Original Article Annealing Processing Technique Divergently Affects Starch Crystallinity Characteristic Related To Resistant Starch Content: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 1

Original article
Annealing processing technique divergently affects starch
crystallinity characteristic related to resistant starch content: a
literature review and meta-analysis

Maria Putri Anugerah,1* Didah Nur Faridah,1,2 Frendy Ahmad Afandi,3 Dase Hunaefi1 &
Anuraga Jayanegara4
1 Departement of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Bogor 16880, Indonesia
2 Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science Technology
(SEAFAST) Center, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16880, Indonesia
3 Deputy Ministry for Food and Agribusiness, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta 10710, Indonesia
4 Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

(Received 5 November 2021; Accepted in revised form 28 January 2022)

Summary Annealing is one of starch physical modification techniques that can increase resistant starch (RS) con-
tent. However, the effect of annealing on RS varies based on botanical sources. Starch crystal type and
relative crystallinity are two important characteristics of starch. This study aimed to compare the influ-
ence of annealing on starch crystallinity and different starch crystal type (A, B and C) and investigate its
effect on RS content by literature meta-analysis study. The literature review was carried out using 22
research articles and 101 data points. The result showed relative crystallinity increase from the highest
changes to the lowest, respectively; C-type crystal (18.98%) followed by B (13.60%) and A-type crystal
(8.17%). Meta-analysis study results showed a significant increase of RS content on starches with A-type
crystal (SMD = 6.46; 95% CI: 3.22–9.70; P < 0.01) and a positive relationship between the degree of
crystallinity and RS content after annealing modification.
Keywords Allomorphs, annealing, crystallinity, meta-analysis, starch modification.

amylopectin (Alcázar-Alay & Meireles, 2015). Varia-

tion of amylose ratio in one type of plant is also com-
Starch is found abundantly as a stored carbohydrate mon for example on normal wheat (26.2% amylose
source in various parts of plants such as roots, tubers, content) and waxy wheat (6.4% amylose content) in
trunks, fruits and seeds. Starch granules characteristics Su et al. (2020); high amylose rice (32%), medium
are diverse including in shape and size based on the amylose rice (23%) and low amylose rice (7%) in
plant origins. Zea mays has compound, polyhedral, 5– (Dias et al., 2010); and high amylose maize (85%) and
15 µm granules, while Solanum tuberosum has simple, normal maize (23%) in Wang et al. (2014). Besides the
ovoidal, 2–15 µm starch granules (Gismondi et al., starch granules types and amylose to amylopectin
2019). Starch granule is basically comprised of two ratio, starches are also different in terms of crystal
glucose polymer structures called amylose and amylo- types (Sarko & Wu, 1978; Jane, 2006; Pérez & Bertoft,
pectin. Amylose is a long chain structure consisting of 2010; Bertoft, 2017).
D-glucose monomers bound together by α-(1,4) glyco- These starch differences influence starch properties
sidic bonds while amylopectin is a highly branched when heated or processed. Starch characteristics and
structure with additional α-(1,6) glycosidic bonds that physicochemical properties play important role in
connect the glucose residues (Vamadevan et al., 2013). starch application in the food industry. One important
The ratio of amylose to amylopectin is varied depend- application of starch depends on its resistant starch
ing on the botanical origins. Potatoes were reported to (RS) content (Fuentes-Zaragoza et al., 2010). RS is
contain 29.3% amylose while waxy sorghum was used in the food industry for various purposes such as
observed to have 3.5:96.5 ratio of amylose to to increase fiber content in breakfast cereal, noodles
or pasta, to provide prebiotic, and to improve bakery
*Correspondent: E-mail: didah_nf@apps.ipb.ac.id products quality (Brown, 2004; Ashwar et al., 2016).

© 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).
2 Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al.

