Gtifs - Is - I: Joruicmnufl, L

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JoruicMnufl,l E m p l o y t h i s a d d i t i o n a l s e r v i c em a n u a l f o r u n i t s
w i t h s e r i a ln u m b e r s i n d i c a t e di n ,T a b l e A .
For detailed please refer to the Service Manual
o f C T - F 9 1 9 1 / K C U ,N B , D V , D P .

Table A
Type SerialNo
KC 3 6 1 2 5 0 1-
./ KU 3401301-
FV 1 3 0 8 1 0 1-
FP 250170t -
NB 4200507-
CT-F9O9OFV 1 3 0 1 2 0 1-

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D I A G R A M SP, . C .B O A R DP A T T E R N S
1.1 SchematicDiagram 5
1.2 Rec/PBAmplifierAssembly(RWF-054) 7
1.3 SwitchAssembly(RWS-042) 15
1.4 ControlAssembly(RWG-060) 18
1.5 PowerSupplyAssembly(RWR-038) 23
1.6 Assembly(RWX-137)
Transistor 25
1. Pinch Roller Pressure
Adjustment 28
2. ReelBaseTorqueAdjustment . . . . 29
3. TapeSpeedAdjustment. . . . 30
4. Head Azimuth Adjustment . .
5. Playback Level Adjustment 32
6. PlaybackEqualizerAdjustment . . . . 33
7. OVUAdjustment... 34
8. BiasTrap Adjustment . . . . 35
9. RecordingBiasAdjustment . 36
10. RecordingLevel Adjustment 38
11. DolbyAdjustment 38
ONS 39


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GT-F91 91


R E C I P BA m p l i fi e r a s s e m b l y RWF.054

Switch assembly RWS.042

Control assembly RWG-060

Transistorassembly RWX.083 RWX-137 <-

PowerSupply assembly RWR.O26 RWR-038 <-

F u s ea s s e m b l y RWX.OSO <- RWX-111

a{,r' Dolby processer

assembly RWX-078 <- <_

Connectorassembly RWX-084 <_ <-

I n d i c a t o ra s s e m b l y RWX.O81 <-

Capstanmotor RXM-022 <- <-

{ AKC-031
S F 2 X8 Capstanmotor
g ,12
PSA3X 6 ._l

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ew ex+Z{=o,


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FV type FP tvpe

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GT-F91 91


rbl lcr
0At0 F20?4H
3t+5 .- .r .- - - - J


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- A E A - T C RS
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1.2 R E C / P BA M P L I F I E RA S S E M B L Y( R W F - 0 5 4 }

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0 n2 S C 1 3 1
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Rrz Rrr Caoi VRsrZ20K

r r ? o { , 01?s0214 1 3 V E , l


72 Ulrs,Qzro S: ,t
2 S K 3 0 Ax z


Q 6 1- Q 4 5 _i
2 S Cl 3 2 ' lx s

-r8 R E C P L A YS W . ( P r A Y P O S l . )

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PartList of REC/PBAmplifierAssembly(RWF-054)

Symbol Description Part No. Symbol Description Part No.

01 01. Transistor 2 S C 1 3 2 7( T ) 0207 T r a n s i s t or 2SC828H (R)

25C1327(Ul 2SC828H (S)
4102 T r a n s i s t or 2 S C 1 3 2 7( T ) ()208 Transistor 2SC828H (R)
2 S C 1 3 2 (7U ) 2SC828H (S)
01 03 Transistor 25C1327ffl 0209 Transistor 2SC828H (R)
2SC1327 ( U) 2SC828H (S)

01 04 T r an s i s t o r 2 S C 1 3 2 7( T ) o210 Transistor 2SC828H (Rl

2SC1327 ( U) 2SC828H (S)
0105 Transistor 25C1327 lTl o211 Transistor 2SC828H (R)
2 S C 13 2 7 ( U ) 2SC828H (S)
01 06 Tra nsistor 2SC828H (R) o212 T r a n s i s t or 2SC828H (R)
2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)

0107 T r a n si s t o r 2SC828H (R) o 2 13 T r a n s is t o r 2SC828H (R)

2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)
ol 08 T r an s i s t o r 2SCB28H (R} o214 T r a n s i s t or 2SC828H (R)
2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)
0109 T r a n si s t o r 2SC828H (R) 4215 T r a n s i s t or 2SC828H (R)
2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)

0 11 0 T r a n si s t o r 2SC828H (R) 4216 Transistor 2SC828H (R)

2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)
0 11 1 Transistor 2SC828H (R) o217 Transistor 2SC828H (R)
2SC828H (S) 2SC828H (S)
0112 T r a n si s t o r 2SC828H (R) 0 2 19 FET 2SK30A(O)
2SCB2BH (S) 2 5 K 3 0 A( r l

0 11 3 Transistor 2SC828H (R) 0220 FET 2SK30A(O)

2SC828H (S) 2 5 K 3 0 A( r )
0 11 4 T r a n s is t o r 2SC828H (R) 0301 T r a ns is t o r 2SC735(r)
2SC82BH (S) 2 S C 7 3 5( O )
o115 T ransistor 2SC828H (Rl 2 S C 7 3 5( G R )
2SC828H (Sl
0302 T r a n s i s t or 2SC735(r)
0 11 6 Transistor 2SC828H (R) 2SC73s(O)
2SC828H (S) 2 S C 7 3 5( G R )
0 11 7 T ransistor 2SC828H (R) o301 T r a n s is t o r 2 S C 1 3 1 (8R )
2SC828H (S) 2 S C 1 3 1 (8S )
0 11 9 FET 25KSOA(O) 0302 Transistor 2 S C 1 3 1 (8R )
2 S K 3 O A( R ) 2 S C 1 3 1 (8S )

01 20 FET 2SK30A(O) D 10 1 Diode 152473VE

2 S K 3 O A( R ) D102 Diode 1S2473VE
4201 T r an s i s t o r 2SC1327 (T) D1 0 3 D iode 1N60
25C1321 lul D104 Diode 1N60
0.202 T r a n s is t o r 25C1321 lT\ D105 Diode 152473VE
2 S C 1 3 2 7( U )
D201 Diode 152473VE
0203 T r a n s i s t or 2 S C 1 3 2 7( T ) D202 Diode 152413VE
2 S C 1 3 2 7( U ) D203 Diode 1N60
o204 Transistor 25C1327 lTl D204 Diode 1N60
2 S C 1 3 2 (7U ) D205 Diode 1S2473VE
0205 T r an s i s t o r 25C1327 lTl
2 S C 1 3 2 7( U ) D206 D iode 152473VE
D207 Diode 152473VE
0206 T r a n si s t o r 2SC82BH (R) D303 Diode 152473VE
2SC828 H (S)

'1 1

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A N D co r L s
Part N o .
Symbol Description Part No.

