltiStol

It Is not compatible for system modules.
oon 12 ...
This shouldn't be a surprise, but It Is something to
0021 2014 .,. ""lllol
be cautious &bout. In many cases &I I thet needs to
oon u ••
be changed Is en entry In e definitions file, but If OOUI� lwo ""
you try to run VCIA es It stands In e Level One
system, the best you cen hope for Is that It wl II
give en error code end quit. ..............
t l11t fua th ftn« It •til VII I ,.rtlul ....let ftlwtr,
t M\• llt.XItft tM ''utulhut Itt thtlc ttor•
Debugging code In system state Is not something
. ,.......
wllI do If I have e choice. The deb:.�gger won't U •ooall lo 1loltc otot...
work on modules thet need to run In system state, f !l"taatt ll fhut 'tVIIJtW
end debugging code thet writes out helpful messages •

es a program runs doesn't make sense In e device out 1•11

otl! 1440 ,... '·'
driver module. If the driver doesn't work whet do
you write to? I debugged this module by using Its " """
return code . If you heve VCIA set carry before It . ..1..1 ............ It tltltt ,
returns to SCf, the progrem thet Is trying to use It t M tit lt•t ••II It toll t1o ll'l• -- .,... .

will get the value that wes In the B accumulator
OOlt eat IH '·""
when VCIA returned to SCf. This e 61ow wey to learn
OOlt 14M ,.... • .....
things, but It works. otlf K._ IH t.S�r
eu1..,. Ill '·""
One flnel point: It Is expensive, but otherwise
Impeccable technique to pile logical device on otll WI IN ..,.. ....... .-ltlltt
logical device. VCIA hes no wey of knowing whether ot:t:l l411ffll IHI ,.._,PCI ttLII 1 II IM - tl IM , ..,...
0011 101,., Olt ,..,..
the device It believes controls the physical device
otlt '* ,.I. • •tot•• ... ,..... -
Is real or logical. ooxme I ll '·""
.... lonotM lkl £trw I

14 ·ss· Micro Joumal

- .... 1102 1ft 2 ,1 c..
, ....ft\ .. HT1Ct UthC ttrt tt 1 00174 -[1)15 '" V.liiiC•l,l
... ..
,. u•tl •t• ,.._.,, U<t P,l, I -It-- -no 0017$ 001t Et47 IH Y.liK•t,l ll•
..., -IWOOif Ill �.t .... '·'· '(at..., -"' oom tot( (107 '" V,li'IIC•4,1
..I 0'\111 -[(It IH
V,liiiC•6,1 lln1
*'' 11011 (til IH ........ _, ,,...._t .. , 0.1... 1"0111 1012 GOt '"
_, toll ltsnt lltt fl� '"""\ ''''" "--"' oom .... (til Iff V,lPI(•t,U lotr
ooot• 110!! 10�7 IIU luwl OOito -not '" Y.li'IIC•t,l
*" ..�[OWl} oU ""lodM,I u•t 4MI!Il of ....,., tlloutH lOIII *f(tll IH V,lPI(otO,U ,0,
110011 oos• rrant '"' '�·· tut toi•Ur to Rtor'f 00112 -{l)Ot '" v.lPI(•IO,I
00114 - (OOf '" Y,l11(•12,1
Mill ............
ootn ·-·----..
· ---···········---··---·,.. ·----·
110101 • lt tel\ '''"t J •oaah .t f'CU ' thtu ttO!'•t•
oota. '"' r.o. '"""" '• ... • u ••" tM't ...,
00101 • U ,o1.ah to'·'··, tUtu tlrtft
• 00111 - o<lt - ulltf. • t!l4 t '''" t -
.... ''" fllttJltf•
..... one UID t• tv.SCI lnttf:. tO IOYI
tot� ............. "'" u tlill rout to 1.1. ·, otollc olorOOt.
. ... .
._.. c.... .., utt.,,
..... ltft t ....hrt Nt ,_.,, ef t .. M•IU thtiC lt ..ltt
ltttl 1 '"'"'" to ,.. ofloot froo '·'··, f'ltt, ro••t
ttttl illt ,,I. 1 ttdu thrt.
toll• 001'2 U!ot W IAOOif 1... to.
tot" 000( ....
t( .
ttiiO 000(,.. Ml
00111 <lCOO I(Citf ... Plllt«,U
tollI ..,. 2* ootn xe; tlttlt Ia -··
Ml -
OOIU /)¢.. � ,.... I rtc- offoot II,,,, IOf I froo ototl
tOI ll .... ..., lh 1,1
00111 toll7 �-:� ,.,. 1,1
oo.J AJU lh '·'
00111 OM) ,.,, .,, Ultot( .. --·... "tiiO
tOll) ..., -·
oott• ..., l$10 OOitt �lA :Fll ,,, U,t role\ I tl 1t tlotlt tlor...
,... ht • .,•• u •• tu tht\
00111 tH.... HtUtU 001" "" :�·· ,... u tKOY" ,otfttlf' to wtU \htiC
tottl • U ,olah to '·'· 1 ttilu ••••t• 00200 )¢1£ '104 '"'' ' UYt rttWit (06f
oom • ' ,euh tc t•• ""'" ..,,,,,,., !iOlOI li:a. ..,. "'''" U ,ouh to pt thhc. U "l"tl U .c:u thh
oono 00107 :«: :lil o•h I,PC ,,,.,. t• scr
00121 lh ,....,.1,1
tttn '" "'""·' .. 1 I lOll
ttlII ,., l,l
00201 00(1 ,,,.
ott!) •• • u
00704 )0(1 :1M •• t»loro
•m• '"'' '
•m ........ etm l«• iX1 ... c- <til "
001!1 • ... J �utt tl PO ttttu ttort 00* �u•s .�, Ct,I,Y Ct .... '"" • ,,. '·'·
00111 • u u••h at -.u, ''''" ''"' 01101
oont OOlOt .«• :Fll "' �.·
00111 "'' 1101 ht "'' '" OO!Ot Ace ::1121 •• ,Moo��.· 14•n• of 1t 1h llt tiOI'Ifl
tom 00210 lO<F men IU ,.......I ""of __.,
tom rtloto to 5t1
00711 �� 10lf1t on f�t"" ,.,.,,. .....,
... '·"
00212 )01$ :11' Ita [tfllr!
00111 t--··--------···---..-----· 00214 0011 !t•ll ... 1Modlt,l ...."' of .alt ....�
ICf -· to ....., cw•• n U•• " '""' ""'' • GO!IS ..........
00116 *'"' ..... to'·'"''· lw l,(rrl. t 00216 ."' ""''''· ,, ,,,, .. Jftt"'
• ••JI1l ,

I "Ill\ ol 1.1. 11t111 ""001· 00111

totll I 1Dlll\ II o(lt 111111 Ol"'tf• ttlII -1100 IH ..,..
tttn •m OOK J.lt6 ,.., ' .,.. I
..... ttll ...,. to220 -It"' .... t.f,.,.t
..... 0071 u.. •• '·'""·· omt ... M$0 •If '·"'·
tot4! lOla (Ill '" ..,.,,t
lOtti tOit h4l ,. ¥.lrt , I tom ttO ltlf02 ., fiUol.lll •lta6 11
tot II ttl( (II( ttl '·'" .u oms MD l:5to ,.II ' '"- ott,..."' Mw1otw
OOttS IOtOl' '" 00221 oon MSO •u ..,.. .. rftt.. t lt 1• ,IIU
•m -·� kl luw!

00116 0011 .... 01224 ... � "'' C:C,I,U,PC rtt•• to ICI

OOUI 0011 '"l lA .......
00111 0011,... .,. c-
01221 OO(J lrrwl
•m otO �· ,... r,u
tollf ..., lotSitl oom IOU lt "'
OOI)t OOil (.60' ,. '""'' toUt ooro "'"!
oom tOI) lOCi ... ,_ to1lt •• 1m loti 2,1 ..... tt ... . ....
. ,.
ttlU ""lXt ,... U,PC ,.,... to ICf
oom .... llttStot
00111 -c.ec •• "'"t•
OOI)t -*2 .. . c-
eom ..,. 11$111 0.
ttlll ttf1 'l<ulro ... •
ttll) ... Y\lfl
001» .... ...,.
to!S. Ill fltn ,..1<1 IJntuptw _,,
ott� tOit Uto lA "
ttm ...........Ht.......
tt7ll t Vlwo ilrroco _,*" -••
OOISI •··--------------·
00140 oort '"' 1ft lniCtOOoiCI
...,. 1 (4ft ''" 1r oil ,.lrtfl tocoot 1111
tt241 .... tlttooll .. Twlloc,lw-,r,.,EJT•t,�.III¥IM
OOI)t Pontf I .. olhot lroo 1,1'1 '""' "''' lor 1�11 .,,,
·----···-···...--·-·-·- ··..-.-----� tt74! ttotos Itt ""'· -
ttlll 100( tf(t11 to .., ,t(t,t24 ""' 2 .,.. '
00161 ...
..,.. toll II frl e,u..
001l2 -�... 1t11o I,U
..,., ttl2 .,tltrt ...
OOIU toll lltlll If• '-··
,.. -·�--
ott•• ---------
..,,, ttl! to t.cr.. to .. 117
OOIU ht ,.,.-ul '""' ,,.,., ,....,, te ....
01241 001100 L"-< fa to ....
001.. V.lltt, IOf V,M'f 1001101 to It Htll 1101 II II ..,., IOU t1 ..... to .. ..._.... ()I) <&') (Ill
OOill utttf. ..,. ..., .. ..... Itt .. ..••to ""' llot
OOIM At 1)11 "tot I ""h II <ICII llllit IIW.... ttnl ttl611 t.o. fa II ... .
0016t I "llh ot P.l llollt IIW'tf. ten! tttl 01 t.Aif Itt .. otto II• foN •
00110 ------ .. ttm ttll .. •••• to .. • _, oflloooo.lh
00171 ... (ttJ Iff V.lltt,l ttl$4 ..It 00 ..,. fa ..
ootn - (103 IU V,lltt,l .... ,...,_ ..,
eons 0011 II ..,.. fa 24 u.. ,..,...
oom ""IC4S IH Y.li'IIC•2,t tom ttiiOO ..... let .. N<l-ocw

'68' Micro Journal 15

oon1 OOIC II o.lol IU 21 ilfltlt "" dlir
esc "•" X,Y sets ffle cursor to X,Y location on
IIOIItt Utt IU u ... of ...... ,,.,
ton• Ml! II O.(tl ftl ll •• of hit 'ttte screen.
oo:.t OOif 04 '·'" ... 04 ,.,,.at tnt hlf
oow OOlt t1 ...... ltl ., ..,IHolt lui "" esc "B" blnery loed sequence •

oom Mll II '·"' ... n ,..Jf Chi'ICllf

MlU oou tJ 0.111 IU n ..,..., . ..,,.,.,, .
esc "C" sterts & rem cherecter set loed.
oono MU I) .....
, ItI II! hMI CDITlle II ••rt-1 -1 tl¥
..,., 0021 .. ..... tel .. ...
. .,..............
002'6 002$01 ....
1 ... tl CMIII esc "G" switches to graphics mode.
OOZII 0021 I! 1..... ... II) ...,tu uatuliutiOft nln
00261 oon 11 ..... hi .. '"''Ut esc "J" returns e velue from one of 'ttte eight
oom toll OOZf t.tlJ •• ,.,_ lttac:a.l N-.nt .., A-D converters on the bO&rd.
0021t t02J .. l.lllo hi ...
00111 M!J tO I.liltI IU ...
oom OOlt- Uta •• • ofiMt to ohtn ••hot esc "U" Jump to user program on BT-I bO&rd.
eom 001111 Urr ... ..
00211 om a.u" ... ..
O,IStrl Other commends perform ereses end set single
oom tOZf !UUSU Itt-In /YI£11111 Inlet- end double cherecter heights end w i dths.
•m IOS4 SS4lU ,... In ffDI '•1• ...... -
ttm eon �S41CI ..,... In IYCI&I ..........
Now we come to whet 'ttte BT-l Is ell ebout. High
(liDO -It Cit
ttm ... hulal �· • resolution g r e p h l c s l The BT-l uses STD s y ntex
10200 ce commends for ell grephlcs f u nctions. Although the
s c r e e n resolution Is 512 h o r i zontal pixels by 480
01000 .,,., ,,,
vertlee I, coordinates ere specified es 2048 by 1920.
10000 ..........
This ellows competlblllty wlffl software written for other
IOU! tOll' ""'" 1!1" -•hi
_. � ''" .,,.. llltcllol high resolution dlspleys end It elso gives e dlspley size
nm *" .,,...... '" ,,...,, of epproxlm&tely 100 coordinate points per em on e 12
Inch monitor.

The gr&phlcs commends ere quite comprehensive

end I will describe most of the Important ones.

Devld Henon Drew en X or Y exls stertlng at any specified

Ringgold, GA point end wl'ttt eny specified number of tick marks.

High resolution grephlcs Is flnelly evelleble for
SS-50 bus users. Set t h e segment lengffls for broken lines for
speclel effects.
I heerd &bout 'tt te BT-1 before It wes advertised
end pieced my order right ewey. The boerd errlved neer
the d&te promised e n d wes of v e r y h i g h quellty
construction. The bus connectors were gold pI&ted end Set color to bleck or whIte.
'ttte bO&rd wes double sl ded wl'ttt pi&ted 'ttl rough holes end
wes solder m&sked end h&d silk screened designators
for ell components end option switches.
Drew & line from eny specified coordi nate pelr
When the BT-l errlved I w&s enxlous to put It on ffle screen to eny other coordi nate pefr. Will either
Into operetlon; but, to my dlseppolntment 'tttere wes no drew white or bleck depending on ffle color fleg.
menuel shipped wl'ttt lt. Even so, I wes eble to put It Into
operetlon In "text mode" end dlspley 'ttte cherecter set HOME
by doing s o m e trlel end error p o k i n g to t h e 1/0
registers. At first sight I wes quite Impressed &t the Home ffle grephlcs cursor.
resolution of the cherecters but somewhat disturbed
with Jitter on ffle smell cherecters. This problem wes
explelned & couple of deys Jeter w h e n the m a n u & I
errlved under separate cover. The manuel explelned Enables or dlsebles broken line featu re.
'tt t&t for best dlspley of the smell cherecter set end
grephlcs dlspleys e long persistence monitor Is
recommended. A quick trip to & locel computer store
solved 'tttls problem. I found ffle "Apple Monitor Ill" Moves 'ttte gr&phlcs cursor + or - In ffle X or y
green phosphor monitor to h&ve long persistence end direction relative to ffle present position.
efter trying It on 'ttt e BT-l found It to be an Ideal
monitor for lt. It completely stopped ffle Jitter end
geve & very crisp end reedeble dlspley.
Moves ffle gr&phlcs cursor to ffle specified X,Y
The menuel contains source listings for print
d r i v e r s to operete both In F L E X end In OS-9. Also
Included ere severe! example programs for learning
operation of 'ttte bO&rd end a program to dump grephlcs
dlspleys to en Epson printer. Sets ffle grephlcs mode cherecter size to one
of 15 different sizes.
The BT-l hes two modes of operation, "smert"
termlnel mode end gr&phlcs mode. The boerd powers up
In termlnel mode wlffl 48 lines of 83 cherecters eech. I
will list some of the commends evelleble In termlnel P r i n t text n o r m a l l y , up vertically, down
vertically, or up-side-down.

esc "0,1,2,3" s e l e c t s either the supplied
cherecter set or or one of thr- optlonel user defined
Drews l i n e s In the seme menner es MOVE
cherecter sets In rem.
R ELATIVE moves ffle cursor.
16 '68' Micro Joumal

Writes text on the graphics screen In the size

specified In the size flag and can optionally write I n


Switches back to terminal mode.

That Just about sums up the commands avallabl e

on the BT-1. Now, let's discuss some aspects of the
op eratlon of the board.

The BT -1 Is addressed at SE380 as shlpped and

occupies 4 bytes of address space. It may be moved to
any desired address and supports extended addressing.

Communication with the BT-1 Is via 2 ports, the

first of which Is e data register and the second a status
register. Data Is sent to or received from the data
register and busy or data ready handshaking Is done by
reading or writing to the status register.

T h e Elec tro S c r e e n operates with 11 6809

processor on board and 3 2 K of dlsplay memory, 11 2 K
scratch pad RAM, 6 K of EPROM firmware, and 2 more
sockets for additional user defined character sets or
user programs.

You may down load your own programs to the

board end use It as 11 parallel processor If desired. The
display Is controlled by the "old reliable" 6845 CRT
controller. This allows much f l e x i b i l i t y I n m a k i n g
changes to the display format under software control.
For example, I mentioned that with a short persistence
monitor there WIIS some flicker on the display, this can
be eliminated by a poke to the control registers of the
6845 which changes the display format to two pages of
24 lines and 83 characters per line. There Is no scan
Interlace In this mode and It gives a perfectly flicker
free display on any standard monitor.

I have spent mony hours progrommlng the BT-l

ond I find It very rewording to work with. The high level
commends ovallable moke It eosy to progrom complex
potterns. I recently modified o program w h i c h wos
written for the "APPLE" computer to run on this boord.
As I entered the progrom I suddenly reo II zed thot 14
lines of complex code were used Just to plot coordinate
exes on the screen. It only took 1 simple line to do the
same thing on the BT-l.

Another Interest of mine Is dlsploylng video

lmoges vlo computer. I set out to write o pr ogrom which
could dlsploy pic tures on ffle screen. The result wos o
boslc progrom which orronged ffle screen Into 128 by
120 pixels eoch consisting of 16 lndlvlduol dots which
could be turned on or off to simulate 16 levels of grey.
The results were quite satisfying. I have Included o
somple of this dlsploy as well liS some offler groph lcs
dlsploys hoping Don will find room to lnckJde fflem wlffl
ffle review.

Still onother use I hove found for the BT-I

Involves o proJect which I hove needed to do for some
time. I hove o need to meosure the temperature of o
neorby st reom versus ambient temperature. This wos
e o s l l y occompllshed b y connec t i n g 2 temperature
sensors t o 2 of the 8 onolog to dlgltel converter
Inputs on the BT-l . The result wos o reel time
temperature lndlcotor w h i c h could dlsploy the
temperoture on ffle screen or moke o long term graph on
the dlsploy ond e v e n dump I t to a printer f o r o
permanent record.

As you hove deduced b y now, I om extremely

enffluslostlc about fflls device, ond rightly so. The

·sa· Micto Journal 17

hardwore Is very professlonol, ond the monuol Is BAD DATE: FILENAME.EXT SIZE DATE
unusuolly clear and eosy to use (something unusual In ALLOW BAD DATES CY/N>?
the computing field). Later In the manuel there will be a section on correcting
� for now you can overt de the bad date bY
f lie dote
I have only one minor complolnt. The SET CURSOR pressing ''T" when the prompt appears.
command requires ttlot you add S20 to tne volues tnot
you send to ttle board. This Is no real problem If you TERMINOLOGY
keep It In mind but Is a minor Irritation. Maybe ttlls will
be fixed In loter versions of ttle flrm111ore. One other Throughout this manual these terms 111111 be used often:
suggestion might be to Include a command to set one
pixel. Presently, It requires o "P" commend and a "0" COPY the new program
commend to turn on one pixel. All other commands seem OLD COPY the program provided with FLEX
f1?�RCE the fife being copied from <any type of
odequate ond other functions such as circles and other
geometric figures moy be drawn 111lttl simple user written DESTINATION the file being written to
subroutines. OPTION LETTERS command nne letters used to enable
I believe ttlot onyone wlttl tne need for graphics MATCH LIST list of st11rtlng characters (s- below)
In ttlelr business or Just for entertolnment 111111 be more It will be assumed that you are famlll11r with the syntox
ttlon satisfied wlttl ttlls product. of the copy command provided with FLEX. All FLEX users
know that the old copy program supports a match s'trlng
To order or for more Information on tne BT-l II st for copying multiple files that match the let-ters In
the list. The command:
Jason Yoon Prlvoc, Inc 3711 s. George M11son Or. COPY 0 l AB X .CM
Foil Church, Ve. 22041 (703> 671-3900
y from drive zero to drive one all flies that start
will ce>p
with "AS" or "X" or hiiVe ex-tensions that start with ''CM".
This Is the most common syntax you will use with COPY.
Many FLEX users do not know that the old copy progrom
NEW COPY UTILITY supports o useful syn'tax for copying a single Hie. lfyou
want to copy J ust the file "P . CHO" w ltllout Including
other command flies starting wl'th "P" you wlll flnd a
A NEW �y UTILITY FOR FLEX 1,2 ond 9 match list copy unsuitable. The conwnond:
By: Leo Teylor COPY J,p.(M) 2
Bruno Pug If a
109 Twin Brook Rd. will copy ONLY ONE FILE from drive one to drive two. A
Hlll!lden , Conn. 06514 v11rlatlon of this single file copy Is used to copy one file
and change the name:
COPY can be run by any FLEX user without reading this
m a n u a l . How can such a claim be possible? COPY I s In entering any COPY command either a comma or a space
compotlble with the c0111111and syntax of the copy program can be used to separate parameters.
supplied with FLEX, thus If you con use FLEX you can use
this program. You are urged to ossemble the source
progrom provided ond starl using COPY ewn before you OPTION LEITERS
reoa past this page of the monual. Though you will be
using only a port of COPY's capability you will hiiVe many There are over a dozen option letters supported In COPY
h i d den a d v a n t a g e s s u c h a s error c h e c k i n g which makes It very powerful and a blt overwhellnlng. It Is
alphabetizing, ond date retention. When you hiiVe time fo Important to know that you do not need to understand oil
read the remaInder of this manual you will learn how to of the options to use COPY effectively; In fact there are
use the many options supported by COPY. some options you may not WANT to use. If you can't
remember the letter for the �tlon you n-d you can type
"COPY" without ony poramefers and the program will
ASSE� ING THE SOURCE d i s pla y o HELP l i s t of option letters wlth a short
explanation of each. Option letters ore Included on the
COPY Is provided as e source file that can be assembled command line after the 1110rd COPY and before any drive
by the FLEX assembler for 6800 or 6809 processors. The number or file name:
only change that need be made for CPU Is one character
In the line: COPY LON 0,1 A.TXT

FLEX EQU SAOOO A ny number of letters may be used In a!l Y order. If an

un mpllmented letter Is used COPY will display the HELP
Locate thIs II ne using your favorite editor and confinn list of options. Op'tlons are posl"tlve; "that Is using the
t h a t I t motches the FLEX you are using. The FLEX letter w ill enable the option. This contrasts with "the
starting address should be SAOOO for 6800 or SCOOO for confusion of the FLEX assembler which hos s0111e negotiY&
6809. Note only ONE CHARACTER need be ch11nged, you do options. You n,ay recall that assembler options� means
not need to do a global change of a lot of addresses. YES Include line numbers but NO do not Include s�l
This I s the only cf\ange that 11ust be made, there are t a b l e Much of the confusion with this otherwise
excellent asse11bler I s due to the ambiguous method of

optional chonges that will be e x plained later. COPY can

now be asseMbled and the o bj ect should b e na�ned h a n d l i n g o p t i o n letters. It was decided to avoid
COPY.CMO. You may want to retain your old COJ>r program aMbiguity by having all option letters enable the desired
under a dl fferent n�����e (such as COPYOLO) untl you gain option. If a letter Is accidently used twice the option
confl dence In the new rogram. It won't be long before Is still enobled.
you are convinced tha f thls program can do everything
the old copy program can. O£FAULT OPTIONS

INITIAL SURPRISES COPY has default options which will take effect whenewr
there are no opt ion le-tters on the COI'IIIa II nd line. The
COPY will accept commands In the sa111e format as the most com111 0 n default option will be "A" which enables
original copy, but you will l������edlately notice differences sorting of the source direc-tory before flies are c:opled.
In liow the p rogro111 perfonns. There will be changes In COPY has provisions for changing the default options In
tl�nlng, such as pauses when sorting the directory and the asseMbler source pr99ram for those users who want
half as Many head loads per file copled. You will notice other options defaulted. For ex�����p le one could default
flies are copied In alphabetical order. The original only option "U" and COPY will 8IM.Ifate the old copY. by using
creation date of the file being copied will be used for the current FLEX date on the destlnotlon file. If the
the destination file. If your dlsl<.s hiiVe bad flies you may user mus't chonge 'the default options there Is a table
get so111e unfaMiliar error messages. COPY has a lot of near the start of COPY which contains the default option
error checking which will uncover problems you may not be by-tes. Each bvte Is FCB 0 If the c:>ptlon Is not defaulted
awere of, The most COIIInIIIO error Is: and FCB 1 If It Is defaulted. If the user needs to Yerlfy

18 '68' Micro Joumal

w h l c h o p t i o n s ere defaulted, typing COPY without cen be used to add all new' flies to a backup disk.
parameters will display an example followed by all the
options. The defaulted options will be marked with ''YES": 0 TURN Of'F DEFAULT OPTIONS
Example: COPY ADNL 0,1 .CK) A The "O" option Is a dummy character used to turn off all
default options If you do not went any opti ons. If used
YES A copy In Alphabetical order with eny other option letters It has no effect.
NO C allow Corrupt flies to be copied
NO 0 copy flies with newer Date P PROMPT BEFORE COPYING
NO E delete Existing destination file
NO F cop y by File number (alpha not allowed> The "P" option enables this prompt: "Prompt off <P>:FLEX
NO K Kill dup licate file on source <F>:copy <Y/Nl?". You should respond with ''P" If you went
NO L List flies without copying to continue cop"lng without the frompt or "F" to return
NO N copy files Not on destlnetlon t o FL E X o r "Y to copy this lie. "N" or any other
NO 0 turn Off defaults character will skip to the next file. This Is useful for
NO P Prompt before copying file scannIng throu g h a dIsk c o p yIng only certal n flies.
NO R Rec011er from track-sector Another use Is skipping down to a certain file on a disk
NO S mekes Second copy of file < .CPY ext) end copying all flies after that.
NO U Use current FLEX date
NO W Walt for dl sk change
NO Z Zap source flie affer copy! ng R RECOVER FRC»1 TRACK-SECTOR
The "R" option Is used to read a file without using the
EXPLANATIONS Of' OPTION LETTERS directory. If the directory of a disk has been destroyed
but the user knows the the file's starting address, the
A COPY IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER f II e c a n be recovered. The commend "COPY R I 2B 5
o.NEWFILE" will read from drive I, track S2B, sector 5
The "A" option enables a sort subroutine that will until encountering an end of file or a record out of
elp ha betlze the source directory before flies are sequence. The wrlfe file extension will default to .sCR.
selected to be copied. Most users will have this es a A second use for this option Is to recover a deleted
d e f e u l t o p tio n s o t h e flies will b e I n order when file. The first sector of a deleted file can be found with
cateloged. If you enter eny optIon on the command IIne all the new CAT .CK>. If the file lies not been over-written,
defeurts are turned off. If option "A" was defaulted and COPY c a n r e c o v e r l t . R e c o r d sequence checking
you want to alphebetlze you must add "A" to the options eliminates the restriction that the file be the lest file
you enter. deleted. Provision wes made to start copying In the
middle of a file. This I s a somewhat dangerous option
s I nee I t a l l o w s the user to over Ide the FLEX File
C ALLOW CORRUPT FILES TO BE COPIED Menager. The cOII'In IM d must be typed as shown with three
numbers and a file name. No other options should be used
The "C" option will enable you t o copy a file thet Is with "R".
damaged by a CRC error or record sequence error. This
Is a slightly dangerous option which should only be used S MAKE SECOND COPY Of A FILE
If you don't have en elternate copy of a file.
The "S" o p tion Is used when you want two copies of a file
D COPY FILES WITH A NEWER DATE t o be written. The second copy will have the same name
as the first with the extension of ".CPY". This Is useful
The "D" op tion will find flies that ere on both disks end when sending a rrogr8111 to It friend whose drive may have
compare their creation dates. If the source file Is difficulty read ng your disks. By sending two copies
newer It will be copied a s a replacement for the older there Is a much 11 I gher chance that the f lie will be
destination file. readable.
The "E" QP.tlon Is used when you want to replace e file on The ''U" o
ption Is used when you went the destination file
t h e destination disk. Thrs option will suppress the t o have the p resent FLEX dete rather than the date of
p rom p t for whether you wish to delete the existing file. the source file being copied. This m� be useful If you
It will often be used along with "D" to updete a disk with know the source file has an erroneous date.
newer versIons of programs.
The "W" option elhnl nates the need to copy COPY .CM) onto
The "F" opt I on chan g es copY's parameters from a match the source disk so that you mtry remove your system disk
string list to a II sf of file numbers. Follow the drive t o Insert the destination disk. When "W" Is used on the
numbers with a list of file numbers for those flies that command line COPY will w a l t for a key to be pressed
you want to copy. File numbers can be found with a before accessing any directories.
utility such as DIR.CM:>. A group of flies can be specified
as e starting end endin g number separated bye dash. Z ZAP SOURCE FILE AFTER COPYING
The command "CCPY F 0,1 5 13-18 9" will copy file five , flies
thirteen through eighteen, and file nine. The "Z" option Is somewhat dangerous. It Is used to
delete the file from the source disk after It Is co pied.
K KILL DUPLICATE FILE ON SOURCE Essentially the file Is moved from one disk to the other.

The "K" option Is VERY dangerous. This command Isn't

really e copy, rather It uses the directorY. com p ere EXAMPLES
rout i nes to delete files from the source disk that
appeer on the destination. This allows you to clear off Often options can be comb I ned to perform tasks that
extra copies of progr8111s not needed on the source disk. p r e v i o u sly were Impossible or required a separate
It operates very fest and will clear off e number of flies command utility. Some ex8111ples:
faster then you can hit reset. As with all dangerous COPY C O.BAD.TXT I Copi es one fi lo that ha a CR C
options It Is protected with an "ARE YOU SURE" prompt. error, Including whatever data I s readable from s the bad
"COPY K 1,0" Is most effective In klllln� flies on drive I sector. Replaces the utility RAWCOPY.CM>.
when they exist on drive o. "COPY KD 1 ,0 will kill the file
on drive 1 when It Is older than the rile on drive o. Use COPY ON 0,I Updates the destination with all flies from
COPY KDL 1,0 to preview what files will be deleted. the source thet are not on the destination or have
a n o l d e r d a t e o n t h e destination. Replaces the
The "L" option disables the file copy subroutine. This Is COPY EZ Q.P.CMO 2 Moves file P.CMO from source to
used to display a list of files thet WOULD have been destination no matter what. Replaces the utility MV.CM>.
co p ied If you hadn't used option "L"· This can be used
with other options to checlt disks for duplicate files, COPY F 2 0 1-16 Useful for copying fr-om one large
newer dates, bad files, etc. COPY F 2,{ 17-52 drive to smaller ones. Copies 16 flies
t o drive zero and the remainder to drive one. This Is
N COPY FILES NOT ON DESTINATION VERY difficult to accomplish with the old copy.
The "N" op tion Is used to copy the flies on the source COPY KD 1,0 Kill the file on drive I when It Is
disk that are not already on the destination disk. This older than the file on drive o.
'68' Micfo Journal 19
COPY LNA 2,1 Alphobetlcollv lists those flies on speed To Tne 010 copy. A few operations ore taster such
the source that ore not on the destlnotlon. Reploces o s motch list seorchlng end copying short flies. A few
the utility OlP.CM) end Is much foster. operotlons ore slower such as reeding the directories.
As with the o ld copy It Is foster to dO o single file copy
COPY P 0,1 Pr�t before eoch file Is copied to t h e n o motch str ng copy with only one motch. For
ollow user to select which flies ore desired. Reploces exomple use "COPY o.O IR.CMO 2" rother then �Y 0,2
the utility PCOPY. 0 IR"· The sorting overheod will be reduced as tllne
posses since more of your disks will be sorted. The sort
COPY R 2 4 6 I.Foo Rec<Mtr o file on drive 2 thot does chosen for COPY Is optimized for directories thot ore
not oppeor In the directory. Reeding will begin ot trock s o rted e x c e p t for o f e w n e w f l i e s o t t h e end.
4 se c tor 6 ond t h e Hie will be written to drive Exomlnotlon of this toble will show thot for most coses
I w i t h t h e nome F O O . S C R . Reploces the utility the differences In speed between COPY end old copy ore
RECOVER.CM). negligible.
COPY W 0 I .CMO After COPY Is looded the user Is
prompted' w lth "Chonge disk-press kev". The system disk Ct:I'YfiKS
moy be r811101d
118 end onother dl sk Inserted. rllea copied sire old COPY new COPY n.. oorted

DANGEROUS OPTIONS ..... file , a

entire dl&l< , 201
A few option letters enoble dongerous functions such os
killing the orlglnol file on tfie source drive. These t�;t,n!e 8 19
:�21 �
'' :v;e
II 2)
options should only be used by on "Experienced Copier" entire dl&l< a 1m -
end ore protected with this prompt: Fl .. Inch aytt• dl&l< wlfh l2 FLEX utllltlea.
Eight Inch deta dl&l< with ,0 r- I MCtor fiiH.
dongerous option selected
ore you sure <Y /N)?
If you occ dently stumble on o dongerous option tvP.e "N"
end you 111lI be returned to FLEX. �lth proper use these COPY Is severo! times lon g er then the old copy but
options con be quite useful. requi res less disk spoce then the sum of the utilities
COPY elltnlnotes <see the ext���le�p s). COPY uses 4-5K bytes
of memory stortlng In bose poge for vorlobles program,
ERROR DETECTION messages, end file control blocks. The dl recf orles are
loode<f Into memory otter the FC8s end require 16 bytes
COPY hos mony error checks thot ore not found In other per file. This p uts o ll111lt on the 11oxlmum number of flies
FLEX utilities. Mony FLEX users hove found thot disk ot 1600 for 68 00 or 2600 for o full size 6B09 system.
proble•s often surfoce when using the old copy often This should not be o ll11ltotlon for most FLEX users. The
with disastrous results. One error COPY trops (s flies remolnlng user memory (less saoo bytes reserved for
with o size of zero sectors. These flies usuolly result EXEC> Is uSed os o buffer for the file being copied.
from pressing reset while doing file operotlons. Novice
FLEX users do not reollze thot If they reboot FLEX otter
obortlng with reset o defective file ls left on the disk. NON-STANDARD FLEX ROUTINES
When o pro g ram like the TSC EOIT.CI«> opens o file, FLEX
creotes o directory entry with zero sectors. If the Conslderoble core wos mode to determine thot COPY would
progrom Is oborted with reset or the disk Is r81110Y6d work on ell FLEX sv.stems. All occesses to the disks were
the zero sector file remolns In the directory . Later, m o d e t h r o u g h t h e File M o n o g e r System t o avoid
when the disk Is copied, the defective file will result In co111 p otlblllty problems with user written disk driWtrs.
the entire free spoce of the disk being copied. This Still, It wos necessory to use o few tricks In order to
COP.Y. "runowoy" results In the destlnotlon disk being moke the program more useful. The FMS does not provide

Intersect with onother file. A third error solved

cloobered. Another problelll which Is elhnlnoted with COPT
results fr0111 o bad link In the source file cousln lt to
o meons for del'ermlnlng If o disk Is protected or eWtn If
I t exists without ottemptlng to �trite on lt. This Is the
FIRST thing e progro11 should do so the user doesn't
Is a bod link on the destlnotlon disk couslng the lie to woste time answerlng prompts onlv to find the rogr0111
overwrite the directory. A tl���e westing error In the old oborts loter. COPY reeds the s rR (sector J f orthe
copy wos It would try to copy o file tllot wouldn't fit In destlnotlon disk then dupllcotes It on sector 4. This Is
the ovoiloble spoce on the disk. COPY will catch this on unused sector on ell systems tested. If the disk Is
error end report "file will not fit". P-rotected or not reedy the program will exit 1-dlotelv.
C OPY shuts off Interrupts when occesslng track zero to
COPY hos severo! of the common FLEX error messoges built ovoid problems with the spooler. COPY checks the next to
l n . These were Included since mony users of fwo drl��e the lost byte <SFE> of t�e SIR for on extended directory
s stems will need to remove their system disk to copy flo g. T h I s byte Is set non-zero by some users to
f rles. This results In FLEX reporting errors by number lndicote the cotol99 hos been extended to Include ell of
s Inee the file ERROOS.SYS will not be found on the system trock 1. If this flog Is set COPY will protect trock one
drive. Also for convenience the drive ossocloted with os well os trock zero. Flnollv the file dote Is Inserted
the error Is reported olong with the offending trock end Into the destlnotlon file FCS before the file Is closed.
sector. This ls useful ror such errors os CRC which This Is done to k� the orlglnol dote on "the new file.
could occur on either the source or destlnotlon drl��e, None of these "tricks" h ove produced ony problells for
end In the file or the directory. t h e FLEX users who hove tested COPY; the)' ore onlv
mentioned In cose s0111e0n e hos o problem with COPY thot
It Is hnpor:tont to reollze thot If you get on error while oppeors to be compotlblllty.
writing o file to the destlnotlon disk fhe new file 11oy be
defective. The file moy oppeor In the directory but
usuolly It Is Incomplete. PRINTING end SPOOLI NG
The most co11mon error messoge rep orted by users of Occoslonolly one moy wont to keep o log of the flies bein g
COPY Is "DATE BAD"· This occurs when the user does not col> 1 ed, perho s for unottended operotlon. The c0111ona
enter o volld dote when FLEX Is booted or by follure of o "P COPY 0,1" wllrprint the file speclflcotlons es the flies
hordwore clock when used for setting the FLEX dote. ore copied. A dupllcote of eoch line will oppeor on the
COPY will check the dote on ell flies when It reeds the termlnol olong with ell prompts. The comrnond "0 OUTFILE
d i s k d i r e c t o r y end r e p o r t ony d o t e s outside o COPY O,llo will do the so111e for o disk file. Since the
reosonoble ronge. ThIs reduces the chonce thot o bod "OUTFILE" will be �n when COPY reeds the directory do
dote will be possed on to the new file. There ore two not be olormed thot It Is reported os o BAD FILE.
olternotlves when the "BAD DATE" 111essoge oppeors. You
con onswer "Y" Indicating thot � opprOYe of bod dotes
or onswer "N" end not c opy _the file. After returning to CCMENTS on OATES end FILE NAMES
FLEX you can re-enter COPY using option "U" which will
oss I gn the current FLEX dote to tfie file or use the new Mony FLEX users ore lox In entering the correct dote
DATE c0111n 110 d to set the file dote to the dey the file wos when booting their syste•· Part orthe responsibility
ude. for this lies In the old copy progro• which used the
SPEED current FLEX dote when copyin g o file, thus rendering

COPY wos not written with the Intention of s eedlng up
file dupllcotlon. FLEX write speed Is Inherent slow end
t h e file dote ellnost useless. With this new COPY utilitY
the dote tokes on new sl gn l f lconce since the dote
reflects when the file wos orlglnolly creoted.
con not be l11proved wIthout devl otIon fr011 he norul
FMS operation. On the overage, COPY Is eo���p�eble In To use the olphobetlz ll)g feoture of COPY to Its full
20 ·sa· Micro JoumaJ
advantage one should assign slmller file names to similar
flies. For example, e esseillb ler library file should have e I - ""'""' hlwt ..,. flit to ....,... CIIIPY
name as close as possible to the assembler file It goes • ••II ,.,, "'"t lilt tt '"' " * '"'"':
with. A documentation file could have the s- name es
the program It Is documentIng w lth en extension of • ""'\ til !11:!\11 lfl:uol nt�l
" . DOC" . This will keep the flies together when copied.
• 1M .... -�· ,._, •1..:

CONCLUSION • ' fn "" Ult lilt

• I .. .. tot ,.., tlh "It
The programmers who wrote COPY hope you will enJ ot using I , ,.,, ......... IIIII •liMo\ lfl """"
thIs FLEX utlllfv . COPY Is written to be compeflble with I , Ul\ It f\0
FLEX systems that use any 680X processor end any disc . Cll Ml4 oil ot.., dl•octwo �•It to
c o ntroller. There Is no advantage I n writing FLEX ....... ,.., tklo lilt
utilities that ere optimized for e select few systems;
this only results In dlvldlng up the FLEX users.