RS is the type of starch that is not hydrolysed by Materials and methods

digestive enzymes thus is not absorbed in the small
intestine (Leszczynski, 2004). Various efforts have A meta-analysis study and literature review were car-
been done to increase RS content in food such as ried out by following the procedures described in
adding it as ingredients or modifying starch. Starch Afandi et al. (2021). Meta-analysis study was following
modification by annealing is one of the techniques several steps, that is, articles screening, data extraction,
widely studied to increase RS content. Annealing is meta-analysis and interpretation. Materials used were
one kind of starch physical modification technique research articles related to annealing starch modifica-
that applies heat to starch suspense in water. Moisture tion published from 2000 to 2021 indexed by Scopus,
content for annealing was divided into two types: search engine, and reference manager.
intermediate (40–55%) and excess water (>60%) (Tes-
ter & Debon, 2000). Zavareze & Dias (2011) stated The screening of research articles
that the process temperature should be above the glass
transition and beneath the gelatinisation temperature. Two meta-analyses were carried out to investigate the
The combination of excess water and heat changes the effect of starch modification by annealing on the con-
starch structure into a rubbery state that is more tent of RS based on the type of crystal type and the
mobile which led to the reorganisation of starch amy- relative crystallinity changes. The literature review was
lopectin and amylose into a more compact structure. performed to collect data on the effect of annealing on
This compact structure forms sterical hindrance the relative crystallinity of starch. The materials
against hydrolysis enzyme thus increasing RS content needed for the meta-analyses and literature review
(Tester & Debon, 2000). The technique increases the were research articles on starch modified by annealing
level of RS through physical modification without the which investigate the RS changes due to the modifica-
addition of any chemical reagent thus deemed as clean tion and provide data of the starch crystallinity. Inclu-
and green technology (Park & Kim, 2021). Annealing sion and exclusion criteria were determined for more
does not destroy starch granules thus researchers effective screening efforts. The inclusion criteria used
attempted to study structural changes in starch orga- in this study were all articles published between 2000
nisation during hydrothermal treatment through this and 2021, indexed by Scopus, published in English,
modification technique. using raw starch as a sample and applying annealing
The changes in starch structure during annealing, technique for the starch modification. The exclusion
especially changes of RS content related to different criteria applied were all studies that used pre-treated
carbohydrate source has not been fully understood. starch and a combination of dual starch modification
Starch crystallinity is one of the factors affecting RS techniques, articles published as a book, literature
content during annealing (Ashwar et al., 2016) among review and meta-analysis. The screening was done by
other factors such as plant genetics, amylopectin chain gathering the research articles from various biblio-
distribution and interactions with starch protein and graphic databases which are Google Scholar, Wiley
lipid. Faridah et al. (2021) have reported the effect of Online Library, Inderscience, Microsoft Academic, Sci-
annealing parameters such as incubation time, temper- ence Direct, Pubmed NCBI, Research Gate and
ature and water ration as well as amylose content on Cochrane Library.
the changes of RS due to annealing. The objective of Preliminary screening for meta-analysis of the effect
this study was to investigate the effect of annealing on of annealing on RS based on crystallinity type used
relative crystallinity degree related to RS content based the combination of ‘ANNEAL*’ AND OR ‘RESIS-
on the type of starch allomorphs using a literature TANT STARCH’, with the removal of all words
review and meta-analysis. related to exclusion criteria such as -DEBRANCH, -
Crystalline type or allomorphs refers to amylopectin ULTRASOUND, -HEAT MOISTURE TREAT-
double helices arrangement. According to Hizukuri MENT with the utilisation of Boolean operators such
(1985), Imberty et al. (1991) and Bertoft et al. (2008) as AND and OR and removal of exclusion criteria.
starch crystal types are divided into three types: A- Elimination and selection steps of the research articles
type (closely packed, dense and less water), B-type were recorded on Preferred Reporting Items for Sys-
(less compact and more hydrated) and C-type (mix of tematic Reviews and Meta-analyses as presented in
A- and B-type). Allomorphs type is unique to botani- Fig. 1. The articles gathered from the preliminary
cal origins and can be recognised by analysis starch X- screening were then selected based on title and
ray diffraction pattern. The results of this study were abstracts, downloaded and organised in Mendeley ref-
expected to discover the annealing effect on RS erence manager. The second step of the selection was
changes based on starch crystallinity type and crystal- to eliminate all the articles with the same title to
linity changes thus providing insight into the nature of remove duplication. All articles selected after the
starch crystalline behaviour during annealing. removal of duplication were to be reviewed thoroughly

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).
Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al. 3

Figure 1 PRISMA flowchart of the research

articles for the meta-analysis of the effect of
annealing on resistant starch based on starch
crystal type.