R129 C a r b o nf i l m 100k RD'ZVS 1O4J

T 10 1 Matchingcoil T61-408
R130 C a r b o nf i l m 18k RD/IVS 183J
T201 Matching coil T61-408
R131 Carbon f ilm 33O RD%VS331J
R132 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS 332J
L 10 l Trap coil RTF.024
R133 C a r b o nf i l m 1Ok RD%VS 1O3J
L102 Trap coil RTF-024
L103 P e a k i n gc o i l RTF.026
R134 Carbon film 12Ok RD%VS 124J
L104 P e a k i n gc o i l RTF-025
R 13 5 Carbon f ilm 62k RD7+VS 623J
L201 Trap coil RTF-024
R136 Carbon film 2.2k RD%vs222J
R137 Carbon film 680 RD%VS681J
L202 Trap coil RTF.O24
R 13 8 Carbon film 22Ok RD%VS 224J
L203 P e a k i n gc o i l RTF-026
L204 P e a k i n gc o i l RTF.O25
R139 Carbon film 39k RD/rVS 393J
L301 O s c i l l a t o rc o i l T64-001
R140 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD%VS 1O3J
R141 Carbon film 3.3k RD%VS 332J
R142 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS 332J
R 14 3 C a r b o nf i l m 1k

R144 C a r b o nf i l m 120k RD%VS 124J

V R 10 2 S e m i - fi x e d c92-857 21Ok RD%VS274J
R145 C a r b o nf i l m
V R 10 4 S e m i - fi x e d c92-O49 3.9k RD%VS 392J
R146 Carbon f ilm
VR106 S e m i - fi x e d c92-051 150k RD%VS 154J
R147 C a r b o nf i l m
VR107 S e m i - fi x e d RCP-006 2.7k RD%vs 272J
R148 C a r b o nf i l m
vR202 S e m i - fi x e d c92-857
R 149 C a r b o nf i l m 2.7k RD%vs 2t2J
VR204 S e m i - fi x e d 1Ok-B c92-O49 27k RD7.VS 273J
R150 Carbon film
VR206 S e m i - fi x e d 4.7k c92-051 15k RD/aVS 153J
R 15 1 C a r b o nf i l m
VR207 S e m i - fi x e d VR RCP-006 22O RD%VS 221J
R152 Carbon film
VR3O1 Semi-f ixed 22Ok'B RCP-005 1.5k RD7.VS 152J
R153 C a r b o nf i l m
VR3O2 Semi-f ixed 22Ok-B RCP-005
R154 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS 332J
R 10 1 Carbon f ilm 2.2k RD%VS222J RDZaVS 683J
R155 Carbon film 68k
R102 Carbon film 12 0 k F.D%vs 124J 1k RD7.VS 1O2J
R156 C a r b o nf i l m
R103 Carbon film 22Ok RD%VS 224J 1k RD%VS 1O2J
R157 C a r b o nf i l m
R104 Carbon f ilm 10k RD7.VS103J 47O RD%VS471J
R158 Carbon film
R 10 5 Carbon film 680 R D 7 . V S6 8 1 J
R 159 Carbon film 47O RD%VS471J
R106 Carbon film 68k RD7.VS683J 15k RD%VS 153J
R160 C a r b o nf i l m
R 10 7 C a r b o nf i l m 100k R D % V S1 O 4 J 41k R D Z e V S4 7 3 J
R161 Carbon film
R108 Carbon f ilm 21k RD7.VS273J 1k RD%VS 1O2J
R162 C a r b o nf i l m
R109 Carbon film 47O R D % V S4 7 1 J 33k RD%VS 333J
R163 Carbon f ilm
R110 Carbon f ilm 3.9k RD%VS392J
R165 Carbon film 2.2k RD%vs222J
R 11 1 Carbon f ilm 2.7k RD%vs 272J RD%VS 682J
R166 Carbon film 6.Bk
R112 Carbon f ilm 5.6k RD7.VS562J 1k R D T a V S1 0 2 J
R 16 7 C a r b o nf i l m
R113 Carbon film 22k RD%VS223J 10k RD'I/AVS1O3J
R168 C a r b o nf i l m
R 11 4 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS222J 2.7k RD%vs 272J
R1 6 9 C a r b o nf i l m
R 11 5 Carbon f ilm 8.2k R D % V S8 2 2 J
R170 Carbon film 68k RD%VS 683J
R 11 6 C a r b o nf i l m 1OOk RD7.VS1O4J 10k RD%VS 1O3J
R 17 1 C a r b o nf i l m
R117 C a r b o nf i l m 10 RD]/.VSlOOJ Carbon film 4.'7k RD%vs 472J
R118 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RDTaVS 332J 1k RD7.VS'lO2J
R173 C a r b o nf i l m
R 11 9 Carbon f ilm 33k R D % V S3 3 3 J 22k RD%vs 223J
R174 Carbon film
R1 2 0 Carbon f ilm 6.2k RD%vs622J
R 17 5 Carbon film 56 RD%VS 56OJ
Rl21 Carbon film 330k RD'I/.VS334J 1k RD7.VS 102J
R1 7 6 C a r b o nf i l m
Rl22 C a r b o nf i l m 510k RD7.VS514J 33 RD%VS 33OJ
Rl77 Carbon film
R126 C a r b o nf i l m 100k RDTaVS104J 1.5k RD%VS 152J
R1 7 8 C a r b o nf i l m
R127 Carbon film 10 0 k RD]/.VS1O4J C a r b o nf i l m 2.7k P'D%vs 272J
R128 Carbon film lOOk R D % V S1 O 4 J

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r I

Symbol Description Part No. Symbol Description Part No.