Editor's Note: Again en excellent software utility from •

Leo Taylor end 8runo Puglia, both excellent programmers • ftO -��� otol-to:
end of that rare breed that de-..lcpes progr� 11\at •
h- TRt£ utfll1yl I 0...,.. IM llftt lQTt Itt -�-
• 11M - '" - " .COOl '" ...
For those dreadIng the fInger beet I ng chore of
t yping In end debugging the source as well es 6800 or cooo nu uv .cooo SIMI Ill !\ll
6809 commend flies, w r(l be available from 68 MICRO
JOURNAL on dl skette - s pecIfy 5 or 8 Inch - this Is tilt ru !II IUI•Mtt
another 68 MICRO JOURNAL REAO€R SERVICE· This service
Is provided f o r s u b s c r i b e r s ONLYI Include your IX01 lll((l DU FUNC02
subscriber number as It Is shown on your 68 M ICRO ct01 ·� (II f\li•K01
JOURNAL mailing Iebei. CC« ..It (Ill IUI•tCOl
a:u lSITIIII (II f\(1•1(11
PRICE ccu ..,., (II IUI•ICU
5" $14.95 IXl1 IIUlSIII lll IUI•tC:22
8" $19.95 co• IIUIUI (Ill FUI•otll
em 1!0111 (IU f\li•ICU
ADO: $2.50 S/H
CJOl ... lJII !\ll•ttol
OMW tw OIITCI lll ft(t•IIOF
toll QI10C2 uu f\li•MI2
• ,..,_ ap, tmm '" nu '·"' CIIS Kla. uu IUI•tiiS
• till MOll ,. !\ll•ltll
• ,..,.. ,, ·- .......... I.H "''" till "... uu IUJ•Itlf
tnt cuss (II 1\(1•..,1
t:nl PCIU lW IUJ..,
• •
• C.lll.. ,.,... '" 111.1: tt'l7 11101 (II IUJ•If27
• att .,.,,llal f\(J•tnl
• al't ttn 1[1(11lal lUI�
• as. - "' 1Uiotll4
• C.lll.. ,.,... '" "'"' �-It ,.u • :
• ttl' "'
• ,..llutn rtt 1\.ll am ttlt 1111(101 f\D•Mlt
ttJJ IPIOI "' f\li•IIJJ
t CPI I.P.O. I - flit to-_,,,. tl4l lrnll [W 1\.li•IMl
t CPI I.P.O. t.P,IM - lilt odU-­ tl4l ·� ,. !\(I-
t al't 1,1 .C. P oil <-IIIII I..
oil 11111 otwtl"' •� P 1401 llll:ll £11 1\.ll•tiMl
• 0016 ,.. lW nn••••
• C.lfl.. ,.,... '" ..u .....u••: I .. , Mlllftl ll"fll· I'IIIII'Ot,
t IUPI, IUW, ..IHitf
arr w 0,1' .a. '""' oil �..11 ,.u_
t.., Mit tou,AI,...wtho 0010 IIIli tN
- ,..... II.... Clflll
oil flln thltht •Ill 0010 KillI fill SIMI KITUAIIOI 11•0
P I"" oil .0. IIIII 0012 lltlll .. 11..1 sua IICCI
... una .. SI..IMITO
• aPT .. 1,1 .Ill '"'oil 1111 11111 !Mt "" .... IIIII 011/f - ...
"' ott 11 Ml,. I. Pill
otto It 1...,,,11 ltcl­ 0011 IDIPI ..
•ly lw ......lilly. - It,., ..
OOit rtlfl ..
0 OOif rtlft ..
1 G,tl• lrtttn: - � IIIII

1 • '"' h Al..-lul .,.., 1011 L- - L.,,u..,

1 t oil• c.,..t IIIn toM <lflfll .... ..... - "IIOFIU_,
I • '"' IIIII ..� - ....
( fllrto llittl"' ...
thotl• flit .... liMII - KtTaiS IIMlll•
, '"' .,,..t_ .... J£alt - c.t IIUIIIt ..,
o l 011 .,.lluto flit • -u .... nnlt .. 1M(,. ... uw:
o l Uti IIIII oil- <trfl.. to9t lOIII( .. Mit( a.Jilf llUtTO
I I <1ft Ill• 1M II ...tiMIII - IICJI'/ - DIU toltl
o two 111 etfoolt ,.u_ '"' 1011¥ - 1011•11• .,t(
, """' ...... ,...... lilt - ...,. - l•ftl ·141 IIIII NIU
• -- ... .. c.....
w - ... - .... I•TOIIIIIflllt
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U a.o CW�oot f\0 ..U IIU Wf\t - ...,..,_
I ...\'""'*'""" OOIJ ..,.. - tMI IIITI'II wna
1 I '" -u lllo tflw <trfl"' - -
PiiiUSill IMI,.. •••arr
toilS �· - ,.,.,.om
.... STiftl - .... IIUtllml•
I� ....II Cll M- ltiW�f• 00111 ..sl fill loSial flU CIIIPY
I - lflOPI - 1411t flU ...
t ltloolt ,.u_ •t ••••• " 011111"' u. *' fll- - 14M flU-
t -�� .. o111 "--.•- 11 ..u­ .... llllfll - I.., IILD CIPID
' •t loci- • tk <- 1111. - ,.,..., • loftllltoltl ...
.. P'mlt • loftlll - tmr10

'68' Mk:ro Journal 21

OOo\1 Dllftl • l•SIC m Ill. lUI • _.. Srutfl CUU af ACllOI
OOA( rwru.: • l•lfllll Dnl IIIJ/1(( •

0011 nTJU 1111 I•UrtJIO tllftiOI'I Oltllt m• Ellt �· Ull !(TIP

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OlY l1 n tO 11TLM'
0100 11111 ttiOO OUl It 0111 lllC II(Wl.l uu llYO:tiS ••
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• It IPIIlll run lUll. IIIIIII.IIAIIOI. .,.. ,. tl • ..II
OltC 10 *' lSI SIAM om •m mr1cm•
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01� 00 ra • "'" ... 111ft
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0111 .. ormt ra • Oifl W .. fTI MDII
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0100 t7 .. IT¥ -- ... tf hfltt
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OlOC " ctM UM ,..
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f211 , ctM cu ,.. •'- Wl04 ,.,
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"" ... ......... ....... f211 II (04 ffT m� •tpot '' flul
• emu .. • l'(ft1
• mnnl'll ,_ tii..U JtDMD

22 '68' Micro Journal

011'. em Ul 11111 00•1 '"''ut •t<t., 01Ct. 1111 IIGIIM1 ltl IIUrtl P110ClS1 IIUI -
tiiC IC em CPI •10!•1 ftllttr •Kt..) noo,. m1 l. &mil
tllr 17 •• •• *"II tf u• •• "''' t1U n u IC$ !nan
our te tC T(SPil IIC "m' tot ....1 ...
•m• .. .. �1 .,..,., tt ..,, ....
om" em ICPill UM OIT1Ifl
om OJ tl Sl¥ Glli'IP ......,,., ..uu • oc:11 nu !Wilt
om .. rr lD¥ '"'
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111J I( COl• � z• � lWIII�I le Nil ltM nrr -..n.n..
IIIII .al\•·1

................................................ •m• IIIf 00111 Ul IIIICJCJ•U

• 1111 C4 u Ud ll
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• IlK II .. "" ....
• IF Nol IfIIIli �� tiiPUI 1111 LIll 0111 15 .. kO •11.or
otto t4 y .... .., Ma IIPO C.
t Sl.l Ill( tori: FlU, I II I IU,IIU OlO 17 .. ,,.. 0, 1
• IU.ll flU tol'l: 0,1 MIDI 1111• Oltl lf II 111111.0 1 ,.,
• sn �tilOilS: rm o, r 1111 01 trtua Ol'h:IJI KD

OlU 7t fl "" wrr•r

om .. ttll .
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07]( ll 01 • SoiYII.f 0111 n .. 1.0 .11.01
Oll£ It om l«<.n lrP 1111 1151\.AI 1111 LUI Olfl t4 y .... .., lllld�Wl
Olfl 17 .. liM 0,1
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tlU., 10 Sll IO!PS SlY( I'GSIIICI tlll "' D(CJ
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Ollf II ll 0111 ,.. Olfl .. '* lD¥ KlfCiol lOll •rm Mil
011117 fl 1(1 """' IIIGill'llll mo" ff tTM KSIII'I
171111 II 0111 I' I Ol07 16 1141 Ull 1ICFCI•I
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lnlll " ., SCM 1106 77 IC Ill 110111111 1\117-.t
125)9( .. ICMQ UJ � tltt 11 1117 m UUot
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tlll II 114 CUOPT QJ t,l CUM IU fUll om" 1711 "' IISICI•Il
ow It tl Ill tilt .. II)I UM llaCJ•II
ms tc till ePI IIWJ\1•1 tllf 11 llfl "M I(SfCI•II
11611 21 n • CUI'I 117711 •7 ,.... I(C s.1l. IU6 I1G 11111(1
02... ct77 •n• lSI llltl! tn a"'• 0111 1111 n m
.,.. 2S II a DIIPI �e
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.,, . me Ul lllllO·I �til• LITIO IMU om It ITS
1111 It " lfll.ll Ill
om tc one CPI NUfU Ull II 1111 ... m I(Sfcto4 D(J1 .. fllWfl
"" 77 u •• 11111 llllll•l ,..., Olll u .. • ITfTU S.c:tlllll(l
.,,. ., •• 0111 1,1 Ull II II ti(O Dol .... ta I(Dft
1mu 1'1 • lfll01 Ull U n • lt1M
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0111 7t (7 .. om•
OlU ll CCII [110ft lll .,,.,
Oltt .. 114 lOM 0, 1
0111 " 7t 0111 1170 !'tell • an Dllt'll '"" C01IIMt lt•
Oltt 71 .. •• Sll'1lP • 11ru.111 rr rru •
OliC II lt 0111 1', �'
0111 71 0) • !lOOPI 01)4 C4 01 lil1lll9 Ull II
01'0 10 em S7Sl' l. IHOI '"'" oYO t[IMAIll Ollll( ttll UJ """ '
Olfl It 0141 lllllfl m l(CJU om .. .. UM t,l IIOt llfl1l lrn.IT IITCII
0796 17 II •• •nu om• Clll ltl QJII
om n OC07 lrP llCM �AHl !UMAIU1 tilt 2S " a .,. llJ'IMoeiiiiO
Olll II n "" ,.,
tm • t:l)4 •rue ,. lil1lll9 0111 n ll ., ILIIIil _,
em n ot IC$ smu 101 lliWt-UDIC 1146 u " UM 1,1
OlM 71 II • - OlltCI lf Oft . .. nu MIIJn
tmll II II lll ttMJCI 1146 Z7 ot .. ..,.
IZA$ A7 tl liM 1,1 llUCl .,\1( t)4( .. � ... IJ -11(-
tlll II .. QJ 1,1 &S4( ]I tl ... •
m• 71 II .. llflll'l mt• em ltl lll'CI Kl, 110 llJI(
t.m. em ltl 11101
11M" ,. Slflll QJ "'.. tl» � tl N. •
""'. l oti Ul tmOI mtlf CLa
tZOI 7( OoU lrP llMII IINl1,. nn om 11 ..,. 11n
tl» n .1. ns
lltlll IIU - Ul ..nt N!laJS tua IIIII( .. "
......... ................
1116 .. (Ill m llllfll •
ll" II tl ICt 111111'1 • 1(11 I1G llllCI.ID 1111 I(JIIY
.,.. It "" DaS ,. r.. o IIUlD Ill IllU II llUCl tiiETtlf

t111 .. ,. •11111'1 .. .,... tmtt 01 lllAm liM II IITTI'IC I.II At till

11e0 n n IC$ smu 0)$1 " .. STM ....
tltl u " • ICIIM2 Ollr t7 ., JIM MIUI
OlCI I( IllS Ul ...u Olll 9( .. Ul 11.11 1111 11f ..a
tlt7 17 tl JIM 1,1 IUIIMIICII 011\ll ow" .. Ill �
tlCUf .. QJ 1,1 ·�" t( UM KSM
01071 .. .. CICMI 0)47. II .. IIOtll llAt lltTIMII. Ill
lllt 9( .. ltl �

'68' Micro Journal 23

Oltl 9f 12 Sll 51C111 sa¥( 1'111110 0410. em na �
tJOIIt .... lSI �· IPNit II Rll Mit till " • Ul ltlfl
tmU tl • litO\I 041)" WI J. o.TW 1M Mit flLI
t m er " cu MltGI HIIM " m Ml'nl
tl74 01 .. IIIIII. cu ..... 0411 ll r1 •• .., ..,,.., .a
1116 I( M II( lllfU ru�sacm Hie II[ - Ul talUfl'
1111 " " liM .ttY 041f 01 04CJ JSI AIIJII
OSIA N .. .. 11(.11111 llM 101m Ill Hn n 04 10 ....,
tilt er ,, cu OllfU ..l, .. " II[C Nit. IUitU(Cl Ml MID
tm" .. Ul ltiP1 HU lt Sl 1M ..,
tilt " II Sll IWm 1M 1'111110
tlll ll .. 0471 I( " -· II( NIOC FUI Mt MID IUOIO
lltJ IC u Cll IUOII�lS
Olll II 11£11111) m

trfl[� ..... ,••

t IIAt I tiiiUlllt! Mll " • 100111 Ul tr.J

04lC U ot lNt Ill lllllli'UISOlO
• LOtOS " ma " IJOI orm 1m H2llt II I!IMIIII .. IIG¥ITl
t IIIIOIIY. Ml!I:U Mt FILII 111111 OIJO Sl ora
t 14111'( 100 rut Sill, !tACit, Ill till u fl -

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0461 " "' ltllll' sn Tu.1 SoW(·-
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.... '"' U1 ....
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HOI t1 ., 11M a.Jll OSMI't OSIP •• 1..

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OSIS AI .. . 1»1 16,1 •c. c. • rll.l\1 llnBI GPOIII••
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nu M tl lMI 1,1 ... , " • .... .,... ,
OS4S U 11 11 lNt 17,1 "" .. .. Utili 11,1 .....

·ee· Micro Journal 2tl

.... " M Ul IW'l .... . CCII rQIIf Ul 111M
...... .. �· ll,l 10t on 0411 l4 01 Ill riii11Mt mtn
.wn II II!I 1111 ... , CCII Ill 111M
Mil 15 .. ... �m 06UU .. LW II
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..., .. 0( UM U,1 -.:MI 04(1 •• ctl7 '91102 Jll ...�
•m" 1111 Ul ltJIP2 04(A 15 Of ecs NICia D III.Noi·UI.IIC"'
...... t( �· 11,1 IUIO&I 04CC II 60 �· ....
"" n ., 1111 au ..an 02 lUI IOilOI
.... ,. till Clll m ClliU IIM'Ml 1(1101" OttO� y � .., IWt lmJ Cloll
OliO 2l ., en mu 010!17 14 IOTLOI SIM 0,1
om 10 " ... (l[n OUtlO 01 Ill
.... II Htl
,. ,.
.. 0111 1111 lSI Cllf\1 1£>0!( IICliOI" '"' ,. [[ • rn112
..,, 2l 04 .. ctm MMIO a ... 1111111 11101 lOll.
Ml!l( • rJLU ltl IDPI DIIC( fiLl
Out tl 14 cu 0,1 IVt 101 liDO
Oirtll 0141 mn Jll AMIA ... IOIPI
O&l4" 14 CPI llfJU ... • MIDI mt• II IIIII( !PIICl
.wn .. • wo • ...,. sam m rat Mltll
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.., ., It SUIUI' m IOIPl
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Ml' 71 Oola 1. a.& 0617 .. 04 UM 0,1 1(1 Ill 0111
..,. lO 01 m
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..., " • Sll IDIP I we 21 •• Ill .ua
.... . 1714 J!lll Dfct Otlt II 14 �· 1,1 MIOP
...,. 1111 llllf ll lll t!lltfCI>4 .,.. ,. I[ • _,
.. ,. " .. fll ·� 010! l4 01 UUIC Ill
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Oilfll Ot • ..... 0101 14 II • SltUl
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om" 04 UM " rlliiOI f�
ow., 01 51M 1,1
.... 71 ou' • £IIIII • flUID 111104 .... 111104

e.64 " .. - Ul ltJIP2 .,., . *' filMI I!Ill •ICPI IDtiT

_., • Sll m.t lilt-······ tiOC 11 till m lllf\1
.... ., ., cu .n. ••n rt• rtu OIOf 24 u • ltl'IPl
...... .., HI CP\'fll 10 art till 11 .. ., lfl I'UU
-71 - lW [Ill till 2l u .. ""''
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071( 11 It .. .
,.,.,, 1'{1 tii'T
.. .............. ........................... 0111 II ,. a.. ,.,
OTIO U ., • IOTrlll
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om 10 07 ... IRI'IIPI
, ,_ � u• r• 111101 mr•
om 11 .. 1011111 �· ,.,
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om • ctll I. rQU om 71 - nm J• 1111 lllltiiiiOfUI
..,... au UM UT1II
..n II 01 a.. 101 tnl 11 0111 lniPI lfl Lllfll
..,. 71 ., .. .-Til • 111101 1111.-? tm 11 � • llrtn
Mlt II em a.. nma. till II 1711 �- IV*CI M .. llfQI
... :.. M • Mil• tiJ6. MS1 1. CP\'fll 10 tii'T
..., " .. - SlM lllfU ll1. 1111. till .. II( SI1CPl Ill l'l1ru
-10 , .. MIDa tnt 2l ., 1(1 .. n
..... ... lllll. lll tiiiiiWt CWIIWIIPG 1711 " " Ul lOPS
-tl 04 1111014 cu 0,1 Oil' ,. " UM OilliP
... l4 01 1111 0141 II ern liM Oil!
... It oott CPI Kl l t4 0141. m• J. real "ItiD
.... u n • 1111014 111716 IF UM ..,.,
..., . CCII Ul ..,., om 11 a:n fl¥ 111111 IIIID 10 10111 11111.
"" .. .. UM t,l 1(1 111101 0111 Oltt" • .,.n Ul IUPl
""II em Jll CUll 011{ " .. cu o,r tnrn lf1U crt
.... 14 It let liLCII 01,.. .... _, I. ...,, ... ,•.
069C II l( � 1'. UIIJIIa-1 OI'Sl fC .. Cl'l twm -�
"" 11 •• .. rot• •., u • • SOUP
_ .. .. a.. ••
• em If .... • Mil•
tW 11 " .. .,..
...... ct01 UPI tfiOl
Oil1 2l • .. .,..
...., I( .,... smn • smu IUlMI. 0111 ......

Me II n IUTI a.. ,., o CIP'I II lllltlll'l _,

MollU " as smn ...... IU.MJ •
.... ... Ul IIIIIISrt .,. 01 AI IIIIPI m ...,. WI W D'Ttl(l?
.w• em Ill trnn tl'X 71 " .. ...
.... l) II ICI smn .,. I( OOl • Ul ....0
... 10 11 ... IllIDa 0161 10 11 .. �

26 '68' Micro Journal

ti•J 01 ,. IICW a.• MllMI fu.ll) ... MOt .. " LOM IQIIY
tl., Ill " a.• Ml._,l *"" 9C SlY Ml\ll 11(1 QMJl ..l\1(
.,., .. ttll LIM lSTTM 10110 teoc!( • lfl n.l 1'11111 II DliiCI
01.. II .. � ... .... .. UM tl
til( ll .. .. IIIII tilt" u SIM .w\1 Mtt om.-
til( tl em a.• ll'lm. till" .. Sll rop,
till 11 .. .. (liTI till It WI ,. WTIIM I'Uf!IIIL
omn eM ,. l•t 1(1 FIISI FlU IUeO ttll ot tC m ,.ml
tnlll .. Itt IIUIO "" » fl .. CPfll
tilt. om - Ul ...... IU!Ioll._, .... w .. Ul I1W1
tnt fl oil Dllll3 a.a ,.11.., otll •• u UM �
om n tllll 1IP � ���" em mo1 lfl"' •n• •no
ttl2. WI Ill WlW 1'111110
tl.. " , IUIIII Ill l.. om" " UM ""
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t116 If " "' � ttll,. l1 • .,..,
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0111 If ,. Ill Mlol.. Soll'ot�lllll
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0111 n 01 flO 101111 10
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.... ,. ..., m MU
011) ,. 01 • Sl"IL
.... ,. .. • Y(SI'IIJ
""" 01 • -Ct 111M 1110 1'01
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""" 1'1 .. C71fiL
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, ,. KPtll
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Oil'S lt 01 fAA -.r
"" 71 , • IIM.OOP
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1111 " It 111 n.l ... u II • OIIC*
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0111" ,. lloiU l!tMII
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• 011106 " 1M IOoll..l IIU HIS Ftn
• [ITO - IUIPI oOfl'l "" (t IC ... 12,1 UlliCI FBI lllll ll ll.
OIMII " Sill olfNI..I
..., . Ul4 ••17'1 ,. PCIU au•£� ... •• UM UNII

'68' Micro Journal 27

.. u ot SICA 11,1 otlt .. " LIM ""
teet tl .. STM 110111 tmAI .,. ni!A "·' tl...,nu,.
0Cll4 .. ICC llllll """ II� liM .ot�tl5 ..-rm -.
*"" AI tu "'"" om AI Of JIM 1$,1
Ctc111( orn Ul lfll* .,._, ... , fl1 otiA .. 11:11 LIM .otltll- lfll
*"I( 01111 • (.... omn ., •• ....
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Oftl tJ •n liM l'l,l
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o lllM ..U JIU ot11U II • •ra ta M!lOT MT(
' """ me LIM IIC100n Mtt
o O«CX 110M -.t - (IF Oftt " .It STM 1',1
' ..... m• lDM IIIC1tl•ll
.. . 11�1 IIIIII Ul ls.:FCI "'I &1 ••• SIM U,l
...... II liM II """ IIll lW _,CNI
OltlAI •• STM o,t GPO 'IIII(M ""'' •n Slolil 11,1
.... . .... �· ,. "'' � 14 .... LJI um
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... I( tAn 0111114 • E.- ., .. .. LIM 0,1 In nGa UTII
0!11111( I Ill Ul IIOFCI
011(. ,. IICM tu I(QM lll!Jlltu!O ttt4 • .... ,. ,. ••at lnt
.. . " tu lltlllt+l 0!117u " • �·
.... ., tu m• 1\At�- ""u • I( UM lt,l •m IUCIIot?
..,., .. QJ fllOPI FUt _,GPO O!IICCI 01 Oft II
... " .. QJ 0,1 Ofii(U lA Ill ll-
..... " liM "" ottO n 04 ... ...
....1 .,. Slolil "·' IIW'I rru,. om 01 , m li'"U mmo tllltl•T?
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28 '88' Mloro Joumal

o.v� .. If OIW 1'0 1!111(( AICII
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OAnta 01 IJM 1,1 I(T ,. [JIIGl o.va " 2( UM I' • POl.
MlO If . .,, Ul IJlCDI OoVC. 71 .. 'VIti!
01140 II .. OI'A 125 011( Cl .. Ulol ..
OA42 77 n IU £aMl Otoo tl 73 • """'' ..
..... 1071 Ul 111'101 0Ml14 ll liM ,.. POl.
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011$711 10 .. o.7 Olll tf It !HIIIl lll II.JPl em NltTD
�· oc Af lit mMI Nil! llrlllt otn C4 01 Ulol II
OoiSI • 10ol7 Ltl MYOI 1117 .. em IM 01111(C
OoiSlll Ool Oft 110 OIIA f( It lll IDPl
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Oill(ll mF 1M .lUI OUA II •• .. MDI
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Ool71 .. .. 0112 Tn """" Ol1f II Of Oft "
0111 427 $7 .. 1111 1117 tll'il l'tln? OllO 21 .. Ill O'IOf
OA111f O(t:l Ul ·- OU2ll 07 ,.
Ool71tl otiS Ill '''". Oll4 14 ,. UM ..,. ., • mn
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Nil! ..
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Ooll' 27 24 tu !Ill OWfl It Ul IIJPS
.... . 1m Ul IIMCJII 0111 .. OJ UM 1,1 1fT .nil
Oollf ll OilS Ill ,..,. OMS 27 04 .. IIIIIIM
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OHl C4 II LIAI Ill[ *' 25 01 ... -
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OMSI1 .. ... (Ill om lO tl Ia
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...... MCt JM ....
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Mtll1 em SIM OUIWI 1111111 IIU M •mx ..... .. lll •••
01(4 .. till J11 Ptlll •n Ll• .... It r.:m • llmlt Nil! tilt 110
Ol(tl( COil I,. ..... 0170 " 1) OUIOIII lNol ...
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I � om u . ., llM '"·'
• tm41 till CIJ 11(,1
..,... 9C OIIT1tllll UM .1¥1 ..,. .. " UM " -�

'68' Micro Journal 29

Gnl II 14 SlM 0,1 ocn., •n tu 111,1 Wll lilt II IIUI
0� lA 10 ![I mP IIITDI!Irll OUl It .. lSI II(CM con flU
om• *' lSI ,., IIUt Sit OCII 7t WI I. [Iff
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t(tl .., f1 Ia SMH
.... " "lt "* Uolol fCI•lll OC:I'" 90 Sll ltll"S 16 IllS
*'" n ora "" nru.:1 IIIWitT rue OCII " " UM �I LSI
ow 26 02 • lOlii OCII ,. ISII
MID 0C Ill lit urru ![I 0101(1 .. 0(1( ,, .. • ll(r.tl
fWM 01 an LIM II 000 7t �2M SlliTII 1,. SMAI STWICI fGIIAI
., ., • If SIM llf,l 0.1 Sit II •cr• I
0104 .. .. Uolol 110
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010 tr " S1l 1101111 001 I( 1C 20 .10
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• £111 - UUoll fUI If lOT f� 0(77 " 10 •• .,
TDin'IIIIICII If llllllt OC:/1 20 ll 7t lZ

oor 20 11 n,.
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Ola p II Ill .,. em " u 20 11
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OIH tr It !ll 11lfl ou.2t 21 n u ftt • looctttl'
"" f( • Ul ltlfl otAt u 71 11 n
011(1 II .. CIPt 0,1 111101? otll 2t
01£1 u 09 • ..1111 0(12 04 fCI
01(3 .10 01 Ill otiJ II M 20 II ll'T!II ftt .. llfllliM!llt Ill"'
tl£7 " • m ltlfl ottT .C 70 It 61
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Oltt X 110 fUif- tCOUICUn
010 n 111 11110111 ron ottl 04 ftl I
oca u 2t 20" rtt •t .II .. .....
c flltt'
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OlfCP 04 Ill lOIIII ocr.,
Olf( 9t " CPI IUf1D SlMOiliO stall 0((1 04 I
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.. n ••• an 101 FUa lOT f- ecn u lllt
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• l£tMI fllt rDI IUCII•IEIT. II 0107" 14 .,
• SIII.UIIIO SUit( FlU Ill. GPO .... 04 rtl 4
t - IIPOI. 11(11111111. fll(. 0101 4$ ltlt .. rtt '( ftltt• uloll•t flh •
... ., " ., 71
t(07. em lltM Ul ...... oou n lt 45 11
... " .. Ill llml om " n 14 "
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OCII. 22 • emn OOll 04 m 4
«lilT 1114 ITM �llfll(l[t� 00)1 ..2t lt.., rtt ., '"'' .,.
Clllll 1211 Ul ..a tfll II 10 1t lt
IQliO Cl2t Itt lf1Jil IOTIIIII I• flU OOlt U 1t
otU.., ll Ia "'"' oq2t ..., " rtt ''"·-·
C1116 " liM .. ..., ., lt 6( 1S
IOAIO CUl lSI smn .,., .a ol46uu un
ot2S. llfl Ul tSIOCI �04 ra
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002 u II Uoll II OM" IC .C lt
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«ll II ff Q.l IS, I l'lmtl c.o emu n 20
lOIII .17 Q.l n,1 -rue ..,. .. "10" nt ...llutt lilt'

30 '68' Micro Journal

MStt•l1114 007 I,S t( ,. u
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I(SlIS II i1 71 Offl .... lO lJ
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0(11 lOlt QlOlll'lf
•• 04 let • •o 4€ ,. lJ
0(. II 41 It 20 - let 'W OOIT: oru M let

'68' Micro Joumal 31

fl01fll1111 GP'III rc:c 'lilt•ht' 1101 » " It .,
fltl U II t7 IIOS Sl � tt tl
11a" ra 7 liM S4 IS II 20
O't1lt lt IS II 1"1'81 rc:c ' C.,IM' lltt ., )l »., FCC '£11011 • FILl tweD'
Onl70l9UM 1111Sllt2tl0
om " FCJ 1115 II tt tC IS
emu., 12 u 0'/AASI ftC 'llrt<torr ""' o•trflo• • Ill! 20 U 41 II
flOC I I It II 71 lilt tl II '' U
1121 •• FCJ •
fltt 11 � n 10
fltl II II U It 11%2 It tC t( ., Ullolt fct 'JLLtiM. u• 11 •

fltt 11 " u n II,. 17 II tC It

one 14 IC 11 n IUJ IC 41 I( It
liFtll 1121 It S4 " lt
fct 7,1 lll2 u ,, Sl " Itt 'tll(tllll l(tltl'
0111 07 04
tm«unu .,Ill Itt 't\rect•r rNA ttrot• lll4 IS S4 If Sl
11m U 11 II 72 lilA Sf lt Sl 4S
om 1no nu llll IJ )I If u
fiT' " tl � ., 1112 04 m
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1025 " 01 m 7,1
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ltlt t( � 1111 Mill .... Mli...C -I Ql4 MIUI tel OIMl ...
ltlf 1t " n " lllf\1 tiX .,. " " -·l- ... . tel llMllttn
1on 1•., � n MltlttMI ...,ll iJI} ... ".. ....,
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IUl t7 tl ftl 7,1 ..,. om -om --- wro ttl4 •m ctll
•.,. lt •• 11 lt llACI:JI FCC • d trad-wct•: • OCMT tXI OCMI OliO actW MJI O«MMItm CUll CUI
lOll II 12 61 t) tlOIIC Mn CUGPTU61 CUTTI' "" CWl tttt (Wtl.,.,
1011 tt tt n u Clift) tsll arl 0100 e.u mt C11fll .., 1"1'81 tfCI
��·, u 1111 n .-.mo ._ .., Mll tc« MIDI tMf MIJ\Itlll
1011 Jot lt Mllll I(" Krill Ill( MUU tlt6 en. tfll ....-
1011 04 ftl lllltl "" llJJt1 Ill) tllfLIIOM tllll. "" toll• till
IIGIM2 OXJ IICMiml ........ till'( oott ..,.. •n
lltC 14 •1 II 46 Illat fct 'ltoftiA.,.,.riiArJ•' '"""' '"' OIWT OlU �ms ,..., '"" miiJ .,,.
' * .., tl " .. f.JIIIItiOo\ll l1tiOII Out r.autlo\J 01111 "" ,.., lltO
..,. n 11 7o n ,... ..., rnc 0111 1111\1 tllf tlltn om Ull ow
,.,. It tl " .. lllll ..,. llln lltl IIIII lilt Ill - li!Jll ow
IHC IS ll m till fllttiOOH fltl\1.... f!U'ItMI llllfl ttll
1.. I& IS I( II fct 'lol ....
a.,otlltdtdM' 111111 om FlU totO ,. .... FIIOtU Oltl ,.. I...
1161" ., Sl � fWIIoett FWil*l fWil lot) r•• tiCF ,.., ""
1066 10., tl 71 flrlllll IOU •rm ocu KTCIIICm 1(11'/0Jll Ollfll UD
1... If II It U lm[l tOll ...., 0411 IOQilltltl 1111 0411 11112 0)1(
1011., ., ll .. Kl.. OMI llll• 04M lUlSI tCSl Vll2 ten IU!Itl tC'l
ltn .. l•c tOll 1111 tiM I.. .,.F Ill. tCtl IUTI M
I. 0411 ltlP till am tiD lllJll 1111 liU tilt
lin .. , .. " ... rc:c 'ltltl�UI' UUl 0629 uun we ��� 011! UlOIII 1121 IJWI Of'U
11n" � " ., wm tilt ll•• OtCA liOo\f lll2 lOttie W7 lOilW ..F
1171 S4 � S2 IS lOMIIIotll l........, UIF\1 Olll ut•r "" Ullllttll
ltlf II II" MIDI OliO MICIM 061' 11Aiti!S061t Mll.ltM IOIWCClt
1112 01 fQ -·" ..... t IIMII 144o\ 1111'/KF m• .wet tlh
lOll $4 II tS lt NTill rc:c 'Ill flU • 11•• IIOIRI flU IID'ilfU 1711 I!Mtt t7tt 1111'/ltPIW -Oil(
ltf7 .. It t( ., RJIIU IMC 11.1.11 lltl ... till lollfliOOo\S IIIIIIIPCOOOI
... lt ., Silt ClfiT ouo IIWU 011) •nn "" .,... ,,., .:P11 tfCI
I... 4!, 41 .... .., ICI(ItOW 11112 ttSC •n ow .lll*l
IMl lt " , lt rtt ' II •111 Nlllt!D' lOIII( OflO 101101'( 04� - ... ... .,,. -..al MCC
IMI S1 S2 It S4 111112 MU .. , .,, IIIPIII tm ...lliiiC IOPJU Otlo\
'"' ., lt ,. Sl ...u. IIGNIII 0171 - ""' ICSlC lo\27 IGtllll IIC7
,.., ")I u Q Gl'ltt.a euu.-. IIM
T tJ)I .,• .. eTNI ...
leAl ,. ., .. 11)1,. 0111 en:rl• ent " " •ru ... lfl\11 1114
llo\t04 ra I IIOIU7 lln •no• ..,, CT1II. om .,. ..,. ICI'NT em
lto\1 .. " Sl it •rm fct 'tl• m• •111 mD' et•c n" .,. otM .,.,, Olt 4 101111 ott2 -��Oil:
IMI lt 14 It t( Otll 01!1 .,., 0&)1 wor 0102 IUOl' Onol .. 07M
IW IS lt S1 U u. Oltl 11101 tt21 IIIII¥ 02ll .,Jll .... lfT1(I...,
lltl It ,. ., lt CIUGP\' ... OOMtm .. , " .. .ll., 0274 •u OUol
1117 IS Sl Sl " .,. ota GIITCII CW GUTOa can an..,_.. OWTE aJt
,.. S2 Gill* 0170 llllllt ax an1IM 0111 OIJTIIT C02 OllT1W OMl
lilt .. 1Q 4 CMI' OIJA IMinO 01" o-.n ,... em ,. cttt
lOti Sl., u S4 ,.. rc:c '£111� ·-· HU111100.4 I'CilL1 au I'Cilll 022F ,..,. em 1'0112 O.CT
ltCI II Sl lO IC I'UIOt .... """'' 0171 NIIIV tMI lllfU - _ ...
Ita II )I� 46 NIITI liSt PWI.I 114' I'IIWT om NT'Illltll ,.,.. Ql(
'"" ., " .... NIDI om PVTDa QU --0� ....... 111111 11n
loti 14 ra • ........ Ult O JSI lltm ltfl W\11146 •te ""
Ita U SJ.Il It ... rc:c 'cat IIMlMtl' !(tit "" ·-'"' IUIWl .. I(CMICII7 .....a
IMl Sl IS II M ROlli .... lmll 0416 Ulm04tl . ., .., arr.t OU4
I* lt 41 � � !1(11115 ..,. m.... M:1117 Olltt ..,. ot06 �-
IOMIIU Rrllll MiC RPilB CJlF 11101 ""' uw Olll "'"' . ....
IOtC 04 ,Q 4 ICM 0246 tCM2 om I(Cill 0111 .ua os.a IILltT ..
ltlt D" 4l S4 1\'1111 rc:c '""" lMtl' na wo ....... amn un .-t tiU � -
11(1 II " �IS tl• t 0641 SI IU U ��- ... .., 14" .'" ...
ltn llll " � IOO'It m .,... om tll'f
11 •,. .,. tnt �-'
1., .. ra 4 ... OIICI ICII Ollt Oti'Tl .,., an MFt ......
,.. 46 .. tC" ,... fct 'fl\.1.,,... tlctl'# '"' •uuu tuM ... lllfll .... .... ..
ua 2t If ., ,. .., om IWf\1 OMl ,.,.. ,... rmu ow I'IITUMM
lfll lO 14 ., " mn em smu oao Tm'l .. T1JP2 ... I'IJIPJOIC
,.,. ... TDfl ... lt!fS .... Ia .,. r•IICO � ...
lfll 04 ra 4 tWill "" T1ll(t ..... tiHU ... m.T t721 T1TUP ....
ltfl u ., fl " IIEOtiU 'llalt � MTOI ' TTn ctl2 I'IIIFll. 064( t.-tm """1141 tiPfal f2lt
1111 Sl M � 41 lfftllflll UIIJll om MZM flt7 .. QOJ MI'IU 01"
IIIJIT 00 •rm ""' .n. .... �om ltWIT 1121
�tin mat OAll l"'ll ....
'68' Micro Joumal
slgnel Is applied es the externel reference of the
approprlete chennel.
AI I dlgltel to enelog converters output
glitches <or spikes> whenever the output Is chenged
META LAB DAC1220 end Mete Leb's DACI220 Is no exception. However
they heve provided e meens of compensetlng for this
The Mete Leb DACI220 Is e two chennel Olgltel cherecterlstlc whenever the OACI220 Is used In en
to Analog Converter with 12 bit resolution. It Is eppllcetlon sensitive to these glitches. Using e
designed for use In computers hevlng the SS50C bus OAC to control e CRT grephlc dlspley could heve
end requires one thirty pin slot on the 1/0 bus. unpredlcteble results during glitch time. The
The DACI220 Is available assembled and tested for OAC1220 hes en UNBLANK output to notify the driven
$395 from Meta Lab, 6825 County Line Road, Longmont, device when the output Is unsteble; which could be
Colorado 80501. used to keep e CRT dlspley from smeerlng due to
gil tches.
Our Jnltlel Impression of the OACI220 was one
of quality. The l4.5cm by J2.5cm circuit board Is To the progremmer the OACI220 Is four
solder masked end silk screened. The Molex cont 1 guous addresses In the 1/0 spece of the
connectors ere gold, elI components are top quellty, computer. When the four eddresses ere reed, It looks
end all ICs ere In sockets. Multi-turn pots ere like en unequipped port; when they ere written the
used Jnste&d of the more common <end cheeperl single output voltages of the OACI220 chenge. The OAC1220
turn variety, for example. Considering the price of requires no lnltlellzetlon Itself, but the device It
the DACI220 we expected, end got, a professlonel Is used to drive wll I In elI probebl llty need to be
qua IIty board. Jnltlellzed. If you ere driving en XY plotter, the
pen must be loceted et e known point. The seme Is
What Is meent by 12 bit resolution In e dlgltel true of the cursor In e CRT grephlc dlspley end most
to enelog converter? This Indicates the number of other devices. We used the OACI220 to drive e MOOG
unique velues between the minimum end maximum music synthesizer end were often greeted with a very
outputs of the OAC. No Vlrglnle, not 12 steps, 4096 LOUD rendom tone when the system wes powered up.
steps. If we were discussing e 4 bit OAC, there One minor complelnt regerdlng progremml ng the
would be 16 steps. An 8 bit OAC would heve 256 OACI220 Is thet date Is left justified, which cen be
steps, etc. Thus the DACI220 gives us 4096 steps confusing lnltlel ty. Since we ere deellng with byte
from 0 volts to +5 volts, or 4096 steps from -5 wide mechlnes, loading e velue Into the OAC requires
volts to +5 volts. The choice of unipolar CO to +5 thet either en eccumuletor be stored et OAC end
volt) output or blpoler <-5 to +5 volt) output Is up OAC+I or that e sixteen bit register be stored et
to the user end Is eeslly chenged with a DIP switch. OAC. The OACI220 Is twelve bits wide on eech Input
As the two chennels operete Independently, either on the dlgltel side, with the data left Justified
mey be blpoler while the other Is unlpoler; or both the leest slgnlflcent four bits ere dlscerded. Meny
mey be blpoler; or both mey be unlpoler. human brelns ettempt to right justify the dete end
dlscerd the most significant four bits. Luckily It
The OACI220 gives the user several options Is not too difficult to mente! ly meke then
regerdlng output updete. Eech chennel mey be set to edjustment to left justified dete. The OACI220 Is
operete completely Independently of the other, In double buffered so the output voltege does not
which cese the output voltege wl I I chenge when e new chenge until both bytes of the chennel heve been
digital velue Is given to lt. Also either chennel updeted; which mekes life eesler regerdless of whet
may be sieved to the other. Suppose we meke chennel device you connect to the OAC. As the OAC does not
A the steve of chennel B, In this cese feeding e new require lnltlellzatlon, It cen be pelnlessly
digital value to chennel A wll I result In no chenge eccessed from eny Jenguage with PEEK end POKE type
et Its output until e new dlgltel velue Is fed to capability. There ere no stetus registers to be reed
chennel B, then both chennels wit I updete together. end tested, no essembly lenguege subroutines to be
When one chennel Is sieved to the other, their eel led. Just put the desired value Into the eddress
output voltege velues ere stll I Independence of eech where the OAC chennel Is loceted. This Is one of
other. The OACI220 elso provides a third output the easiest devices ever for the programmer to
updete option which, If used, requires e reed efter control, regardless of the lenguege used. However
write to give e meens of "hendsheklng". If this It would be even eesler If date were right
mode Is used, feeding date to the DAC chennel wl I I justified.
ceuse no chenge In the output voltege velue. When
the progrem ettempts to reed the DACI220, the output Mete Leb warns In the documentat Jon on the
updetes. This cen be very useful when you ere using OAC1220 thet It will not work on older SS50 bus
the OAC1220 to feed e device thet cen only accept computers unless the +/-12 volt supplies heve been
dete et a limited rete. The device cen generete en upgreded to 14 volts or more. We tried using the
Interrupt when reedy for new dete and the Interrupt OACI220 on two SS50 bus machines end found that It
routine hes only to reed the OAC1220 to effect the worked as wei I In them as It did In SS50C systems.
update. Upon checking, we found that one mechlne had +/-13.5
volts on Its 12 volt bus lines end the other hed 14
The Mete Leb OACI220 has a very eccurete volts. So you may be able to use the OACI220 In en
Internet reference, 5.0 volts +/- .5S. This older unmodified mechlne tho Mete Leb does not
reference voltege Is required by the OAC chips end guarantee thet you can. So you cen try It end If It
Insuring Its accurecy meens lncreesed eccurecy of does not work properly, you cen upgr&de the power
the output volteges. OAC chips ere most eccurete at supply as described In the article by Russell Gorr
their extremes end tend to lose eccurecy towerds In the June 1980 Issue of 68 Micro Journal.
mld-renge. The precision reference supply helps to
hold this error to e mlnl�um. This Internet We feel the Mete Lab OAC1220 Is a professional
reference Is meny times more eccurate then the quality product. It Is extremely versetlle end
typlcel three ter�lnel reguletor. However, If It exceeding eesy to use. Tho priced out of the range
still Isn't good enough for your eppllcatlon, either of most hobbyists; perhaps Meta Lab could meke the
o r both chennels of the OAC1220 may be provided with OAC1220 evellable as e bere board or kit of perts to
en external reference. The externel reference Input ellow more hobbyists eccess to this fine product.
Is also used when the DAC1220 Is to ect es e four The OAC1220 Is very deserving of e AAA rating.
quedrent multiplying DAC In such eppllcatlons es
computer controlled geln. In this mode the Input Mickey Ferguson POB 87 Kingston Spgs., TN 37082