to check whether they contained all the information collected from the previous efforts which contained the
needed for the analysis or not. Research articles with data of relative crystallinity changes after the annealing
incomplete data (the average and standard deviation starch modification.
of the RS content before and after annealing, the aver-
age and standard deviation of relative crystallinity
Meta-analysis and subgroup analysis
before and after annealing, number of replication and
crystal type) were then eliminated to obtain research Each data point that have been extracted consisted of
articles with complete data that will be further key data of the native (V) and modified starch (A) for
extracted for the meta-analysis. meta-analysis such as number of replication (NV and
NA), the average of RS (XV and XA), the standard
deviation of RS (sV and sA Þ. The value of pooled SD,
Data extraction and grouping
correction factors and variance were calculated first
The articles that had been gathered from preliminary following formulas 1, 2 and 4. The value of Hedge’s d
screening were then organised in one folder and coded. (SMD) and standard error (Sd) were calculated follow-
The data from each article were extracted into an Excel ing formulas 3 and 5 and inputted to meta-essentials
file. The information extricated from the research arti- tools developed by Afandi et al. (2021). The value of
cles were authors’ name, publishing year, publisher, % weight was determined using formulas 7 and 8. The
Scopus indexed, country, sample, starch crystalline type, heterogeneity of the data was determined using formu-
annealing process, number of replications, average and las 9 and 10. The output of meta-essentials tools is in
standard deviation RS content (percentage of RS) and form of forest plots that display the influence of each
relative crystallinity of native starch and annealed parameter analysed.
starch. There were 22 research articles selected for the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
meta-analysis of the effect of annealing on RS based on   
NA  1 ðsA Þ2 þ NV  1 ðsV Þ2
starch crystal type which resulted in 74 data points. A S ðpooled SDÞ ¼  A  (1)
data point is a combination data set of different sam- N þ NV  2
ples, annealing process parameters and percentage of
RS or relative crystallinity degree. Therefore, it is possi- 3
ble to extract more than one data point from one J ðcorrection factorÞ ¼ 1    N   (2)
4 N þ NA  2  1
research article. Data sets then were grouped based on
the crystalline type of the carbohydrate source (type A,
B or C). Aside from the two meta-analysis studies, a lit- XA  XV
d ðeffect sizeÞ ¼ J (3)
erature review was also carried out from the articles S

© 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF). International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
4 Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al.

NV þ NA d2 crystallinity after annealing modification. The highest
Vd ðVarianceÞ ¼ þ    (4) average relative crystallinity increase of 18.98% was
NV NA 2 NV þ NA observed on C-type crystal starches on 31 out of 35
pffiffiffiffiffiffi data points. This number is followed by 13.60% aver-
Sd ¼ Vd (5) age %RC increase on B-type crystal starches on 12
out of 15 data points and 8.17% average RC increase
on A-type crystal starches on 35 out of 51 data points.
∑ni¼1 wi di
d þ ðcumulative effect sizeÞ ¼ (6) Increases of %RC were observed in moisture level
∑ni¼1 wi above 67–80% and decreases of %RC were observed
on annealing in moisture level of 67% and above
1 90%.
Wd ¼ (7) Based on this study, A-type crystal showed the low-
est changes of relative crystallinity due to annealing
Wd which might be related to its structure. Structurally,
% weight ¼ (8) A-type crystal consists of 8 water molecules each
monoclonal unit packing of amylopectin double helices
! (Fig. 2; Jane et al., 1997). This structure is compact
ð∑Wd:dÞ2 and stable. According to several studies A-type crystal
Q ¼ ∑Wd:d  2
∑Wd showed more short-chain fractions (Hizukuri, 1985), a
lower degree of amylose and amylopectin intermin-
gling, more stable (Knutson, 1990), higher crystallites
Q  df density and branch points scattered in crystalline (Jane
I2 ¼ x100 ; df ¼ n  1 (10)
Q et al., 1997). Research by Gérard et al. (2000), Witt et
al. (2012), Gaenssle et al. (2021) showed that A-type
The output of meta-analyses and sub-group analyses crystal has shorter amylopectin branches (DP 6-12)
is the forest plot. It displays the effect size in a form of compared to B-type crystal. These structural character-
Hedges’s d (SMD), confidence intervals (95% CI) and istics support A-type crystal stability during annealing
weights of each data point and subgroup. Positive physical modification. The increase of relative crystal-
SMD value indicated an increase of the parameter linity in starches with A-type crystal was due to the
analysed. These changes in considered significant if the melting of short amylopectin chain (DP 6-12) to form
confidence interval does not intersect the null value or stronger crystalline (Chung et al., 2009), rearrange-
centreline of the forest plot. ment of amylopectin chain in amorphous and crystal-
line lamellae (Babu et al., 2019; Sudheesh et al., 2019)
Results and discussion and crystal perfection (Zeng et al., 2015).
The change of B-type relative crystallinity was
The effect of annealing on relative crystallinity higher than those of A-type crystal. It indicated that
B-type crystal is more susceptible to changes by
Polymorph crystal type of native starch does not annealing compared to A-type crystal. B-type crystal
change upon annealing treatment as reported on consists of 36 water molecules in each hexagonal pack-
starch with A-type crystal such as rice by Dias et al. ing with most of its branch points clustered in amor-
(2010), De La Rosa-Millán (2017), wheat by R. F. phous regions and is comprised of longer double
Tester et al.(1998), Lan et al. (2008), Su et al. (2020) helices (Jane et al., 1997). A higher number of water
and corn by Rocha et al. (2012), Wang et al. (2014); molecules lead to a more hydrated structure which will
starch with B-type crystal such as potato by Stute be easier to plasticised during annealing. It is called
(1992), Rocha et al. (2011), Xu et al. (2018a,b) and ‘hydrated’ structure because there are more water mol-
starch with C-type crystal such as mung bean by Zou ecules in B-type crystal as it has an empty lattice filled
et al. (2019), red adzuki bean by Xu et al. (2018a,b) with water inside the double helix hexagonal packing
and pea by Wang et al. (2013). However, it affected (Kong et al., 2014; Pinto et al., 2020). Thus, making it
starch relative crystallinity. A literature review on more susceptible to a physical modification such as
starch relative crystallinity (%RC) changes after annealing. These results are in accordance with studies
annealing was shown on Table 1. One hundred and by Chi et al. (2019) which reported that the B-type
one data points were extracted from 22 research crystal of potato starch was easier to move or more
papers covering 51 data points of A-type crystal, 15 mobile due to hydration during annealing. Xu et al.
data points of B-type crystal and 35 data points of C- (2018a,b) stated that this increase was due to crystal-
type crystal starches. The majority of data points in all line perfection and crystallites rearrangement by vibra-
crystal type starches showed an increase of relative tional movements.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).
Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al. 5