R180 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD74VS1O2J R243 C a r b o nf i l m 1k R D z 4 V S1 O 2 J

R 18 1 Carbon f ilm 47O RD%VS 471J R244 C a r b o nf i l m 120k R D T d V S1 2 4 J
R182 C a r b o nf i l m 18k RD74VS1B3J
R183 C a r b o nf i l m 910k R D 7 4 V S9 1 4 J n z+3 C a r b o nf i l m 27Ok RD%VS 214J
R 18 4 C a r b o nf i l m 6.8k RD%VS682J R246 C a r b o nf i l m 3.9k R D 7 4 V S3 9 2 J
R247 C a r b o nf i l m 150k R D 7 4 V S1 5 4 J
R 18 5 Carbon f ilm 4.7k RD%VS472J R248 C a r b o nf i l m 2.-1k RD%VS2t2J
R 18 6 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k RD%VS472J R249 C a r b o nf i l m 2.7k RD%VS 272J
R1 8 7 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k RD%VS472J
R188 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD]/4vs 332J R250 Carbon f ilm 27k RD%VS 273J
R189 Carbonf ilm 3.3k R D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J R251 C a r b o nf i l m 15k RD%VS 153J
R252 Carbon f ilm 22O RD%VS 221J
Rl 90 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J R253 C a r b o nf i l m 1.5k R DII.VS 152J
R 19 1 C a r b o nf i l m 1Ok RD%VS 1O3J R254 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J
R 19 2 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD%VS 1O2J
Fl10? Carbon film 47O R D % V S4 t 1 J R255 C a r b o nf i l m 68k RD%VS683J
R194 Carbon f ilm 560 R D 7 4 V S5 6 1 J R256 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD%VS 1O2J
R257 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD%VS 1O2J
R195 Carbon f ilm 47O R D % V S4 7 1 J R258 Carbon f ilm 41O RD';VS 471J
R201 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS 222J R259 C a r b o nf i l m 47O R D % V S4 7 1 J
R202 Carbon film 12Ok RD%VS 124J
R203 Carbon film 22Ok RD%VS 224J R260 C a r b o nf i l m 15k R D T A V S1 5 3 J
R204 C a r b o nf i l m 1Ok RD%VS 1O3J R261 Carbonfilm 47k R D Z a V S4 7 3 J
R262 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD74VS1O2J
R205 Carbon f ilm 680 R D 7 4 V S6 8 1 J R263 C a r b o nf i l m 33k R D 7 4 V S3 3 3 J
R206 Carbonfilm 68k R D 7 4 V S6 8 3 J R265 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS 222J
R207 C a r b o nf i l m 100k RD%VS 1O4J
R208 Carbon film 21k RD%VS 273J R266 C a r b o nf i l m 6.8k R D 7 4 V S6 8 2 J
R209 Carbon film 47O R D ' / 4 V S4 7 1 J R267 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD7'VS,IO2J
R268 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD%VS 1O3J
R 2 10 Carbon f ilm 3.9k RD%VS392J R269 C a r b o nf i l m 2.1k RD%VS 2t2J
R211 C a r b o nf i l m 2.7k RD%VS 272J R270 C a r b o nf i l m 68k RD%VS 683J
R212 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RDI/4VS 562J
nztS Carbon f ilm 22k RD%VS 223J R271 C a r b o nf i l m 10k R D % V S1 O 3 J
R214 Carbon f ilm 2.2k RD%VS 222J R212 C a r b o nf i l m 4.1k RD%VS 412J
R273 C a r b o nf i l m 1k R D 7 4 V S1 O 2 J
R 2 15 Carbonf ilm a.2k RD%VS a22J R274 C a r b o nf i l m 22k RD%VS223J
R 2 16 C a r b o nf i l m 100k RD%VS 1O4J R275 C a r b o nf i l m 22k RD%VS 56OJ
R217 C a r b o nf i l m 10 RD%VS lOOJ
R218 Carbon f ilm 3.3k RD%VS 332J tlztb C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD/'VS 1O2J
R 2 19 C a r b o nf i l m 33k R D 7 4 V S3 3 3 J R27-7 C a r b o nf i l m 33 R D I / 4 V S3 3 0 J
R2t8 C a r b o nf i l m 1.5k RD%VS 152J
R220 C a r b o nf i l m 6.2k R D 7 4 V S6 2 2 J R219 C a r b o nf i l m 2.7k RD%VS212J
R221 Carbon f ilm 330k R D 7 4 V S3 3 4 J R280 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD%VS 1O2J
R222 C a r b o nf i l m 510k RD%VS 514J
F.226 C a r b o nf i l m 100k R D 7 4 V S1 O 4 J R281 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k RD%VS 472J
R22A C a r b o nf i l m 100k RDy.VS 1O4J R282 C a r b o nf i l m 18k RD%VS183J
n zoJ C a r b o nf i l m 910k R D 7 4 V S9 1 4 J
R230 C a r b o nf i l m 1Bk RD%VS183J R284 C a r b o nf i l m 6.8k R D 7 4 V S6 8 2 J
R231 C a r b o nf i l m 330 R D % V S3 3 1 J R285 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k RD%VS 4t2J
R232 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS 332J
R233 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD%VS 1O3J h z6b C a r b o nf i l m 4.1k RD%VS472J
R234 C a r b o nf i l m 12Ok RD%VS 124J R28l C a r b o nf i l m 4.1k RD%VS 412J
R288 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS332J
R235 Carbon film 62k R D 7 4 V S6 2 3 J R289 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS332J
R236 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS222J R290 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k B D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J
R231 Carbon film 680 R D % V S6 8 1 J
R238 C a r b o nf i l m 22Ok RD%VS 224J R291 C a r b o nf i l m 10k R D 7 4 V S1 O 3 J
R239 Carbon f ilm 39k R D 7 4 V S3 9 3 J R292 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD7.VS 1O2J
R293 C a r b o nf i l m 47O RD%VS 411J
R240 C a r b o nf i l m 1Ok R D7"VS 1O3J R294 C a r b o nf i l m 560 R D 7 4 V S5 6 1 J
R241 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D7"VS332J R295 C a r b o nf i l m 560 RD%VS 561J
R242 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D I / 4 V S3 3 2 J