'68' Micro Journal 33

no theoretical basis. But It seems to work.
After you get this smel I utility on your system
ASSEMBLER PRINT UTILITY disk as e file eel led PASMB.CMO, you con then key In
the following to get e compact listing: PASMB
One dey while printing en assembler listing <assembler source file> +<assembler options>.
with TSC's 6809 assembler, It occurred to me that If
the output wes condensed, no lines would be wrapped I start each assembler source file with the
by the EPSON MX80 printer, end If the line spacing following three statements:
could be reduced to 8 lines per Inch, paper would be
saved, end the whole listing would be more compact NAM <program title to appear on each page>
end easier to reed. <As long as you have good eyes, OPT PAG
good eyeglasses, end/or a new printer ribbon.) PAG

That started me on a project to make e simple In addition, Include 'PI' es the lest
wey to do elI this, end the program that follows Is assembler option In the command line. This
the result. Along the way, another desire crept combination makes Page I the first page printed,
into the plan--indentation of the listing to provide starting with the source following the PAG
room to punch holes for e 3-ring binder. Instruction shown above. The program title end the
dote Is printed at the top of each page.
At first, I attempted to use the EXEC functIon
to accomplish whet I wanted, but it became apparent This routine loads Into the upper eree of the
that a little more creativity wes required. But FLEX utility commend space. This Is e tricky,
don't let me take you through the development dangerous technique since during the course of
process; It Isn't worth the words. execution, other utillty commends get loaded Into
the lower part of the same space <C100-C6FF). But,
The resultant program, printed below, does the egeln, It seems to work.
following: the EPSON MX60 printer (with GRAFTRAX OR
GRAFTRAX+> is set to 6 Iines per inch, 68 I ines per Also, since this program mucks around with
page (for II Inch paper>, and condensed mode <132 TTYSET parameters, <PS & WD>, end doesn't restore
characters per line>. Also, the Indentation them, they may end up different than their original
mentioned above wes Included to move the listing to values.
the right by 6 characters to leave e wide left
margin. Two final points: First, It Is possible to play
with the FLEX commend line and make It do what you
The program listing Is fairly weiI commented, went from e program; end second, this little program
so not too much In addition needs to be seld. But does produce en assembler listing that Is more
some general comments ere In order. First, the compact end has almost no line length restriction.
program uses FLEX utility commands to execute
portions of the total function. This Is Welt Cole 5666 Pentz Way Sen Jose, CA 95123
accomplished by Inserting e commend line, es is
normally entered from the keyboard, directly from
the program. FLEX Is then celled to execute this
command line, end then to return to the program
which eel led lt. The functions executed this wey
are "P", which loads the PRINT.SYS driver, end • ,.. ,...,. 2f ..al '"l

"TTYSET WO•O", which sets the line width to t 1\h ,,..,.. Mh llf Hie ll....ltr 1M M £'01 IIJII
Infinity. Finally, the "GET O.ASMB.CMJ" loads the • rrllttr h .....It • ,....,.. M4 ,.. ,., l�t out,vt
assembler Into memory. Before this comme nd line Is t hlllt h I CoMtMH forNI. 1\t llt,lt oll l •• It
• chn/llu1 10 tht tllftfllly •ttrtol c-fth
transferred to the FLEX line buffer, the current
• 1111 HI M tr111uttf- curltf II lht ��nt 11111.
value of the line buffer needs to be saved, since It t 1\t prOfru 1!11 Ml the ,..tnttr to I litH '" iK.
Includes the filename to be assembled and the • to """ct .. •·lllot l h
ftte ��tt . '
• Tlot 11....1., htll It ,.tch tol lfttr ledh9 to tut
assembler options. This Is whet the code does et t l't .... tr tf ... h llcrNttf frot 54 to II.
II- ,.,. ,
SAVLP. The code around STRCMO puts our new comma nd • OUTCH It nu h lo c- to Plllll h thh
line In the FLEX line buffer. JSR DOCMND performs • ..,.. ttch tiN 1 clilncttr h prllttf.
t 1\tPIIIT routlat IHtnh tKh out, •t lht ., I "ten,
the functions requested by the comm end line In the • luvh9 ,_ to "*' holn fw • "!Mitr.
line buffer, end then returns. The code around
PRTLP sends the printer the control commends
required. tal LIIGIJ' liU tcaf FUJ llu Mffw.
tcl4 llfPTJ (IU tctl4 FU.J liN Mfftr ,.httr.
The assembler Is modified et SOOI8 to set 8 0 tc2J llllOD EIU tCOJ .._, 1114.
tc£4 POUT (IU tea4 l'rlattr •t t CMR r11t111.
lines per page. The TTYSET pause option Is turned Clfl IMM telll FUI - • 1 ut 11try t•lnt.
off If on, end the address of the print output tllr OUTCH � tCIIf r
o.t t * t• t..e�.. .
character routine Is pieced Into OUTCHR In FLEX. Cl41 JOCIIID (IU 1041 C.l FUI lOS 11 ...routlat.
Note that this routine Is In this program In order Ill 1131 � •., of FUI utility
to edd the Indentation desired at the start of each c. IUfll £111 • c� .,ace.
f S.vt tht fl£1 IIH hfftr fw llttr IM "'" tilt
• n....ltr flh c•trol,
After elI this melerky Is complete, the
commend line Is returned to the line �IE tat l)J ll
l '*lf nu 111e .."., 14* -> r.
est ItiE C672 lDY WSAV S.vt •., 1Hr ) Y.
buffer, along with the proper setting of the FLEX Uat kfftr c�•r ·> l.

C9fA6 11 IAYIJ 1M 1,1•

line buffer pointer, alI this around RESTOR. A JMP al:l l7 .. su !ilt A·) S.wt ..H.
0 Instruction transfers control to the assembler. atliC till DIPI ILIIIIJ •I21
�21 n kT IAYIJ .... wotil 121 c••' Nftd.
The PRINT routine Is cal led when the assembler t Tlotft "" tM FUJ lint Mlftr pohter fw llttr ....
outputs e character to the printer. This Is the CD IE tcl4 lll OOTR
routine which adds the wide left margin. This txllf CM2 In "IISAV S.vt IIat Mfftr ,.httr,
overly complex routine Is required to keep track of
I St.-tour- t-f li N lllO tht nEJ liM •llfftr.
lines which contain only line feeds end carriage
returns. It was developed empirically end thus has lll «.lllll.f FUr 1111 lotfftr Hft ·> 1.

'68' Micro Journal

C�l llllt C64£ LDY tCIIDSIR Ad� of nte c-and ttrlnt -) Y.
"" R6 AI SllCRD lOA t, Y• It• cld ttrloq chr ·) A.

t»7 A7 •• STA A ·) FlU lint hfltr.

C50' ltBC C461 CI\"Y

mo� H kl moo lr�J�c• 1111111 tnf of ted ttrlnq.

"Of IE ctat lDI llt•IIUf Sot 1111 kfftr po&nltr to

c�z If CCI4 Sll llfPTR :t
� inning of c-ud ttrl"9·
C3£5 ID em J� IOC!IICD lt FLU fo tbt htrd 10tk,
(5(8 tl H CliPI .. thck lor filS trrOt• Ttte XDKS D•u H•n•e•m•nt Sy•t•tn •• • comoJ•t• •rst•m ""'""" allow• tt'•
C3£A U :If Ill moll uter to chhf"'• and "'Pet• ·• •ltuclur•d dat• f'1let. and •uD••qu•ntlf
oroouce r•oort. HH�uaty anc P'oc••••ct '"" outout wtth ••••· The ty•t•m
t Sot ,.. prlnhr lor 132 chrllllnt, I luHIIach ud •upporh .-equentul. fta•r• •Chlt&l teq�,�entuJ •net t&ndolf\ tat• llroctur••·
t II hnulp•t•· wfUCh M&)' bt togac&lty af\t•r,eht•d b)' COtnmon "-eyt. T'htl r•htton&l
•�o•ct permttt trut ¥1twtr"Q of • collecuon of chscr•tr '•••• •• •
C3£C IE C6U l.DJ W«tm 'rhhr c�trl ttnng Mdr ·) I, •dlt&D•••· wltf\out the com: Jeuty no,m&Uy found tn o•t•b••• m•n•e•ment
oou t7 lOI 17 7 utrl ch1n to ttlld. tystemt.
Prlntlf cntrl chr · ) A.
C:lfl A6
rtlll, lDA
JS11 ��� Stnf cntrl thr to pr&nhr. XDHS It •n t:rtttmt1y pow•rful 'Y•t•m whtCh t.uooortto "uctl proceltotnt
funcuont •• rtCOtO ••l•ct•on. telecuon vu • ••fereftCt fth. meqpnt
C:lf6 5A HCI h<rutnt co�t".
C:lf126 FB Ill( rt1Tl1 tr111tb tllltll 7 Cblrt tftt. of ctat• &tnong fUet, r•for,.,•ccang of '*�•'• •ortang, ag;r•g•taon of
recorot, calc-uhttons, •o•n•l oracesune o f fal• twbt•tf.. m"'9'"0 o'
1 11ooo tht unultr h loadtd, rtiiiiT.SYS It lodtd1 1M ttst and Olll &nd CUttomueO formt g•ntr&taon. Ttut functtonehty II
• the lnltr 11 nt lw coeprtntd pnnt, I llnuflnch, e¥&tl&Dh '-'"•" n••dect, •nd may b• •mploy•ct Dy tnt ustr to tuu •
1 Mid G I lntt/pogt. cart\Cul•r •ppltcauon, ¥1& &n l:nglu.h-h'-• comrnanc hnguag•.

• ltot, ovtt hy uwebltr lor It 011\put hntt ptr P•te· Tycnc11 •••moltt of u•• u• tChedvl••· &ccounttn; d•••· chtc\(bookt,
&ddttt•••• lft¥tntory, r•conSt r•ttn11on. "'&riltt tr•ncs., ftUthng lUll
C:!H 86 :!f lOA lt5f at linn ptr ''r.· ano most otr'•' &pphc•tton req\ltr&ng tnt ttruc•unng o f dat&. Tt�•
�� 97 II STA litII StOtt 1ft UstM ". XDHS •Y•lem, when properly •opheo, c&n aasphce tn• nt•d for many
•P•caalued pro;ram• &ncs. thu•• r•Ouce long ttrm toftwar• co•••· The
C:!fD 7F "" c:u ICC" lorn off pluM If 011. XOHS •:r•t•m contuts of '"• followtni '•c�htt••:

• Start oddrtn of print chr routlnt Into Fl£1. The DErUl£ facahty allows. tnt u••r to o•'•"• tne founat •nd conltnt
1 tloh thot PRill h 1 r001t1nt h tMs P'091'"' ol a OHS f'Ue. Field n•m•• format &"CI •u•, ana group� o' ft•lch .,.
adennhed to tnt 1-y1t•m and the deftnanon D•com•• • p•rm•n•nt p&rl
C4H 8£ em lDI lrtiiiiT Pnnt char lddrl '" �tlooo. of tht data fH•· T"'•• entble• hler ref•r•nc• •net titling of .,,. d&ta
em If tilt STI OUTCII+I Stoll u FLU. by ntme. Tf'le hl• •tructur• may b� M•rarchte&l. wnacn t•cho�C•• dult
•P•c• r•qua••a, and up to 1' faeld• or groups tn&y bt o•fuud per fait.
• Rntort flEl lint bulftr lroe uvt aru. Alph&numtnc, numerac. codtG. Hlteger. ctetam•J• •c•l•r date and
hes-aoecam•l fltldtyo•• ar• htoporteo, "' " " •II Out &IPh•f'l!urnerac- buno
CU6 BE Cfllf lDI lllllti.F
fLEllut hlflf .U, ·) I. compr••••O lntt'rnaUy. Thu permits lar;er hltl to etut on 11t•ut•d
em 1H£ em lOY UIJfSAY S4•t uu lfW ·) Y. OU"- •P•c•. S1nc• "" delanauon rettoet: on th• hie ••••H. XDHS o•t•
CUD i\6 AI �510. lOA f1Yt Stt ''" Iroe uvt uu. Ill•• may by tfuntpul&teCI oy tt•ndard utthty comMands.
CUf 0 " SIA :(:Q., Jtott char uto llot bulftr.
C411 9C CIH CliPI 1 Tf\• UPDAT[ hca . hty allow• th• uter to anput. r•vtew, Cfl&f'IQ• &nd dthte
em zo F1 Ill RESlila truth ..111 121 •rtn rntorl4. ctata hie anform&tton. Tne•• echUng lunctson• •r• •recuted vt• ll'le
•r•t•m lerman&l Of'l •n •nt•r•c&tYP tuu•. UPDATE may &ho b• u••cJ to
t Rntort FlU lint •ulflf pOIAtlf, anput cttll f1let hon'l form&ttea t•st ltl••· Santi• Cf\&rac.t•r c.ommandt
f•cllll&te tJ'PCUt1on of destreo hmttton• with mtnun"m eflort. UPDATE
em IE C6f2 lOl PIR'>AY •ho le&turtl con¥enaenc•• tuc.r. •• ft•ld cooy•ng, &IHhtt to ''""I
em If CCH Sll llfPII comtnandt ano ..,,.r macro deftn1t•on.

C61C 7f C4f4 tu FUI UIM by P�JIT rootlne lattr. Tf'le GE):tRATt f&tthty pro¥•d•• oow•rlul proce•ung capabihty "'''"''"
the XDHS tytottrn. £ngluh... hk• anttr�o�ct•on• •r• uUht•d to proouc•
Wf I€ .. JIIP J..,. to thrt of -.uabltr• pttnl•d r•oortl, Isle huang,, oroc••••d dati ftl• outoul &ftO form&tt.ed
ttrmtn•l output. OEM£RAT£ rn•t De aoplu·Cf '" ••lectaon. '"qUlry, a"al)l"'*'
and proce4t.tng &pphcataont, ehtntn&tang the n••a for \Iter """''""
t flit PRill routl"t It tatcutM nO II• tbt ontabltr progr&""· Th• anttructaofll m•t be elo••d tn • conttol file, ano tht
• out�uh 1 ch&rachr to tbt prlnttr. 8 �litH Itt out,.t Cfeur•cJ proc.tt.l1ng 1nwolli.ed by entry of two word••
1 to h pnnttr II a nu lht h �''" ' l. utl4. Thlt O£NERAT£ functaOI\1 lf'lcl\ld• matcl\ and r•"t• ••l•cuon of lf\Put r•cordt
o Clutu a ol dt Mough hit ur9ln in t pr lntl4 Iuti..
on wD to 15 f•eldt. record ••l•ctaon D•••O \IDOn • '•'•r•nce ftl• whlct\
• to punch holts lor a blnw.
may be pr•ttlect•O• form•ttlng of ••l•ct•d h•ldt lot output. mergang
of Oata from otl'ler tal•• ¥ 1 & rnuhapte "-•Y•• Otfanataon of new output

C&ll l4 14 PRill PS!tS Slfl 11 I, all4l A "'''
fulGI •nG groups, tOrt1n9 of record• on uD to l� llr.eyl, fuld •rr•r
em 11 .., CI\"A gener&tion. record •ttr•o•tton, tot•lano of •elected fteld,. ans•rtiOft
n21 21 If 8£8 SETFll lrMid II chr • h11 hl4. of rel&ted hie recordt •• he•dang d&t&. 1nctvtton of •hnk· flit Oat•
em 11 W4 lSI FLA6 whiCh forme an andartct hn'-. A"'0"0 lal••· record and fteld merg• watf\
em 21 15 BED IIOIIIIM. true� II no """ ""'"· ueer •peclfltd test. &f'ICS form•tuno of O\ltput on tnt ltrmtnal. punter
t6ZC II fO CliPA llfD
or CUtk. Command fal•• m•y be tattly cre�ltd vta • test tchtor, &nd mty
C62£ 27 II 1(8 MOIIIIM. lr&nc• II ao S,ICH n.-414. cont&tft t)'rftDOht �•r•m•t•r•, For ..tucn the u••r u Drompted at •••cutton
C6lf 7f C4f4 cu FlA6 tune. Tna. P•rmtt• '"Cluary, and other ·�phcataon• wnan r•qwtre
c•33 u H lDI 18 ln'"t I spacn.
v.uubh lltCutiO"· Oat., hit output "''Y be ,.,.,,., w\lhlf\ the ••m•
eU:! i4o 2f 5'1ClP lOA Ulf esecutaon, thtttby perrtutttno complex proc••••no lunctaon• tf requarect.
em s. M PSHS I
em 10 CC£4 JSII Plllf &o ,r Itt a 'IJKI,
Tfte ettenCS•ct lorme h&ture of GtHtRATE defJntt an oute»ut •page• whtch
me lS M l'tA.S I
contttU of optlonal tl\ltrt, hnlt And m&an fat,. tabwhr d•t• enclo••ct
C63[ ,. IIECI Oy "'''' dtftntct "••cttng, form, body &net looung t11t. Further, held
WF26 f4 • SPAQ.P tr&tOc� oontll I .,lltts prlft\14. data may be tnterted II\ wtU\ tl'le test '' deeareo. tf'lu ptrmate comp1es
C.41 lS " N.S form• auch •• tl'tYOtt•• &1\0 cutlom COI'\tracu; or form 11tt•r• to bt
c••l n ttl4 Jf\0 'rht c•ar lr• uttabltr. produced baaed UCion d&ta fth conttnt.
m• 7t W4 smu Ill: Fue
em 2t f4 1M IIOI!IIM. The XDMS D•t• M•tt•O•,.,•nt Syttern employs a retldtnt module lill\own •• the
XDHS nucltut. Thu ft\OCiule contatns approJtmately 210 ••r¥tct functtont
CUI 7E Cllfi DIIOII Jf\0 ... wft&ef\ &re employtd by XDHS apphcatton• &no tncluct• cS&la m•napuhuo"•

CUE ,_ 2t ,. ,. CIMTI FCC '' rtYSU .... :• loM rtllll,SYS ...

&ratftm•tac, hie &ftd fttld m•n•o•m•nt, vHtu•l teorage m•n•oe"'ent •nd
cUt"' terttnnal and prtnter t/0 funchon•• Many or tn••• functaone
allooo 1.,. luts. •fflulate tnote fou"'d ._, l•r91 •c•l• computert. Tfut conf•;uraho" &Hardt
c� 47 u S4 2t fCC ·su t.ASlll.eo· lou uwelr. "'""mum control. ft11ubthty and tt&f\cf&rduataon, and •utt•tantially
c..... FCI IH £14 al ceol tlflllt· rtd\ICt• the '"' of •Petht•tton tHOQr&ms wh"" run undtr XOHS.
C6U UlliTII [011
XDHS 1n1 ploya a vlrtu&l memory tecl\naque to ancr•••• the tlf'ectht m•mory
cw t1. rttrm fCI lf7,Hf [0114...... Jlll'hl .... &vaU&bh for uter O&ta. That f"'ltthoOoloty uhlta•• •" '"Urt dtett dtiYI
cw lilt FCI lll, llf 1 linn ,w Inc•. •• • oarect accett •ca•G•"O devace• to •••P if\ aftct out eectaont or mtmory
tw II 43 ,_ fCI 111114l1 Ul M lion ,w ,•• •• they are requh•d· Tht tetult ol thh 11 cne ablltty to Oartctly
ace••• filet •• H traty wtre an Memoty: • metnod •Men u tltrtmety
em lllrSA'I 1111 121 llot !Iliff• Uft .... fatt wl\tf\ CO"'P•r•d to COftventtonat dtt" &cc••• metnoctt. The P•V• duk
un ".,. • l u rtctVttt•ct •• netdtd allo.,tno trnall apphc&ttont to ute Doth Otlvea.
UF4 FlAI - I
Ell STAll lnctudeCII wttn th• XDHS tytttm u • VKO£M uttluy. Trut cornfl'l&nd b uted
to for"'•' "" pagtno duk u••CI by the system. XDKS ••atchet lor '""
t OMit Ill D£1£CTD chtk on • memory o¥erflow conoauon and req,uettt t"at tnt ueer aneert
tl'le di•k tl u �· not found.

SUPPORT YOUR Tne XDKS Data Ha.n•a•�•nt System dtecrabad flere •• antenoed at a baste
sytttm upo" whiCh Other tpect&hatd software PIC"AQII 1'1\&y Oe l:tuilt.
Tfle nucltut 'teeH, pro¥adet adequ&te 'unct•onahty to eupport &lmott
ADVERTISERS •ny applac&tlort. The otner f&Clhtlel dtltrabed Pr0¥1CII• the n•t••••ry

'68' Mlcro Journal 35



. . . that the $180 ILIKDA computer cabinet is the largest S8-80
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No more cramped space when using an ELEKTRA comput9f cabinet. With the
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are spaced a full inch apart cent9f to cent9f for ease in removing and
installing boards Need more room? Shift the motherboard off center•
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that second system, control system, or whatever, where you're using a
IWldard siu motherboard.

I . . . that the ILIK!BA BD-8W cabinet is perfect for holdinC 4 half

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36 ------�� -

·se· Micro Jouma,

ELEK TRA •·s•nWAil !All ol our llw oto 11 copyognt ed llt'lll al f rtg htnre
so rese<ved
�::,�::�� ,,:•�:L���"�:,�= ;=:!�n����·k,:�u ��
.,,., ELEKTRA pe�molt ut 10 ollot you !he gteotnt Mh!ctoon Of q ah ly
o u c• •s ... tn.
r a.u pp lJ ttet
CHograms lOt htl own
opt!Ot\otlly •va. tabte 11 eaua cost tO tMI Ihe DU'cnalef can
L .cen�nQ no
uM .. e-v
et • co metc-..1
rectuued tor m
compOtWnrJ to Nlncue aJI ot you needs r r eta le l
&oiK 6809 Comp tet
u SZIIIS 00 2561< 68000 Comc>ute< l3695 00 IUPEII MOOEM PIIOORAM S.ngll chaoacteo commandS No onte< f O•t>ls IOQuo�ed
256K 6809 Computer 289500 51211 68000 Co'"I>UIOt •t95 00 Tren m11 "'Anu&Uy 01 tt•nsmt1 d•"' Illes (teat) Ol any �h tO ()ls.f.,l c.ompulef
Otnef aya.tems aYa•&Aole

..��"::.,e:,':.�o';:"orv oac:� uP
:t<��� �� s�:� :!::,���=� ���·:o'���-:.::�����0:.::' �:::=:'�.!:b0:': R
w1th C Rlf luHt OPttOn) Stow ors� hte ttansm•t op·hon
OMA S lnd I flOppy Controlet wotn bu"l t n Wonchnlet controller t 0 695 00 Plene • .,..,. , Y 6800 6809 sse o• FLex� s or a
DMA S ond I ConlloO Of
ffOt>py 6809 CPU a- <1
lnsttuchon M•�al lnd O.$). wnn bOth ana oo,ect cOOt source
$095 00 •95 00
eeCIOI I>OetCIIOt SS $95 00 350 00
S7� 00
50 CP M-681<
STANOARO MOOEM PROGRAM Same • Supot MOdern Ptogtltn aoo•ol>ul '*otho l u
� NHd F LE X Un• FLEX OS·II Level I 0< OS·II L- 111 We nave a system lO
t you• ECHO optoon CA V lot CR opcoon SlOw diS• hie tuw>S""I Ot>toon not X on X�oll
Of)Coon 6800 01 6809
� RlKT IIA CDMI'UTI!II CAIINET THE LARGEST SS·30 C OM PUTER CAB INET Man�l wtlh n l fuc-tiiOnl 10Uf(:8 hlhf"'O Af'l(t now C:f\afl
•• 10 00
- ol ,_..,_ Ohl 0 OliO"'""" alurnmum Inter"" . II 112. w ode lly 21
• 01-1 ���- Progt- 100 00
�.�. "=��S,.: �.� ·y� ;:,vr.�rv � �c!.":.'i:�'!.n�� �:.' �.::J :::: ..���� ORDER - WRITE UP COMI'UTER PIIOORAM Set..., ortentecl w t ole lorm wtll\ uf)
powet aw•tth 2 tllumtnatfKI put.h ounOI' a..acnes (AH« ancs NMI Ab0f11 aM two IA
C:UIOUII 5 I • <Ill
lOt .. <Ito- $23(100 :::;: :.d���Otan,!
�.n':" � ! o:�: ·c: ��=.:=��
.. aw&� �ft us,�=
Folllf Plate lor 5 t • .,,.. -·ng StOOO Fan Fdtet $1000 ALL IN OHf
POWlll IUPPU HIJ! hOII Qultoty !>OW"' lui)C)IyCONSERVA TIVELY talodot ISa
hMit EcJHor Tell.l Ptoceuor M.athng Labfta M.t+hno L•t'S Mul1•ple Form le11t!'f'S
4ltv, 31 Qt 18 31 v16'f' 3 cw•maly tnputa IOf h9f'l'l ratiO and heAvy !oad ng
� • use any CRT 1..-m.nat ano punrer Belt PKt-.ag• FOt The� Anywnt'f'Cf
220wVtt 11on S 20000 110. vertoon $17500 Spec ly 61100 or eaoe
o sso o: nex- s 01 a :.o oo
DISK IIIOULATOI'IIOMD WITH CAei.U Slane�trd ..,...,. lOt 2 tlopj>y dr.-SSOOO PuntOd toutC. av••l.lbfe or an lddthon.JI
hltmg •• l 3S 00
He•vy duty ...,-..on tor 1 Wulet\eslftt O t•-.e � I HOp()y dr •v• $75 00 AU-In·One Wflte n apetl end Spelt"n f•• PK\.aQC! 2SO 00

� !::':O::�v
lN OINUII'I "FUN aox· •v ILlKTRA Compuler cab'""' Wilh ht h
EMt hlttt 11n Lltgt enough t hold the endo • o �t
s Qua� 10 amp
Sollw•t bJ Ttchnlcal SJIIoma Conautla•>t•. Inc:.
w/1 yt
·r>n'?� DOS CtnclucJes EdttOt and Asff!mbtOt I 53000 13000
Edt10f Ot ASsembf� 3000
ILIKTIIA UNIYIIIIAL 11·50/II·SOC MOTHERBOARD Hoov y-gnt 0 125 lhte� 68000 C•o.ss AtJ.ftmblttt on 6a09 30000
emor y 150 pont slots 8 t/0 130 ponl alots Complell
18 lOng bYe· wode It m odd•e
.. 6800 FLex·· Ultt.het 10000
le•t Ptoce6to- Ot SOHIMetO', PACkAQ• Or 6809 FL()(.. Uhllt�
:;:,:;t:.:��::i'�,!g���J�3 ����oc:.,�. : C:�6
u r!':�l:'...':������� i Eatoncktd Bu•C
15000 1500

nigh tangos prov•d•no jumper MIOCtft bft r at" ot 75·tnrouQh 38 . • 00 lo f uacn ott he Hwo B.lt•CPIOC:OI�tlor fOt r ..tOO(kKJ B.IJte
200 00

baud rate tlnos alow deY•C-e cueu•try per m111lng I Mht 30 pm d.tSil. cont rollers to run with
200 00
2MHt SO pin CPU boltdl
Pasca l 30000
c 1500 7500
����dn:��:6or• 53�� �::=: -== ������ sl:� =a�: :�o ��� ::
b �� �L���-o�oadet 1 7500
FOt1UII\ CW•th�t
e OCAi t ng AISemOtef t lmklng lOIKklfJ
� s
Kit w/tm c:onn.ecto-• S2•000 •
Asemoted w.f t n connectort S'300 00 Cobol

ILIKTIIA CHAlliS lnctuces CIO<net, 110. pOwet tuPO'y . powet

13000 30000
pl y cobletl sup Soft••• bJ Mktow•• Rv�>-Tlmo UpcNoo M- Oblocl
111ncJar\1 d llk eoutator I>Oird wnn POwtlf Clbfet mothefbOitd w•th gcMd q
r a ua e pm r Soufco
Syallf sft C- PKil���t Only w/lllen.
connec t ora. auembltd and tested S850 00 OS- 11 ·· L..� Or>t Operating System 1 5 00 0000
os.-11- levOI Iwo Opetoton11 S yat e m
00000 200 00
ILEKTIIA CPU lit UN Olthet the 6802 Ot 6808 (10 r n 6800 sonware) Ot 6809 HIS
u 1500 N/A •ooo 300 00
PfOVtltOn ICH up 10 3 2 7 t 8 £CKOM' 1K ICtiiCttp.ad MC6840trtplet•tntl'f andan QC:�H�J BASIC09� NIA :!S OO 200 00
()S.t.. MICIO feAt [dtiOf
10000 1500
�MUd ate
r PfOVtdln beuel ratn trom 110 tnrougn 38.400 blud '"two UMt'
9•,.,.••or � 30000 1 $ 00 I :!S OO
....ilat>le os.e·· tn1e -actwe As.semblor
�=�� "s�cJe<loOnt 0 os-:.�ve:M�
l AssemOiecl $27S 00 0$-9� l nte<tct"'e Ool>ugg<�� lD•s� ver•oont
30000 1000 t:!S OO
CIS Cobol Compote-
30 0C
Ollloonal O....d Rat e Geneutor 8000 1100 00
52S 00 •oooo so oo NA
10000 10000 NA 0000 000 00
����:_��:���C:O:�·�:'�.!'!sF;::,'':,:!"",m��f'; �:�ho1�
Paseat Compder
C Compo!"' 10000 NA
M.c:tow.,e "fi'llly SUPPOtt -•tet t 520000 OS 9 LO¥el 2) 00 00 00000
FIROINMI and baUd rate can be tPI)rO
pua r ef y t
mplemen t
ed tor Men pott tor ISOO
ear_., $20 oo I<it sa� oo Assembled sao oo
Csl>le ..-nung twdwltt !two ,_ per bOll<II
wotn Each 52S 00 �����;-: G6809 B.aby HUMBUG by l'<!ter St•�) 3000
RUTIIA OPP OUAL I'OIIT PMAUIL CARD FoiS Ihe ston<IMCI30 pon 55-30 OUsiiO •t< 151109 HUMBU
IIOC Can 1>0 conl lOt • 01 18 Odor•- P'1< I0 SIOI The Cl•ectoon ol the TTL
ogu<od •t< 6600
bullors can 1>0 con
l<ollecl py til- on _.,"'""""connectors or 11y a"'��""' hom the 21< 6800 HUMBUG (With ...Mile LOAD lncl PUNCH) 0000
tor Men JM)ft rN"'f be
ttne .ncJ!Mdu JUmP«ed 21< 6800 H UMBUG ( [ olll CO-CIS tnSIHCI ol c: a le soll wa re)
e>ef•onet••• Tne tnteuupt reql»>t
Otlhor the lAO ot FIRO,NMI bus hne
Miy 10 aet
01- HUMBUG_,..,. onctudlng vodt!o -- lfe av.,tal>le

Bar-•d l<ol saiOO Spell n Fo• l>y ,_,., SlOt� 17858

Yinto n Spell 11y �'<!tor Stor�
$2000 Anembled $8000
ClbN wtth mount.ng natoware (two � '*' oo.td) Eec:tt 75 II
AJt•ln..()n• Spettn r1a. •nCI Wuten $t)ea p1C.kl9e
S2S 00
ILlKTIIA 1411 STATI C IIAM/110111 MUIOR\' IOMDS Wllh gold connK!O<S Pin
Oynarnllt D--
av..ltble) Astemt>led and l"tod Wotn 56K RAM 5269 00 Wotn Soli< RAM 52119 00 SUPER SI. EUTfi 0.-0IIf Sytltm l$ 101 00 lOt 05·9 -Sionl

OISK CONTROLLER THAT V OU CAN BUY' Control s up o 11t !> II• " Citi-anl
l to . IPECIAI.S

U S ROI>Oiteo 30011200 bluCI auto d>oflouto 11n1war modem

l lou r
• Same u abOve but w.t nout sel l tMt and Ot -o noata

399 00
:.:.��-:,���·::�;v��:r.:m ��'7'"��=-ro:;..":::��:t:r;��.rc:��
2MHl all Olhor cOMIMahOnt Ol-lormanca lfl POSSible) AnalOg P"-IOc"td loop
U S Rocohcs 1200 bilud OIIOCI connect luto answer rnooem 30900