Table 1 Systematic review on relative crystallinity changes upon annealing based on crystal type of starch

Crystal Native Annealed crystallinity
No. Research article Year Sample type MC (%) T (°C) t (h) XV XA changes %

1 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 Normal maize A 67 45 24 34.60 33.50 −1.10 −3.179
2 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 Waxy maize 42.3 42.8 0.50 1.182
3 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 Waxy maize 72 42.3 41.60 −0.70 −1.655
4 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 Normal maize 34.60 34.20 −0.40 −1.156
5 Babu et al. (2019) 2018 Foxtail millet 50 24 42.24 46.89 4.65 11.01
6 Bian & Chung (2016) 2016 Brown rice 70 50 24 31.30 31.40 0.10 0.319
7 Lan et al. (2008) 2008 Wheat 11132 75 42.6 72 28.60 29.80 1.2 4.196
8 Lan et al. (2008) 2008 Wheat CDC 48.3 72 30.50 30.90 0.4 1.311
9 Lan et al. (2008) 2008 Wheat 99WAX27 49.6 72 42.80 45.30 2.5 5.841
10 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley HB 364 50 72 39.8 41.9 2.1 5.276
11 Trinh & Le (2017) 2017 Tapioca 12 38.88 45.67 6.79 17.46
12 Trinh & Le (2017) 2017 Tapioca 48 38.88 50.9 12.02 30.92
13 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley CDC Fibar 72 44.3 46.6 2.3 5.192
14 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley CDC McGwire 37 41.7 4.7 12.7
15 Trinh & Le (2017) 2017 Tapioca 38.88 57.21 18.33 47.15
16 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 80 50 12 24.92 25.37 0.45 1.806
17 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.04 0.85 4.011
18 4 Chi et al. 2019 Potato starch 24 25.50 25.30 −0.20 −0.784
19 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 25.77 0.85 3.411
20 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.06 0.87 4.106
21 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 25.90 0.98 3.933
22 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.21 1.02 4.814
23 Liu et al. (2016) 2016 Sorghum 30.10 32.60 2.5 8.306
24 Liu et al. (2016) 2016 Maize starch 29.70 32.20 2.5 8.418
25 Liu et al. (2016) 2016 Tartary buckwheat 32.20 36.80 4.6 14.29
26 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 48 21.19 22.26 1.07 5.05
27 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 26.02 1.1 4.414
28 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.40 1.21 5.71
29 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat A 80 50 48 24.92 26.41 1.49 5.979
30 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 72 24.92 26.40 1.48 5.939
31 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.73 1.54 7.268
32 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.81 1.62 7.645
33 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 26.80 1.88 7.544
34 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 96 21.19 22.60 1.41 6.654
35 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Normal starch 21.19 22.65 1.46 6.89
36 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 26.83 1.91 7.665
37 Su et al. (2020) 2020 Waxy wheat 24.92 27.23 2.31 9.27
38 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 High wmylose Rice 90 45 16 49.1 47.6 −1.5 −3.055
39 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Low amylose Rice 37.7 37 −0.7 −1.857
40 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Medium amylose rice 38.5 38.4 −0.1 −0.26
41 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 High amylose rice 50 16 49.1 47.4 −1.7 −3.462
42 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Low rmylose rice 37.7 36.1 −1.6 −4.244
43 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Medium amylose rice 38.5 38.1 −0.4 −1.039
44 De La Rosa-Millán (2017) 2017 Corn 55 12 28.43 21.26 −7.17 −25.22
45 De La Rosa-Millán (2017) 2017 Rice 12 25.19 19.17 −6.02 −23.9
46 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 High amylose rice 49.1 39.5 −9.6 −19.55
47 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Low amylose rice 37.7 33.5 −4.2 −11.14
48 Dias et al. (2010) 2010 Medium amylose rice 38.5 36.4 −2.1 −5.455
49 Rocha et al. (2011) 2011 Cassava 95 56 24 43.1 37 −6.1 −14.15
50 Rocha et al. (2012) 2012 Waxy corn 62 24 41.4 44.3 2.9 7.005
51 Rocha et al. (2012) 2012 Normal corn A 63 24 32.6 33.7 1.1 3.374
52 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 High amylose maize B 67 45 24 23.40 23.20 −0.20 −0.855