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Symbol Description Part No. Symbol Description Part No.

R301 C a r b o nf i l m 4.3k RD%VS 432J cl41 Mylar 0.033 50v c o M A 3 3 3 K5 0

R302 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD7.VS 1O2J c142 Mylar O.O41 50v coMA 473K50
R303 C a r b o nf i l m 33 RD7.VS 33OJ cl43 Mylar O.O47 50v coMA 473K50
R304 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS 222J c1 44 Electrolytic 2.2 50v C E A 2 R 2 P5 0
R306 Carbon film 4lok RD%VS 474J c145 Mylar O.01 50v c o M A 1 0 3 K5 0

R307 M e t a lo x i d e 1k 1W RSlPSF1O2J c201 E l e c tr o l y t i c 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5

hJ tb C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J c202 E l e c t r ol y t i c 4.1 25V RCH-017
R 3 17 C a r b o nf i l m 8.2k RD%VS 822J c203 C e r a mi c 1O0p 50V c c D s l 1 0 1 K5 0
c204 Electrolytic 22 10V c E A 2 2 0 P1 0
c205 Ceramic 33p 50V c c D S L 3 3 0 K5 0
Symbol Description Part No. c206 Electrolytic 47 10V c E A 4 7 0 P1 0
c207 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c 10 1 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c208 Electrolytic 10 25V RCH-O22
c102 Electrolytic 4.7 25V RCH-017 c209 P o l y s t y r e n ef i l m 47Op 50V RCE-014
c 10 3 C e r a mi c 1OOp 50V C C D S L1 0 1 K50 c210 Mylar 0.0082 50V coMA 822K 50
cl 04 Electrolytic 22 10V c E A 2 2 0 P1 0
c1 05 Ceramic 33p 50V C C D S L3 3 O K5 0 c21 1 E fe c t r o l y t i c O.41 50V C E A O R 4 7 P5 0
c212 Electrolytic 4.1 25V C E A 4 R 7 P2 5
UIUO Electrolytic 41 10V cEA 470P 'l0 c213 Electrolytic 100 25V c E A 1 0 1 P2 5
c107 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c214 E fe c t r o l y t i c 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c1 08 Electrolytic 10 25V RCH.O22 c215 P o l y s t y r e n ef i l m 33Op 50V RCF.OOS
cl 09 Pofystyrene 47Op 50V RCE-014
c 11 0 Mylar 0.OO82 50V coMA 822K 50 wz to E l e c t r ol y t i c 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6
Ceramic 100p sOV c c D S L 1 0 1 K5 0
c 11 1 Electrolytic o.47 50V C E A R 4 7 P5 0 c218 Electrolytic 4t 10v C E A 4 7 O P1 O
c 11 2 Electrolytic 4.1 25V CEA 4R7P25 c219 Ceramic 68p 50V ccDSL 680K 50
c 11 3 E l e c t r ol y t i c 100 25V c E A 1 0 1 P2 5 c220 E l e c t r ol y t i c 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c114 Electrolytic 100 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
utt5 Polystyrene 330p 50V RCF-OO8 c221 Electrolytic 220 O.J V C E A 2 2 1P 6 R 3
c222 E Ie c t r o Iy t i c 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6
cl 16 E le c t r o ly t i c 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 c223 Ceramic 68p 50v ccDSL 680K 50
c117 Ceramic ioop sov c c D S L 1 0 1 K5 0 c224 El e c t r o l y t i c 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c1'lB Electrolytic 4't 10v c E A 4 7 0 P1 0 c225 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
cl 19 Ceramic 68p 50V ccDSL 680K 50
cl20 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c226 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c227 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
cl21 Electrolytic 220 6.3V C E A 2 2 1P 6 R 3 c22a Mylar 0.0033 50V coMA 332K 50
cl22 Electrolytic 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 c229 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c123 Ceramic 68p 50v ccDSL 680K 50 c230 Electrolytic 33 1OV c E A 3 3 0 P1 0
c124 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c125 E l e c t r ol y t i c 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c231 Mylar 0.01 50V c o M A 1 0 2 K5 0
vzsz Electrolytic 22 25V cEA 22AP25
c126 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c233 Electrolytic 22 25V cEA220P 25
c127 E Ie c t r o l y t i c 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6 LZ54 Polystyrene 330p 50V cosA 331K 50
c128 Mylar 0.oo33 50v coMA 332K 50 c235 Mylar O.OO21 50V c o M A 2 7 2 K5 0
c129 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c 13 0 Electrolytic 33 10V c E A 3 3 0 P1 0 c236 Electrolytic 0.33 10V C S S AO R 3 3 M1 O
c237 E I e c t r oIy t i c o.41 10V C S S AO R 4 7 M1 O
cl 31 Mylar 0.001 50V c o M A 1 0 2 K5 0 c238 Electrolytic 10 25V C E A l O O P2 5
c132 E fe c t r o l y t i c 22 25V cEA220P 25 c239 E Ie c t r o Iy t i c 10 16V C E A l O O P1 6
c1 33 Electrolytic 22 25V cEA 220P 25 c240 Electrolytic 22 10V c E A 2 0 0 P1 0
c134 Polystyrene 330p 50V cosA 331K 50
c 13 5 Mylar O.OO21 50V coMA 272K 50 c241 Mylar 0.033 50v C O M A3 3 3 K 5 0
c242 M y fa r O.O4l 50v coMA 473K 50
cl 36 Electrolytic o.33 10V c s s A 0 R 3 3 M1 0 c243 Mylar O.O47 50v c o M A 4 7 3 K5 0
c1 37 E l e c t r ol y t i c o.47 10V C S S AO R 4 7 M1 O c244 Electrolytic 2.2 50v C E A 2 R 2 P5 0
c1 38 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5 c245 Mylar O.01 50v c o M A 1 0 3 K5 0
a1 ?o Electrolytic 10 16V C E A l O O P1 6
c140 El e c tr o l y t i c 22 10V cEA220P 10 c301 Polystyrene 47Op 50v c o s A 4 7 1 K5 0