: ���tl�� ��P<;RJ.: .:"cTC:::�ol:i �...oOn 31 Ron FlEX 01 SSB DOS

data HI)Araton wtlh

teplrlll '«>t 5 and 8"' doves A.naJog wntt
.OJUtlmt<niJ 37500
Pf�N11on ClfCUtf Wtlh JepA /111 �jVI1mentJ IOf s· anel r dfWM Oes.gned to
meet tne o•ta hol<l tectuttorntnta ol Wtstlfn Dogi lt iiOpoy c:ontrolllfiC AsSI!tnbltdend
mory $1�00 1000
l ·�s saiOO M� saiOO M� :!SOO
1- tOIKl<!l 50 00 AC.30
......, $275 00
O.ak wolh drove-a and IOtmatllng ulrhi iOS (Sptc:oly 6800111 FLEXI0$·9) 30 00
Hog�·- $0000 MP..A� I:!SOO
Baud OCOUSIIC mOdem F & D PM8·1 VIdeo Asaeml>led 6000

� ����J�.��;�:a���: !�!.,!.�!. :���b :��g�.����u��! �f �F��� �;�
• 10 ELEK TRA DD a·
• 129 00
35 00
• fl 110P••nltw w / to wet eatft and full v er tt
10 s· DD Ots•s in bO• :!S OO nord
cai iOfms contr Ol 1200 00

:�:_:u:o,·:=��e��'O;�I �;:�·t=��:,.:'n :a;�E��C:C �'':;.d���· r

• Mte ol ime II Cotondat lnd CIOCII BoAtd tAuoml>ledl 6000

Oroett tor F L EX2 (6800 ) 1 1 0 IV IOia t>lo to l

d Oo l I t-cad
Interface, COI'trotltt . dlrve(t). and ea bfH
• an $10000
t o nol
oe nost
Pr e Incl..- • 10100 01811 OAIYEI 2 heads
coc MPI
2 heads
12 Mt��af>VIO alnglo drlvt •v•
12211500 2• Megabyte Clool drive sys S3SIIS00 ���::t ���:=��':' 30000 23000 J:!S OO
rtvo aya 5 211115 00 3e Megooyto dual drive ays S•695 00 5 11•" 80 UIC .. I 31500 J:!SOO 00000
1111 Megabyte oroveo oro the lllgetl that can oo aopporlecl 1>y FL EX )
�P�f;r�.';;JM)ge M nuot IS�.::!����r:•t
111 Megabyte
Rl>mc!A (St>cQII) 35000

ILlKTRAHO·S CaO<net to• dual & 11• noppydroves with pOwlf auppfy. hnecorO,Iuto
powet" switch, and POWtf c.abl" to dttYM OIMIX CLIMANClt SALE
� (L,II(TIIA HO- SW At lbOvt but Wllh EMI lillet lin, and hea• y
150 00
duty !>OW"' ""lf'Y
�� ��:�:'��ar'5"fl'!"�:� dtrVM � 00 •56809 Pluo CPU Bd 57a OS •75 00 6800 CPU I>Oit<l 22•03 10000
:��::�: ;D:...
��� dro•e cabinet EMI 1�101 l n o POWer lui)C)Iy ano pOwer !j'�olj Cal>le t S.. or Pot 1/01 2• tiS 2000 Bauc rate gen bOard 88e:l 66 00
Mol__,., 200 oo a ""' Seuat 110 8d
1 ribbOn c:.et>te for dual I'" dt.ak dr•va •s 00 Ooul>le cliak •til caro 68 22
t28 control w/GMX Fie•
230 00


20 00
00 00
321< memory I>Oitd
6<11< memotY 1>0or<1 •1887
30 00
581( ....,_., bOard
Songle "''-· 1 cal>l<> 11336
� :!SOO
COLO 10 PIN CONNlCTOfll tSpoe•ly malo wlth squoro 01na or lemalet 1 30
:: = �: �= ::::: = �� � � �� ='��nclour:! 32 11000
ON 10 PI N COHNlCTOIII I Speco y male w •h squ11e pons or lemate )
l 30 1151( Mom Bdo w iCnt rl •til lOS 00
IIGL•22 RAM ChtpO (2- lOt GIMIX OA TI - 2000
:::::� :;.,��
� ot
�.:::O.����C:S�!::'�ullonll Inc IWTPC
Hll. I X 11 a ,,..,.,.,.., Ha
u l wooel CO<ni)Utor Systorns 6809 SW T PC F LEX� end monuat 3500
DS.'I and aAIICOI It O tt lldornor�a ol M ICi oworo Sz:atoms Corp DC..& Ota
• Conttoltor !SSIOS. SODO
l s 11• ·1 23000
De o
t emo Corp MP·S2 Dull Poll Set.al 12000 MP·L2 ..l Poll p_,_ D 12000
11\ CI To chnocal Sys...,. s Conoull&nts Inc MP·N c-cutatOt Boltd l�it) SO tiS MP•N 1- 1>1«1 1 11200
MP·R 2711 Eorom PYOQrom� 11• SO MP-G!I 2-t 68051 CPU 8owd
Pnces and tnven·t
c:wy are auotect to cl\anglt wdhO\ol t aovance nottrU 29500
tn.eu acJ.s ., . out catalOg ....... Sigl\al ·-111>11
SS8 -Sion ol FLEX and A-OIOf)
� (wtthOUI !:.dolor 13000
LMB-IA MolhorOoatll moo
SCB -1!11 6809 CP U BoA r d moo
PAR · I Port P1tlllel BCittd
Dull 811 00
SER·2 DUll Pon Settal B001r0 • th 2 Col>l• • 121100

WAIINIHO MA Choeago C()tnf)Uier Centor doeo ncM P""'""' r-or dtll,jnos or toc
MNICI lOt essemblod
Cull- AAA Chocago CO<ni)Uter Cen101 CIOea wlttonly
1nc1rna.nt1tn -voc:eiOf OUt -bled -cis Tnec:.ntomeranoutdcaoeluHyhl�o��>lo
con.-otlon the amall dtlltt•nlial oeparatong out end asembl<!d proces when
ma ng nta crw»ce or pUfti\aH
We h�e tnttOd�ed out t.ne ot computet equ•pmont wtth the pUrPOSe ot o'ltenng thl

�'l'.'::�qrC:"'oE� �==: :::!"�t: �:::::::,:.=.; !r: :,c;::::.,a;:

���:�� ��=-.:�!�n:��o���bt:or�,;c:n:,:, =·� dnves. •net
deh,utaon. wpoate al"'d oroc••••ne funct•on• to co,.plement eptcialutd Eo ..n h •lly, GEIIERATI roohc•tet tile OKSl1YK GEllER and FOIIK+T funchono
•olt•are. NP\ale tht XDHI tytttf" '' attphca&tlt '" • •ade Yarlety of a n d tncorpor•t•t addltaonal forl'ftt aftd oroc••••nt capatllhtlea. Wl'ttl•
Dtotltfttll anCI 9trtoftal ••pltcataollt. H �ay alta be \lltd • • tftt •••h ••m•har. trtt Coftttol laneu•t• t.lltd 1\lt oeen revueo to provadt 'o' U\1
upon •fHCh larger, "'art COI'ftftl•• tyttem• are unplementtd. aCIOlttonal functionality lftO to C.e "'ore uter lnendly lftd lngU•h·hke.
DHSliVM "'' ' '' �"�•r "''d to ,.ochfy euetang .CTL hlet •ath r••••ct to
Tf'\e XDMS 1y1teM 11 avaUaale Oft ,. or t• d11k for Oftly tl7t.t5. too XDMS tyMu.

•cw.• • ,.lrtNf OATCI 12•1a•8) IOUIIIC£: f"UUt Cioie\5(. '.C(: ' XDMSQAT+ti+UGIKUT SUU:K QU£8AUU(!L!TX
........................................................... .------------------.----- .....

•••• "•ero ...,. y,.., foltowtnt tu"u'l\tru•• OEMERATE ttat•••ntt; and ,...,. be u••ct 11 1
�'""'·'··�·[·'ll'l• ••••• •c,.,ec"ut• of function• to •• perforlfted. Tht •'"'•,. •• non•proce4ural
10 '"•' "•t•ment• "'•Y •• ordered •• d••ar•d• pro¥101'd that ht• and
XNVOJI:Cii: faeld refertt\Cit can •• rttol•ed.

I ORIVt (e)l
tTlTLt (te•t hne •••) 4new hne)) C1 per runJ
Yov� V•l�d c_,-.\Of'ttr. 11'\C• IKARGIII Cvalll,valllll
•• 5-t •t l 11-vuf'M'u Carel•
�.,•.., ..... u••••• ••••• I PAGE C val l l ,va llll l
FJL£ (( t . J f•lenalftt) U pe r ru n )
IJMCl U Dt Cle .Holen alll o) .., cUp to 12 per runll
ISELECX Hldl) WHEI (foJl,fiCil> C•1<1>1•> (value) t1 u• runll
O�O[a llFIOR (fldl) <•1<1>1•> (valvo) ...lllp to" por rvnl)
-.:1,.1 OR"OIItt•• .Utili••• • ACCft IHI,.t ltlLt l...t,•••·•• f[lt,.l·-··-····
t7tt Alteel IUH. ttl UaZ Ot73 U•Z u .....l. Ne\ lO Da<J•
I I+Ht C lolen a.,. •> >
Your orOer tor \h• tollov•l\t •'-•"'' •• •"elo••d· An, r •fll-alnU\t u,.,., lltAIIDO K l
•nOu·•\•d ••11 tt• •'"•••4 •• •oon •• •.,... l•cu 1 "·' ,.,,.,.,"', IPRIIITISAYE Cllfl,fl-2 IAIIDI IICIJ.. ,IAS liCit)) Cnew hnell
IC+CH£ Cfldl>l
I ORO UP IntOle))
PU'tCHAI( lfC,.I .OUAHflt1 IPfilC(
L IN[t Wi lf l t f (,. • •• • ••• • •••• ••••• ••• 1 0 • 01 I H I' Ift ( ft (ACH·---·1 [Xft:H: 0(0 • IDI:FIIIt (namo,type,fmt) IriLL (valuo> loew l l n e l l l
lt(•c,IWUJtel, I�"' 1'1 .... . . ., t 241 2�1 J.7tl ••••• I KtRGE (IO,JioJl,flf2) USIIIG (fldl•ll
2tr•c " ' " ' " ' • ' Crou cv\ l• w 1 II II •·'' ' •·•• I+RRAT Cfl41l FOR (flo:> <•1<•> (vall> 1+1101 C•oi2J .., cne .. 11.. 11
�l "u'\IWtdl• \ .. . .,. ,. '"••" I !I 2t l o 7tl l.5t IUCLUD£1
<4 11• c hll"nclo•v r •• . .. ... ,•• .,. , .... I �I t ��� � - s•• 268.3· 2 <DUPLICATE I
5 1 £ •ch f l'l � \tftt K 1\ l t !Ctl7� 2 I 4 1 1 �II , 7ft l7 , t2 I FO LD <t•PI •)l
•lr•t�"�lll ,.,..\.. "�.. •·"'•H I �·� �et J. .tfl ·�·52
(TA I $ET (val))
71(•cPUDnll. )II,. I !t 21: .l.l o7t
lt(echlte.n.ott. C,..,.�•• 1/4'" I 48. �II .,tl 28.)'Z ISEP + R+ Tt lcft o rll
tl(echtCaf'do ...�,.. • f\. 4et 411 .ett �Z.12 ISUKIISO IIXl IY ( fldl • ) liT (fiCI7• l l ...l
ltl(echlfv•• ••••••h �II �It ·••• ).).12 !CALC (lldi•IRIGI!vol> 1(•1-1•11 fiCiloiREGI!vaUJ ..,Ioprl <•lld3•111£01ll
lll • outst• Mo o•w ., , ,. . � � C•· II 11 t .7 SI t .7� lOll <fldl •>
l21'-•�h1An\•""'• hr•tn•l '"''" �•• ��� 1.2•1 ••·•z
<Lilli (le,lfoll.fldl>l
1 •7•··· IIIIURT Cle.Holl)l
UOITOX+L IIICIIO)C ,lld2oJ,, tnew 11. . 11
<SKIP <vallI
ITOT+ L (fiCII • H , f1� 2 0J .. , l n e " lonell
fht• UWOlCt allva\r•\•• ,..,... Of \Ita •O¥•n<•41 f•a\v.-e• Offef'H e., \1\e> 110- lt+ D!IOl
ao"t o.,. "•"•••""•"" ....,..... ,., . , ,....,.,., ..ocs.a v.•• ,,. •
"•• •• ._,,.. , I I 0-115tRT - L+ I£Ll
for W\IM••I •Ml..,..l.,-. Of 1• • "\f'ec•a,..... "-•411,_. a\ \.o.. 21 U • •r 110-LIII K - L+atLl
Medl,... ,•..,,. )) Jft••r\t4 hJ.• ••,•• 41 U•H fOf'fll- \••to 51 l.ln' fll• 11 0 - DAT+-LAIE L l
••, •• •• u-.ar ..... ,.,.,. 1t "-••" hl• a.,•• 11 To\•J.• *'Wt •• "'"-•'
foou� '-••'• v•M ,., . \o oe•c•tH uw for... M4tt.t0t\ell'f• '••14 IXTP£1
o•t• ••'f tl# ln\erleeve�t ..,,,. .no, •' \N tour ,.,., OIOC'to•• ••,,.t\t.tne IXIITI
0\l•tn..•• l•t\er•• tHII•• con\r•rt• eM oUwf' ..,•• ,. cv•to.-trH for••· IIIEADIIIG!rORKIIODTifOOTIIO cnew lonel
<t•at linea •••)
EMDX , ,. • ., ht�•t l
COUITIEIIDIRVM> !Mote: EIIDIRUM •eqvore a riLE ttate.,.entl
• lno.catet tf'\at tf'\t rtftrtnc•d held or erou• Mutt •u•t 1n the O\oltput
Thle ••cUOft 11 provi4td to docuMent chafttt• to t"t XDMS •r•t•"'· In fal•· T"U 11 ttt&Ohthl'd br a tttt¥tout L I ST, PRlMT, SAVE or otfttr
ttf'lttal, new ••'••on nvl'ftbtrt art atlitnte •hen cha!"get •te .._..-. to t"e •tateffltnt whH,., \I"'Cludtt thl' h•ld •• part of the output ttcoro.
XDMS nucJeue. whtCrt IMPIItl r•·••••Mbl)' of aU attOCJated eoltwafe, or
.,.,,,. eufhCatftt functao11at enhancemefttt are araphed to U\t l)flttM. -\11,1 ""' ll•:t-C

Vertaon 1.0 •• the anaUal 111ue of "" XDMI Data Hanatt"'ent lyeteM.
XDMt •• an •esttnded" DMI b•ted upon the DHtl/VH tyete"' productef for
anf m•rketed lty Mettchetter Aftphed lueanee• lytttme. Inc. I1D _ ,... m
-· YC:>._,CUOOOO I\Kf1Do Ull 11111 ·-· ...
.. own
---- --------
Tht XDMI tyttem hat been ftlltfttct to lte uowarfll co"'patlbll wlt" DMS21VM.
..,... ·�·�· '"' , .. �-t��� : · J�rtM. .. c..w ... .u.. 10 .11 no... �...
"owever. "'' reYittt u not nectttaraly true. The foUowant "'"''
.,.... t:•a·t ,. J41N .... l•""' ... ""' •«:• ... .utt v: . n <».n ... ...
"'l"'lltht t"• dtlflttncet for t"Otl wf\o are MlttaUnt ftotrt DMil/VM to ..,..)1 1:-.tl·) ... . ... .... : . �o c..v .a ,,,.. ...... ,.. .... .....
the XDKS oyot.. , , ..,..,. u.,... m .. .... l • W¥t .. "" t «: l .� ,a)ee U � ft lf).8 n . lt
..,... 1:--ol t �
• t : ... .. .,... "" ,I) ,,,.. . ... ltlo M .. . II
t. Th• tftt1fl nucleue tta• Ottn rewntten to acid funchoft&Uty, an4 to ..,..,. ·�· -- � \lf tatl
"' .n ,J,.. ... "·" 20 . oo
..,_ 11 -c-1 20
IH- "'-'"" ._,f... (( IC..-,1 .20 ·"" ,,. .,. •••• ).:11
con411 tntt the c.ode wtrrter1 po•"•••· XDHI "'•••• IJ:tentt'-'• ute of fhtect
..,_ � I ... - ... ., ,., .. , ..,. i lt � J ,JO ,,,.. n.o Uf.ll 10.01
pat• '''"''''• coufttert and tttft,oraty ttor•t• are&e. •• a ret\llt, �nafty ·
- I Nil� 11 .. ,,.. ..... 1•'-' • "" .n ·"" tot ... ..... "' · "
'"ttructaont ate of "" •darect• moee and occupy 2-l ltytee irtttealf of - u� ,. )M .... t•w.A - """- U IU .a ·"" )0 ,, ...n ,.,.
,.. ,. TMI P''"'lltt a,ptostmatety 210 fvncttoft&l tultroutanet to euet ... " " ,,.,.. )o tlw\ .. ""'
..... 11...,.1 ,I) ·"" tQ... 111.)1 .....
'" tfte II allocated to the ftucltue. an4 alto epeede up procettinl tii'ICt .... .. II..,H'V .. .. , ... ... � .. """ .� .die lW .S m.n ""'
..,.,. u . ,.. ,
, .., Lite ltwlt ,..� .. c.u tCt .. .ll . ,.. .I) ..,, ., ..,..
darect IP!ode utttrucuont u•• •••• MPU eyelet.
... . U•l "" a ... ... ...� ..... " ' " .. .. . n• &JI av... ...
..... ·� "' .. .. ...\I '' · -- ""-'• ... ·- .... .-.,. ....
z, XDMI veer fall hlot have a .DMI e1tent "hale DKU/VM fllot •••• a ... .. u-. o ,., • .. ....... w..,.,. , . ... . .:1 .die .... ... . 10 ••
•liD tltent. DMil/YM 411 ttttn ''0¥1de4 for •antty lequet'ICI Oata CIIDt• ,.., . ... ... .,....... • «"*'
110<>111 IJ-.1 .:1 ·"" �
lo.J I w.» .... a
anct •cey leq"'"'' Data CIIDt• IUee ctf\e lattet wae ne••r ueed• •""" - �1 ZZll I'!M .. J ..� - c... .. .uw I!I' . D eM .....
''""'tted ee,uentaal at�f hatr&f'CI'Iteal f&let wath recorde "' to 121 W<:ll u .... • .... ..1 ..� - c..t.. .. . n• 10.n DI.D tS.JI
bytot. XDKS �ehneo •Data Kanage01ent lyote01 CDMSI- fll.. which 01ay U - - .. )N ... liM - '-'t t iU .. ·"" 1».92 m.a ...
- ·-· "' .. . . .... , .... .. � . ""- ... .- ...., 111.11 .. ..
Merarel'ucat, tt,utfthal or taftdOM wat" recordt "'' to 25' ltytee. ltftCI
-- �I ... - � .."-""' - ""' JO
, ·"" ..... 117 . .. .. ..
t"t XDMI d•'•"•taon tftCOfftrta•••• tM DMil/VM dehtutaon. eaathnt liD - �1 ,., .. ... ,..� ,..,... ..., .. ·" ..... .... - ....
ltltt lt'ay lte wttd wit,., XDMS, lty rtfta-"'U"I tl'-. eKttftt to "OMI", Caution - u-. • ... ... ., ... ... """ .'* .:1 .... c... .. , ....
•• ......... 1ft tf\t ,....,.e ., ••, , IInce DMI fUtl May ••ce.. u...uataent - - Ill .. .... 1· - -- .• ·- lt.JI w.u -
IM,Iftd lty the DMil/YM ''"In• XDMI u••• .OIX eatente for •ac.IL� falet, ... �· .,. - ·-- - ,ZI ... w . .. -ZI .... ..
- ·- ... .. .... to - ·- .It ..... .... .. .....
u It .to
·- � Ill .. .... 1 ·- - - . ZI ... � a..a M
3. Cofttt4ertUOI'II of wttrt with ftattow ecreel'lt atUt/or color c•••"tere
- � .. lti-1·'-' - - CI .It ..... 10.111 .... ,.,.
ha•• •••" tlftploye4. lnteracta•• raro'"''' aftd "e•••ntt are owtttvt '" - ·� "' .. ..... 1·- - - ... ... ·- .... IIJ.II ...
capatal lettere. all COiftfftan•• art "''"t •• caraat&l lettert aft4 •••t - ..,.... .. ....1 ..� - .,.... ... . n• - ..
, ... a.D
anterach•t iftput &tid output "a• tletll arranee4 to Itt wati\Sn & 32 - .,.. .., .. - � -- ..-..... ..- ... ·- ..,. ,., ... . ...
cf'\atacter hnt to a•otd tcr••" wra,. That 411 ott ftOt effect uter• watl\ - I H I N "' --- .. •me .. ,. .... ....
- ,_, .. • ·· c..- - ... .- .., ... ....
larger tueene.
- . ... .., lf2 •c.c-x-- ... ·- , ..... .... "'"
- IHII-1 .. .. .... .... ..... ... ... .. ��'"' 111... ..
t, Ma••l••unl of +II an� XXTIIX vandl.. Ia aoou"'•' -y XDMI. Tftlt - IHit-1 • ....., .. ...-....... ... .... ... . .. ••• Ill...
raermUe better control of dll' acce•••"l an4 teport for��tatti"l• It tt - IMI)o1 "' ... ......., ... ..... .. ,... ... .... - ..... ....
alto ,art of a lone te'"' "''trauo" etrategy to othet o,eraUnt eytt•"'•· - .,... . .. ... � , ... ...... .. . ,
.. ... .... ... . m. e llo.JI
XXTIIX vanabl.. onou" h lelt '•favlt•• ·�•n vtant XDKI to aveiCI -- IH01 • I .. t. . t.l
,,.... ... . ... f2 , )0 ..,... .. . n
..... ��-· ... .. .... . ... ,. ..:-__ r. -..n. ·" oll4t Sl . .. ... ,....
... Il-l • »t C.. . Wt•P. &I .......,.., S... ... .uw Jo,Of D.a ll · ·
- ,_., ,., ,.. .... . : • ti ....,.. '-W ... .u.. 111 . 111 ..... 14-ZI
5, +II lorMt generahon vn�er IDKI lo perlorMe� -y a Gllllt+XI fACility. - ,_ ... .. •• I t ... . :•J It ....afliw .. ·- •.. ,.,,. •..

38 '68' Micro Joumal

W� IZ.._..., SD "' CV. S .._ I
•M r......, ... .n.. f!.ll> "·" to �t.- ""*''..,'�• C�t.­
Wqt� l� l n1 I N t .. I• ..,.- ...c � fh#41
• ·"
,,.� ll'ulYlO IJJ:JlC*
..,.. 2f',fl a... .. "'cro Jo..w,. a t
W9'af u...>� 1 "'1' u n , "" \1' 11 """ ,h,..,t. Vt• ,.Ol l9ftOtO I
.I' ..,. ,.... IU• •
� C•••andra ..,tn
...,.,. U....,.. J lt: till �· 1 , �WiilM , . _. ,.., ,. ,Jl .lUI 111.11 21).. � 001':4
P'O eo.. .... IfliLY
wv• u� tttt ""' o-..a H• n�-4',. � .tiM ...... vo. .. Ml •Oftt fM J73A·'3
ettft. ...... lit. "·�_..,.._..

I ftret vot ..,,..,. of �· Oft your col-..-. and ""' 'fOUl' ct�.rt(lllt: lon
I thou.,t tt ..... jw;et .-..t I .... .....,,. .-out eli\CO I don't ,.__.....

F'tr•t trto Cl•y ••tar t �t tf\e ,.r�er •....,.t
t·hlft9 . .,..• • � ,...to
,..., ••• ln ev f\encte. After t�M'elerrt"9 t t to .., C�1o1lW t1 ,.� a
�I .,.._..,on • b t t a...t of .,.,CI.,.CI on 5 '"<" COIIII III etely Cleultle •.natty
d••'-:at lt run ,._.,ately ••tt. ..,..aol to�tol y ftO pr«*l.... 1 -.at •.,.,,
•Iter u.e1�9 �· for •o.e -onthe "-OM9 that t t •• cOI"' . eteler..ly lltMtW'
th.,.. • Y •t lcs..t d'f"•-•• oet.t.,. '" •act tf\81'1 "'".,."eh ..... to uuntr�
1l'l...- • • 'I '' • • ,.,..,..,,.., lf'l\.,.._. •• � ••...- • ., .....,.ttt..,te ht I ..
'-'-··� I t no- for fli..L •Y P�ovr...,.ln• lilhtCh lf'IYOiv.. ,..,,.,_.. b l.

, .,... Ita ltiCJCJ••t . ,,...,.,.,,., •• tne c•p •
tltt y of P•••'"' ,.,.....t,.,.;
,..,.. ,.,. .
.,.._,. "....,.,., M'Y •••• •f'• the f •ct th• t ,.a... .,.. . ftOt lfteul •t .. t,.c.
Universal Data Systems ---·-·--
...... � ...� d• t•t l • lltut you c.n ,,..eul•t• vo..w-••••• tf YOl.t ...., t. the ...,.,.... ..,..t �
.. .
.. _._ I -ot• th.. • lett... ct:l"•wtf'l• to u,.,,. •ttet'ltt.., eoee ._,,...,... """'• 1

�s t tt�t I found ..,.CI al _,..t by ll"et'-""' poat..o I eot _,.. .,..,...,_.

� --- ...


c.�t••"'"9 • ,..., , ., apoiOQt:u"' tor tf\4 oei•PI" ��� • n... .,...,..,on wt t.h

============= •ll tho proel... reaol...-... al'\d • .,._ ,.••u., ...,. ....,..1.141 anti • l l • • �
.,... ,,. ....
The.. .,.. thtf'l•• ...,_lc.h �..tor• 'fOUl" • • • tn '"' ..�ll antl.
"" pr•YtOW'e ••Per•.nc.e '" th•• l"eep�t. ••• a lectwt"e on the f.c.t•

of Itfe 1ft Co-pu h q •t"'4 th•t a a I hacl •I ready palct I ••• •tU>Ck •i th
lt. All\';'_.)' If 1 r•all.,. .,•edM • WIQII"IIIf'l9 C.OIIPII.,. I C""lct OM tl'te
�tn1ve:rsal Data syate:r.a drop• enc• on c=uect connect l••\•"•• COftly o4 tf\e ,."�'•- p.-ck•o• ••fttl .,..,. , •or tho -..t.
•.aount. o f 3-0QOe, .0 I CCN1d fill It •y_.lf,
Unapovared 100 b.lud ii'Od••
I thiftk th e ._,. c�t.ty h• - • ftOW .,.. a»PH..P• .,.4 tf - ...,..
t,ead and Mowlder •ove the ,. . .,, - .,.. ••ltun9 �OM 0...,.,. thei r he•CI•�
Univeraal Data Sya u IHunuvllle. At.l. • •uba t dl• ry of

Mot.Ol'Oh. Inc. (Znfont�aUon l)•atera Cl'oupl. nov otter a a low.r I .,_.. to Wlft.CW""-" el l Q� tr'Hft9• I Cat'! thtf'l.. of , .n4 1 .... they
•• t l be .,.owt'l. fore,_. dO • ft4 gOOd th•f'141• to p.-.le.
price for t-he • dv •nt •9• • ot coapu ler eol"'ftuntcationa by telej)hOne.
The Unlveraal Data Syn:eJnt r!!od el UDS 10 1 0/A LP liiOde·m ia avaJ la•
I ... O.velQPif'l9 � "'-.9 I)�"OC...... . . to do IW.M.J..Y ,.,., r� #II ..
proc••••� ..,,...,.. n..c:t et the ••p.n•• of .o.e __..,�
bh tor SUS tauqCJelted OS reaaleJ. a iSO reduction frOftl iu Ae eOOft • • t .. pretty ...., . thef"e .,.. no �tue• I will .,.,, ,,.,.. '"'
or�q1nal prh:e. a t partic1p.at1n9 Un t ver l a l Data Syate..-1 dealert.
the PY�tllc da.a•f'l�

Ttle \!OS 101 0/A t.J' helps corp\iter uaera C:OIIIu

II nicate vur.
aac.h ot.her • • wll •• vith dlal•UP coeputer in!o,.....llon aervu�••· vour• tr-uly
tliM•Iha:-inCJ aytte... c«aputer bulleun board a•rvtcea &nd I"\\t•

JU Lv·1·�
l&dditlonal C"h.arqoea &��.d aottwan ruy be C'•qvited).

The UDS 101 0/A LP can t.han.k advance• lft •n91neer1n9

tech.nolooy Cth-at qreat.1y reduce lte pcrwer requir.-.r.entl) tor h•

1lee.k. lO'rprotlle Malqn. $snce S.t s.• powered entirely by t.tle
t,elephona Unet there are no bulky. haat•ptoeluc!nq power •u;pl.lea
lUCIOAlA Ltd., PO 80� 1�11. C....SRIOGE C81 Hl. EOIGt.ANO
oT aodul••· The reault it • trU.. handaCIOe u..nit that talta

c:oato n..
&bly un.Oer a telephOne.

rot fu rther 1ntoNWtt.ion. contact Untveraal Oau Syet ..l, lnc • • PRESS RElEASE
• sooo aradford Ortw, HuntI
. Ville. Alt_b&lfl.ol 1510it (lOS) 111-1100.
••• ,.... Soft....ore for 6800 v••"•

L.wcadoto o"nov�•• the o ...odol>llltt of ,..,. ""'ch o.o•t•d la ... el 1 ,.....t.. to... of its
Potcol ruft·tt� ey l t_... for \h4 o&OO l)rO<etaor. Th• cvrre"t ,.e..,ltiOft, •fitch has
b••" ovo• Joble Fc.El q ol\d �tFlE&. ••nee tl\e aegtnn•� of
fo,. tf'le ol09 Oft botPI
19¥3. olfert ""01'1'1 oddHtono1 t'!IOC" to nt hotv"•• o"•" .od l er ,....,ltlon•. All
t"• poo"'lo,. UC:SO type "''"0 �
1'\d l •f\G I)"OCeCiwret ( (QftCAf. POS, IH�ERT, 0£\.tlE,
TECHNICAL SPECtFICATlONS: UDS 103 0/A LP COPY. SfA, ClEAit o� Ol2d�t •o�lly ACOCI'I.AA: Oftd POSCMAR I hoYIIt bHI" tnclv-d•d l"­
t.P'I• ,..un.-Ut-�e e)'steo!ll bOCII'r Ol'ld ffiiO'f b• occett•CI frOI!fl o Poeco) 0"'09"01"' by si.-olt
OK torln; th-"" ot EXTfAHAl..S. lM• '""'thoo doea not trtt•odwce an y �"�O" uondo,.d
,..,,.to ;,.: 1nto '"'* lai'I�)'IOQe ...to lch has been l'fiOde •"' el'\ "''f' a cOOttopl1 ont •I th the
The UDS 103 0/A LP offers 0-300 bps phase coherent
tnterftotloi'\Ollr recogt'\l.•ed ISO •tof'do,.O. fh• cu•,.•nt. ••'lllt10" ol•o tft;,.oducet
frequency shift keyed IFSK) communications under Bell on o�o�to rettort O.Oti.O�" -+Itch .11110}' be tehct.d Dy the uter, In th • •""•"'t of 0"
Obl'lor-ol P"ot"'OM ta,.Mt�"�Ot'OJ"' 1he "'•" • prog,.oa ·�11 ba "• •to rud O'ld ooss•d
103/lll protocol. It ia intended for use over two­ ,..hwent tl'\forJ•CHIOI'\ obowt t�e erro,. co,..dltlOI'\ 01 ...11 c• t"• nVI'Ibe,. of U•t o
reetor t ho• occ""r,.eO. the ut•• p•ogrOI"" It thef' f,.•• to oeclde _...• . tM• It con
wire direct-distance dial (ODD) public switched tele­ tofelv ,..cow•"·

phone networks.
Tro-e Poscol C:Of!'IPthr ( l awel N) owotlobh •lth th '' ,.• .,l t l on of t�• '"'""'tt-..
tyUe-M • •
IVDP0"'\1 a eoo ct h COI'IC>d•o 'N)c:lul•• w tlf\9 Ut• 0YE-LA1' �·cced"'""• o"'<<
e..te,.,,ol flh "-OM•• I FI..E-1 nOf'lon l 1"0)' b• �oSSlGN.d to lootcol fth ��
Controls and Indicators: A talk/data switch controls dyftOfi'IIColh O�o�"'lnt 0"09"0'11 e "ec.v tion. Ouptte its increottH:t un the c:Ofi!IOll••
•U ll "'"' " ' on o 11\lf'II""'l FlEX 2 tyat.- uU"'O th e e»·code PGJtt"f ted�n&Que
whether a telephone or modem is connected to the
pao"•••eo b, luc tdo t o '" 1971 ..d\e" J.t tf'l\,.odwced the ft,.lt Pa'tcol ty •tt""'' to """
telephone line and an originate/answer switch, which on •�ll 610\) bOa•d •r•t.,.,.

selects the appropriate data exchange operating mode. Thtt. ..... ,. .... ,,.lon of Lvcadola Po.col (3.:1t1t, for the l'lltJCh neol•cted o8�0 v••"•
CO'!"e' C Of"'.9) ete •J t h ""'rtvol oftd '"'Ot'ly def"'IO"'t"tf"OtlO� P"09"0M· 01'1 Ol'la 1• 0"' t..
o ,S•
A front panel light indicates when the modem is
s.toftdO"d Fl£& for-POt dtt�attu ot SUO tf'lclutlve postoo• lllfO"d•lde.


Dimensions: 6-1/8 in. w by 9-1/2 in. D by l-l/8 H.

Weight: 15 oz.

uos modem functions are available in circuit-card

form for OEM applications; UDS produces more inteqral
modem cards for the data communications market t.han
any other manufacturer -- more than a half million Several months ago, I upgraded my old Percom 6809
modems durinq the past ten years. based SS-50 buss system. Mainly, I wanted to use
the more popular soft sector, formatted diskettes;
Modems manufactured by Universal Data Systems are
especially the eo track, double side/double density,
warranted to perform as specified for an entire
year, aaau.ming proper application and no physical 5 Inch dI sk drIves. The o I d Percom LFD-400 system
or electrical abuse. Durinq that period, UDS will uses hard sector formatted dIskettes whIch have now
repair or replace any mdoem that suffers a malfunction. beca��e obsolete; especially, since Perea�� has

'68' Micro Journal 39

discontinued support for their SS-50 buss products. gain definite Improvements.
Since my memory end Input/output boards end
circuitry were stll I very useable, I decided to The Instructions that come with the Elecktre CPU
purchase, from AAA Chicago Computer Center, en board ere more then adequate for getting It working.
Elecktre 6809 CPU board end e DCB-4A floppy dl sk However, I edvlse that one should be quite feml tier
controller boerd ( mede by Smoke Signal Broadcasting with setting up systems like this, as you could
) along with my favorite disk operating system, easily wind up with e mess on your hends. The
Mlcrowere's OS-9. I elso purchased two new Tendon Instructions already assume thet you know whet
TM-100-4 80 treck, double side/ double density disk memory addressing Is, end configuring your system's
drives to go with the new computer setup. I heve memory mep end the serial Input/output devices to
been more then satisfied. It WORKS very wei I end match Is left up to you. It's possible that
hes performed admirably almost right from the start. modifications to your pertlculer system may require
soldering end even some specific board
The Electra CPU boerd Is e stenderd, no frll Is type modifications.
of boerd. The boerd layout end design have been
wei I thought out, end elI parts ere sllkscreened for The OCB-4A FOC board, though, caused e problem In my
eesy Identification. The boerd features 6k bytes of particular system. I hed to cut the Jumper on W2-1.
EPROM eree, 1k byte of RAM, a 6840 triple timer, end That particular Jumper In my system epperently
en optlonel 14411 IC baud rete generator. It does causes the '0' clock to wind up on the FIRO line,
not have extended addressing nor & OAT circuit with detrimental results. If you encounter eny
setup, end It doesn't heve any Input/output devices difficulties, you might give some careful attention
of It's own (eg: MC6850 ACIA's). Thus, one must to the W2 Jumper eree. I elso have en additional
heve another board which contains serlel or Jumper Installed et W2-8 for my particular
per&! lei, Input/output Interfacing devices. Instal letlon end setup. The DCB-4A boerd comes
already setup at address SF760 end this Is right
The Elecktre cpu boerd can be ordered with either e smack In the EPROM U24 memory erea, so If your OS-9
1 mhz or a 2 mhz clock rete. In both cases, the version Is like mine, meke sure your CPU board's U24
boerd Is assembled end tested using 2 mhz EPROM Is disabled. Also, having the FDC board
components. Thus, If you heve e 1 mhz version, you located at SF760 mekes It very easy to switch over
cen eeslly convert It to e 2 mhz version by to Smoke Signal's DOS end Technical Systems
replacing the crystal end two ceramic capacitors. Consultant's Flex• DOS, If desired.
AI I the other components ere elreedy 2 mhz rated
devices. Although I purchased two new Tendon 80 track duel
sided drives, I kept the old MPI 40 track Percom
The only detraction from the Elecktre CPU boerd Is drives as drive /dO end /d1, end Instal led the new
AAA's use of lerge, higher voltage 3/4 Inch Tendon drives as /d2 end /d3. This el lows me to be
dlemeter, ceramic bypass capacitors. Although the able to reed end write to both 40 track end 80
cepec1tors ere quite functional end do not hinder track, 5 Inch diskettes without any difficulties.
operation In eny way, they do make en otherwise Since OS-9 el lows one to change both execution end
beautiful boerd look unappealing. A user must dete directories to any other location one desires,
el locate two SS-50 buss slots to the cpu board, I simply change over to the 80 track drives efter
because the capacitors stick out so fer from the booting up. The Tendon drives ere like the MPI
board. Smeller, lower voltage capacitors would do drives In that they use & teut-bend heed positioner
much for It's appearance end free up the extra buss mechanism for moving the reed/write heeds In end out
slot on the motherboard. The Elecktre CPU board to the different tracks. I prefer the teut-bend
does work, end It works very rellebly. As fer as method over other screw drive mechanisms, as one
I'm concerned If something works, thets 991 of the doesn't have to worry &bout the heed positioning
game. mechanism getting sticky or dirty or requiring
cleaning end relubrlcetlng. However, taut-bend type
Smoke Signet Broadcasting's OCB-4A floppy disk drives do tend to meke more noise.
controller bo&rd Is a work of art. Just like the
GIMIX 68 FOC boerd, It Is cremmed with Integrated The other recycled bo&rds In my system ere severe!
circuitry. After one has seen end used these FOC 16k end 32k byte RAM boards made by Olgltel Research
boerds, one wonders whet the other boards ere Computers out of Gerlend, Texes. The beslc
missing. The board Is designed to handle up to four Input/output board In this system Is a SP-1 Thomes
floppy disk drives In any mix of 5" or 8" types. Instrumentation Board which features 4 ACIA's, e
When I first received my FDC boerd, It didn't work. 6840 timer, end 3 PIA devices. For those of you who
But Smoke Slgnel was absolutely wonderful. I ere Interested, I elso heve en oversized 8 volt 30
express shipped my board to them on a Monday end by emp power supply to handle &I I those 2114 RAM chips.
Thursday I had It beck, elI repaired end reedy to In order to get 56k of contiguous RAM I also heve a
go. Since then I heve experienced no problems at elI simple 2114 8k ram boerd that I mede end wlrewrepped
with lt. myself. The homemade ram boerd resides at the
SCOOO-SDFFF memory range.
The OS-9 disk operating system I received wes the
new release version 1.2. It has & number of To be able to transfer the old Percom herd sectored
Improvements over the older 1.1 version end can now disk dete over to the new system requires that one
hendle pipes end 1/0 protocols better. I have must heve both the Percom LFD-400 disk controller
noticed nothing at elI wrong with the operating end the new OCB-4A controller lnstelled at the seme
system. It works very wei 1. I've trensfered at I of time. Unfortunately, you must be eble to get the
my old OS-9 software over t o the n ew system end have Percom LFD-400 disk controller driver program module
hed elI of It work. Thus, eny changes heve not over to the new OS-9 system. I did this by
effected anything I� the system that I've noticed. downloading the module to my Ackerman Digital
When I talked with Mlcrowere, they mentioned that Systems computer system and then reloading the
changes In the system, especially In the disk module beck up to the new system. One could elso
Input/output erees, mey take a noticeably longer possibly program en EPROM and Install It In the
time to execute. I've yet to notice eny perceptible spare rom socket or use the OS-9 debugger end
time leg over the 1.1 version thet I have. But 11anually reenter the program Into the new syste�n <To
then, If one modifies the disk device descriptor use the spare rom socket would require having the
modules In the eree of sector Interleaving end step FOC boerd located In memory someplace other than
tine rates, one could either reel ly slow It down or SF760). Another posslblllty, would be to progr� a

2708 EPROM with the driver module end Install It In
one of the Rom sockets available on the LF0-400 FDC
board. Ne>Ct you must set up a new specI aI dIsk
drive device descriptor module. I eel led mine /04
even though It used a physical /dl drive assignment
Of" f l OOPY ch eire to De "'••d let.,. by Mtot,.,.. P"Of' .. 01 ,.eva eM
<Make sure It's cal ling the Peroom LF0-400 module
and driver program module).