53 Wang et al. (2014) 2014 High amylose maize 72 23.40 22.70 −0.70 −2.991
54 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 75 55 12 19.68 20.92 1.24 6.301

© 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF). International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
6 Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al.

Table 1 (Continued)

Crystal Native Annealed crystallinity
No. Research article Year Sample type MC (%) T (°C) t (h) XV XA changes %

55 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 24 19.68 21.79 2.11 10.72

56 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 19.68 21.85 2.17 11.03
57 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 48 19.68 22.74 3.06 15.55
58 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 19.68 23.25 3.57 18.14
59 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 72 19.68 22.95 3.27 16.62
60 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 19.68 23.44 3.76 19.11
61 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 96 19.68 23.55 3.87 19.66
62 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Potato starch 19.68 23.74 4.06 20.63
63 Chi et al. (2019) 2019 Maize starch 80 50 24 31.20 31.80 0.60 1.923
64 De La Rosa-Millán (2017) 2017 Potato 90 45 12 24.43 19.01 −5.42 −22.19
65 Rocha et al. (2011) 2011 Peruvian carrots 95 54 24 37.1 43.1 6 16.17
66 Rocha et al. (2011) 2011 Potato 59 24 38.3 41.1 2.8 7.311
67 Zhang et al. (2015) 2015 Kudzu C 60 50 24 19.3 20.2 0.9 4.663
68 Zhang et al. (2015) 2015 Kudzu 72 19.3 20.4 1.1 5.699
69 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (PRL417) 67 45 24 34.60 35.50 0.90 2.601
70 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (Maki) 36.40 37.40 1.00 2.747
71 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (PRL95) 34.70 36.00 1.30 3.746
72 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (PRL417) 72 34.60 35.10 0.50 1.445
73 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (Maki) 36.40 37.10 0.70 1.923
74 Wang et al. (2013) 2013 Pea (PRL95) 34.70 35.70 1.00 2.882
75 Molavi et al. (2018) 2018 Acorn starch 70 50 72 47.8 46.8 −1 −2.092
76 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 75 50 12 17.12 19.82 2.7 15.77
77 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 24 17.12 20.73 3.61 21.09
78 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 17.12 21.27 4.15 24.24
79 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 48 17.12 21.19 4.07 23.77
80 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 17.12 21.93 4.81 28.1
81 Afolabi et al. (2018) 2018 Bambara groundnut C 75 50 48 36.30 47.04 10.74 29.59
82 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley CDC McGwire 72 42.3 42.6 0.3 0.709
83 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley CDC McGwire 40.8 42.1 1.3 3.186
84 Waduge et al. (2006) 2006 Barley CDC McGwire 40 43.3 3.3 8.25
85 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 17.12 22.6 5.48 32.01
86 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 17.12 23.16 6.04 35.28
87 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 96 17.12 23.21 6.09 35.57
88 Zou et al. (2019) 2019 Mung bean 17.12 23.76 6.64 38.79
89 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 55 12 26.45 32.53 6.08 22.99
90 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 24 26.45 33.08 6.63 25.07
91 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 26.45 33.41 6.96 26.31
92 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 48 26.45 33.79 7.34 27.75
93 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 26.45 34.50 8.05 30.43
94 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 72 26.45 34.04 7.59 28.7
95 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 26.45 34.90 8.45 31.95
96 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 96 26.45 34.56 8.11 30.66
97 Xu et al. (2018) 2018 Red bean starch 26.45 35.80 9.35 35.35
98 Song et al. (2014) 2014 Sweet potato SPSS 90 55 72 25.50 23.20 −2.30 −9.02
99 Song et al. (2014) 2014 Sweet potato Yulmi (YM) 25.50 23.50 −2.00 −7.843
100 Song et al. (2014) 2014 Sweet potato 29.70 28.50 −1.20 −4.04
Yeonwhangm (YHM)
101 Song et al. (2014) 2014 Sweet potato CSPS 24.90 26.70 1.80 7.229