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Symbol Description Part No.

c302 Polystyrene 47Op 50v cosA 471K 50

c303 P o fy p r o p y l e n e O.O22 50v coPA 223K 50
c304 Mylar 0.01 50v c o M A 1 0 3 K5 0
c305 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5

c306 Mylar 0.033 50v coMA 333K 50

c307 Ceramic 1O0p 50v c c D S L 1 0 1K 5 0
c308 Ceramic 100p 50v c c D s L 1 0 1 K5 0
c309 Electrolytic 1O 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5
c 3 10 Electrolytic 10 25V c E A 1 0 0 P2 5

c 3 11
c 3 13 Lir"r'"'r,'" 47 25V cEA 470P25
c314 Mylar 0.03 50v c o M A 1 0 3 K5 0
c 3 15 Polystyrene 330p 50v cosA 331K 50

Symbol Description Part No.

s1 R E C / P B s e l e c t o rs w i t c h RSH-011


16 :9 3C J

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Ss ,-r vF\ F L S{ \ C F F p O S)
Ss r-a : lEqoFy S[ l O F F p O S)


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PartList of Switch Assembly(RWS-042)

Symbol Description Part No. Symbol Description Paft No.

0601 T r a ns is t o r 2 S C 8 2 8H (R) R621 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RDTcVS562J

2SC828H (S) R622 Metal oxide 330 2W R S 2 P3 3 1 J
0602 T r a ns is t o r 2SC82BH (R} R623 Metal oxide 390 2W R S 2 P3 9 1 J
2SC828H (S) R624 C a r b o nf i l m 3.9k RD%VS392J
0603 T r a n s is t o r 2SC828H (R) R625 C a r b o nf i l m 1.5k RD7'VS152J
2SC828H (Sl
R626 Carbon f ilm 2.7k R D % V S2 7 2 J
0604 T r a n s is t o r 2SC828A (R) R627 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RDZaVS102J
2SC828A (S) R628 C a r b o nf i l m 56 RD74VS56OJ
060s T r a n s i s t or 25A564 (R) R629 C a r b o nf i l m 33 %W RD%PSF 33OJ
25A564 (S) R630 C a r b o nf i l m 33 %W RD%PSF33OJ
0606 T r a ns i s t o r 2 5 4 5 6 4( R )
25A564 (S) R631 C a r b o nf i l m 33 %W RD%PSF 33OJ
R632 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD7.VS1O3J
D601 Diode 152473VE R633 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD7.VS1O3J
D602 Diode 152413V8 R634 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k F.D%VS222J
D603 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E hbJ c C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS222J
D604 Diode 152413VE
D605 Diode 152413VE R636 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD7.VS332J
R637 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k RD%VS332J
D606 Diode 152473VE R638 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RD7.VS562J
D607 Diode 1s2473VE R639 C a r b o nf i l m 4.3k RD%VS432J
D608 Diode 152473VE R640 C a r b o n{ i l m 4.3k RDZaVS182J
D609 Diode 152473VE
D610 Diode 1S2473VE R641 C a r b o nf i l m 560 RD':/.VS

D611 Diode 152473VE VR601 S e m i - fi x e d RCP-O22.O

D612 Diode 15 2 4 7 3 V E
D613 Diode 152473VE
Symbol Description Part No.
Symbol Description Part No. c601 Electrolytic 1 50V c E A 0 1 0 P5 0
c602 Electrolytic 3.3 50V C E A 3 R 3 P5 0
R601 C.arbonfilm 1OOk RD%VS 1O4J c603 Electrolytic 47 16V c E A 4 7 0 P1 6
R602 Carbon f ilm 68k RD7.VS 683J c604 Electrolytic 22 16V cEA 220P 16
R603 Carbon film 41k RD%VS473J c605 Electrolytic 22 16V c E A 2 2 0 P1 6
R604 Carbon f ilm 47k RD7.VS 473J
R605 Carbon film 47k RD%VS 473J c606 Ceramic 47p 50V c c D s L 4 7 0 K5 0
c607 Mylar 0.0033 sOV coMA 332K 50
R606 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RDy.VS 1O3J c608 Electrolytic 47O 16V C E A4 7 1 P1 6
R607 Carbon film 12k R D T a V S1 2 3 J c609 Electrolytic 100 16V c E A 1 0 1 P1 6
R608 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k F'D%VS 472J c610 Electrolytic 100 16V c E A 1 0 1 P1 6
R609 Carbon film 22k RD%VS 223J
R 6 10 M e t a lo x l d e 1k 1W RSlPSF1O2J c 6 11 Polystyrene 15 0 p 125V RCE-007

R 6 11 C a r b o nf i l m 21 RD7.VS 27OJ
R 6 12 Metal oxide 1k 1W R S 1P S F 1 O 2 J OTHERS
R 6 13 Carbon f ilm 68k RD%VS 683J
Symbol Description Part No.
R 6 14 C a r b o nf i l m 22Ok RD'LVS 224J
R 6 15 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD%VS1O3J P u s hs w i t c h a s s e m b l y( 5 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , RSG.O29
no to C a r b o nf i l m 27k RD%VS 273J
R 6 17 C a r b o nf i l m 2lk RD%VS 273J
R 6 18 C a r b o nf i l m 15k RD%VS 153J
R 6 19 C a r b o nf i l m 15k R D T a V S1 5 3 J

I R620 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RD%VS 562J

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PartList of ControlAssembly(RWG-060)

Symbol Description Part No.