Performing the transfer required removing the Bk

MIIIOry board, Installing the Peroom controller board
ftv eJ•• .-s t 1..-c "••""' ,...... , 1 •• •� for' •1•. "5tl.21C 1.-t.,cS.. Colw
Cit IIIUSt be configured for address SCOOOl, end
disconnecting drive /dl from the OC8-4A and running
• a separate drIve cabIe behteen the Percom board and
the /01 drive. Ne>Ct, copy alI the programs over as
needed. When done, alI one has to do Is reconfigure
the system beck to Its normal setup condition.

Since I'm running both 40 and 80 track drives on the PO. BOX 1110 DEL. MAR. CA 92014 61�942·2400
s� system, I discovered e problem that could catch
one unprepared. You must modify the RBF-devlce
descriptor modules before using them for 80 track
drives, especially the IT.ONS drive track density Specialty Electronics, Inc.
byte. My version of OS-9 was configured for regular
40 track 48tpl drives. 80 track drives are 96tpl
devices. You must change this device descriptor byte
In order to read the norma I OS-9 80 track dIsks, �..
otherwise you'll get read errors. The OS-9 system
wll I allow you to format and use 80 track disks with
OCW 10"""" -lD tT WICI"Ln lUCTliONICI INC.
11 48tpl IT.ONS byte but the rest of the world wl I I
be using disks with the IT.ONS byte set to 96tpl end CNl""""

you wll I wind up having 11 compatlbl llty problem

eventually. letUIItt lltctr�ICI "It """ reltlllt (f'tl..lft . ...
If you've gotten this fer Into changing ' r""
et'\ ..,, ..,..'"''' ••••• c.-.w••,. ., ...._. P"'-""''"-' Ol"t• L••tt 1 .,.-
your device descriptor modules you might also went ...,...,, ... ("' ..." "'•• 2 ·····'"-"' ••••••• '"'"··· ....... .. ...,.
to configure the rest of the module for 80 or 40 •"• •••" •••••
, "'' '" ao "''" ,,.,.,, ... .. ...
' .
11\ , •' ,...,,.. •••••p 11
..... ,... tf\e -. ,•••,.. "'-'.,. ttw" •• ., -· 2 ,
.,.. ''-"• ....
track double side end double density capability. .... "••"'·· ·"· .. .... .... .

Having used the new upgraded system for several t;"t..tf'l •t•t•tt ,... ef .. �f • ,.... *"' tUU• I" er S
. ,... ......, . . .. .,.. ,. ...... . ........, . ,.,. ..,.. '"'..,........_
months, I am satisfied that It Is 11 reliable and Ctl I .... _.Itt lotCitltf CltCtrefttCI•

workable setup. I can rec<lllllllend the Elecktre CPU

board end Smoke Signal's OC8-4A FDC board as
excellent products. They do work. I also can
r�nd Thomas Instrumentation's SP-1 board and l tttttt S llllb \lft W t I .. LII YI h •••• :
Digital Research's RAM boards, as they have It--·---- -·-··
It I ... t ttttt t tttt t t ttt t tt It r
performed flawlessly for several years now. Usually ltltll --· - ------ ··--•:••
-..cry end Input/output boards never get mentioned It It II I Itt ttttt tttttttIt :1 :tIt I
ltltU -- ··•---•-•lt:t :tltl
In the magazines. They ere more or less taken for It It I I ,. ttttt tt •ttt t ItII tIt II :tIt I
I t I I II --..•----- I t - t I t:C t :t:t I
granted. ltltll l .. lttttl I lttttltiiU•:•t
l tltll I ..... It · -• I --·•:a llt:tl
••••u ·· -···-• • , , , ••••••• u. ca \ • r •
• • -u •••• • •• • , --- • r f n•••t
Ear I w. Bollinger I t tt I It-·--t -
It It II t I
· t I Clit t It t tt I t If tl t 1 t I
Itt t•I I It-· tIt I 1: t 1 t 1
8 & E Software Services I t I t U t •• -·-· ·--- ··- ·-- t I I t I t I IIt I t I
It lt otlttt . ttttttt Itt l t l l tlt l ll t l t l
'42 West McOowel I Road ltltllt---• -· --- • ·-tttt C! t t t t
Phoenix, Arizona 8500' , ... ,. .............. ········· .... .
It It II t·- t - u - --- t --- t ·-· t 1 t 1
602-258-1,76 l tlttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I t t
I t --t-- · ·-·-··-- ·· ------· t - t I
..•... -.. .. .... .

... ,,.,.., • •o toa .., • ..a. �,.

T�• �••�• �k• •• .a ..... •• aftft�c• •�• �.a ...... .. ��••

.....a..,_,t ..uauv •- •�• ltAllto .,ack c.a- ..tw.

� •• •- •••••-•.. ...,. - ••-lv a ...,.....

••..••-•· Th• ...-�- .a ..u•a- •�• taeJr .. .....,,, �a,..av

NTERM.CKl Is e modem cOIIIIIIUnlcetlons progra��� which
••teal .. ,,..hac ch�actwo, ... to .,.. '"ct..•l"t.,. -•••• permits e FLEX<tml-based 6809 systeM to transfer
characters behteen the syst• console end e second
�,,,........a ..u- ,
.....,,. •cr-. ,..,,�..h "•• • '"" .., of
serial port. "So what," you say, "that's just
lotacal ......,,., .,.. ••••I ...., ...leta., '"""'' .,. that another dumb ten��lnel routine." And so It would be
If NTERM didn't have a coople of e>Ctre tricks up Its
aa ..ltfy t"o •ovoloo�t of • •�-octw '" all Ito •tffor�t

FIrst of e I I, NTERM makes Itself I'MIIIIOry-resIdent

after the first call, so you don't have to have a
d I sk ecoess every tIme you swItch between FLEX end

'88' Micro Joumal 41

modem. Lines 44-58 of the progr8m show how this step The squere breckets as usuel lndlcete an optlonel
Is eccompllshed by creetlon of e User Comme nd Teble ergument. To run at the speed previously set, simply
wen. type:

When you type 11 commend et the ter���Ine I FLEX checks MTERM

the two bytes et SCCI2 for the eddress of 11 teble of
memory-resident commends (the UCTl before It looks To chenge beud rate, type:
on disk. A UCT entry consists of the neme used to
Invoke the �nd, e.g., "MTERM"; 11 nul I cherecter MTERM 300
<SOOl; end the two-byte ebsolute eddress of the
routine's entry point. We cen meke 11 single-entry or MTERM 1200
UCT simply by tecklng this lnformetlon onto the
stert of our program (fines 56-581. Lines 47 end 58 Any other velue <or non-hex cheracterl will result
ceu se 11 poInter to thIs UCT to be Ioeded In the In en error messege. The program defaults to 300
epproprlete locetlon In FLEX when the commend Is beud Initially.
flrst eelled.
Finally, lines 112 end 113 deserve comme nt, elthough
The technique described Is useful when 11 single they ere not e loglcel pert of MTERM. I heve a
user-written commend wll I be eel led repeetedly couple of routines <MP.CMD end MPRINT.SYSl which
during en operetlng session, end It certelnly seves redIrect progr em output to the modem port, just es
time end reduces disk ectlvlty. There ere 11 couple FLEX's P.CMD end PRINT.SYS do to the printer. The
of points to wetch, however. Don't confuse the UCT problem Is thet once MPRINT.SYS Is In piece I cen't
eddress <MTABLEI with the commend routine's entry or get anything out on my printer.
trensfer eddress <MTERMI - the letter Is the one
which must eccompeny the END directive <I lne 1461. It seems thot In order to speed things up P.CMD
Also, beer In mind thet the first eelI to MTERM wlII tries to evold reloedlng the print drivers. If the
wipe out eny previous UCT pointer. In most ceses byte ot SCCE4 Isn't S39, FLEX essumes thet PRINT.SYS
this won't metter, since FLEX wll I elweys reloed 11 Is alreedy In memory end tries to use whatever code
commend from disk If It's not In the UCT. Is there es a print driver. When the code turns out
to be e modem port hendler lnsteed, the printer
The second Interesting feeture of MTERM Is just doesn't print. Hence the replacement of S39 et
softwere-selectoble beud rete. Both 300 end SCCE4 It's e bit hem-fisted, but It does ensure
12oo-beud modems ere oommon these deys, end It's that PRINT.SYS will be there when I need lt.
convenient to be eble to chenge speeds without
hevlng to mess with DIP switches on en 1/0 cerd. All In all, I think MTERM.CMD Is e bit more then
This feeture requires no hordwere modlflcetlon. It just enother dumb termlnel program. I hope you
tllkes odventege of e frequently overlooked property wl I I, too .
of e number of serlel communlcetlons chips,
Motorole's 6850 ACIA among them.

We get so used to supplying 11 clock slgnel et 16

times the desired boud rete thet we forget thet David M. Rees-Thomes
these IC's wll I ecoept 11 x64 clock es well. In the VE MICROSYSTEMS
cose of the 6850, bits I end 0 of the control 223 Eest 8th Street
register determine the counter divide retlo: N. Vancouver, B.c. V7L I Y 9

0 16 •
0 64 • O.A. RHI·TIIONI
7 A,nl 7, lftl
• •
If we supply 11 clock et 19.2 kHz end divide by 16, t t ,trllll IJilN ta -hlt 1 TTT ltriJNI
we get 1200 beud; divide by 64, end we get 300 beud. 10 t II 1 � urul ,ort. TIC/RIC lUll M
A convenient 19.2 kHz clock wll I be found on pin 24 II • tOIIftKtiOII to 1 1200 bl84 116 clod llfllll.
of the SS-30 bus If the line hesn't been 12 •
mlsepproprleted for something else. ll t AT£1111 ti,Kh t ..rKttr Kilo froo tllo
.. t •·IIH lytltl M. II trll.,ll'llll to lll
MTERM InItlei Izes the modem port on every ceI I, so ., • chr1t1tr1 .,,.,t till I 11041 EOTI,
It's eesy to select the conflguretlon to give the " t •lcb rthn1 u10r te FlUita Tt:l,
desired speed. Lines 120-128 of the listing do thet 17 •
job by chenglng the operend of an LOA lmmedlete II t C.IIIAt IJilUI
Instruction In the ACIA lnltlellzetlon sequence It
(line 771. Obviously this routine must reside In 20 "TDIIII,<fiiHII
RNoll 21 lllllrt (fiiH) • lOt or 1M
Tne r�lnder of the program efter lnltlellzetlon Is 2l .......................... ................
In feet •just enother" dumb termlnel routine which ,. •
trensfers ASCI I chorecters from one serlel port to 2S • ,..,._ ... tor..ul ,..t .urn'"
enother (fines 85-1071. The only keyboerd cherecter ,. •
tropped Is CTRL D, used to stop MTERM end return 27 me ... (.. lf7IC IWN IICIA thtll
contro I to FLEX. If enother cherecter Is more 21 F111 110101 EW �· ,..,... ••ta
convenient, chenge the equote et line 37. 29 F7f( TOM £11 lf7n Ttreull aclA
lO f7ff TEitlll £Ill TDIII+I
The generol syntex used to Invoke the MTERM commend ll •
Is as follows: l2 • Cllutt tllo •IIUI If t•t STII' cblrutor
33 t If CTil. I h ••iriOII •• c-lcllloo
MTERMI , <speed> I S4 t oltb oo•lllf IJIIN.

'68' Micro Journal

l' 114 • Chtl ratt tllttrtd �nd Itt so"•·
36 0004 51� Ell 104 CTRI. 0 to nit 1 15 • lOO f.nd 1200 baud .,, tht only
37 m • ratH prrtatttd.
l8 Ill
lt Ill f062 It 1200 IISPt.ED Cl4rI "1200 noo blul'
40 COOl IIMIII E1U ttOOl "' f065 26 04 • 11$1.011 had..ttr not
41 ttiE I'ST.. [QU ICOI£ 120 f067 " 51 LN USI 1200• '"' " br 16
42 C042 il1HEI Ell tC042 121 f069 20 01 1M SEISPD
4l • 122 f061 It 0300 ltSLOW CRPI tUOO lOO huO?
44 t SH Y' ,o1nt�r to u- c-���· hilt. l2l f06( 2. 07 • IISERA llopt, 1e••l U
45 124 f070 " 52 LN "52 300: '"''' •r 64
.. em OtS ICCI2 ll5 f072 AI It Al $(15'11 m IU•I,PCII C.ht. liCit
41 em,... fN USirll 126 FOIS 20 " .-a 101•11 11110 n ttroaul
.. • 127 •
.. • Stt ., nil' cOHH4 h•tt •t nut 121 • Error 1f � not lOO 0( 1200.
,. t � proqru to ••t• "'001 _,. 12'
51 • rnldtat afttr lftttlal uti. uo nn :10 eo 0042 m�ttt LIJI 11$[11$6, PCI IAVIIId llftd
S2 Ill f0l1 tO tilE JSR PSIRill&
3J FOOO OilS ffOOO 132 f07E 20 .. - 011
,. fOOO 41 S4 45 S2 U111Til fCC '"lUll'
f004 41 ·� fOIO OA 00 IIODIIS6 FCI 10t1100
" f� 00 ftl tOO I� Fotl 20 20 20 20 fCC ... lllU!II ....
U F006 Foot fOI "J[Itll f084 20 20 20 20
S7 • foeA 2A 2A 2A 20
51 f Pr.,.rM rnlfn lA Ill O.t-of·tht-NJ fOIE 4 D S4 45 52
" f CCI'fttr of "" ' -f· rm 4D 20 2• 2.t
.. rm 2.t
" foot 20 01 RIOit 1M SIMI ll6 f097 OA 00 04 ftl f011,1000104
62 FOOA 02 Yl ftl t02 ll7 FO.A SJ 54 79 10 CIIIIIS6 FCC ·n,., till o to'
u fOOl ID em STAal JSit &Hill �tftttr... f09E " 20 4l ,.
64 fOO( 15 67 8C$ IIS£1111 IIDt 1n ultd hn fOAl 52 4C 20 44
U fOIO U ,. Ill IISftD 11:, 90 ut "'" FOA6 20 14 6f
" • Ill FOA9 20 72 65 74 fCC • rtturo to FUll'
" • lh IOHe port IICJA 11 hatuluM fOAl 15 72 6E 20
.. t orltiully tl lOO •• C.m• �, .., fOil 74 6f 20 46
" fIll� 152 lA lh.l COIItrol '"'Iliff, Fon 4t 45 " 5D
70 • to r1111 II 1200 h.,, thll bytt it m fOit OA OA 00 04 FCI fOII,IOA11001104
71 • chanqM to 151 ldhldt '' ..1. 140 fOlD 2A 2A 20 53 RS£1156 FCC 'tt Spttd lOO or 1200'
12 • fOCI 70 65 6S 64
1l f012 " Ol RillII lN ln1tulin IIOdte FOO 20 ll lO lO
14 f014 17 not SIA IICJA f� 20 6f 12 20
15 f017 .. 52 lN Sat lOO ......., fOCt ll 32 lO lO
76 FOI9 II noc sra 141 fODI 20 62 61 15 FCC . hud Oily ...
77 f� 64 20 6f 6E
7t fOIC lO eo 0060 LUI IIOOIIS,PCI hit op�rllor FOD9 6t 7t 20 2A
n F020 II Cit£ J$11 PStA• w 'rt OA·IInt fOOD 2A
10 F02l lO ID OOil lEAl CTDIISS,,CII and hooo to quit 142 fOD( 01 04 FCI 107,104
It rm M CIIE JSit rsr• 14l
12 144 OD liTEM
Jl f02A .. me lN
n f02( 14 Of ICC
.. fOlO 16 F7DI lN Ytt, 1and to twa• SYIIIO. Ull(I
17 f0l3 14 IF ... Strtp pmtr llr�t
" F033 f6 fifE lDI CIICIIDII f02A C*lRII FOlF Cllll$6 FHA Ull f0$A SUHEl t�2
.. FOlt S4 lSll 10 110� F1DD IIDOEliS nK 110� f080 11S01S6 fOlD
90 ron,. lSU IIP{D f062 lll(CII foot 101111 f012
II&EM F077 IISLOW f061
" ma 24 ICC tliU PST
.. CDIE srrsrt ron SUitt FOOt STOP 0004 TEIQ F7Ff
'2 FOlC 17 m SaM ctw. TElliS flf£ USRTk fOOO VI FOOII IIMIIS tDOl
'l fOlf 16 lN Ch•. rKIIVM
'4 fOU 4 4 lSitA froa t�JM••?
n rou 24 E5 ICC CHlJtlll 11, trr..,..
" f045 .. flff lN rtw '"• tf't c-•act• •HOLD• REVISED
f1 f04tl4 1f ... 111f Strap ,..aty
" f04a at .. CI4PA ISlaP Do. �·17
H f04C 27 oc 1£. 011
2114 Tho•••
... f04( f6 f7fE lot 1£11111 11, IMOI to IOdM tltnl. Ml ••�o•
101 f051 ,. LSII If AUC l9U
102 rm,. LSitl
103 fQSl 24 " ICC
�r. Oon Vtlll•••
104 ,., 17 f11t STA �• Mlcto 3ournel
10$ fOSI 2t 10 • ao• •••
Mlw•on. T• 27l43
106 •
107 • lllrt ho tun •• "t HCfttN�If Don:
... t r•irM, 1H1t rthlo hMI EIIT •

Vhtle ra¥tevtnt ao•• back •••�•• r•c•n�ly. r d1aco¥ared
Itt rosa" n [liT bpi Kt tlS to Itt Rich Scappat�r••• "He�o- protr•• taaya2 P• ,,, . I �howthl

Ill FO" 17 ta4 "'''"·m reiN4 t�al t�la vowld _. a waetwl vttltty ao l typed lt 1�.

112 FW 7l COOl llhnatonn

ThO\olfh t.·h• ide• v•• tood. lo1o1nd the l•Pl•••ntet&on
Ill 1••• t�an perfec� tor •r n•ed•. Aa vratten. the �ro,r••
trl•• to ,et the •held" �rowr•• ott ot the vork drive lna�..d

'68' Micro Journal 43

of th• ayata• drave vh•r• aoat of ay protr••• lLve. Thla
F68B 86 CC8B Ida SYSDRY current syslea drl
doaa not praaent • prob1e• at the e�toaatle aearch option Ja
on (t.a. •••ASW.V•A). but aay 11 the worklnt dr&va 1a ••� to
F688 87 CCIC sh MRKDRV aake •kg drv sa1e
• apaetflc unlt.
F68E BE me ldx ISYSFCB
It only �ook a couple of added l1nea � o ••ke KOLD work
the way t thoutht 1t outh�. The attached llatlnt ahova ay F611 80 CD20 jsr GElfll
••raioft of tha protr••· The problea occura -.cauaa MOLD uaaa
f614 35 82 puis • no• restore llll
FLI�·a "CITFtL- avbroutlna t o parae the n••• of th• protr••
to ba run. ln the abaance ot • drlva apeclflar. CITFIL takaa sh MRKDRV •orking drive ��·�
F616 87 ccec
the working drlve aa a default. S1nce t wanted lt to uae the
ayata• drlva lnataa�. I aaraly fool �� by teaporarlly aattl�t FWI 25 52 bcs err2
W�KD-V to be the aaaa aa SYSO.V. Thla aaaltnaent ia aada
t•••dlataly bator• the call to CITFJL. and la raatorad upon F61B B6 82 Ida 12
return lro• that routtna.
F610 BO CD33 Jsr SETEXT set for CliO
find that tna protr•• ta auch aor• ua.aful nov. hope bcs err I
t I F628 25 3C
that your raedara vtll too.

F622 CC .... ldd tUI88

F625 FO CCIB std LDROFF Ioader offset
�"/� F62B 86 II Ida t1 open for read
Donald •· Korte
F62A A7 84 sta 8,x
F62C BD 0486 jsr F"S do it...
F62F 26 20 bne err!
F631 86 FF Ida UFF set space flag
I progra1 HOLD IS used to suspend
F633 A7 88 38 sta 591l for binary
I execution of • FLEX t011and until
F636 BD CD38 jsr LOAD get file
t the user signifies that he is
F639 70 CCID tst XFERFB check transfer add
ready. To run the FLEX co11and
F63C 27 27 beq err3 no exist
I 'co11and', the user types:
t +++HOLD,coaaand I continue ???
F63E BE F6B4 •hat ldx lasg3 y or n
I the prograa called 'coaaand' is
loaded off the sysle• disk, then F641 80 COlE jsr PSTRNB
I a pro1pt IS printed. When the F644 BD C015 jsr BETCHR get y or n

user is ready, he s1gnifies F647 84 OF anda mF uke upper

• F649 81 59 Clpi t'Y yes??
such by typ1ng y•. lhe co11and
I IS then nm. F64B 27 SA beq go yep

I F640 81 4E capa t'N no??

I This progra• taken fro• an original F64F 26 ED bne •hat nope

by Rick Scappatura printed in F651 BD CD24 jsr PCRLF

F654 7E C083 jep liARliS If N then quit
6B "icro Journal, ftAY B2, p.2S •
F6S7 BD CD24 go jsr PCRLF
F6SA 6E 9F CCIE JIP CXFERADl go to it!
I aod1f1ed by ON Korte B/B/B3
t to take •coaaand" fro• the systea t errors here
F65E A6 Ill errl Ida l,x
I disk.

t FLEX equates F663 28 I!E bra quit

F665 BE F691 err3 ldx tasg2
F668 21 86 bra quit
F66D BE F679 err2 I dx l•sgl
F678 BD COlE jsr PSTRN6
CD83 WARftS equ tCD83
F673 BD 0483 quit jsr FIISCLS
F676 7E CD83 jap WARIIS
I COlE I aesuges
F679 20 20 28 69 asgl fcc illtgal coaeand nale'14

F691 20 20 28 6£ asg2 fcc '-- no transfer address for

CD38 LOAD equ SCD38
F6B4 20 20 28 63 ng3 fcc continue YIN ? '14

end hold
CD24 PCRLF equ sC024
0483 FftSCLS equ 10483
D4t6 fftS equ som
ccec MRKDRV equ scm mBOL TABLE:
CC88 SYSDRV equ sccee
F6f2 81 vn feb 1 version nu1ber XfERAD CCIE XFERF6 CCID errl F65E err2 F66D trr3 F

F613 86 ccec hi Ida MRKDRV get crnt Mkg drv � go F6S7 hi F613 hold F688 asgl F679 asg2 F

F686 34 82 pshs a save it UU 1sg3 F684 quit F673 vn F612 •hat F63E

'68' Micro Journal

Deer Editor, by Ron Cel n , titled A Smell C Complier. Orlglnelly done
f o r the 8080 , Serge Stepenoff of sTs hes rewrl"tten the
We et Ouest Computers Inc. liiOUid like to teke this code to teke adventege of the MC6800. The sTs version
o p portunIty to Introduce our new softwere peckege, runs under TSC FLEX"" and Is to mot knowledge the flrs"t to
V I DIX - The V I d e o Rentel Menegement Progrem you do so.
mentioned In the July Issue of "68 Micro Journel". T hi s
pec kege ' which runs on Flex end Unlflex" which hes teken Versions heve been wrlt"ten for prectlcelly tfolery
e llnosT t w o yeers of herd work eno testin g Is now
o"ther CPU Includin g the MC6809. And for those who ere
complete. We heve lnstelled systems In tfolery meJor video still using the 68 0 0 , this will eneble them to begen to
store In Mllweukee end they heve been up f or severe!
u s e the C lenguege, which I feel will be the p r lmery
months· progrlll'\llll ng lenguege In the future.
The VIOIX sy or e•s
stem or genl zes end monitors the s t
ectlvltles and rs evelle ble for e single store or e series 1 am told thet If enough Cdon't know whet enough Is)
of stores. Alnong It's meny feetures ere: of you desire, sTs will dO e Yerslon 2. I em sure that
Open Ing end closIng reports this will depend on the response they recel\18 for the
Commissions for new member sign present versIon. A s I feel that there Is e need for
Non-member rentel protection s u ort yet for the 6800 I trust you who still use the
Pre-recorded te stock checks 6 8 will eppreclete addl:;lo nel softwere evellebfll1y for
Tepe trefflc enepe sls by time of dey end cetegory
ry your systems.
Ber code techno logy
Lo c k s o u t d e linqu e n t cl u b m e m b e r s
end much much more. STS ENTERPRISES
...• .t.Al•liC W.t .-. UW"IMIOAI_. e.t Nftf

Demo p eckeges ere evalleble for SJ5.00 end soon


there will be e demo evelleble on video tepel

Reeders end deelers cen cell or write for pricing end
vrtr•••- I
. .
fer 1\..att IPUt It • ,,.• •, ..... •' 1ec"'lll1Cet A•tt••• telllt_,U,,ttl
.. , . .. .... . ..
l l tereture. The response we heve been getting for this .... . , h _ .... .
product hes been Phenomenel, end there Is reelly no ... ,_, ..., , , c. ••no

competition! I�JOW•

...tt-<: t• ,.,.tthr -•• thot - • '""''' •• th• \•,.. ••••• (
Ouest Computers Inc.
_._ •-••••
...,.,.,..., tt hU t.t•t '"' •••t •• ,,. ..,... I" t M ••••tete tt"••••• •••tfiiUitflt

4680 w. BredlfN Rd.

.,,_,. c �'?--• •'•..•"• '- •"'•,...• •·· •• •t '""' ''""''""'"' ,,._, .,_.._..,, ••t cf\1 •• ••
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Normally we do not reproduce en Instruction book as a - ·· ............ . .... ........ ...... ... ..... .. .... . . . . ... ... ... ...
. . . .. ..... . . ... ... ...,... .... . ..
r e v i e w . Feet I s , we a ttem p t t o keep this from
happening. Too many times we ell s ee 'rll'lllews' In other .. ............ .... .... ........... ......, . , ... . ... ..... "

magazines t h at ere nothin g but excerpts of some If tt • •· .... u -c: et11 ..,_., "'
• ,..,., ... , , ...,. ,.,. , ....... U• c .... -..
products documentation. Thls sort of 'review' cannot ..... ..., ... .... . . .. ·-·· · .... ... ..... .... . .. ·� · .... . , ... c ..
. .... ... .. ... . . . . .. . . .... ... ... .. .
. .... .... .

get to the reel world conditions of the product. So, we

,... . .. .. ... .. . ... . ... , , .. .... . . ...
...... ... . . .. ........

normally stey away frail that 1ype 'revlewlng'l ... .... . ....... .. .. .... ..
_... .. ... '

However, I n t h i s c a s e we ere reproducin g an .... .. "" .. . ...... .... .., .. .... . .....- .- .._. ...... ... ... . .... ... .. ,.,

Instru c tion manuel a s e means of lett i ng those 6800 ... ..

.. ....,
. ... .. , . .......... ... ........ ... . h .. ... .. . . ... .... . ... . .. •
........ ,.,. ....... · " - ...... ... , . ... . ...... . ....... ... h
users <oft forgott en> WhO went to try 'C'+ at every U.f ht•" . .... ..... Ml ,,_. ft• l' U 1 ...1 •UNvt ..Nr ttiN .. ........ , .....

reasonable J:!rlce, en � �rtunl1y to see wl\llt he author ,..... •• ••t�� ; "'

' ..,.,.. �. teNh ••" •••-'' • • •eceoo·.

has done. Please note the advertised price In the next

few Issues of 68 MICRO JOURNAL •
ne T• Sm f!II-C , , en lmor�d Y8rslon of II c subset
r u . .... .,. . ...... , ... . ... ....... . .... . ., . ..... � ·· •• • , ._. ... ...
orlglne ly published In or. Dobbs Journel, as presented ..,,..
'--' .., .
... .... ....... .. . . .. ..... .... ,,.,. ........... ... . .. .. . .... ....

·ee· Micro Journal 4!5

....... ... ,, ...... ,, ... ..... _• • • • .,,, . �.... .. . . .... . -<.
... _,, .. ..... ,, ..,,,,, till• ,...,,., c�rat.ttr te ,..,. ••,..••••· 1f t��t• c.M••c.tar t• •
,,,.., '"" •""•"• •••• •-r•tt.t- tt•• •••"• "'""''' ••w '''' It •• •••c•••· '"•' c.•r-rlaee•f'at•""' • ''"•·•••• •• •••• •••••"· 1'1ttCtr.eJ' "'•'"'""• tM C.ka.r•ctar
. .....
_........... ... , •' , -... .... ....... ,._,., .... c .....
.......... ..... ... ... ....... .... ... .. . .
f'\.l:t •••, . ...... . ....... ........ - ... ..... T1�t •c:•••lll •••• .,••-.. ····-···
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46 sa· Micro Joumal

..... . ... . .... . . . .. ...,....,.,. .
.. o...c Doo r
.. , ...-.....". .... ...... ··���.... .. .. . ... .
T� nice thlnq abo�t the COCO lo the way Ia vblcb yoo eaa
.... . ..... -···--· •• tlllt• - .- • .._ ••••, ....,... .... .. '""_,_,,... . .. • •••
keep on !�roving It with the eacellant product• and
,.. . ....
.... ,.,.,. ... .
. ..
. -
... •••••• -·· •• tlilt •••• ··- ...... .....
c.u rt••• -•t41f "" lllt •• t"-t •�• e f tN h Ae l tt•c • tM te • t •••-• • ••• • t lll 4
- tM cecoaaendetlono that are to be found In your ..qarlne.
ct:llt) •• •.... _ .... .. .. · ���· . .... ·· ""···· -·"'·· .. •• -· · ...... .. . .. . ..... . ..
.. ... . .. . . .. ... .., ... ,.. . ... . .. ,.. . ... . . , ..., ......,_ ..... ... . . . .... , ,... ..,. .., ..
The aoot recent of ay l � cove..nto vao lnoplred by the
··-······ ,,.,_,,,.... ......... .. ....... ...,..,.._... . '""' ········ ...... . .
. ..
.... . ... monitor ocba..tlc oubaitted by Rooo llank of Acorn In your
June laaue. t lncorpouted It on a l'al' wired board
.. .__,,,,.........
�unted to a bracket that hold• the aonltor plU9 end takeo
tha place of the video channel oelect twitch, �lcb I hAve
.. never changed froa 4 olnce I otarted uolng ay 0000. I If I
··- ......." ' '
ever ahould need channel ), It Ia a ol�le ..ttec to connect
.... . lfll.tl t -•tctltllt II •tt N•llfltt. tfttf' . .... ._,_....... IUICe..... ••• et the Rr modulator channel oelect vice to ground.)
ttAietof II t•'ltttlft t e t•t c.-tltf.
Actually, the perforaance of the ll' diagonal TOohlba Color
Uloltt•• . ...... . .. .. .... . -< ...... ..... ..... ..
. ....... ''"''"'' '' •••,
. .. ..
. . -
-·· . ... ... . ... .. ·� .... .. ·····-···· ..... ······ -···- ........ ........ TV that I had been uelng wasn't bad coapared with aott
..... 't••· •••,._,,,...... ........ coaput.r color dloplayo t havo oaen, eopeclally Vhen
. .... --
properly ehlelded and adjulted for color converqence, Even
ra .. ao. lt �••n't aa free of eyeatr•io •• l wo�ld have ll�ed for
What Ia mootly print dhplay. The roonnor Vhlcb t cho .. to
Ule v&th the Acorn �nollnk circuit lo a lenlth Data Syot..
lVM-122 with aaber lcreen, Vhlcb Ia • new ltea In the K.-tb
... ··-·· .. ··- ···--·· .. ... ..... . .�..... Ceteloque. It hU I ll' diagonal ICCUD •nd >IS 14111
... ...... ., bandwidth. Iu ""lgbt c..&ndo one of tha early TV
poneblu. Which uoed • lot of Iron.

- O'TOC Unfortunately, there lo no way to tell how thlo Iron 11 uoed

....... .. In the ZVM-122 blcaule Ito 24 paqeo of docuaontatlon c:onc.ln
little roore than boilerplate reference• to oafety, waranty
flil-e ••••• '"lit •• • ••••••• •••••• ......
. .... ,,... .
,.. .. ... ,.,.., , ....,"". ...
and Zenith authorized oervlce, A eel\ to Heathklt'o
ceatf'tt t • tM t"'t•r•rtttr.
cuato�r eervlce center conftr-.4 that that•a all there ta
... , ,
..,, ••••" '" •• " • l t•t" tM • .., .. . . . . . . ..._., • • •••••_., .,. , ••
t ee••• tol)ta. tf that le t.cue, tt. la • aad coaaentary on the one
•" , , ,.., ,._.,,, ••• ·�•••••• •• ._._ ,..,,.._... ,,... ,.,..,. "-••• c-.-.
. . .... . co�atltlve otrength that you eight l.. qlne en A8arlcen
It.. .,. .. ... -......_ .. ..·���- ,.,.,. .... , . ... .. ... . ..... . . .... .....,. .,..
,. co�any to have ovec ita overaaaa co�etltloo, the ablllty
" •t•t• - •-•••• • •·•• ••••• u • .. .- e •cc••••· t.o co-W\lcate to t u cSo•atlc cuat�r•.
bt•,. - 1 ... .... , f' ••ti"Mt l f .. c- U . II tt .... . .. • • f ... c- tt •fll C tt lt . ,
t ."'t_. •• . ..
. "-'""' •tc••• •• t tl ••• •••• " • t.
''" C .. . At •• "' ' � · - •• t ••• •• • tNoe - • •r Thlo lack of Zenith lnfor..tlon Ia aloo oad becauoe It aeeao
•• ..
.. . n. . .. . ,.._ , Ill ••••• •fill •� ••• • � •• - • • ••• �· • , ... ... . , ..., , , , , ._..,. otherwise to be • good product. Voltage chanqea that eau.e
..... ... . ... .. . .. , . '"' • .. ....... .. . ..... .. . .... ..... ... . . .. . . ,. ... . . .. ... . .
•r•-"'' ,,. .. ' ""' tttt lo •''"' • f 'fAtt ••� utt. '''' ., •
. ,, ••• •• ••" • -. tM
the llqhto to flicker have �o effect Vhetooaver oo ito
. ..
·�· .. _ . . . . ...
. . , .... -· lcteen. �he cl•clty •nd contr••t of the leetera la
.. ... , .. ..
. .... ,... ,.. .. .
... ..... .. ··- · .
� ·· ... .... ..... ..
..... . .. '' .. ·- · ·· ...... ... ,. ,. .. .. ..... . .. ... co�areble to tha blacl< and White of the heavier print. ln
.... , ..... .. . -· ..... .., .... ... . ... ... .. . ' •"' ' ' .
'. ... -··· · . ... ... . . . ,,_.
...... ... • • •• •••���*'· • _.... ,, ---· · .. .. .. ........ .. '"'' ' . ... . .
. .
. . youc �9••1ne, e�ept th•t the P•9• eolor l1 a�r Coc
.. . httf't .... tl'l-4 \oM ...·-···-···
. _,,.,. . . . ..... ••
��� yellow through • blue acetate overlay) lnotaad of White. It
la a ce•l pleaeure �o read.