MC, moisture content; T, temperature; t, time.

The highest increase of relative crystallinity was type crystal thus possessing both long and short chains.
observed on starches with C-type crystal. This crystal Tester et al.(1998) postulated that the greater defects
type consists of a mix between A-type crystal and B- found in starches, the more changes of starch structure

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).
Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al. 7

Figure 2 Structure of double helix packing

in A-type crystal (monoclonal unit) and B-
type crystal (hexagonal). Red circles are dou-
ble helices and small blue circles are water

will experience upon annealing. In accordance with P = 0.00). However, this increase was not significant as
these results, Vamadevan et al. (2013) reported that indicated by the intersection of confidence interval and
starch with greater structural disorders (defects) showed centerline. Annealing on starches with C-type crystal
structural improvement due to the alignment of double resulted in insignificant decrease of the RS level (n = 25;
helices and ordering of untwisted ends. Similarly, Piecyk SMD = −0.66; 95% CI = −6.19 to 6.80; P = 0.00).
et al. (2018) reported an increase of relative crystallinity Although the previous result showed that the high-
on C-type crystal of pea starch due to the formation of est relative crystallinity increase was observed in C-
new hydrogen bonds between double helices which lead type crystal, this meta-analysis study showed that
to crystalline perfection. regarding the RS increase A-type crystal displayed the
highest increase after annealing. Even with the low
increase in relative crystallinity, annealing on A-type
The effect of annealing on RS content based on the
crystal melted the ‘weak points’ in branch ends result-
crystalline type
ing in a more compact and perfect crystalline. A smal-
Seventy-four data points were extracted from 22 ler number of water molecules in this crystal type
research papers. The results of subgroup analyses of RS resulted in very low mobility and starch chain dense
changes based on starch allomorph crystal type was dis- packing (Knutson, 1990; Tester & Debon, 2000) sup-
played on Fig. 3. Significant RS increase was observed port its resistance to enzyme hydrolysis. RS increase
on annealing of starches with A-crystal type (n = 43; on A-type crystal starch was also reported by Chung
SMD = 6.46; 95% CI = 3.22–9.70; P < 0.01). RS et al. (2009), Liu et al. (2016a,b), Chi et al. (2019) on
increase was also found in annealing of starch with maize starch, Trung et al. (2017) on sweet potato
B-type (n = 6; SMD = 0.28; 95% CI = −4.44–4.99; starches and Faridah et al. (2021) on cereals starches.

Figure 3 Forest plot of annealing effect on resistant starch subgroup analysis based on allomorph crystal type (square symbol on the right side
of the centre line indicates an increase of resistant starch content).