0801 Transistor 2 S C 1 4 1 (9C ) D819 Diode 152473VE

2SC141T 9 D820 Diode 1S2473VE
0802 Transistor 2 S C 1 4 1 (9C ) D821 Diode 1S2473VE
2 S C 1 4 1 9T
0803 Transistor 2 S C 1 4 1 (9C ) D822 Diode 1S2473VE
2SC1419 T D823 '|
Diode s2473VE
D824 Diode 152473VE
0804 Transistor 2 S C 1 4 1 (9C l D825 Diode 152473VE
2SC1419 T DB26 Diode 1S2473VE
0805 Transistor 2 S C 1 4 1 9( C )
2SC1419 T D827 Diode 152473VE
0806 Transistor 25A564 (R) D828 Diode 152473VE
25A564 (S) D829 D iode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E
DB3O Diode 1S2473VE
0807 Transistor 2SC828H (R) D831 Diode 15 2 4 7 3 V E
2SC828H (S)
0808 Transistor 2SC828H (Rl D832 Diode 1S2473VE
2SC82BH (S) D833 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E
0809 Transistor 2 S C 7 3 s( Y ) D834 Diode 152473VE
2 S C 7 3 5( G R ) D835 Diode 152473VE
o r 2 S C 1 3 1 (7R ) D836 Diode s 3 v c 10

O 8 1O Transistor 2SC73s(Yl D837 Diode 53VC1OR

2 S C 7 3 5( G R )
o r 2 S C 1 3 1 (7R I 2D801 Zener diode 05213
O811 Transistor 254564 (R) 2D802 Zener diode 05210
254564 (S)
O812 Transistor 25A673 (C)
D8O1 Diode stB01-01 Symbol Description Part No,
or W03B
D802 Diode s r B o l- 0 1 R801 Metal oxide 820 %w B S % P S F8 2 1 J
or W03B R802 Carbon f ilm 12k R D 7 4 V S1 2 3 J
D803 Diode s | 8 0 1- 0 1 R803 Carbon f ilm 560 R D Z a V S5 6 1 J
or WO3B R804 Carbon f llm 5.6k RD/4VS 562J
R805 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RDy.VS 1O2J
D8O4 Diode stB01-01
or W03B R806 C a r b o nf i l m 1.2k RD%VS 122J
D805 Diode stB01-01 R807 Carbon film 560 RDy.VS 561J
or W03B R808 Carbon film 12k RD7.VS 123J
D806 Diode slBo1-01 R809 C a r b o nf i l m 4.7k RD%VS 472J
or WO3B R 8 10 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RD%VS 562J

D807 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E R 8 11 C a r b o nf i l m 1k RD'I/.VS 1O2J

D808 Diode 1S2473VE R 8 12 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RD%VS 562J
DSO9 Diode 152473vE R 8 13 Carbon film 560 R D 7 . V S5 6 1 J
D810 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E 8 8 14 Carbon f ilm 12O R D 1 / 4 V S1 2 1 J
D811 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E R 8 15 C a r b o nf i l m 6.8k RD%VS 682J

D812 Diode 1S 2 4 7 3 V E R 8 16 Carbon film 12k R D ] / 4 V S1 2 3 J

D813 Diode 152473VE R 8 17 C a r b o nf i l m 5.6k RD%VS 562J
D 8 14 Diode 1S2473VE R 8 18 Carbon f ilm 560 RD%VS561J
D815 Diode 152413VE R 8 1I Carbon f ilm 22O RD%VS 221J
D816 Diode 152473VE R820 C a r b o nf i l m 68k R D 7 4 V S6 8 3 J

D817 Diode 1S2473VE R821 Carbon film 68k RD%VS 683J

D818 Diode 1S2473VE R822 C a r b o nf i l m 8.2k RD%VS 822J


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Symbol Description Part No. Symbol Description Part No,