.,.... ••••" t • •••• '"'•"••-•• ,..., c ...••••· ,....,ctt•" ., •.,.." '' •'• ""'"'••
•• In ay opinion, Ac:orn•o Honollnk olreuit qlvea all tho
.._ ,.... ttec• •• IM• •�'�C••"t•••• !loti-•" ' ""' ••'""''""''' ft• '" •tlllot•
•- clarity and definition that Rooo Blenk laid lt would. Savo
. ... ... . . .. . .
-··· ... . . . .. .. . c.
.... -···· · · .. . . .... . . .. . ... . -· " · . .. . ..
your tlae end your oyoolgbt and buy it froa bla.
•••- • ..rt•••• .....,.., •• ,, •.,.....,,, .... .,._.• • • It • • ..,,,. "''"'''"' •vt
,.., '""' l•c•' •••••••••"-' etletet• •"'h •• ...., , ••- ""' ,,_, ••••• •• ••
... c••••,•• '"'•••"'• •"' ••• •.,... , •• •.,., ,,,. ,..,. --·••••••· ... ..., ,...
•.,.,,,,., c•tt ._..,.,.,, ., ..., ••• •- ••••• • •••c• .
a . ,..,. ,_..., ,...
.,._...., ... .-- . . ... . . .. •····· .... -·· . . ...... ,,._, . ... .. . .... .. .-.. .. ld su
..... .. . .... ..
. ,. .. '""
, .,.... ...... ····· Woot Hertford CT



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odcllt lonol �of -otlno orstem"" ita EX���� S)'ltem
Me-w Pr od�t Anno\J'-�•nt ror
product•. Thaae new -rotlno fY'IIetN aro tt.. u-IIOT
M 1)'11""' • o lH�
coco au:uno
A hogr.. Anely•t• and Dtb�9int TOol M
V7 --'lbk -otlno l)'llom - O"d tho CP/M41J<.T 11'11""' • on MC�
CO.pwter- ay•t•r• COnlwh•nt•. Jnc.
US.. l.IU.a ....n•• Cony•u• CA )Dlll booed wr·olon of tt.. orii!lnol 8-blt CP/11, ()'11om ouiQNd by Dio!tol ROMOtcl>,
1'•1eph01:ta ���� 4D4·4Il•l7ll/4�l0

Coapw,tet ly•t••• CDnt�;�lt-an"• annot.�-"c•a U•t' ,.,,.., ., . evalhbllt\y of

Inc. Thae ,.... olremotlve -•ot"'o t)'ltom� join Mototolo._ alandard
the C"'CC ILCUTU Oleaaa�lef ay1. \ -. It h a del' t't'•tIVa o t IUPC,
M -otillg
&l.I'U'TM. wh.ic:h ""'
been av•lh�h to .• ••"' •rei y•u• tor ra.. utilrLD. YERSIIdoaT ()'11om wt.� ,_ been oifored on EXORmoca S11r�nu
aM Ol/9 op41ratlnt ayat...a• COC'O IL.EVTN IU"I Whd«t CCXO 001 a n-et
procau•• obJce\ pro,r..a an COCO 001 foraat. ptOdvC&ft9 coctl DOl te•t ol,.,. tl'oay were arlolnnllr matlcoted In -lr IMO.

COCO ll.t'Unt
t• • colhction ot thu•e protru.a w"hlch •n•DJ .. the "••r
Mototolo e�• thot thlo mcwe will ........,000 OCClll.,rotod aolrwaro
to ••-•n• an4/or •octlty bfr�.ary F•otra- liha on �halt
. o.r t n a..01y. or.
Tan4y TU. .. C:oJor or 1"DP•IeC or uathr co-p�tere. vh_h at heat lltt *-loptnant OC1Ivltr for tt.. MC'*lOO br oMno ,,.,...,. dow,_,. o wklor
byt•• of ....ory eM u. Ieee\ o..-• dhlt. du.., ••
dlolce of lndultry ttondoor d -••!no '�"''"" ..,..,,...
.,.,_ ,
C:CCO Jl.tu11C la tOtally lnteracu-.... allowa,. Ua• wter to JNriOr• uaal
dtuu•Dlut •ul\lpJe \J.A••· befou p.roel�o�Cif\9 ttl• h�J 4iuuuoty.
Pr04J1r..._a ..y be Oteae•t'&bJ•d ff"• dat\
. or •caory lnt.o aourc.- c-oo•
Early *-�' io now poulble on tt.. EXORmoca doveloptnanl f)'ltom
forau an4 \ha .ourc• aay btl' dhphy•d. punted. or aavtd on dh"- for
laur aaa•Miy uait�t on• of ·�v •r•l •"-•nder4 C'OC'O ••••Nlera Addrett with tt.. current '-"'lX V7-Hblo u-11005 pt0duc1. Thlo """lon offou
l'at�t•• ..y a. tp.c-ltt•4 • • COf\\ai.nin9 ch•ttC\era. h•• c-onttant.a.
•ddr•••••· o r ln•\tVC\lona. an o•O•r to 1a-prove U•• cl!aa•a•Ul•d fl. Je EXORmoca wen o kro- Mleetlon of feotU<es lnclvd"'9 an _,..,,.,, o rot
F-r-od�c-.d: "1 ll..nn1t ..y ate <Mnt«4 tlot.Uy to hiN'h o f ,, ,
.. editor, o linkogo odoror, o o}'fnbollcdobu9gef,- o "C" -"PII.r.
u••• "• preten�• C:rott r•l•r•I'IC'• Uau,... of hMh NY bet prOduc-•4
f roa a.n-y MOt-orola to,...tt.C aau.tJl•r protr••• i�Kh.Mh.n9 C'O('C, &L(l.;'TH
t•n•r•t�d protn••· t . o aatiu in 4hbutt a n t and ..ochfl.cauon The CP/""-"!K Ol>o<otlno Syotem, do1Jonod In ptOYido monltot O"d file

Protr••• in 110M or on duk IN)" a. '"'ah.•r•d • vhh th• alt•r•4 proe;r•"' moooe.._,t c:Gpelbllltlo1 for Motorola MC� oyotom�, will b1 ""�'Plied
'b•int ••vH on a chtk tll•l t.he ••awlt.-an\ til• c:owlCI t
. be va•O t
J)rotr.. • MY aoM. etc. loy -orolo 1o EXOAmoc:a Syo1.,.. -• In both of ,_ atandard .......,..ric dlak
C:0C0 ILCUT'H lttu-pplt•d •• t ee\ of 6Mt ob'•ct cod• flJet for th-
tormot._ CP/,/9dW< fotmDt ...! YERSAdooT
M .,.. lormot. 11 l.o o_,ed thot
Tandy TU•M or T'Df'-toa o r •'--il•r
�t•ra. Ttl• proc•••ora
Vhi.Ch ..y be anal)'L-•"' tn 6GQL. ·�1. 6101. 611). 6U5o. flhtt. 6.6Ct.
.,,, ·�·'· tlw ...._
., ,...,_ oifetlno will olp>lflc:cnrly � tt.. OEM ,,..,..,.. cloalon

COCO IUUTH 1 • available l.aM•tUtt.•ly Cor $41.10. ..,_., - veotly n:.- tt.. �· of _,�cot,_ thot - tt.. CP/"'-"!K

tor coco n..c,x h evaUabh f o r •�e eo C�)•ct Mlyl and
-"'"'o I)'Oiem- tt.. Motorola MC'*lOO proeo-.
ltt.oe Cvi'-" tovrC'•).

IUPCa ILa.rnt lot O&/t •• •vaUt�le tor uaJ.ea Cv-ith aourc•» The CP/M dlolc fonno1 will b1 an I" f� dlolc,- will lnclvdo tt.. CP/M,.

IUPD 5LEVTM tor U1UrU:X h avalhbla tor UII.OI Cvhh aovrc•) 81< -Citing oyot- MC61000 _.....,, linker, l lllfarlon, O"d file

'68' Mlcro Joumal 47

""""'��""'""' lllltlllu. This witl permit EXOA.moe• 1)'11.,. with II" floppy dblc

drlws to boo t •lrh CP/M-"1/1<, <WI to uecvto proorams ••� to -roto

under rho CP/M-UK •rwlr.......,t.

'Tho VERSA<Iot dltl< formal will be ponlcvklrly .-lui to OEM t)'JioM

O..lgner> who art crootlng producto !hot UM rho Motorolo MC68000 procHIOr

with rho CP/M-W. Ol>erotlng Syotom. Tho VERSAdos dille formot will be

oYOIIoble "" II" floppy, "" SMO, - 8" Lar� dltl< modlo. II will ollow ""

EXORmaco Development Systom owner to load tho CP/M-UK abject """"'I•

""'o hla doYOiopment oystom. Ho con then euttornlze, download, <WI dobu9 hlo

IYitom with llaodord Motorola dovoi"P"*'I I)'JIIm longuogoo, _.....,lora,

""'•"• omulotor-o, <WI •J'"'I>ollc �"·

'Tho CP/M-681< Operating Systom will be dbtrlbvted "" Motorola

EXOR..-a 0....1"1"'*'' Systtm Productt under "" oor�t with Olgltol

R-ch lrle., of Poclflc Ctovo, C•.

Motorola wltl dlacuu Ol'd dl"""t" roto both UNIOOS Ol'd CP/M-'81<T In
Motorola'S dlaoloy booth 01 tho WE.SCON trodo ohow In mld-Soptombor.
CP/M Ol'd CP/M-UK ore trodomortu of OIOital Ruoorch, Inc.
EXOR..-.J.,,,,IIOOS.OI'd VERS•doo oro trodomor1u of Motorola Inc.

� !!!:!E! � �·
� KtCAOPAOCtsSOII PIUlUC"I' � .!.!!!!.

IOUWltllo Colorado - llot.oroll hu contracted to boco•• a non­

exd..luo at.oc:klnoa dlatrlbutor Cor LanoaW9• ,._.. aola-eoftwr•

pacluiOI !or tho 61000 16-blt alcroptocouor, bot.b COIIpenloo onna.......S.

ltll t:.on;l»9• llooo\lrCoo 61000 crou eupport ¥tM IXD&-61), flrot

lntrod�ld In early 1982, vlll 1110 -.tln.a tD 1:. 11111111>11 directly

froa tho tauldor-t..oecl flra, and froa Sl9notlco, tnc., a 61000

or _.., 80W'OO ard ptwiOII&lrappolntld dlltrlbuto.r, -
Compare lntroi-C/6809 cordlnoa to Oooffr•r Arcllit..ld, t:.on;� """""''*'' Prooldont.
with any other C being offered IA"91119• !luourcu 11 a l11dlng lnnovotar In odvancld 1y1toa1
for the MC6809. ..,!tvara ptoducu, and 11 vldely known for Ita vork In oolvlng

The differences may really lantUIOI b•rrler prabl••• botvoen a a l n fraao coaputer• and

surprise you t alcropr-ocHIOtl,

lntroi-C is a powerful software development 'After c:orlful oonlldoratlon of OW' otMtoaora• nMd1 lnd

tool designed for the professional. It supports •valtMtlon of 61000 produ.ct 1upport llnu, t.haro vu no quutlan In

the full language, is truly easy to use, and our alndl that IAI'o91»9• 111Uourc11' � pocfl.t9e Mt tho r'""'lroaonta
produces remarkably efficient object code for
and vu tho vay to 90,• vaa hov Michael Katorty, "atorola
the 6809. In fact, code generated by lntroi-C
typically is only half the size and twice as fast as
Mlcrol�te••· �.-. ArhoNI, nplolnld tho 61olelan tD at.oc:lt

code produced by other C compilers on the lltiOW'CIOI' crou-ooftvoro peclt.lgl.

market I As we said, all C com p ilers are not

created equal. lntroi-C/6809 delivers what 01 lila port, .t.rc:hlt..ld Nld, •wo tra plouod tllat,our 61000
others only promise. JM'oduct llno colltlnuu to 91ln tho roc09nltlon w olveyw hlt h
Resident lntroi-C compilers for: duorvod, lnd plouod I t hu perforaad u ..poctod In thauNndl of
OS9•, FLEX••, and UniFLEX••, $375.
lnd�Mtrhl quality Pf09rt••· Uhr uporlonco hu llhawn that 111 of
Cross compilers for:
Ita •1-te votll wll tiJOitlllr and It lo •••Y tD ....•
PDP-11••• hosts (Unhc.... ), $1500.
Ttid&marki. ln Ita 61000 product aupport llno, IAnouat• lltaaurcu ptovldu
•MicrowiJe Systems, "Technical S)'ltems ConiultinU,
tM toole that enable enolnoora to uM aoln rr;aao coapuura 1uch 11
'"Oisltal Equip. Corp., ''"Bell u�
CCC'• VAX ond JIM'a l70 and ooapotlbh aywt•••• lnd do away vltll tho

llaltetlonl tnd c:onatnlnta of typical alcroprocuaor dovolopount

aywtoal. ..
ca u
.. tho tMa of a aaln fraao coaputor afforo 1 brood

oholoo of aoftvlra c.ooll, trMur apood ard Nlltly unllaltld otor1941

capoolty, U.. -"" ruult II • dovolopalnt aywua

a!croproco110r aoft•n IMpl-tetJan enoS ..lnteNI�.

that llapllflu

841 W, Vlr tf lniD Sf.

Mllu•auh�'fl, W/ IJIJ2(U ltll 61000 Jl<'oduct Una -llta oft
1 A 111911-lWil ..IC&l �UeT1

• A �rful MCro -..blefl

48 '68' Micro Journal
FOR SALE: Shugert 5MB SA-604 Winchester driYes for
S275. Very_ low hours. Kirk Thomes, 7608 Heisey 1306,
Lenexe, KA 156216 1913>268-�5
SWTP 6800 I 6809 running FLEX. Complete system lots of
software, m i n u s drives S1500. Will sell p (eces If
Bill <716> 232-3448. ...

Glmlx 6809 sy s tem, duel OS DO 5 1/4" disks, 4 serlel

p orts, perellel port, O S -�1 FLE X1 Lots of softwere,
539 50. Addlt lonel 64K RAM boera
S750. Other SS-50 stuff.
S250. Duel 8" disks "THE CODE BUSTER"
Phil Hughes <206> 367-8649 \':s. disassembles any 6809 or 6800
Wonted: bore SWTPC �-A2 end �-N boerds. machine code program Into beautiful source
Bill Morel (303) 597-4575
Learn to program like the expertS!
For Sele: SWTPC 6809 System. UniFiex OS. Includes: 128K

Rem· 20 Megebyte Herd Disk; two 8212 termlnels, Duel 8" • Aoapt existing programs to vour neeos!
DSDb drives; Mi scellaneous Software, Furniture <Desk, convert vou r 6800 programs to 68091
Stend). Less then 1000 hours on time. I 1/2 yeers old.

Excellent Condition. Meke me en offer • Automatic LABEL generation.

Cell Merllyn <512> 25Q-9844�8uslness Dote Systems, 8300 Allows specifying FCB' s, FCC's, FOB's, etc.
Pilgrims Pl., Austin, TX 787,..2

• Constants Input from DISK or CONSOLE.

CoCo Softwere <or lglnel w/doc>: Ovnesoft Pescel <FLEX> Automatically uses system varlaote NAMES.
S45; ccFORTH S60; 30 Drewlng Boord Sl5; S10 eech: Mester

Control MDISK Megl c Sox, Fixer VIdeotex Herdwere: Output to console. printer, or Olsk file.
,_ CPRINtc. S25 VIdeo Plus Sb.

PI80C S2?, _,
Lene Lester, 413 W�end Circle, Lynchburg, VA 24502
• AvallaOie for all popular 6809 operating systems.
- FLEX"" S100 per copy; specify S" or 8" Olskette.
Southwest Technical: 8212 termlneli. 6809 C.P.U. with 64K;
much flex softwere; 2 Qume ts " D .D . Disk Drives­ os-gTM 51 so per copy; specify S" or 8" Olskette.
$2 000.00 OBO uniFU:X'M S300 per copy; 8" Olskette only.
Ce(l Hill - 1805) 963-1453

CONTINUED ON PAGE 56 For a free sample disassembly that'll convince

you DYNAMITE+ Is the world's best disassembler.
send us your name. address. and the name of
Br- Ron Anderson your operating system.

The S.E. fEDIA Division Cit Calprter Order your DYIIAIIITB+ today!
Is offering'l:�l;•'smscRIIIER see your local DYNAMITE+ dealer, or order dl·
rectly from esc at the address below. we accept
<XIFILER <XIFARISION Nm EVALUATION REPCRT telephone orders from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday
Due to the constant end repld updetlng end through Friday. Call us at 314·576-5020. Your VISA
enhenchment of numerous compliers, end the or Mastercard Is welcome. Orders outside North
different utility, eppeel, speed, level of America add S5 per copy. Please specify diskette
communication, me mo r y usege, etc., of
different C<1"'PIIers the following services ere size for FLEX or OS·9 versions.
now being o \
ffered wrth periodic updetes.
ThIs servIce, w lth updetes, will ellow you who Foreign Dealers:
ere wary or confused by the verlous cfehns of Australia & southeast Asia: order from Paris
complier vendors, en opportunity to review
comperIsons comments, benchmarks etc., Radio Electronics. 161 Bunnerong Road IPO Box
concerning ,The meny different compl rers, on 3801 Kingsford, 2032 NSW Australia. Telephone:
the merket, for the 6809 microcom puter.
Thus the savings could fer offset the smell 02·344·9111.
cost of this service. United Kingdom: order from Compusense, Ltd.,
Meny hove pu rchesed compliers end then PO Box 169, London N13 4HT. Telephone:
dIscovered thet the perflculer complier 01·882·0681.
purchesed either I s not the most efficient
f o r their purposes or does not conteln scandinavia: order from Swedish Electronics hk
feetures necessery for their eppllcetlon.
Thus t h e e d d e d expense of purcheslng AB, Murargatan 23·2S, Uppsala 5-754 37 sweden.
eddltlonel compller<s> or not being eble to Telephone: 18·25·3().()().
fully utilize the edventeges of hrgh level
Jenguege compliers becomes too e
xpensive. computer systems center
The followi ng C(M>ILERS ere reviewed lnltlelly, 13461 Olive Blvd.
m o r e wi l l b e reviewed, coMpar e d end Chesterfleld, MO 63017
benchmerked e s they bec0111e evelleble to the
euthor: 1314) 576·5020

PASCAL "C" GSPL WHIMISCAL Pl/9 UniFU:X softWare prices lndude maintenance
for the first year.
lnltlel Subscription - $39.95
(Inclu des 1 yeer updetes> DYNAMITE+ Is a trademar1< of COmputer Systems Center.
Updetes for 1 yeer- SJ4.50
FlEX <InC! uniFlflllrl � of TSC.

S.E. MEDIA - CPI es-t " a tr- of MicroWirt <1ne1 lloiOloroll.

5900 Cessendre Sllllth, P08 794 outer tnqulrtes welCOme.
Hlxson..r TN 37343
615 ts42-4601

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800·338·6800 FLEX, 05-9
.. ,.. Color Computer
-- � --

Super Sleuth POwerful, INTERACl'IVE, Disasserrbler ; provides Hex/As::II Screen Durp of Merrory Blocks

or Disk Files for easy Examine/Change, Area Definitions: X-REF Generator of Source O::lde; �
Address LAbels to Names; etc. Disasserrbles 6f!IIJilJ/ l/2/3/5/8/9 and 6502 O::lde.
<llkr !'LEX <l:>j. Qll.y $50.00, w/90urce $99.00; !'LEX $99.00; tl:liPL!X $100.00; 06-9 $1.01.00

DYliiNilTE + -- An "easy to use" 6009 Oisasserri:ller fbr use w/ Disk Files, (will al.8o disasserd:ll.e 6800
Code). Develop a "Control File" of Area Definitions during successive diaasserrbl.ies; X-Ref Source
Files; replace Hex locations with Label Names; etc. Label Files pro.rided fbr Mini-F'LEX, FLEX2, F'IEX9,
Color Cc::rrp..tter FlEX. !'LEX and <llkr !'LEX $100.00 06-9 $150.00 � $300.00

TSC ttk:ro �� bler- the FlEX� Assenbler !'LEX and <llkr l'LBX $50.00
TSC Aaloc. �./Link. Loed . - Need fbr many of the C and Pascal o:rtp. PU!X & <llkr !'LEX $150.00

IRW: - Relooat.ing, RBcutaiu� Alii bler and Linki.og Loeder fbr the 6809. Use either standard
Motorola Fonnat or Special Ed Smith Format. Supports Recursive Macros, Cbnditional Assembly, etc.
Opt. x-Ref Listing: Inclooes a 9na.ll Line-oriented Eklitor as part of the Assembler. Greatly inproved
operating manual. FLEX and <llkr PU!X 6809 ·� w/Link and Eklitor $150.00 w/Source, add $50.00

a.egasoft Relocat.able Aa...t>ler and LinJdng Loader -- 2-pass Reloc. Asmb; 2-pass Link . I.J:>ad .
Supports 6 Char . Labels, System calls (SWI[x] FCB x), Expressions with Arith., IDgic, and Shifts, etc .
tRAILl PU!X and Cbkr !'LEX $125.00 (one � Maint. $50.00)

MACE -- (by Graham Trott) from WDJDRUSB MICR:> SY!m!MS. A COTbined Eklitor/Asserrbl.er designed to
allow the Prograrrmer to Enter, alit, and Assenble Programs with a mirl.iztun of effbrt, w/o l.eavinq the
Program. XMi'CB is a era.. .\81rbler fbr the t'C6800/ l/3 and Hitachi fiD6301 (<loO> 6801) with the smne
fu'lctions and features as MACE . PLBI and <llkr PU!X - $98.00

-- A thiPLBlC "basic" De-O:IIIpller --

DUB -Re-Create a Source Listing fran lbil'IB:IC o:rtpiled BASIC Programs. Easy to Use; \o!Orka w/ AIL

Versions of ll1iFLEX basic; OUtput to Disk or Term. Time 'l'E9'l'!D and PKMIJI; SOLID! Olii'IJI% $219.95

-- <XM'li.!AS -
PL/9 (by Graham Trott) from WDJDRUSB MICRO S!Stl!hS. A "Structured" Assembly Language

Editor/o:,..;dler/Debugger, all in CIIB PAal!GE; provides a totally lllll'I!RIICl'l Program DeYelopDent �·

The Compiler supports large �1 Names, variable �s. R>inters, Q:lntrol Structures, Stack, A- .�.
and D-Register manipulation, etc. The Source oriented Trace/Debugger provides Single SteRling,
BreaJcpointing, etc. An e.xcellent Software DeYelopnent Tool fbr util.izing the porwer of the 6809 .

!'LEX and <llkr l'LBX - $198.00

c - (By James Mc<Dsh) fran 1fDDIJSB MI.aC SJSIW. SUPER c o:rtpiler fbr the FlEX Operating 9jstem.
Needs the TSC Relocating Assembler/Linking I.Dader fbr th>se "full blown" System Packages.
!'LEX and <llkr l'LBX - 295.00
IDtrol 6889 •c- Ooapiler; generates very e.fficient object oode. OUtput "bencbnarka" cloee to UMiz
68000 in 8 Bit Operations; 1.5 times faster than a 4 � Z80 when using a 2HHZ 6809 System (Re. p 43,
"68" Micro Journal, May '83). Floats, etc. PU!X, <llkr PU!X, CS/9 $375.00 tl:liPL!X $425.00

-- PASCU. --
TSC PAStX. - Native O::lde CCitpi.ler (UCSD Oriented).

Lucl.data PASCAL - P-Code Conpiler (ISO Standard). Designed especially fbr Mi.crooatp..tter 9jst.EI!8;

Run-time System checks available re90urces fbr each task, al.l.cMi.ng operation en eYen mi.nimal. <XII'p.Jter
systems. Al.lools linl<age to Assenbler O::lde fbr max:inun flexibility.
!'LEX and <llkr !'LEX 5" $190.00 l'LBX fr $205.00

OllecjaSoft PASCAL -- For the PIIOFBSSIOIIIAL; ISO Based, Native Code Compiler. For Real-Time and
Process Control applications. Use custan I/O devices in place of the Pascal JNPl1l' and aJ'l'PUl'; IDng
Int. (3 2 Bit): Dynamic length strings; Interrupt Proccessing, R::M-able, PIC, Re-Entrant Cbde, etc.
POTENT11 IDcludea Source for the Symbolic Debugger, Runtime, and several Utilities . Requires a
''Motorola Q:Jrpat.ible" Relocating Assenbler and Linking Loader .
�FLEX It 11t..,..,..rll ol T� Sys- �
IPCS2 !'LEX and <bl« !'LEX $425.00 (cne year Maint. $1S0)
�ose 1t • .,_,.,. 01 -- Add $2.00 Per I�•• For Shipping £ Handling
For Ordering Call TOLL
FREE t ·800o 3JI1100
• FREE DISKETTE With Each $50 Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 Cassandr8 Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343 (&15) 142...,1

50 ·sa· Micro Jouma.l

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800·338·8800 FLEX 'M 05-9 ,., Color Computer

-- 1\ full, acreen oriented, 11:11> fWil H a --

S'l'!LOGitAPB 2.8 - (now runs on the o.t:.a-O:IIIp and FHL <b1ar' PUI:I Systems: uses the 51 x 24 Dltipl.ay
Screens). Pull screen display and editing (i.e., -..bat )0.1 see is -..bat )0.1 geth supp::>rta the Daiay
Wheel pE"'pprtional printers.
SPII::I:AL <bkr PUI:I sro..o $195 00; I'LBIC and <&-9 S'l'YLO $295.00; OlllftZI[ S'l'YLO $395.00

Fast SPBIL1E nMNIIt - al.loota directly changing the Text File, adding ...oro. to the d.ict.i.ooary, etc.
75,000 '«<>rda in leas than 400 sectors. PI& Cbka' PI& OB/9 $125.00 tJIIil'l,BX $175.00

IP.IL lmiKm -- greatly extends the power and flexibi.lity of S'n'I.OGAAPB. 1\l.l.ow8 �tiple Text tn.e. to
be printed out a s one large doctRent. Provides fbr merging infbnna tia'l into the Text File during
printing (auch as different names and addreaaea), etc.
PI& <b1ar: PI& <&-9 $145.00 tJIIil'l,BX $195.00

J:BliOIAG Data Baae MaM')rrs-t Sy8taa -- 1\n XBI\SIC-based, Menu Driven, OOMS with "Built-In" Audit
Tracldng, Extremely FOwerful Report & Fbnnat capabilities, etc. 'lbi.a � Plaal OOMS will beoane the
�k ft>ree" of }OUr Sofbolare Stable. PUI:I and <bkr PUI:I $295.00 tJIIUUm $395.00

AI:X!t8 aec., AI:X!t8 � & 010 �Adger - 1\ l'OLL lllr::l:xUlt:iD IW:IIage that can be ueed together, cr u
separate padtages: prc:Mdea the IRS required Audit Tracldng. (XBASIC, based on the "'ebome Buaine ..
Proqrans.") FlEX and Cblor FlEX $295.00/PR:Xi lhiFIEX $395.00/PIIOO

1\n m.ctrcmic SlZ'e8d 6bMt

IJYDCALC - 'l'B!! B1.ectra:W: flFned Sheet. fbr 6909 Q:Jip.Jter �. An extremely PCiriERFUL Buaineaa
Tool, this Program will find an la'll..imi.ted nlri:ler of ''non-buaineaa" 1lRllicationa, al8o (for exanple, I
have just fini.ahed setting up a F\.ll1 J\nior ())liege Electronics Olrriculi.JII uaing DI8CALC) . 1tdYanced
features like •Table Lookup" make Income Tax \llo'Ork easy; Column or Row Sorting for n\Deroua
applications; etc. COmpletely "Mear:>ry Resident", Madrlne I.ang\.lll,lge this Program is PNft', PrcMdee
ST1\NDIUID FlEX Text File output fbr uae with BASIC, \librd Proceaeors, Alecal, "C', etc.
I'LBIC and SPII:IAL <b1ar: PUI:I (Both FHL and Data-O:rrp) $200.00 tJIIil'l,BX $395.00

.. I..lmlj\8Jit Dllm 8MB I9JIIIIIGII&i 8jlru.
westchester Applied Business Systems XIIIB Data Manac]ement Syst.em.. R:>ssibly ooe of the rrcet pc:M!rl'u1.
OMS's available, this machine l.anguaoge program is snall enough to operate on a GaiJla aided s- dl.lllk.
yet �s the speed of M.L. and power limited only t7j the �·• imaginatia'l. SUpports Seq\a'lt.ial..
Hiera rchial, and Randcm 1\cceas File Structures, and has Virtual MIIIDry capeb1Ht.i.ea fir thoee Giant
Data Bases Eaa)o-tc>-uae English I.ang\RIIge O::mlland Structure .

XIMS - I'LBIC and <blaE' PUI:I $179.95 XIMS + - PUI:I and Cbklr: PU1:1 $259.00

lBIVW llfl!m NDI IE. - l'bte1 N.L Aco::>mt:i.D;J and OOM Proga. Raqalre FlEX and XBASIC
'lbeee are Titre Tested programs fran an old, establ.i.ahed, eoft�e houee; for <bkr PUI:I &j8tAina
Data Due ltiiDiigalr' � 1- $49.95; Data Due�� 2- $49.95
Olardl � - $49.95 8iDgle IDb:y OlD�- $49.95 ,...... lllll.liDg---- $49.95

Intergrated Sofbolare fbr <bkr PUI:I

A/C $99.95 A/P $99.95 :Dwlb:ay 2 $69.00

I'LBIC and �- l'btea Requires XBASIC (FlEX) or� (thiFI..El<)

A/C - FlEX $295 lhiFIEX $395 A/a - FlEX $295 tl'liFUX $395
OlD � - FlEX $295 UliFIEX $395 D:iWWibX.f 2 - FlEX $295 tl'liFIBX $395
PllyZol.l. - FlEX $295 lhiFLEX $395 IBt - FlEX $359 tl'liFUX $459
Please specify 5 or 8 inch diaJt �ordering all eofberel

0a1p.Jt.er Sy8teraa Q::naultanta I'Um DYIC Progt:liiMl

ftU..... � IJI8IIIAY I'Um and <hJ.ar' JUIK $59.00 tJI:ai1II.BK $75 ""

RU. sea. M�ULIJm LIB1' JU�K am Q)lar ft.BI $U!IIiJ.IiiJ8 tJI:ai1II.BK $11.8.00
ftU. .... ��r. JUIK and Q)lar PUI:I $100.00 tJI:ai1II.BK $1 se. oo
1NDA liMa ...,.... PUI:I and Q)lar JU1K $lfll9. 00 tJI:ai1II.BK $2fll9.00
"FW,. • ._,.. o1 Teetriell s� �
"ostil • .,_ ol �·
Add 12.00 Per lte• For S�lpplng £ Handling

For Ordering Call TOLL

FRHt..aoo.UIIIDD • Z FREE DISKETTE With Each $50 Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 Cassandra Smith Ad .• Hl..
on, TN 3m3 (615) 842-4801

'68' Micro Journal 51

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601
05-9 TM
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800·338·6800 Color Computer

SPI!UB "Catputer Dlcti.c::nar)P -- OIIBil 1.211,- ..-d81

No more "Let }'Our fingers do the walldng through the Di.ct.i.cnacy" ..all.le you are inputting Text with
your favorite Editor or word Proceaaor. SPI!UB ia more than "another Spelling Olecker"r it all.ow8
you to lDok .., a .ord from within your El:li.tor or W:>rd Processor so that you JIIJf it ia right lD!N
YOU TYPE rr IN with the SPB . atD Utility (which operates in the FLEX Utility Space). Yes, it AISJ
allows you to check and update the Text after you are finished; al.oog with all.cwing you to AID �
to the Dictionary, "Flag" questionable words in the Text for evaluation later, 'View a word in
context" be1bre changing or ignoring, etc. SPI!UB first checks a "CCimal W:>rd Dictionary", then the
nor:mal Dictionary, then a "Personal WOrd List", and finally, any "Special W:>rd Ust" you may have
speci.fied. SPI!UB al.8o al.low8 the use of a-n Dl* 8taE'age systems.
l'U!lX and <bkr PUIX $129.95

.:JtBl' - a Text Formatter

JUS!', a Text Formatter developed by Ron Anderson, provides n�Berous features which ma1ce it a
valuable addition to any FlEX Ueers Software Library. .:JtBl' is designed fbr fbtmatting Text�
fbr DDt. Mltrls � and provides many unique features 1
� the "Formatted" Text to the Display fur fbtmat analysis and �e.
-output the "Formatted" Text to a Text File for use with the -wtt., ftiiDB'r.<K> fbr ��
multiple copies of the Text on the Printer � 1MBEriED PRlNl'ER <XHWU) (thia Utility ia
very uaeful at other times also, aro worth the price of the program� it.Ml.f).
-"Deer OoDfl.gurabl.e" for adapting to other Printers (cones set up fbr � HX-80 with Graftraxh
provides for up to ten (1121) imbedded "Printer Control Ccxmlands", such as Italics at and ol!f,
bold� at and off, etc.
-Autanatic oc:atpenaatial fur a •J:X>oole Width" printed line.
-Includes the normal line width, margin, indent, paxc�qralit, space, vert.ical aJdp lines, page lerqth,
page n�, centering, fill, justificatial, etc.
-use with 'Nl'L El:li.tor •

-Su£Flied with •structured Source" (w:i.mrush PL/9): easy to eee the fl.oof of the pEogxan.
PUIX aro Cbkr PUIX $49.95

SPB::m�Jl SPB::m�Jl -=ml.ll

Star-Kits excellent SPI!lL'IJ PIX Dict.klauy and 1El.'l'B 'IJ SPI!lL W:>rd IDok Up Progran IN CNE P�:
l'U!lX and <bkx PUIX 9jBt.ems - 1D1B b' � $lSI••
When these are gone; the price goes UPII WAY UPII ORrER tan I

Also, call for "More Info• on both the FLEX Based and Color CQiplter Baeed srAIHl1t.8 Producta:
including the HUMBUG Monitor, Check 'N Tax Program, REMOTERH Color Canputer External Terminal
Program. etc .

DIIP - produce a crou Reference Liat.ing of any text; oriented to �acal. source.
DCWDB -- allows the inclueicn of other Filee in a source Text: haa llllimited nesting capotrlUtiee.
Al8o all.ow8 Binary File inclua.iala.
PmP'ILBR -produces an Indented, Numbered, "Structogram" of a �ec::al. Source 'l'Wxt File. All.OWII
viewing the overall structure of large programs, and provides clues aa to the integrity of the
program. �lied as Source Cklde: requires CO!pilatial •

.ucc and Cbkr .ucc - Each progxan $25.00

COPYCAT -- (Pascal K7.l' required) Al.1.owa reading TSC Hl.ni-FIEX. SSB 00868, and �tal RNearc:h CP/M
Dis'ka lottrl.l.e operating l.nier FlEX 1.0, FlEX 2.0, or FlEX 9.0 with 6800 cr 681J9 � · CXPYCAT will
not perform Miracles, but, between the program and the manual, }'OU stand a good chance of
accomplishing a transfer. D'lcl\J3ea Utilities to List Di.rectoriee, Cl:Jpy ru., and CX'I1IIWt 'l'Wxt m..
when required. Al.ao inclu:Sea a Utility fbr i.nYHtigating A1y8i.oal <l::llpt.ibility pc"CCblaa8. Progx
auppllecS in ..,.,..Jar 8ourc:la a:de to ma1te it eaaier to aolve mua\Bl. problana •

.ucc and Qlkr .ucc s• $sa.oo II.BI r $65.oo

'"ftEX le tl- ol T-.bl ��Con-­
'"OSV let- ol MictowtN Add $2.00 Per l�e• For s•lpplng & HeRdllng

For Ofderlng Call TOU

FREE 1 -800- 3311100
Z FREE DISKETTE With Each $50 Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 Casuncn Smith Rd., H..son, TN � (815) 142...,1
52 '68' Micro Journal
5900 Cassandra Smith Ad., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800.338-a&OO FLEX,.. 05-9 n• Color Computer
o-1' - aJ/9 to IUIX - IUIX to aJ/9 -
Finall:r, the barrier haa bean rem::Md between aJ/9 and IUIX fbrmatted cli.ak81 tOoi � can RFAD �
and WRITE to, a Single Sided 5" or 8" FLEX dialcette fra'll C&-9 with o-r. o-1' it1 a new and lnique
program, written in BMIDJ9 (.tth source), that per1brme the .ti:>.llOOng ��
IID'OIMM'1 A BASIOI9 Program that refbrmat.a a choeen lii'CDU'lt of an 08-9 di.ak to IUIX Format 80 it
can be uaed nornal.ly � PIZX.
n.D1 A BASIOI9 Program that does the actual r.-! or wite fmct.ial to the special o-1' ftiiiidlw
Dbk, all selectable from a user-friendly menu. Functions provided incl\de read.i.ng the PlZlC
Directory, Deleting FLEX FUee, O:Jpying both direct..iorut, etc. All eel.ectiona are interact:.iYe and
oc.nplete, incl\.dinq all necessary prcmpta to the operator.
FLEX users can read, write and use the special dielt as any other FLEX di.ak, pro.oided the PLl!lC
directory is not a11Q4d to continue � traclt zero (too many files).
1U1X and (blor; IUIX $79.95

<XI"lMJJJr.CJI) - o:::p,r LNIZ Dl.ska to fJeiii8ICll. -n.: di.aks -

The following FLEX utilities allow the backup of 1tllY abe dbk to any SMALLER size diskettes
(Winchester to 8's or 5's, 8" to 5's, etc.). � ainply i.neert.ing diskettes as requested � CXPtiLIIl,
a large disk system may be downloaded to )'Our present flClPP.I dial< systan, any air.e. 9:> need to
fiddle with directory deletions or any of the other tedious operatials that I'!Uit be done uaing the
ncxmal copy routines.
<XlP'IXJL'I'.Cim understands normal "coP/' syntax and al....ays keeps up with fUee alrelldy oopi.ed }¥
maintaining directories for both host and receiving disk system, eliminating hours of tedious
k� entries and other time oonsuning cleanup chores.
BlllaQJP.CJI) is a special IX'09nllll that dcw'\loads "randal\" type files, any aize.
IIBS'l'ORE.CJI> a special program to rest..ructure copied "randal\" files for OOP.tin9, or r� back to
the hoet systan .
l'UBLIIIJ( . CIID a "bonus" utility that "relinks" the free chain of floppy or hard di.sk thereby
eliminating fra.c.JTI8l'ltation.
� � 8ClUrCe to.. tr,.,,....., ,

Requires FLEX and DISPlAYS OD lui 'l)pe ,_,....
-swap side . �int eooring syaten.
-r..o display boards . � sld.l.l. leYel .
� leYel.s of play. esat... OlecJcmate pn:lbl.aDs in 1-2-3-4 ao.wt .
� 1'IJ:7,II8 and .....ap aides. ep1ay ...tdt.e or blac1t.
This is one of the stroogea1:. CHESS programs running on any mi.croocl,lp.Jte estimated ts:F Rating
1� (better than moet 'cll.b' IU¥r• at h1qher leYels).
IUIX and a::al« IUIX $79.95

WBl""'''IIC 1\a�
DIB'l'-'l'RAC Forecaster is an XBASIC program that plans a diet in terms of either OlllariAie and
percentage o f carbohydrates, proteins and fats (C P G\) or grams of cartx:lhydrate. Protein and Fat
1bod exc:hangee of each of the ai.x buic food <JX'0'4l8 (vegetable, bread, meat, skim rnl..lk, fruit and fat)
for a specific izdividual .
Sex, Age, Height, Present Weight, Frame Size, Activity l..allel and Basal. Metabolic Rate 1ir lliX1IIIll
individual are taken into aooc:u\t. Ideal loleight and •uat:aining oa.l.or:iee 1ir any� of the �
individual are calculated. � a weight goal it1 gi'-W\ (either gain or loa), and a oallxie plan itl
agreed upon beb.18en the c:x:11PJter and the izdividual, the nlmtler of <Say. to reach the � goal itl
projected. The starting and ending rate of weight lou it1 calculated, and a &dly 011lmdar with
each daY• �ht 1br a � period is printed.
PLBX - $59.95 � - $89.95

m::wrA - A � Package for the Od.J'UII[ Operating ay.t.en --

Allows 1JDii'LBX BaNd s.r-t:- to Tranauit and Recei..,. tUes to and tran other Clalp.Jter � via
fot::ldan. Uee with CP/M, M!l.i.n Franee, other t.hiPLEX �. etc.
- veri.fl.etl '1'raMmi.saion integrity using c:twc:Jana or <::R:
- Autallatioaly l ...rranamit.a bad blocka
-- Transnlit.a data in 128 ¥At bl.ocke
�F\.EX it a- of Tec:fW'icll ��
�ose• •- of..._.