© 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF). International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
8 Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al.

lengthen the double helices and improvement in dou-

The effect of annealing on RS content based on relative
crystallinity changes ble helices parallel packing led to a more compact
structure (Kiseleva et al., 2005; Vamadevan et al.,
Further subgroup analysis was carried out to investi- 2014).
gate the effect of annealing on RS level based on rela- (v) Enhancement of the order and the formation of V-
tive crystallinity changes using 47 data points (Fig. 4). amylose lipid complex (Waduge et al., 2006; Wang
The results showed an insignificant decrease of RS
et al., 2014).
level on starches with %RC reduction between 0 and
10 (n = 9; SMD = −0.81; 95% CI −6.10 to 4.49; Several studies observed a similar positive relation-
P = 0.00). Significant increase of RS was observed on ship between the relative crystallinity and RS increase
other three groups: %RC rise between 0.10 and 10 upon annealing on Tartary buckwheat starch (Liu
(n = 28; SMD = 7.32; 95% CI: 1.96–12.67; P < 0.00), et al., 2016a,b), red adzuki bean starch (Xu et al.,
%RC rise between 20 and 30 (n = 6; SMD = 32.49: 2018a,b), wheat starch (Su et al., 2020) and waxy
95% CI: 8.52–56.47; P < 0.00), and %RC rise maize starch (Wang et al., 2014). While Song et al.
between 30 and 40 (n = 4; SMD = 53.15 : 95% CI: (2014) reported a decrease of RS and relative crystal-
25.35–80.96; P < 0.00). linity after annealing. It was predicted to be caused by
These results showed that there is a positive rela- the removal of some helices and crystallites.
tionship between relative crystallinity and RS which
could be related to:
(i) The increase of amylose – amylose or amylose – amy-
Relative crystallinity and starch crystal type are impor-
lopectin interaction resulted in crystallites formation tant factors in the changes of starch structure because
within the amorphous regions. This phenomenon will of annealing starch modification. The annealing pro-
hinder the access of water to the glycosidic bonds cess significantly increase the RS content on A-crystal
and act as steric hindrance to enzyme (Tester & type starch which probably due to its compact and sta-
Debon, 2000; Jayakody et al., 2009). ble structure resulted in resistance to enzyme hydroly-
(ii) Co-crystallisation of amylose with amylopectin side sis. This structure also supports the low relative
chain forming double helices contributed to the crys- crystallinity increase compared to other allomorph
tal thickening which resulted in the increase of crystal types (B- and C-type crystals). There is a positive rela-
stability (Tester & Debon, 2000; Gomand et al., tionship between the relative crystallinity degree of all
crystal types and RS content upon annealing. There-
fore, carbohydrate sources with A-type crystals such
(iii) Re-orientation of double helices in the crystalline
as cereals are suitable for annealing with the purpose
lamellae will increase homogeneity and perfection of of increasing RS content. These results provide a dee-
the dense packing of the crystalline (Vermeylen et al., per understanding of the response of starch molecules
2006; Vamadevan et al., 2013). during annealing from different botanical origins
(iv) The twisting of unordered amylopectin branch ends which is advantageous for starch-based products and
by the formation of new hydrogen bonds that RS industries.

Figure 4 Forest plot of annealing effect on resistant starch subgroup analysis based on relative crystallinity changes (square symbol on the
right side of the centre line indicates an increase of resistant starch content) Attached is the pdf file of the last revision version.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).
Annealing: crystallinity and resistant starch M. P. Anugerah et al. 9

Bertoft, E., Piyachomkwan, K., Chatakanonda, P. & Sriroth, K.

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grant number B/112/E3/RA.00/2021 Chi, C., Li, X., Lu, P., Miao, S., Zhang, Y. & Chen, L. (2019). Dry
heating and annealing treatment synergistically modulate starch
structure and digestibility. International Journal of Biological Mac-
Author contributions romolecules, 137, 554–561.
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Didah Nur Faridah: Conceptualization (equal); Super- Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 44, 203–210.
vision (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Dias, A.R.G., da Rosa Zavareze, E., Spier, F., de Castro, L.A.S. &
Frendy Ahmad Afandi: Conceptualization (equal); Gutkoski, L.C. (2010). Effects of annealing on the physicochemical
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Methodology (equal); Supervision (equal); Writing – ent amylose contents. Food Chemistry, 123, 711–719.
review & editing (equal). Dase Hunaefi: Supervision Faridah, D.N., Anugerah, M.P., Hunaefi, D., Afandi, F.A. & Jaya-
(equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Anuraga negara, A. (2021). The effect of annealing on resistant starch con-
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF).

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