RB23 Carbon f ilm 4.7k RD%VS 472J cB09 Electrolytic 33 16V c E A 3 3 0 P1 6

F.824 Metal oxide 680 1W R S . IP S F 2 7 1 J c810 Electrolytic 330 6.3V C E A 3 3 1P 6 R 3
R825 Carbon f ilm 680 RD%VS 271J
c 8 11 Mylar O.O47 50V coMA 473K 50
R826 Carbon f ilm 820 R D Y . V S8 2 1 J c812 E fe c t r o l y t i c 22 16V cEA220P 16
R827 C a r b o nf i l m 10k RD%VS 1O3J c813 Ceramic 100p sOV C C D S L1 O 1 K50
R828 Carbonf ilm 2.2k aD%vs 222J c 8 14 Electrolytic 1,000 16V c E A 1 0 2 P1 6
R829 Carbon film 680 RDY.VS681J c815 Ceramic 100p 50V C C D S L10 1K 50
R830 Carbon f ilm 2.2k RD%VS 222J
cB16 Electrolytic 1 50V c E A 0 1 0 P5 0
R831 C a r b o nf i l m 1.5k ,I c817 Electrolytic 22 16V c E A 2 2 0 P1 6
RD74VS 52J
R832 Carbon f ilm 2.2k RD%VS 222J c818 Electrolytic 22O 35V cEA 221P35
R833 C a r b o nf i l m 2.2k RD%VS 222J c 8 19 Electrolytic 1,000 16V c E A 1 0 2 P1 6
R834 Metal oxide 27O 1W R S l P S F2 7 1 J c820 Electrolytic 33 16V c E A 3 3 0 P1 6
R835 Carbon f ilm 4.-1k RD%VS 472J
c821 Electrolytic 33 25V c E A 3 3 0 P2 5
RB36 Carbon f ilm 27O RD%VS271J cB22 Electrolytic 220 6.3V C E A2 2 1 P6 R 3
R837 Carbon film A2O R D 7 . V S8 2 1 J c823 Electrolytic 41 50v c E A 4 7 0 P5 0
R838 C a r b o nf i l m 10k R D 7 4 V S1 O 3 J ca24 Electrolytic 41 50v CEA 47OP50
R839 Carbon f ilm 5.6k RD7.VS 562J c825 Electrolytic 47 50v cEA 470P50
R840 Carbonf ilm 3.3k RD%VS 332J
c826 Bi-poler 47 25V RCH-021
R841 Metal oxide 560 %w R S % P S F5 6 1 J c821 Mylar 0.018 50v c o M A 1 8 3 K50
R842 Metal oxide 560 %w R S % P S F5 6 1 J c828 Mylar 0.018 50v coMA 183K 50
R843 Carbon f ilm 270 RD%VS 271J ca29 Mylar 0.018 50v c o M A 1 8 3 K50
R844 Carbonf ilm 47 RDlzaVS470J c830 Mylar 0.018 50v c o M A 1 8 3 K50
R845 Carbon film 390 R D 7 4 V S3 9 1 J
c831 Mylar 0.018 50v coMA 183K 50
R846 Carbon film 330 R D 7 4 V S3 3 1 J c832 Mylar 0.018 50v coMA 1 8 3 K50
R847 Carbon film 27O RD%VS271J c833 Mylar 0.018 50v coMA 1 8 3 K50
R848 C a r b o nf i l m 1.2k RD%VS 122J c834 Mylar 0.018 50v coMA 1 8 3 K50
R849 Metal oxide 47O 2W R S 2 P S F4 7 1 J c835 Mylar o . ol 8 50v coMA 1 8 3 K50
R850 C a r b o nf i l m 2lk RD%VS 273J
c836 Mylar o.018 50v c o M A 1 8 3 K50
R851 C a r b o nf i l m 3.3k R D 7 4 V S3 3 2 J c837 Bi-poler 4.7 50v RCH-026
R852 Carbon f ilm 12k R D 7 4 V S1 2 3 J
R853 C a r b o nf i l m 1.1k RD%VS 112J OTHERS
RB54 Carbon f ilm 3.9k RDZaVS 392J Symbol Description Part No.
R855 Carbon f ilm 3.9k R D 7 4 V S3 9 2 J
S p r in g RBH.152
R856 Carbon film 3.9k R D 7 4 V S3 9 2 J Solenoid D RXP.O32
R857 Carbon film 12O RD'/.VS121J
R858 Carbon f ilm 8.2k RD%VS 822J Switch RSG.O3O
R859 Carbon f ilm 12k R D Z a V S1 2 3 J
R860 Carbon film 6.8k RD7.VS 682J

R861 Metal oxide 47O %w R S % P S F4 7 1 J

Symbol Description Part No.

c801 Electrolytic 1,000 35V cEA 102P35

cao2 E fe c t r o l y t i c 22O 16V cEA221P 16
c803 Electrolytic 22O 16V cEA221P 16
c804 Mylar O.O1 50V c o M A 1 0 3 K5 0
c805 E fe c t r o l y t i c 22 16V cEA220P 16

c806 Electrolytic 22 16V CEA 22OP16

c807 Electrolytic O.22 10V CSSAR22M 1O
c808 Electrolytic 10 16V c E A 1 0 0 P1 6


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Parts List

Symbol Description Part No. Description Part No.

C701 Electrolytic 100 50V c E A 1 0 1 P5 0 2SD234-0

C7O2 Electrolytic 47O 50V c E A 4 7 1 P5 0
C703 Electrolytic 22O 50V cEA 221P 50 D701 Diode SlB0l -01
C7O4 Electrolytic 22O 35V c E A 2 2 1 P3 5 D7O2 Diode 151849
C7O5 Electrolytic 22O 25V c E A 2 2 1 P2 5
ZD7O1 Zener diode 1224
C706 Ceramic 0.01 sOV CKDYF 1032
C7O7 Electrolytic 47 50v cEA 470P 50

Symbol Description Part No.

R705 Metaloxide 330 3W RS3P 331K

R701 M e t a lo x i d e 47O %W R S % P S F4 7 1 J
R702 Metaloxide 680 %w R S % P S F6 8 1 J
R703 Metaloxide 47O %W R S % P S F4 7 1 J
R704 Metal oxide 560 %W L RS%PSF561J

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cT- F9 1 91


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SlB0l- 0l
u s02


0 sot




Symbol Description Part No.
Symbol Description
c901 Mylar 0.15 50V coMA 154K 50
c902 Electrolytic 47O 6.3V C E A 4 7 1 P6 R 3 D901 Diode S I B O-l 0 1
R902 Diode SIBOl-O1
RESISTORS R903 Diode SlB01-01
R904 Diode SIBOl-01
Symbol Dsscription Part No.
o901 Transistor 25D526
R901 Carbon film 22 RD74VS 22OJ 0902 Transistor 2SD526

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For AdjustingCassetteTapeDecks
A. When adjusting,pleasefollow the order given
I 1. Mechanism 2. Electronic circuits (Play-
back) 3. Electronic circuits (Recording)

You will not be able to adjust properly if you

skip steps. For example, if you want to adjust
the recording circuit, confirm 1, (Tape speed
and Wow/Flutter) and 2. (Playback levels and
Playback Frequency Characteristics) before
you begin adjusting the recording circuit.
B. After the adjustment, confirm that the equip-
ment is within specifications.