For Oldetlng Call TOLL

FRHt.eoo.-UttiDD II Z FREE DISKETTE With Each $SO Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 c..sench Smfth Rd., Htxson, TN 31343 (615) 142-4101
"68" Micro Journal 53
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601 s0ftware
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800·338·6800 FLEX'"' 05-9 �� Color Computer
Nt LA81'11
A FUlL BI.Orm lli&ASSII!JH.I! !at 1BE � CXft'V.I1g(
Computer Systems O::.nsultant8 SUPBR SU!IJl'B is a ''Time Tested", reliable, PII:NI!II1 olsasserrt>ler that has
gained acceptance through out the FLEX Comnunity as an extremely POriERFUL, D1'l"ERN::'l'l SOftware
Tool. tbi, this powerful olsasserrbler has been converted to rw on a StJn!Brd 321t Cbkr <l::llpJter or
T DP-100 System with a DIM �· 'lbe Q)Q) SU!IJl'B Software Package consists of 3 Programs; SI..EUm
(the D isassembler), CHGNAM (used to glcbally Change Iabel..s to a meaningful Name), and XREF (a cross
Reference Generator for Source COde Files). Q)():) SLElJlH will Dlsaaaerrble Dlak Files of 6800, 6801,
6882, 6803 (the "Baby Q:)():)"), 68S5, 6898, 6809, and 6502 (Apple, At.ari. a:moodo re, etc.) Cl>ject OJde
if you can get it on a Color Computer Disk. (See Aug. '83 '68' Mlc:Eo Joamal "'olor Users NOtes"
Col.lm'l fbr a full Review.) Cbkr Q:Jiplt:8r DIM - Cl>ject OJde cnl.y $49.00

lam! Programning l.ar¥!Juaqe

St.earDa Bl.ectraldca POili'B - Intrigued by Jltlrth?7? Here is a Forth packaqe t.ailond to the Cbkr
Oclllpat.WI '1hls pac:Jcage is suwlied on Tape, with inat.ruct.i.ona fbr transferring it to di.slt i£ }01.1 wish.
Written primarily in machine language, it's apeed b uoparal.led. A full SanigraP'do-8 F>llo t r is
provided, along with "goodies" like Grapucs and Sound Ccrrmands, Printer Ccrrmands, Auto-Repeat and
Control Keys, etc. If you are interested in Learni.ng Fbrth, a 'l'l'ace 1'8at:unt is pro.rided ...nich is
invaluable. If you are a FORTH Pro, this package pro.ddes CPU carry Flag accessibility, Fast Task
Multiplexing, Clean Interrupt Handling, etc (or� }01.1 'MOI'l't "out gro.l' the Basic capabilities of this

Dnplementation) O:llbine this pacltage with Leo Brcdie' s EXCEU...ENI' 8Jok "Starting FOR'IH", and lOU will

be a FOR'lH Expert befbre :p1 ltncJol it (and have a lot of fun doing itl).
Q:lkr � '!NIB (w/ inst.ruct.i.ons for transferring to Dlak) �58.95

Color Cknput.er GRMIIIIC SCRI!l'JI PRDI'I' Programs

D�m�ps any ''PMODE" Screen to the Printer with the BASIC USR F\I'lcti.al . Shift the Printout Left or
Right or AeY&r- Print (Dark fbr Light Screen and Vice ve.rsa). All Programs on Tape.
GIBft for Radio Shack LP-VII/VIII & tMP 100/200/400 Printers �7 .95
CHIIIB for FpiOn w/ Graft.rax and Gr:aftrax + Printers 9. 95
GBPliJ for Gemini 10 and 15 Printers 9 95 •

GIIIPIP for the Prowriter Printers 9.95

DJia'Bo-0-IIASB CAI.-:lAR Program

A Menu Driven s:nza&> BASIC Program .trl.ch al.l.ool8 the entry of up to 12 MEroos per Day, each of ...mch
may contain 14> to 28 Characters, fbr arrr day of the fot:lnth bet\oleen the years 1700 and 2099. A <kiiFbfc
calencJar shows which days contain Ml!m:le, and a "Key Wm:l" Search is pt'CNided �h can be output to
the Screen or Printer.
BPB llM'E-0-BASE c.AIENDM (Each Tape File will hold up to 400 Ml!m:le) �16.95
IJUIK DM'E-P-BASE CAiaroM (4,000 Memos at 300/fot:lnth per Disk) 19.95

Interested in JBlik&Ji (the M:ney Kind)?

An Brl'DDED BA.SIC Program that will help you deal with numerous problems requiring interest
calculations. Preeent Vll lue, Rate of Return, current Bond Yield and Rate of Return to maturity, Loan
�t Jlrnortir.ati.on Scheduals, etc. '!NIB �29.95

Data BlUe *""'3 •l �

DISK DA.TA BARq'.BR 64Jt - EXTniDED BASIC w/ Mach. Lang. lbltines . AllowB a max of 246 Cllars. and 14
Fields per Record, and another Record can be linked to the firstr 8 Cllar. Field Nemes, up to 99
Chars. per Field. Powerful On-Screen editor for input and update, flexible o.rt:put capabilities
including output to Dlak Files fbr use 1:¥ other Programs. Cl'lange File Definition without re-entering
the Data, Split Files, etc. AllowB M.lltiple Field Sorts, Select on any oc:rrbination of Fields, etc. An
extremely POWERFUL 'I'OOLr inst.ruct.i.als prcNide exartpl.es of Mailing Usts and a Financial St.oclt Profit
and I.Dss Tracldng �tem. IJUIK �54.95

DISIIt � 1MB!' - DISI< EX'l'miE) BASIC w/ Mach. Lang . b.rt.ines. A �t.ional" �ting Pllc::kaqe
for Small Business, Clubs, Churches, Personal use, etc Up to fbur leYel.a of subt.ot.als with Trial

Balance, Incane Statement, and Balance Sheet Reports. IDE all.OWB up to 300 aoc:lOU'lts and a Trial
Balance of $9,999,999.99. Transactions may be up to 14 lines long, and OClll'llerlta and explanations may
be freely used. Accounts are traceable to the journal transaction, � may inclllie OClll'llerlta.
Screen reports a.ll.cw review of past tranaact.ions and current balances. Imlt $44.95
�FLEX b a �-rio ofT� Systems Consullanla
�osg Is • -IOrio of Mic:tow1te
Add S2.00 Per l�e• For s•tpplng & Handling
For Ordering C.ll TOLL
FREE t -800- 3111100 Z FREE DISKETTE With Each $50 Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 Cassandre Smith Rd., Hl•son, TN 37343 (615) 842-4601
54 '68' Micro Journal
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd., Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601
For Ordering Call TOLL FREE 1·800·338·6800 FLEX,.. 05-9 r.. Color Computer
DIIINiBNIB - - Multi-User, Mul.ti-TaaJdng with PU!X

soutbeaat: Mel!l.a is I'IClW shipping DmASFIARE PKit smat - the multi-user, multi-tasldng capability of
DYliASBARB allows FLEX users· the advantages of more sophisticated and time saving c:xmprter usage
without having to buy or learn a new Language or qJerat.inJ �tern ll)'lltax. DllmSBMB, as its naue
implies, al.lowB true "time-sharing" operation under the popular FLEX operating system, and alao allow&
each user to run two simultaneous jobs (multi-tasking); even en single-user S}'Stems. FOr exatple,
while in EDIT, :;ou can list another file or examine a directory. cr, )IOU might loolc �an item in a
Data Base while a SOrt is in progress! DYDSBARB alao prCNides sane frinqe benefits that will be
greatly appreciated 't¥ FLEX users, inclullng �ahead, cxmnand line editing, and instant response to
DYIIWiBARB is the painless method! Use :;our existing Flex CXIlp.lter 't¥ s.irrply addinq 64K of RAM fbr
each user. Fact is, :;ou still use FLEX just like :;ou always havel I:J!8SBIUIE iJI not intended as
competition to UniPLEX. It does not improve on the speed of FLEX and does not offer paslMXd

protection or other niceties of a full-b.la.m multi-user systEm. What�� do is give FLEX

users a l.ow-coet: loi8Y t.o aee exi.et:.ing .aftware in a Dllti-u.er, Dllti-twlkfng �. so )'OUr
existing FLEX versions of BASIC, XBASIC, editors, asSEIJill.ers , disas&el'lblers, eort/merge packagea, loiOrd
processors, catpilers, DYNACALC spread-sheet package, and so en are still good .
BOTE -- The i.nit.ial rel.ea.e of DYNASHARE is fbr Slft'lJC 8/C» Ccrrp.lt.er s, but versions will also be
available fbr other popular extended.-merrory (up to l.824K) S}'Stems, such as HELIX and GIMIX. A mininun
of 1281t of RAM will be required with ALL versions. �requires 64lt oL lWI fi:r eadl actDe
tuk; thus a 256k S}'St.em could allow fbreground-bacltgro\.l'ld operation en boo terminals, or fOreground-
only operation en :fbur terminals. AVAilAIIU: - fran SVlBI!Nft' llll!liJ(A - $200.00

-- .M1l'II:RJ - � (J1N.1.'lY SPniiUm III!I!D!D --

F'LE){ - uniFLEX - CS/9 -a:wr <llilp.lt.er

For the past &eYeral. roonths, we at the sout:beut. Media lll:lrbial of Cl:llprtar p.tii�ng, .JDc. (QYI),
the parent <XI'Ipany of '68" M1CR) JaJRiiAL and <D.£8 M1CR) ..JaJliML, have debated expanding our software
distribution business. Many other magazines have been doing so fbr years (in faot, M:8l' were in the
Software Distribution Business BEFORE they began to publish a Magazine). Presently there are many
fine examples of software that has been developed by YCU, our readers, that will never see the "light
of day" due to the cost of Mvertis1ng and TIME and cost inYolved in the product.icn, dist.ril::lut.i, and
Customer SUPPORT of that software unless SOMEONE, with enough exposure and the willingness to
ccntinually adllertise, rul8 with the ball .
Software is the "backbone" for the REAL utilization of any computer System, and ours are no
exceptionI 'Ibis has been no ainpl.e declsi.cn. While we realize that there could be ecrne ocnflict. with
some of our advertisers, we AlSO hear a LOUD and cx:N'l'nOJS cry fbr Bl!ll.P fran our Readers. Fran day
one, the :fi:x..,.l CIODOIIID of '68' MICR:> J<XffiNAL has been it's BI!'ADBIISI 'lherefbre, our SOat:heaet: Mldla
DivJ.aial will accept, fbr appraisal fbr possible Dist.ri.buticl'l, 6009 soto.iare: Games, Utilities, So£to.oere
Developnent, Business Application Proqrams, etc.
In the past there has been too IUttl software offered that �o�as not quite ready. We will strive to
eliminate that element. But, right up front, we tell )IOU cnly that we will do our very best: nothing
more. Also, we will strive to 'keep cost to a bare minimum, ...tdle securing fbr the author a fair
return in royalty p!l.}mellts, pratptly paid, and in cust.cmer support fbr his product.
Of course, we will expect, no -- �. that the author 1teep the product free of errors (bugs),
and maintain it in a pratpt and business liJce manner. Also we shall require that authors be willing
to furnish 'source' fbr those programs that justify, by price and utility, inclusion of same . 'lhe 1.acJc
of source code, properly cxmnented, is a oontinual C01pla:int we hear. N:>t all proqrams will be sold
with source, but ...tlere necessary, we will insist that it be incll.ded.
In some instances the program may be sma.ll or short and not justify itself as a "single" sale
product. In this event it will be <XJIIbi.ned with other like proqrams, and offered as a packaqe. Dl
that event, the royalties will be split bet'wleen the various authors.
If :;ou have software that � feel will qualify \.l'lder this program, please oontact one of the people
below. Remember, if :;our softwa.re has any problems or "funnies" - - GB'I' rr 8"l'RAllBB' II!!II!II:B 1aJ
� USil Also get :;our source code in proper shape and well cxmnented: there is too I'IIJCh 99\
code already drifting ai'OUr'rl .
U )'OUr software iJI III!INJlf' oontact: ll:lb a.y, D:xl Wil.l.i.!lmt, or Tan Wil.l.i.!lmt

southeMt. Mac!1a is a d.iviaion of <l:JipJt.a" p.

..u�ng, n.c. (CE:),
a fzlnily of 100\ 68XX support facilit:iea .
�FL£X It 1 tr-Ill ofT� Srt�ema Ccnlult­
•osg It . ...-of Mlcrow.,. Add 12.00 Per Jte• For Shipping & Handling
For Ordering Cell TOLL
FREE 1·800- 331•100 Z FREE DISKETTE With Each $50 Purchase
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 5900 CasMndre Smith Rd., Hl•son, TN 37343 (615) 142-4601
·sa· Micro Journal 55
Now any 6800 or 6809 system can have up toe MEGABYTE
l ated n e w 256K memory system.
using our sophrstc F&O MDI-1 Disk Controller with EXS-1 Data S�arator, two
Siemens FDOI00-5 Disk Drives (Filppy) with case, PS,
Cables & Software all for S550.

Bob Phelps <606> 236-9400
• UNifl.£X Users SAYE SSSS-
New. lns1"alled UMd - H igh Speed SWTPC A-1 Tape
Bedt-up �. 20 megabyte
1'MMW' or
capacity - Colllplete with new
0Mr3 Dis� Controller - S'&Ye
over Sl 000 . 00- OK.Y S2475
ht witho ut that BAot� for all your d&ta
Don't .Qet ca u g
_ - Ask for Don, Tom or La rry, Deys

AIC 800 :n8-68oo.

Runs lull speed: 2MHl. no MRDY. no wnerrupll and srlll uecures a refresh t{tle
EVERY system T clock. W01ks wi rh any processor board. wi rh or withour 'DATI".
Hith ·spetd OATs OA board. standard. Works wrth any SS-50 bus. with or without
exredn ed add ressi'\l lines. No cables 01 bus modilitat1011s. Board is OUIET: over 6 ul
800 :n8-6800.

ol ctramit dttoupfing l capacitance. Aft gold bus connectors. lufty socketed. solder
masked. Does not use the double htight sackers. Sackers are seltcriv t gold plated GIMIX II CPU+. 2 Mhx wlt'h FLEX and OS-9 - L_. 1. Yr.
lor reliabr�ty. Auembltd. tuttd. r11dy to fO. Ready to w01k wirh the 256K 0 1.2 latest as of 9/lle-,. T his CPU board Is li ke new, we
RAMS when they become available. Use al rhe memory. including $EOOD·HDOG: went to GIMIX If I system. Set up and ready to run. W it h
no ustless banks. Memory managemanl scheme c ompatible with S WTPC and GIMIX. FLEX and OS-9. 'Have both on your system and just call
Yrrual drsk driveu. memorJ diagnostics supplied with bao rd. Soltware is on 5 inch. FLEX or OS -9. Includes software and documentation.
SS, SO, 35 trtck disk lor FLEX . Provides up to 3. 750 secrors ol virt ual disk storage k FLEX OAT, OS-9 FPLA . Set up to
A I so Tl me of day cloc
at RAM speed. Requires less rhan 1.2 Amps fr01n your sysrems • 8 volt bus. Many requl re GIMIX 16 8 D M A
dl sk controller. Original cost
configurarion options. over $900.00. Specl8! only $729.95 plu s shipping
And It's ready NOW! Shipped from stock! ( $3. 50). Ask for Don, Tom or Bo b - I 615 8 42- 4601 . This
Introductory price: $ 7 4 go 0 0 will not last longl
Including sohware. users and
maintenance manuels or send S 15.00 for users
manual. applicable roward purchase price. COO. Cashier's cneck. personal checks TELETYPE Model 43 PRINTER - with serial CRS232)
musr clear bef01e shipmen!. Florida resrdenrs add 5,. sales ru. Interf8ce, and full ASCII keyboard. LII<E NEW - New cost
4834 N . E. 12 AVE.• FT. LAUDERDALE. FL33334C�051 752-8321 S1295.00 - ONLY S759.00 re8dy to run - C811 Tom - L8rry
•FLEX It a �- ol T«:hnneaa Systems Con"""-
- Bob, CPI 615 842-4600.

6809 + 05-9* + S-100


- �I
.. --��
ADS Is pleased to announce
(f) I I t :-
support for Mlcroware's OS-9 on
the ADS 6809 S.B.C.
I g . -�
IG ' �-

� �·
. _I U- I
_ _
Ill II U·l IU
Used in Conjunction with our
Octafloppyn.� disk controller card, single or double sided, single
you now have complete or double density. Expand to the
6809/0S-9 capabilities for the power of the S-100 bus. {The bus
S-100 bus. Further, the ADS that handles 16 bit CPU's tool}
Octafloppy™ gives you up Call or write today for more
to eight drives. 5 �" or 8", information.

Ackerman Digital Systems, Inc. See us at

110 N. York, Suite 208. Elmhurst, IL 60126 Microware 0$9 Seminar!

(312} 530-8992 05-9* Trademark of Microware Systems Corp.

56 '68' Micro Joumal



Ita Inventory tlae around here. To aake thtnas easier on ourselves, we went to sell as auch

our current inventory as we can. So unttl stock ts depleted, we are offerina 3011e FANTASTIC
IEALS on selected iteas. Reaeaber. these pc-ices are ONLY aoocl until our current stock 1 s aone,
110 call or wrIte to place your order today I


Thla Is the .oat popular unlimited speech synthesizer available ror the SS-50 1/0 busl All


co.l(letely assembled and tested, LESS the SC-OlA synthesizer I.C. tr you buy this unit while on sale,
we vlll lnclude a copy or our SC-1 text translator pc-oaram at no additional charge. This alves you a
$170 value. You save $5011 Be sure to specify 6800 FLEX , 6809 FLEX , OS-9 , DOS68 or DOS69 operatina
system and disk size when orderina.

SP-1 SPEECH S�NTHESIZER. • • • .5110

Our popuhr unlimited speech synthesizer for the Radio Shack Color Coclputer Is also available on this
sale. All units are coe�pletely assembled and tested. LESS the SC-OlA synthesizer t.C. Buy your SP-1 on
this sole and we vlll INCWDE our SC-1/COLOR translator progr811 which lets your CoCo speak English
nothlna more than PRINT stateaentsl Also, ve vlll throw In our COLOR-TREK+ progr... This Is our


COLOR-TREK program adapted for the SP-1. English aessaaea are continually spoken during game playl The
action Is non-atop. This aakes a $170+ value. You save 50+1 Software Is available on CASSETTE ONLY.


• • •
These chips are the ones used in our synthesher boards. and are prlae, new parts directly from
Votrax. Ve have a llalted number or this aost popular speech synthesizer t.C. In stock for this sale.
Suaaest.ed retail price Is $85. Discount houses are selltna thea ror $70. You save $15 on the discount
house price. We Include copies of the Votru spec sheets vlth these peru.

L SCREDITOR-III. • • • • • • • • • • • •
All or our custoaers who have used both of the other aajor word processing peckaaes available ror 68u
• .5150 L
syst.. s tell us that SCREDITOR III is best proaraa that they have ever seen (in truth, ONE

custoaer liked one of the others better, but you can't please EVERTONEI). As of July 15th, SCREDITOR
Ill vtll cost $175. If you have been considering a word processor, or just need a better editor than
what. you are using now, this is the tlae to buy SCREDITOR IIII For aore information about this
fantastle program >tllch Includes over 150 pages of documentation (and another 2110 pages coming soonI),
see our ads In the pest. several Issues or Kicro-Journal. Be sure to speolfy 6800 FLEX • 6809 FLEX ,
OS-9 • DOS68 or DOS69 operating systems and disk size When ordering.


s s
All sales are FINAL. No returns or refunds, NO open account orders end NO DEALER DISCOUNTS on VS-1,
SP-1 or SC-OlA purchases ror the duration or t.hls sale. Nor111al dealer discounts and open account teras
will apply to SCREDITOR III purchases.

All overseas orders HUST Include $10 ror shipping. All North American ordera under a100 HUST include

aS for shipping. AU. checks HUST be dravn tn U.S. dollars on accounts in U.S. banks. No foreign banks
or currencies will be accepted under ANY conditions. All Yiratnia orders HUST Include •s state sales
tax. COO orders In the U.S. ONLY. and •ust be shipped by UPS. All overseas orders shipped by AIR
PARCEL POST. We gledl y accept VISA and MASTERCARD orders.

Please lllow two to three weeks for order processing. Ordere paid by check aay take longer. Stocks are
ltaited. Any orders received after stocks are euusted vlll be returned unprocessed.


E PO BOX 6683 E
PH 80'-1-320-6722
FLEX is a trad.-ark or Technical Systeas Consultants. OS-9 is a tradeaark of Hicroware Systeas

The Lord is our prl111ary associate. Too often vlth the pressures or business today, time is not taken
to ecknowledge His presence, and too often we fall, due to our ht.M�an weaknesses, to show His influence
in our lives. Ve thank each or our custonlers for their petience and prayers ror us when we do not
reflect Christ In our business aot.lv1tles.

'68' Micro Journal 57

Make a loved one happy by giving yoursell a Star·Kits
program lor Christmas . It's easy with these special prices
until December 24th. APPLICATION
SPELL 'N FIX lor 6809 Flex, normally $178.58, on sale
lor $125. Other SS·50 versions, normally $89.29, now
$75. ( And if you didn't know, Flex is a trademark of ACCOUNTS PAYROLL
T�chnicc!l Syst�m:. Con:.ult<�nt:., who dSk�d u:. to tell
WRITE 'N SPELL, normally $75.11, now $60 alone or $30
when ordered with SPELL 'N FIX.
$299 with
HUMBUG ON DISK. This fantastic debugger runs as a BUSINESS
utility under either Flex or STAR·DOS 64, especially
useful for 6809 Flex on the Color Computer! Regularly
$ 3 99
$59.95, now $49.95.
HUMBUG in ROM lor SS·SOsystems reduced$10; send $299 $299
lor spec sheet lor version� .sv.s1l.sble.
STAR-DOS 64 disk operating system lor the Color
Computer, normally $74.90 now $49.90. 059 & BASIC 09 ARE TRADEMARK OF
We accept checks, COD. MasterCard. or Visa. NY
Res1dents pleciSe .sdd dppropnate tax. Have a Merry Bcsh
P. 0. Box 209 M -
MT. KISCO, N.Y. 10549
(405) 233-5564
(914) 241·0287
2110 W. WILLOW- ENID. OK 73701


The new PT -69 is a complete computer system on a single
card. Compact. powerful, with performance equal to
bigger systems. The PT-69 features·

• 6809E Processor
• Double S1ded/Double Density Floppy Disk Controller
• 2 RS232 Senal Ports (6850)
• 2 8-B1t Parallel Ports (6821)
• Time-of-Day Clock (MC146818)
• Power Requirements are +5@ 800MA and !,12@ 20MA
• 56K RAM: 4K EPROM: 4K 1/0
• PT-69. Assembled and Tested $295.95
• PT-69. Assembled. Tested. with Power $374.95
Supply and Cabinet
·COMPLETE SYSTEM with PT ·69 Board. $895.95
2 DS/DD 5Y." Drives. Cabinet. and Power

- Kits are available­

BOARD SIZE Write lor Details!

51h" X 6'h"
"Supplying Your Computer Needs Since 1g78"
3760 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, Georgia 30067
" 'FLEX 11 a lraclema rk o f T echn • cal Sys1ems Conau11a n 11

58 '68' Micro Journal


1. What Is an electronic spread·sheet, anyway? 6. Will DYNACALC read my existing data flies?
Business people use spread-sheets to organize You betl DYNACALC has a beautifully simple
columns and rows of figures. DYNACALC simulates method of reading and writing data files, so you
the operation Of a spread-sheet without the mess can communicate both ways with other programs
Of paper and pencil. Of course. corrections and on your system. such as the Text Editor. Text
changes are a snap. Changing any entered value Processor. sort/Meroe. STYL<XiRAPHTM word
causes the whole spread-sheet to be re-calculated processor. RMSTM data base system. or other
based on the new constants. This means that you programs written In BASIC, C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, and
can plaY. 'What If?' to your hearts content. so on.

2. Is DYNACALC Just fOr accountants, then? 7. HOW fast Is DYNACALC?

Not at all. DYNACALC can be used for just about any very. Except for a few seldom-used commands,
type of job. Not only numbers. but alphanumeric DYNACALC Is memory-resident, so there Is little disk
messages can be handled. Engineers and other 110 to slow things down. The whole data array
technical users will love DYNACALC's sixteen-digit 1wor1<sheeo Is In memory, so access to any point Is
math and bullt·ln scientific functions. You can build Instantaneous. DYNACALC Is 100% 6809 machine
worksheets as Iaroe as 256 columns or 256 rows. code for blistering speed.
There·s even a bullt·ln sort command, so you can
use DYNACALC to manage small data bases - up to 8. Is there a version Of DYNACALC for MY system?
256 records. Probably. You need a 6809 comRuter 132k
mlnlmuml with FLExrM. uniFLEX ... or OS·9TM
5. What Will DYNACALC dO fOr ME? operating system. You also need a decent crt
Thats a good Question. Basically the answer Is that terminal, one with at least so characters per line.
DYNACALC will let your computer do just about and direct cursor addressing. If your terminal lsn·t
anything you can Imagine. Ask your friends who smart enough for DYNACALC, you probably need a
have VlslcalcrM. or a similar program. just how new one anyway. The uniFLEX and os-9 versions of
useful an electronic spread-sheet program can be DYNACALC allow you to mix different brands of
tor all types of household, business. engineering, terminal on the same system. There·s also a special
and scientific applications. TYPical uses Include version of DYNACALC for color computers eQuipped
financial planning and budgeting, sales records. with FLEX !Frank Hogg or oata-comp verslonsl.
bills Of material, depreciation schedules, student
grade records. job costing, Income tax preparation. 9. HOW much does DYNACALC COSt?
checkbook balancing, parts Inventories. and payroll. The FLEX versions are Just 5200 per copy; uniFLEX
But there Is no limit to what YOU can do with version 5395; OS.9 version 1wor1<s with LEVEL ONE or
DYNACALC. LEVEL lWOl 5250. Orders outside North America add
57 per copy for postage. we encourage dealers to
4. Do 1 have to leam computer programming? handle DYNACALC, since Its a product that sells
NOI DYNACALC Is designed tO be used by nOn· Instantly upon demonstration. Call or write on your
programmers. but even a Ph.D. In computer company letterhead for more Information.
SCience can understand It Even experienced
programmers can get jobs done many times 10. Where dO I order DYNACALC?
faster with DYNACALC, compared to conventional see your local DYNACALC dealer, or order directly
programming. Bullt·ln HELP messages are provided from esc at the address below. we accept
tor Quick reference to operating Instructions. telephone orders from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday
through Friday. call us at 314·576·5020. Your VISA or
s. Do 1 have to mOdify my system to use DYNACALC? Mastercard Is welcome. Please specifY diskette size
Nope. DYNACALC uses any standard 6809 conflg· for FLEX or OS·9 versions. Software serial number Is
urat.lon, so you don·t have to spend money on reaulred for the uniFLEX version.
another CPU board or waste time learning another
operating system.

Order your DYI&C&LC today! computer Svst.ms Center

13461 otlve Blvd.
Chesterfield, MD 63017
15141 576-5020
Foreign Dealers:

Australia & southeast Asia: order from Paris Radio Elec·

UniFLEX softWare prices Include maintenance for
tronlcs. 161 Bunnerong Road IPO Box 380l Kingsford,
the first year.
2032 NSW Australia. Telephone: 02·344·9111.
DYNACALC Is a trademark of
united Kingdom: order from Compusense. Ltd., PO computer Systems center
Box 169, London N13 4HT. Telephone: 01·882.()681.
VISICaic IS a traCiemartl Of YISIC«p
scandinavia: order from SWediSh Electronics hk AB. smOGIAI't! '' • tradtmarll Of Ctut Plains COfnCIUter co.
ltMS IS I trldtmri Of Washl noton Gomouttr Setvl<:el .
Murargatan 23·25, uppsala 5-754 37 sweden. Tele­ FlEX and uniR.EX - trtclemWIIS Of TSC.
phone: 18·25·3Q.OO. OS.t Is 1 triCien'IIR Of MICrOw- and MOtOf'OII.

'68' Micro Journal 59

our EPROM PROGRAMMER with the field.
AU &uo � cUr.ct.ly fro-
.. f uf"iVI.I ec:t nrr
'• CW'l'IWrC. 4111'fwttt_La.1n1J. sortwan. * The only ALL 6800 Computer Magazine.
l.nt.erf.oM. 04 ,._,.110'*11Ly !rO'IU.l.. My AliiO bf' t'llefJlroJ 411t a.&:!lt..lcnsl cr»t.

• Tr-lpt. ...olt.w)e �
A 8 c D E F
* More 6800 material than all the others com·
• S..Wilod in Ut r.,...

1-- (2 years)

1-- Monthly Averag"
2 704
• • • 6800 Articles TOTAL
2503 • • • •
2 •

2758 • • • • • •
251& • • • • • • 7.8 6.4 2.7 2.2 19.1 ea. mo.
271& • • • • • • •
271&• • • • Average cost for all four each month: $8.53
2632 • • • • • •
2732 • • • • • • (Based on advertised 1-year subscription price)
2732A • • • • •

sa ·
cost per month: S2.04
2528 • •
27128 • That's R1ght' Much. Much More
2818 •

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$125 $45 • I II III $2811 $4811 $575
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SSB'o 1Xl6t """"'ln9· IWlUol cnly, $10: r•t\nlObJ• vlth .._ (lUI'CNIM. Card# _ Exp. Date ______

UNITEK • P.O. Box 671 • Emporia, VA 23847 For 0 1-Year 0 2 Years 0 3 Years

Enclosed:$ __ _ ____

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StreeL._ ________________

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Zip ____

My Computer Is:

• Micro Joum�tl
5800 C.U.nd... Smith Rd.
Hlnon, TN 37343

Calendar - Clock CLK68-l

. ,
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• •11 ••••• ......... ........ .... ,. .. ..
• .. , ... "'"''' ······�··J .... ....,.. . .
''"'" . ... .. . .......
• ••, ,, ..-.. .. , ......,••,,..... •••• .... ••• tlf/J• '"' USA
I Year $24.50, 2 Year $42.50, 3 Year $64.50
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• ,......... .... •••••• "" fl•• ••· ,, •FOREIGN SURFACE Add Sl2.00 per Year to USA Price
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• '•••••t•• ,........ ......... . . . . . . . ........ .. . • •••

Pat'allel 1/0 Pof't ·- h1lp �"'"'''' t U• ror•U•I .,.,,

•FOREIGN AIRMAIL Add $}6.00 per Year to USA Price

MEXICO Add $5.50 per Year to USA Price

e IU '''""'' ••lt•t tlllr • t '' . .,,,, ••""'-'• I•• l••tue • • till• •••tfl
a te ..
ototoh •h• r•t•ll•t rtl•t•t ftl•••• t• .. ,, ''''''""' •• U.llt ••CANADA &
Conetruetion -- ,. . ., .
.. .... .. ... .. . ......... . .
.. . . ........ Cash <USA) or drawn on a USA Bankll I

l•ehr f lUI <fht•••t t•tUo\h

Aeeeabled and telted $119.9$ Xlt S89.9S

Coldplated bue coftft 7.So l HXa optto� 2.SO
Dhl< � or 8 ln. SSI or n . . • 0S.9Avatl.ale NOW 14. 9S
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lO i llTSOM ELECTlO MlCS Phon•

( � 0� ) 2 94-00 U
100 ) Vor• Sando D r. Sl M-H reald e t ua a dd 4l taa
Alh,..rq••• Mtl 81113 Add S) S h lpplna 'Hon 411na

60 '68' Micro Joumal


• NOCIIAJIIJ tnd VUIPIU 2501, l101, 2S16, 2116, u:n, 2732A, l$64, end 2764
lHOM. "'""' �trdv.lrt IIOdt ''' reoulr.ct tD protr.. the JIIIT!l. Z71ZI.

• ,._,,.. ttoerfl whh ffn •••• of tvhtN ptr pl--..r cMle DUU '"'
P'Oiir.-.r ou-t Oft '"' ttt.ftCh w·"•'• h .,.,..,.,.

• """'ttrfvtft """''' Of'Oittdru ,,.., tou..,,. t.c:Htttu• - "'"' - lerttl ,.U .. lt"fte or twl PrtMry Addt'ttt
•• I'IOVt blocb .....,.,. """'" u�-· bUffer. - lht.,.., - Ptrtlltt ...lt . ...
- S.c....,. ...,..
a. lti.O M [fi'tOI!t Into \1!11 Wffer. - Syn.. COI'Itrolhr - .,.... frt... r • hU or.Ly •••lhtft'l Oftlr
t. VUirt -"' � �llfltl tM -.Her.
�. (UJUNt .,.. ,,.,.. tt•• cOI'tMts ot ue """''· • 'ultr do�ted wtu. • c:-l•t• "�rtnt of tM .Cil-..ut tf'tich· Oft the
•· OUftl' t..e C:ot\tt'f'lts of the tNfttr tn Hll aftd ucu. 1[(1 bvt..
t. rtU • "lecttd ,,., of tM buffer whh a '"cUIH cha.ruter.
•len. lev•l •nUiblr ,.,...._ ddwfl awhtblt for 6100, 6a01, �.. e«n,
• kftv•,.• awetl_,l• f
or •H Vtrtlona of lSI tot, ll..D l, n..u 9 M'td OS-9. 6101 end 6109 ere 1�lhd tn tht to,.. of lhtines. Jhtu dri"-r... hv•
.iuHibly ,.,_,A9t tOYru tHn tuooltH on dhk••••�lt• cuua.tatno. betn u1tn1t'lely testH end •re GU4UH1110 to 11110r�t

• Vttl droCUNr'ltM UUrt •enual OI'O\ild4t tt�)-lltD ..S.ptatlon lind • stnoht ll•lO bcMrd (4, I, Of' lit ..tdnutt ptr port), fuUt t.OChtf'CI, told
_.,._tno '"''"·•tt ton•. oleted but c�ctort, end UU truerfect ub\t ......,,.


PL/9 .
Ulf01/AJ:S£NL.ra fOf' •�• teot •"h'"" .,. lr-•.h• Trott
EDITOR I C<>fJR..ER/ DE-BUGGER • c.- . t�t
Uhs ••• of l� " '" 01.1t of ,.,....,. ,,. ,..,...,... ,.r..,... dtwl�tl

• rrltndl1 I"Ur-lc:tlw ""'1�1 wNre JOW Mft IMI'UM1 .tun to tt-t

lctho,., the c-tttr, � th Trn-.-..,_.,., �lett, -.nt1t oun • frf•Nly tnter--.ntw t-fW,,.....,.., vM,.. Y1I'U tt.vt IJISJNn tcnn to tht
thh•'f•, CWt st,..t• ltf'P tit• Ue .,...,.•• I SOUIItU thw •t • ttw. fW eho t4h0f'# tftlt Aahtlltlltr, n..u encl ,...,,. .,.,.. �h.,..
_." _. llt....u .CUlt tO .,. fL,(I w1Hity *"" )'OIIIIf Jtst... Aonhor.
• MCt Cf.ft •t..o Product AIJIPttOC" t for fl\./t t.�hh tht ttt..Olt l�
source "''" to t� outout fu.. •• c--..nu.

• r.u tfntlt o-u C OIIIIDHtr C'roctucu M of C�UT enc1 r4ST 6109 •echhw
tOd• outPUt�' •'""'• vhh no �••• O¥erfteadt o r ltctl'lu ft-tt.

• tuu,. COIIP•ttble vhtl tiC tut eocthor torut dhk. tHu

• llened aM un•tiJ"'ed eYtb etldi INllGfh, Jl-bh Uo.tt"'O potnt UAL..11.

fhh h tflt 'liX vert ton of tM .,..., NcC"Iil •c• co.oHe,. tbt h •h.o
• V.ctort hfrt?lt d4NMfort •rr•y•• 4tftd 'ofntert tr-. WIPDO"hd.
evaHtble Oft UNH\.tx fro. S� .,_. OS... frM "tcrove,.a

.., ,., ('"')

• "-tU.,... ttul ,...,,.,,ton.u C•), ('"'), (•), Cl), �l\ott (\), ,..
• f"• na flltDl"'""u ttOft •\CIOOf'tt '"' '"" ICernttfl*" end lhthtt •c•
• (.-orntiOft evah;..-ortl C•), (0), (C), (,.), (,...) , (<•)
...,utution .,.,,..,., "flNtt", ·�t..•,.,.. 'bh-tt•lct•'·
• lh _.,.atM"I: (AM), (01), ([01/lOI), (JI)l), (SHUU, (IVA')
• loo]tut ooeratoru (.IJilt), (,M), (.lOI/.101). •c•
• Prordwcn wry efHcttflt •u.-lr l� Murce outJM�t wh• •••
Mwru eotfOfttl\t •nterttt'H'd n �··
• cont'Ot ,,.,�t•• u.....Ot••U.It, tt ••casu••usa••nu, ICtiM••t:Nt,
\li4IU •• ,IU'UJ ••Uiflll, tUU1 •• fo t DO, t4LL, J...., lll\liltlf, MlM, 1010.

• ttrect �ceu to (ACU), (A((_•), (ACU), (((I) •N UI:U).

, fUU. f WDM4"U 1.h ..C6809 SWI, 1\112, IVU, MO, fUO, Itt end l1Sl1
v.cton. Urhfttt a ltlf-tU,.ti""t (tr.. IM)wt,_,.) orogrt• tht UIU AllY,
or AU.� •f tltt lltC6109 tt�urrvou h 1n abt.otute ��
MCr ( - rLD ... ty l .. ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 91.00
• 'roc.-dur....,. bt MUtd and NY retwrn "�•rt.t�otes. Jflta ...., tflt• "-" C6109 RD onl,.L •• Ce tt••l •• tfilh prtuJ) •••••••••••• 1198.00
f\.,ct tons w�td1 b•h•\1• •• tflou� ttley 1111trf' •n fi'IU-Qrtl �.,, of P'\.19. 'C" Ce S6lt 111n.. ·� tht tiC SfliOt'-11 IMC,tg.t h r•q'd)•••• U9S.OO

• S.nrat f\lll)' docu.,.nt.ct ttb,.ry functton NO..tl•• ere avpplttdl IIU•4ee wtth 1£f.[-4U c•bte •••...,l r..... .... .... .. ........ . . . . . . tHI.OO
IOlUU, IIllO� KUDIO, Hl"IIO, IUliO, I(UtACJC, ITISI.MS, � ltULCON. IS•)O Untnrul lPR<NI proor.... r w/one ver�ton of t0h1111tr•••• U7S.OO
UOhher Unfnntl tP'tON 11"00'•_..., w/OttW verston of tOft-were••• IJH.OO
• . .. UUI U TN[ fiiOs-T f'fiCtrNJ (�lt.fl I MAV( ,GUilt TO tAU.' sorl\IAU Odvert f01 a 2nd, lrct, Of' 4th OCMr•ttne ''''"· u ••••• I 2S.OO

111 .. ..
., •r e 1 All �IJC E S llfCLU tl Al l .. AI L � O Sl A il


.,. as-soc •ll _, l56l
n•nc .., boord vltt t.o
& IATES. .vet lMte $00NI

Wrhe for OtuHt I ENGLAND. NR28 9SA.

h • H.....,,._ of fKNttut l)'lt.. l CO'tWltMtt, OS.. Cl•) h e
TEL: (0692) 405189
fLtl (.. ) ortctng.
trto.Nf"\ of Mtct'OIII•r • Srate.-t C.,.Mt'tlflf'•, MOl (til) •nd EXOtlcher Cu)
.,.. tract.u"�' of .-·torolt lft<orooret..t�.

'68' Micro Journal



ltl!iltl •






FOR 5·1/4 OR 8 INCH

ADD $10.

THE COMPACTA UNIBOARD'w: Through special arrangement with COMPACTA INC., we are
proud to have been selected the exclusive U.S. Mfg. of their new 6809 UNIBOARD'• COMPUTER
KIT. Many software professionals feel that the 6809 features probably the most powerful
Instruction set available today on ANY 8 bit micro. Now, at last, all of that Immense computing
power Is available at a truly unbelievably low price.


* 64K RAM using 4116 RAMS.


* Double Density Floppy Disk Controller
for either 5-1/4 or 8 Inch drives. Uses WD1793. FLEX'" from TSC $149
OS9'w from Mlcroware $199
* On board 80 x 24 video for a low cost console.
Specify 5-1/4 or 8 Inch
Uses 2716 Char. Gen. Programmable Formats.
Uses 6845 CRT Controller.

* ASCII keyboard parallel Input Interface. (6522)

* Serial 1/0 (6551) for RS232C or 20 MA loop.

• Centronics compatible parallel printer Interface.

* Buss expansion Interface with DMA channel. SOLDER MASKED, 11 x 11-1/2 IN.

• Dual timer for real time clock application.

* Powerful on board system monitor (2732).

Features commands such as Go To, Alter, Fill, Move, Display, or Test Memory. Also Read
and Write Sectors. Boot Normal, Unknown, and General Flex••.

Digital Research Computers TEAMS: Shtpments will be made approxtmatety 3 to 6 weeks alter we
recotve your order VISA. MC, cash accepted Add $4.00 shipping.
P.O. BOX 461565 • GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 • (214) 271-3538

62 '68' Micro Joumal



* Uses new 2K x 8 (TMM 2016 or HM 6116) RAMs.
56K $219
* Fully supports Extended Addressing. 64K $249
* 64K draws only approximately 500 MA.
* 200 NS RAMs are standard. (TOSHIBA makes TMM 2016s as fast as 100 NS. FOR
* Board is configured as 3-16K blocks and 8-2K blocks (wi .hin any 64K block)
for maximum flexibility.
* 2716 EPROMs may be installed anywhere on Board.
* Top 16K may be disabled in 2K blocks to avoid any 1/0 conflicts.
* One Board supports both RAM and EPROM. .----=c,.,...L-=-o.,..,sE=-=-o�uT=-=-sp=-:E::-:c::-:-IA-:-:L-----,
* RAM supports 2MHZ operation at no extra charge!
* Board may be partially populated in 16K incrementS. RAMS. WE WIU SELL THE RE.MAININO

The new 2K x 8. 24 PIN, static RAMs are the next generation of high density, high
speed, low power, RAMs. Pioneered by such companies as HITACHI and
TOSHIBA. and soon to be second sourced by most major U.S. manufacturers,
these ultra low power parts, feature 2716
compatible pin out. Thus fully
interchangeable ROM/RAM boards are at last a reality, and you get BLINDING
speed and LOW power thrown in for virtually nothing.

Digital Research Computers TEllMS: Ac!c! $2 00 postage. We pay balance Order unc!er $15 ac!c! 75e

(OF TEXAS) hanc!ltng. No C.O D We accept VIsa and MasterCharge Te•. Res. ac!c! 5'111
Tall. Foreign orc!ers (except Canada) adc! 20'111 P & H. Orders over SSO. ac!c!
P.O. BOX 401565 • GARLAND. TEXAS 75040 • 271-3538
'68' Micro Journal 63
Th•S prooram P•ocessu6800/1/2/J/5/8/9 8�2 D<OOtams. enabii"' the user to lnterecuvety analyze. mod•ly, ancs drsassembte (with tabetlj Object cocte. W>th output to
""m,nal pronter, and d•sll. and c•oss·•elerence and Iebei delrn1110n caoabltitres Object·Only Vereton tor Color I'll!X ISO, COCO 0011 •••·
ThiS ve<aron of SUPER SlEUTH P<OCOIMI Z·80/8080/5 obtect code on the 6800/1/9
CROSS..ASSEMBLERS eech $50 3/$10�FLEX eech $60 5/$12�UNIFLEX eech $55 3/$11�0S/9
These P•oo•ama and mac•os enaote the user to process 680011,8805, Z·80. 808015 proo•ams In orig•nat to<mat
Th4l TSC m.c:ro IISMiftbler ia •.....-<� tor FLEXIVNIFLEX and fht AMA asse<nbte< Is requited tor OM

(14)6805 end 6502 DEBUGGING SIMULATORS eech $75-FLEX $8�UNIFLEX $1�0S/9

These oroorama enable the use• to lntetactrvety analyze. mod1ly, and debug (1416805 and 6�2 DbieCI cod•
6502-T0-6809 XLATOR SYSTEM $75-FLEX $8�UNIFLEX $85-0S/9
"'" proo•am enables the user to t<anstate 6502 assemble• code onto6809 assemble• code. noltno 1neuct convetalons.
68�6809 & 6809 PIC XLATORS both $5�FLEX $6�UNIFLEX $75-0S/9
These proorams enable the use• to t<anstate6800/ l assemble• P•oo•ams to6809 mnemoniCs and toconven6809 P•oorama to ooaltlon-lndependent code and datt. usrno
PC. S. u. X. andY as base regrate•s.


The oroorams enable the user to debug OS/9 and UNtFLEX usembler P•oo•ams us•no the TSC DEBUG and othe• lac•htres ol FLE)(
These proorams enabte the user to toaVmOdrty the StR. to ed•t sectors. to test entrre d•akettes. to hnearrze the ltae llaL to back up one dll� to anothe•. etc
Then P<oorams enable the user to dehne and generate tabl•driven lui�screen d•sptay and data·entty o•oorams.
lhue oroorams enable the user to delme and ma•nta•n marlong-hst·Ptrented data baaas.
Theaa D<OQ18ma eneble the UM< to define and ma•ntlin lnvento<les. and Include hlararchlll mate111t1 reQuirement planning.
omoutatlon schemas. provldino a sompte user lnter1aoe and aoplls
These proorams enable the user to generate and ma•ntaln tabular c l liceted reoon•generetlot\ almlter to
Thue oroorams enable the uaer to reJeQuence or croas·reference any Bille orootam and generate XPC Ba•IC 10<1 D<OOrams.

Programs aovrca on Gtlh spec•ty a.tle. 11<11& cMnatlt. t� c

' C)IOcf\iel�
011111_, Pf'anted rnartul11 QIO"'tded With IJI
• .om.&)U II
t, OIS

onO MASTER CARD Q ••• occoun� e op Gale. Dhone. US lunda only · add 601.1 1 00. toreognj lOt lhloe>o�
C:5/ uter Syatema Conaultent., Inc.
OoenPurchase OrOerJ to• 0 a no 8 reled Cl�nta only C.U or Wfite lor cetaiOQ and dealat tnlor,.hOr\ 1 Latte Lan-. Conye,.. GA 30207
"Fl. EX •• • vaoema"' o1 fedlnleal Sy11am•Coftaurtanta ..OSt la • trecMm•,_ of Mk:roware Telephone Number404413-1717/4170

f!:m� .���
THX& 9 II I 13
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ThIs Iobei t s your assurance t h at you llove on OAIGINAL copy of tho XDMS
syst.,... It Is oloo 'f:r Proal ol Purchoslt which entitles you to technical
!����.�.;,,"�!,�'��� � "c�g�J.:n:,.:n�r;'�.,'\��· .�1:,����� upgrodes

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u c s e �:.', �n
�m: ·w �� ��OO::�?frc ;, ��� � . ��o� 'l.;
.. :ec'l.
' on�

� d . ce
'��';. !��P�r:abT: ::�luh;':C:.�d, a11a;; e:u mr,:·:��� ��·::t,
update your dts� for 111011 service fee of t5 .� plus shipping. nto.oo

Ifwe suppf\to ,_ dlsl<l.


We o,.. ..nsltl¥8 to your needs· If you require o •�HKlflc function- end

��Jt g;::�;c; :r r�� 1t'l::.��·M� �o:·= t�!:ar:;,:� fn"t��o:��:v!r�
110nths ot circulation, eight ttnhonc....,nts wore ot the request of UStM""I•
XDMS Is oersonollrod to you or your business. Your n- 01' buslne•s
nollft oppeors as port of the ltcens.lng and c;op�lght ••s•s •hlch
oppe or when XllMS Is lrwoi<OO· II yours Is •lasing 01' Incorrect, you hove
o bogus C09Y - contact us with your supplier's nM��e- He owes us��
�n C:� �t:"�,'�·����V';:�":�� h:•l:;.� ;i!:='!/��s1�0
d atl
��':�t":���'!r� •;:.�b·,�·.ur�r'l:e�l:�:
'f'n ::�o-r���������c'\u. �
= ��·:·�<:;;·m� �r���:-1��"'
�����!�e9T�"W: r"u��������,:'d :u0�1� ,'�duc�n:�o;.,�l��·!w��ht!:� XDMS+ OotoMonogeroo n t� SyJt• plus OMS utilities
ovofot ble . I n I oct , XDMS hos evolveS over thrr� f ors to rivet 08MS's XACC Gen«-ol Account ing S ystMCreQulre� XDMS l
Also ..,ottob•:
�� �....:�.0 ' ::-�n:.--6���
� to or.,.tde
.6�=� �?��..= � ; 1i � �sr v-::,dk:�
the IOOSt ftexlb..,, eosrto-use solt'wore posslb"'·
01452/YM Dote M onogaMnt SVst• "" 01' 8" dl skl
Utili Set o1 20 General Utilities CNon-DMSl
Should you "look lor th I• Iobeii". We think so. Baceu.. It stand� 101'
aore then just e vood piece of software. It stonds fOI' quettty, for
11 WESTCHESTER Applied &uetn••• &ye�erne
:/'f:��:�..�h: , r- �': ...��.,. ��,�� ho:.-:rw·.r��.:r:...":r��....... Poet OHic• lo• tl7, lrhrch, Maftor, ••T. 10,10
All solhtora Is •rlttan I n ""'':ro/os-•r end runs undr 6809 FLEX 0/S.
Ter•�: Che<:k, � Oo'o!r, Vlu 01'Mastercherge. Shl-nt llrot class.
Add P&H S2.5D U7.,0 FOI'elgnl. NY Res add soles tow. Specify,. 01' 8".
NBBTCHS:STER Applied Bueineee Bye..-•'"•
8aa 1e1 Jto•t OHic• Soles: $.E. IS>IA, 1-«10-338-6100, C:O..sultotton: 91�-941-35'2 1-nsl.
)hftot, •·'· 10510 FLEX Is o tr-rk ol Technical Sys- Consultants, Inc.

64 '68' Micro Journal


8080, Z80, 6809

Gives your application a head start

Save time and money 1n the develop­ AMX is fast, compact, and ROM able. AMX interfaces support programs
ment of your product or system by The AMX nucleus, less than 1400 bytes written InC, PASCAL. PUM, FORTRAN
using AMX, the sottware executive in size, features multiple task priorities, and assembler.
with proven, fault-free operation. intertask message passing with prior­ Access to CP/M• disk files in real
ity queuing, external event synchroni­ lime is possible using the AMX VO
SIMPLE OPERA110N zation, and interval liming. Supervisor.
You divide complex control pro­ Support modules provide extended
grams into a number of separate, memory management, buffer control COMPL.Bft DOCUM•NTATION
more manageable programs, called and resource allocation. Fast, re­ We deliver AMX source on diskette
tasks, each designed to do one job. entrant integer and floating point math to perm� AMX to be moved to the soft­
This allows tasks to be written and libraries are also available. ware development system of your
tested separately and then combined choice. Our liberal license agreement
to form a reliable, l1n1shed system. permits binary (object) distribution
AMX supervises the orderly execu­ without royalties.
tion of these tasks, assunng that the
most important jobs always get done HOW TO ORDI!R
lirst. Tasks appear to be executing A specification sheet and price list
simultaneously. It's almost like hav1ng are available, free. Your check or
a separate CPU lor each task! money order for $75 will purchase the
AMXReference Manual for immediate
HARDWARE INDEPENDENCE evaluation (specify 8080, Z80, 8086
AMX does not require a particular or 6809 processor). Add $25 for post­
hardware configuration. You control age and handling outside USA and
your environment You pick the VO Canada The standard 8080/ZSO AMX
method. You decide the preferred in­ Multitasking Executive package, in­
terrupt service technique for your sys­ cluding source code, is S800. Sup­
tem. AMX will support you on the port modules and interfaces are avail­
microprocessor of your choice. able separately.

AM X • • a tr
0Qemal1< ol KAOAI< ProdUClalid AMX is the choice ol professionals
CP/M Is a trademar k o1 O,g1t
al Researcn Cor
Z80 "a tt8demal1< o1 ZIIOQ Corp. the world over. Make it yours, today.

KADAK Products Ltd.

206-1847 W. Broadway Ave., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 1Y5/Phone: (604) 734-2796 Telex: 04-55670

'68' Micro Journal 65

cne<ks all words against an Internal user·
expandable dlctlonarv of over 42,000
OS9, FLEX S14S UniFlEX $195

Flu and Unlllex ate ttademarka ol Tee nlcal Systems ConsultantS. Inc.
OS9 Ia a I tademark ol Mlcroware.
, \

LNEQJ6[ in the 6809 ARENA

SubSystems for FLExn'and OS-9""
COMPLETE""AM -100 starting u low as $1899.-
• l•trlllqtlllt
Pi rarnt fd

••"' tOfttro l l ff" • "'"'"" rrrtw ...,,.ullu t
"ou 1nurhct uur11 tfhcunt d•h
�•odth•l••t t ,ooodol Jofturt dtlftrl •
tr n h' •u
llopprloon(hntrr inlrtr•toon, '"''"' dnuoon ol ooll(hf\ttr "' to 4 loqoul
duYn t quuk • tny lftt.t,ll•ttoe: no etuhhutaaft rtouarttl to uur 1 ,,,•.,,.
or tollour t &£1 110 Of UMDriM& OISl ERRORS t 110 IIlJA[ 51.011 rLDPPf OP£RAIIONS t

------ complete"" subsystems -------

SMIIFixEo- ST0. 5'- I11111.-
10M8FIXEO- STO.S'- 12011.-
SMB FIXED- MINI 5' - 12315.-
QMM2 $795
------ options -------
'Norks In SS50-C 6809 systems by SWTPC, SSB, GIMIX, and
HOW TO W I N C H ESTERIZE - A CXlMP\.ETE MANUAL 116.- others. Runs at 1 or 2 Mhz with on board refresh. Comes
' '" , & h.tndlt 2.001US. C a necla l • a .OOI oo.,se.o, I assembled, tested, burned in and warranted for 1 year.


Professional quality board with socketed components and
gold connectors.

Also available with 64K. 128K, or 192K.

nterfacing technologies corp. Delivery: Stock-2 weeks.

,.O.BDI 578 Snowdon (514)737-8787 Tenns: Prepald, C.O.D., VISA, MASTERCARD.

4890 Bourret Ave. ftontrr1l Dutbrc, Kll lT7 D.P. Joh nson (503) 244-8152
'"•••••"••• lo lolo ltote.#f••••• •••••••••••• ·- .. . Jlo ,,.,..,., .,., 7655 S.W. Ceclarcreat St., Portland, OR 97223
••• • ••• c - · ·•• • ••• ••• · .a . ,.. , . .. ..... . '"'" ·

16 '68' Micro Journal

We're mighty proud of our new processor card. We're

giving you the ability to go 68000 without major changes

only from to your system. Our new CPU gives you these advanced

Dynamic partitioning memory management unit

with bound check register.

On-board Umer for multi-user/multi-tasking

appllea tl ons •

On-board boot-strap EPROM and Monitor EPROM


Vectored priority Interrupt generator.

On-board walt state generator.

User selectable bus options that Includes 11 new

higher bandwidth bus mode.

And many more.•.

S68K/08-CPU ••••••.....•• $449.96

(contact factory for disk

controllers supported)
Yes, It's SUPER-CPU, advanced, new 32 bit processor
CP/M-t6K Is a registered trademark or Digital Research. Inc
with power and ability far beyond those of normal CPU's.

LSI Enterprises Ltd.

SUPER-CPU, who can change the course or mighty SS-50

processing, break 68XX benchmarks with Its bare

MC68008 CPU. And who, disguised as LSrs S68K/08-cPU

PO Box 1227

ss-soc compatible card, fights a never ending battle for Woodhaven, NY 11421
speed, power and the SS-SOc user.
(212) 423-5596


68 MICRO J<llHML PAOORAM5 a. DISK Associa'tes


Ron Anderson, respected author and columnist
Disk 12: DISKEDIT w/ l n s t , & fixes, PRIME, "PRMMO,
f o r 68 MICRO JOURNAL announces the Anderson
"SNCXJ>Y, "FOOTBALL, "HEXPAWN, "LIFETI ME . Coeputer Consultan+s & Assoclaf'es, e con­
s u l t i n g f i r m dealing primarily In 68XXIXI
softwere d e sign . Our wide experience In
designing 6809 based control systems tor
m a c h I n e t o o l s I s n o w a v a i l a b l e on a
Disk 15: * O I S K F I X I, * O I S K F I X 2, **LETTER,
consultetlon basis.
Disk 16: "PURCHASE ORDER, ltf>EX <Disk file lndx>,
O u r e x p e r fence Includes p rogramming
Disk 17: Linking Loeder & RLOAO, Harkness
machine control functio n s , signal analysis,
Disk 18: CRTSET, Lanpher (Moy '82)
mult 1-exl s s e r v o control ICNC> and generel
Disk 19: OATEca>Y, OISKFIX9 (Aug 182)
software design and develop ment. We h811e
NOTE: All ere as published or received by 68 extensive experience In lnstrumentetlon end
some have fIxes and patches,
follcro Journal, analysis of specialized software. We support
all populer languages pertaining to the 6809
This Is a reeder service onl y l No Warranty Is and other 68XX(X) processors.
of fer•.J or Implied, they ere as received end ere
for reeder convenience ONLY, Also 6800 end 6809 If you a r e a menufecturer of a control or
prograMS ere mixed, as each Is fairly simple measuring package t h e t you believe could
(mostly) to convort to the other, benefit from efficient sottvare, write or cell
Ron Anderson. The teet that any calculation
PRICE: 8" Dis k $19.95- 5" Disk S17,95
you can do with pencil end paper, can be done
much better with a microcomputer. We will be
68 fo4 I�0 JOURNAL
h a p p y to review your problem and offer a
modern, state-of-the-art microcomputer
Hixson, TN J7J4J
solution. W e can do the entire job or work
6 I5-842-4600
w lth your softw are or hardware engIneers.
• Indicates 6800, •• Ind i cates BASIC S�TPC or
TSC- 6809 no I ndic ator, Anderson ec..,uf'er Oonsuttonts & Associates
:5540 sturbridge Court
VISA accepted - foreign add
Ann Arbor• Ml 48105
sufficient postage su r fa� or elr l l

'68' Micro Journal 67

MACROPLEX Software NOW "C" FOR 6800
175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3011, New York, NY 10010

Presenting... THE CONDUIT
A new File �e for 059

THE CONDUrT lets p!ograms ellchange da1a w1th0ut us•ng ellternal

fries. Otrect pi'ogram·tO·pi'ogram dat:a transfers on any path use OS9 ALSO A CPM-FLEX FILE
110 calls. No need to change devtce·lndependent programs Two-way
uansfers are permuted and devtce-dependent code can be accom­
modated. Programs that formerly ran sequenually can now run con­ BOTH DIRECTIONS (DMAF 1 CONTROLLER)
currently to tne limn or memory.

Uttllltt'S supplied w1th THE CONDUrT grve •mmed1a1e results when

linked 10 your currt'nl pi'ograms VIa CONDUrT paths·
both available on 8 Inch FLEX dlakette
• ·rn-niCJht"rerm.narl/0 reotrect•on It g.� rraps tn DEBUG from" c:t•sk ftlel
• Qasi(()CI l.QUI(t' InclUSIOn$, t'flhancetl ltSttng
• "Null ftk'S" dl.lln output sognal EOF on "'PUI

Free orocnure ava•raore \Milt'. or call 12121 686-3036. WE HAVE A SUPER 88008 80.t.RD COMINGII

...... iliOnr ISO Po'9<"/ I8
CONOUH h� >)"'t'f" • urobto<> 110
110m IOCJ<I"tt liS
So«ofy 5" 0t lr CWo
14ft A�lLHf WAY, UVffUIOIIE. CA ..HO

• Catlfornll realdonu ldd 844 tex



6301/6801, 6809, and 68000
-·> tFORTH SYSTEMS < ...

•• FORTH specialists- get the bestll •• For all FLEX systems: GIMIX. SWTP, SSB, or EXORclsor Specify
5 or 8 Inch diskette, hardware type, and 6800 or 6809 .

NOW AVAILABLE-A varietyof rom and disk FORTH systems to

run on and/or do TARGET C
OMPILATION lor •• tFORTH- extended fig FORTH (1 disk) $100 ($15)
with fig line edilor.
6800. 6301/6801. 6809. 68000, 8080, ZBO
•• tFORTH + - morel (3 5" or 2 8" disks) $250 ($25)
Write or call lor information on a special system to lit your require­ adds screen editor, assembler. extended data types. utilities.
ment. games. and debugg ing aids.
.. tRS·BO COLORFORTH- available from The Micro Works
Standard systems available lor these hardware­
.. firm FORTH- 6809 only. $350 ($10)
EPSON HX-20 rom system and targ el compiler For target compilations to rommable code.
6809 rom systems lor SS·50. EXORCISER. STD. ETC. Automatically deletes unused code. Includes HOST system
COLOR COMPUTER source and target nucleus source. No royalty on targets. Re­
680016809 FLEX or EXORCISER disk systems. quires but does not Include tFORTH + .
68000 rom based systems •• FORTH PROGRAMMING AIDS- elaborate decompller$150
68000 CPIM·68K dfsk systems, MODEL tl/1 2/16
tFORTH lor HX-20. In 16K roms lor expansion unit or replace
!FORTH is a refined version ol FORTH Interest Group standard

BASIC $170
FORTH. laster than FIG-FORTH. FORTH is both a compiler and
an Interpreter. It executes orders of magnitudes laster than inter·
tFORTH/68K lor CPIM-68K 8" disk system $290

Makes Model 16 a super software development system.

AND TESTING is much, much laster than complied languages
such as PASCAL and C. If Software DEVELOPMENT COSTS are
.. Nautilus Syslems Cross Compiler
an important concern lor you. you naed FORTH!
-R equires: tFORTH + HOST + at least one TARGET:
lirmFORTH"l Is lor the programmer who needs to squeeze lhe - HOST sy stem code (6809 or 68000) $200
most into roms. It Is a professional prog rammer's tool lor compact - TARGET source code: 6800-$200. 630116801-$200
rommable code lor controller applications. same plus HX-20 extension&- $300
6809-$300. 8080/Z.B0-$200. 68000-$350
" !FORTH and firmFORTH ara lr-..ru Of Talbot l.loclotyslernl
"' FlEX II a u-..11< Of T-...eal Systems Conauftanlt Inc Manuals available separately- price In ( ).
"' CP�K Is 11-atll Of o;o.ar Res .. Add SS,system tor shlpplng. SIS lor foreign air
rcn me


68 6
' 8' Micro Journal
PO• PIAX AWO - Uses the new T M S99 t 8A VIdeo Ooa·
piloy l>fOCtiOf, Hogh reaotutia<l 258 •
192 po xet drsp ley w rth 1 5 c-s, t 6K
Bytes ol on OO.r4 RAM ooes n ot reduee
user MeMory 32 o•ePhoc: rMaoe• c:an T ERMINUS D ESIGN IN C. in COtlju nc­
be >d u r viOulliV rnove<S wrth Simple X · Y
command$ tOt a m ool h antmatton.

hon w t n M ctoware Syste rna COfPOf'..
DTifAftA• & ,_ • tt.l t l()tl, IS proud to a nnounce �BASIC an
E a t er nal Video tnout allows aulltltlrno
• ._., _ IIi U l\w • ·-�-
.,..u, "'"" ............ ., .,..,•• enhanee ment ot MIC. w are•a 68001
.., ,,
. ... ,., •
.... 014. t o
rJ:·:·:::...:- ...... , .. .... ,..,
�.,,:. '::.:-..:::::.::-�:..�
N TSC co moos r te viC!eo ou tput
BASIC T he" ,.., coml)lleCI BASIC haa
been -l)leCIlOt 6809 USCtr i WIIh edcle<l
Dt.AfOU'" fMI t... UW • ........... t�
•• l't .,.. , ...,
.... ..a.tr

"".... te , ...,. ftl • ......
........ • Three AY3·89t0 ProgramMab le video end 50und leatu r ts lor ARCADE
:=. .�
-- ���i..� =�.::� Sou no General ora 50 user s. FBASIC •• a true coml)ller
��� :::.
· : :,.. .,tt... -
�- :
��"t.':, �· tWA-* ID .,.. ...... I•..,.. fll nc:o. lllfi'Oa ...
• Ntne s•mu11eneous �es
• Three •ndeoendenl nOiu �CWrcea
'"-' P<ocfuces OQilmiled machi ne lan­

!.: :-::�.·:.:::':- 'I:.��=� • OnbOard stereo ampfth4tr dttves two
ouage m oc lul" whiCh are ROMat>ie a net
require no Run-Ttmo pac kage FBASIC
4llt .. IL-ll, ltlol •lilt • .,, ....
r'ld WACIOJ ,..
f.'o.:.!.�!a:�';.;. ��.:.:_·c;... ��!::; u....... T1C". ,. reQu lrea leu meMory ov ttrheao and
• ...
. utt JI.I:J ........
I•t� ....
DTliA.PAI ••" .. ....
,-. Vt1H t• tuns hundreds ol times lastef thin
o•• • •••.n • n.c• · tu.n e�.. •••• -�· too • Eigh t analog lnputa with bit rt so­
....... ....,.,.. u•a. ...... .._..
t•• ._. .- BASIC l n terl)feters. It a u POOr ts stan­
....-.. DtrAM'U.L
....... .
,.... . � ......... ........, ., .. ... lutlo<l clarCI BASI C 11\Sir uc;IIOII rnclu<l lno

��=A.���tt.� ........
Qloot,. tU.Io u..... • SuPOOttalourjoyatlcl<awith putlhbut· Stnno lunc:tron• DISk 11 0 anct i N t ln
teg e<
PVt •A '•ot«tNtM IDI'TOl COfllftLI"IJDUI..OOl• 1on aw•tchea antnM etoc: w•th mu ll l!)
.. l)f8Ciol0n "" �
IQ,I' • A .... ,...._,..., •••tr ....... . --· ,.,. t'­
-.cW ,.,-c,. •-,......, '• ..,, .,... ,...,.,« ·=�·· Gr,::-'..::::...t .:::Z::. �
r.:. rur."t,...,.. tt ·� �
...... u. -.u.....,.,.
e Eoght bU parallel IO
/ port
• Ent11e unit maos rnto 256 I)Vles of
bUrly GraPhiCi verbS anO iuncuona lully
suPQO<Ithe Arca oe 50
,......,, .....,.,.. ...,u,....., •nn• 111 .-......
...... nlll• QV!l memory
&ITOT&I'I • c-hn lit • '" ef �-•r ,........,., ::.:: .�.:r-t::=:. ·������

t •
•.... UiltWtlMI!.Uit ...fc-.t-�
.,....,,._ f'H'C,...... •ttn.. ._ ,_......... ,.., utt
&lWT'CI/C.O. A_..\.IL ,_ ll..l.'l • tw.M
"RCAOE 50 aue mbteo anctteateo $32500
fLU • llUt rra. •na 011. nu..rna. . "' .... ., n wtll t Video and Audio connector aet 1500
•IWCOII.AifD • t .ulltt f• .....
=:-.r�� ........-MM ., , • .....,._
t IJ'rwWl•
• oc.

. ..
Hut ••• th ltMI .... l•,..., •tiBII4'.1 f• PUit..
....... . ...... , . ..
.. n..t;J . ''"
• Joyatoc:k eonneclor set 1500
2 Raooo Shac k JoystiCks 2400
,.., r1.1a "'',... •• ,.., fOOUft II ., AM IOIT .....,...
. . .. TK:"tl l.t.llll; Gold Mo4ex connec tors 1200
•otac .. •••·••u • ••r
eJN. •It• DtC:OIUil..... .,_ ,,,_,._,. rw Ut. t
.... ....."" .,
. ...... ....
. ,. .,..,. ,.,..... .. -- .. A/BAS IC r o r 6800 11000
.., fi.LI. • ttt.

:::..·,�·=.u:�'r,�· ..."'""' .... i... FBASIC lor 6609 11000

kiAO'I'U't 4 fii<Nf f• eU •r\1- ............. M !:!��� �! :.�.::·:::·.::.:.-.�i.�f•�.::v�

. . tpl-.
.. , ...... ....
FBASIC (w•lh A R C ADE 501
... •rtt'- ._ ......,._ ILl) •

:.J:',::·�·=-·� !";� .....

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TSL'a 8809/8802 MPU Emulator for Southwest Technical Computers...

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System Requirements: Emulator package contalna:

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User's manual

At $695.00 TSL's EMU LATOR could pay for itself with your first program.
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'68' Micro Journal 69

'68' MICRO JOURNAL • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 60,67

AAA CHICAGO COMPUTER CENTER • • • • • •• • • • • • •• 36,37
ACORN OOMPUTER SYSTEMS ......................70

ADVANCED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • 6

ALFORD & ASSOCIATES .........................57
ANDERSON COMPUTER CONSULTANTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67
CLEARBROOK SOFTWARE GROUP INC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 71
COLOR MICRO JOURNAL • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9
COMPILER EVALUATION SERVICES • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • 49
COMPUTER EXCELLENCE .........................56
COMPUTER PUBLISHING INC. • . . . . • . . • . . • • . . • . . • • 5
COMPUTER SYSTEMS CENTER • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 49,59
COMPUTER SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, INC • • • • • • • • • • • 64
D.P. JOHNSON • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 66
DATA-COMP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IBC
DIGITAL RESEARCH COMPUTERS • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 62,63

St �ckabla Module• FISHER SCIENTIFIC • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1FC

FRANK HOGG LABORATORY, INC • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • 69
20 1o11P POWIR SIIPPLT •flu
wfDlak protect ra1�J 3�0.00 GIMIX, INC . ...............................3,72
DISI CABI� afraca . • cablea
la.. DIIVIS 200.00 GREAT PLAINS COMPUTER (X) • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• 66
MOTWII BOAID, 8 SS-&Oc, 8 SS-30c
liMI butteD 225.00 HAZELWOOD COMPUTER SYSTEMS • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • OBC

INTERFACING TECHNOLOGIES, CORP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 66

ltaa B are It IT AlT
I NTROL CORP • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48
IT3 - lln'IUIIPT Tllllll
1, 10, 100 pe r aac. 1!1.8� 28.8� 38.85 JOTO AS SOCIATES • • • • • • • • • • • •• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 71
Slacle board eo.put.38.8& 114.85 U8.U
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DPIA - Dual PIA parallel port LSI ENTERPRISES LTD . ........................67

4 blltlared 1/0. 24.115 88.8� 89.85
XADI - lsteaded Addr•••l•c MACROPLEX SOFTWARE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• •• • • •• 68
BAOD cea. PIA port 28.85 88.95
1188 - 1101'1111 BOAAD SS-50c
MI CROWARE SYSTEMS COR P . ....................1 ,4
•/BAOD cea. 84.95 149.85 199.85 PERIPHERAL TECHNOLOGY .......................58
P188 - 1881 PIOM 0181
21, 2184 IP IIOIIa 39.95 19.9� 10 9 .9� ROBERTSON ELECTRONICS •••• • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• 60
roll - Plraw�re de•alop..Dt
2, II block• 38.115 14.85 114.85 SMOKE SIGNAL BROADCASTING ................... 7
XMPI - 2184 PROM bll raar ad apt.
SOUTH EAST MEDIA 50,51,52,53,54,55
tor 2118 80 1110 1 19.95
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CIEUT leJboard •fCablaet SPECIALTY ELECTRONICS, INC . .................58

ell kaJ eap�eltl•e 249.95
TAXd 12", 18 Mbs MOIUTOI ORISII 149.95 STAR-KITS • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 58
AM BER 159.95
4 MODOLI CABI� - UDI1a1abad 1110.00 STS ENTERPRISES •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 68
POWIR 811PPLT wfdlak protect 250.00
TALBOT MICROSYSTEMS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • 68

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TERMINUS DESIGN, INC. .......................69

Color Computer
TH().IAS INSTRUMENTATION ......................71
UNITEK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • 60
MOJIOLllllt - 20 Mu Moaoebroae
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CC30 PORT 80S wfpower aupplJ WINORUSH MICRO SYSTEMS LIMITED ..............61
5 SS-30, 2 Cart 189.85 198.85
POIII BOX 8 awltcbad outlet•
truaiaat auppreaetoa 29.95 38.95
BS•232 3-awltcbad porta
tor abo•• ADO +20.00 +25.00

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DEdit S39 (CSG-OEOIT} - A tcraen onented disk edotOI DEdit
puServe. Adclltionally. since INTELUCOM supports the
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lunctoons 11 rOQUired Data 111 displayed In hexedeCimal, ASCII and bonary the world, all users can immediately begin to take advantage
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Indexed Dale Ftie BT9 alsoallows lor ....ng eeveral indellft lor
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1ng mOle memory I'"
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description of all protocols used along with machine readable
SPECIAL OfFER - Order 2 CSG prOducts end examples of host pseudo code. A telephone directory and
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'68' Micro Journal 71

·;ct�� � For the user who apprecia�es the need for a
bus structured system using STATIC RAM 0

--·� .� c· r�

. ' •. # GIMIX has noppy Disk Drive systems or and powered by a ierro :-esonan: cons:an• .2

d fj . . ...••· . · - <"' • · : · ,!; ·-

�- ' I· can offer you 19MB or high performance voltage transformer. �

;, • · ·-· �,:., \I
l GJM[X has smgle user systems that con run !8

(�">.• ....
� �...-.� --�
,/,!\ - ', :-
.,. ;)- 0
47MB Winchester Drive •ysteru. both FLEX and OS-9or Multi user systems for

.. ;..:....
, o 0
\ .' ' ':.� . . .. 1i uso wt:h UniFLEX or OS-9.

• •

' : � . ...

"i\ :•\,
.. ... ".,. ..,. �

: ;:..;; GlMIX versions of OS9 and UniFLEX m­

� "' ,,

··· •I,
· il,

·· . .
'- . . -'
'. ....- - · ··
- ·
��Co· · . \ � -
. �
.. . .,..-

. . . . � .� � . clude mamtenance and support by Micro­

. in-:
. ·

r .

·�1C!.� :::;�� :.·;��i· .

-· C' •• •
. . . .. wove (90 days) and TSC (I year). Mamie·
. .
'. nonce and support al:ar this period
' ore available at extra
... cost.
. . .
(NOTE: t his support and
:,.;. �_.;w;�, maintenance ts only
,� for use with approved
For the ultimate in performance, the Umque GMX 6809 CPUlll. GIMIX hardware)
using either OS-9-GMXIll or UniF'LEX GMXID (available shortly).
gives protection to the system and other users from crashes
causod by defective user programs. e.g. During program
development. a programmer who crashes goes back to the
shell or the debugger. wht!e :he other users are not even GIMlX 6809 systems
aware anything occurred. support llve predominant
operatmg systems

Tho intelligen: serial UO processor boards signiii­ OS-9 GMX III,

cantly reduce system overhead by handhng rou·
hne ItO func­
tions. there­ UniFLEX,
by freetng up
the host CPU for OS-9 GMX I,
running user
programs. Thts
speeds up system per­ and a wtde variety ol languages
iormonce and allows and development sortware
multiple terminals ;o be
used a: 19.2K baud.
Whatever your application. sottware
development mstrumentatton. process
control educational scientllic or busmess
whether you need single or mulh-user
8ASIC-o9and 0$-9 are tradermrl\s ot MICrow.!re Systtm$ COrp ancl MOTOROLA, Inc capabthhes GIMlX has hardware and the
FLEX and UmflEX are tndermrks ollechniQI Systems Coosullants. Inc
GIMIX, GHOST, GMX, ClASSY QiASSIS, Ill� ot GIMIX, Inc operatmg systems to get the JOb done

Please phone or wnte iJ you need fUrther information

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Data-Comp-South East Media & 68 Micro Journal Are Divisions of CPI

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5900 Casaandm Smith Rd.
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ISSN 0194·5025

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