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1 . P I N C HR O L L E R P R E S S U R E
Information Adjustment
Varying pinch roller pressurecausesWow & Flutter. a. Move out the transport mechanism ass'y so
Refer to Fig. 1. W & F first decreasesand then that you can see the pinch roller. Supply
starts increasing at a certain point as the pressure powQr.
increases.The correct pressure for the CT-F9191 b. Depressthe PLAY lever. Apply a 5009 tension
(350-4509) was determined by experiments.The gauge at the measuring point. Push the Gauge
adjustment is required after replacing the pinch so that the pinch roller is moved out 1 or 2mm
roller. from the capstan. Then, decreasethe manual
pressure slowly. Read the value of the gauge
when the pinch roller starts rotating and see
if it is in the range of 350-4509. At this time
there should be a gap between the pinch roller
and the head base.
c. If the pressureis not in the rangeof 350--4509,
adjust it by changing the hooking posiiion of

I the pinch roller spring drive arm.



Pinch RollerPressure€

Photo 2

Photo 1


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cT-Fs'1 s|,|

2 . R E E L . B A S ET O R O U E A D J U S T M E N T
lnformation Adjustment
The take-up reel should wind up the tape without As CT-F9191 has no reel base torque adjustment
twisting or tangling in Play or Fast Forward and mechanism, measure the torque of both bases. If
provides back tension so that it does not slack the values are outside of the tolerances shown in
during Rewind. The supply reel base also should Fig. 1, clean the idlers, reel bases, rollers, etc. with
provide a bit of back tension so that the tape a cotton-headed stick soaked in absolute alcohol
does not slack and runs closely on the head surface and measure them again. If there is no improve-
during Play. If the torque of the reel base is im= ment, replace the reel bases.
proper, there will be troubles such as high W & F,
rough rotation, high tape wear, etc.

t RequiredTorque of Reel Bases


T a k e - u pt o r q u e w h e n P l a y i n g 40 - 65 gcm
T a k e - u pt o r q u e w h e n F a s t F o r w a r d i n g 75 - 130 gcm
B a c kt e n s i o nw h e n R e w i n d i n g les sth a n 8 g cm

B a c kt e n s i o nw h e n P l a y i n g 4-8gcm
B a c kt e n s i o nw h e n R e w i n d i n g more than 8 gcn
T a k e - u pt o r q u e 75 - 130 gcm

T ab le1 Photo 3

Photo 4


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3 . T A P E S P E E DA D J U S T M E N T
Information A dj ust men t
The cassettetape speed is usually said to be 4.8 a. Connect a frequency counter to the output of
cm/sec.However,the precisespeedis 4.76 cm/sec. the subject deck.
Correct tape speed is a must for compatibility. b. Playback the center portion of the tape (3kHz)
Tape speed is determined mainly by the capstan, on the subject deck.
and the speed varies with the pinch roller pressure, c. Adjust the speed by turning the semi-fixed
the tension or the line voltage variations. It is resistor provided for tape speed adjustment so
inevitable that the take-up speed slows as the that the frequency counter shows a value
diameter of the wound-up tape increases. The closest to 3kHz.
speed difference between start and finish shall be
within !2- 37o with decks of ordinary grade and
within !0.2- 77ofor those of high grade.

fo ftt
Tape speeddeviation (7o)= x 100
fo = Recorded signal frequency (Hz)
fr = Reproduced signal frequency (Hz\

Photo 5


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r In f or mat ion
This alignment is one of the most important among
the mechanical adjustments. It affects equalization
While reproducing the 10kHz signal on the azimuth
alignment test tape (STD-341), adjust the output
and recording bias. level to maximum. The tape selector should be
Effect of improper alignment. set to STD. Be sure to lock with paint after adjust-
a. Mis-alignment causes a loss in output at short ment.
wavelengths especially when playing tapes
which were recorded by other decks.
b. When adjusting the playback equalizer leaving
the azimuth improper, the loss of azimuth
should be compensated by the equalizer which
will deteriorate S/N. Fig. 3 shows the rela-
tions among equalizer curve, frequency charac-
teristics and S/N.

J 4

.' 2
3. 4 P hoto
U' 8 mV meter
@ 10
10 " 2o o 30 "

a Ang leo f inc lin a tio nlo s s .->



'tl.-,i-t"l 6L/A\ ,6)
r li. ;. ; tOl(Ol I
- - r ! Y . : f
With azimuth properly adjusted.

H i s sn o i s e p r o p e r t o t a p e s
not properly adjusted

F i s .3 - b

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Information Adjustment
As this is the standard for adjusting the electro- a. Connect an AC voltmeter to the output ter-
magnetic system, improper adjustment will cause minal (No.15 & Ground or No.16 & Ground)
the following problems. of the Dolby ass'y.
a. Adjustments in the recording block will be b. Turn the Dolby NR switch on.
incorrect and will be deteriorated and distor- c. Reproduce the signal of 333H2 (0dB) on the
tion will be increased. test tape STD-341(250PWb/mm) and adjust
b. The Dolby standard level will be affected. the output with VR-102 and VP"-202 so that
c. Compatibility will be lost. the AC voltmeter indicates-3.?dBv(653mV).
o DolbV output level shall be adjusted to 580m L-ch....No.15.VR-102
(-4.7dBv) when playing the tape recorded at R-ch....No.16.VP"-2O2
200PWb/mm. But, as there is no 200PWb/mm
test tape at present, we have to use
250PWb/mm test tapes.
o When using a 250PWb/mm test tape, adjust mV meter
the results referring toFig. 5-a (New).
- 4.7dBv(580mV)-(-1dBv) : - 3.7dBv(653mV)
Use Fig. 5-b (Old) when adjusting CT-4141A,
cT-F7t7t & CT-F6161.
* 4 . 7 d B v- ( - 2 d B ) = - 2 . 7 d B v ( 7 3 2 m V )
The difference between the New and Old is in
c N o . 2 2 oo l ] )
the method of measuringmagnetic flux density J iloliE
of Dolby standardlevel(200PWb). , .-


DIN Standard

Dolby Standard

P h i l i p sS t a n d a r d







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6 . P L A Y B A C KE O U A L I Z E RA D J U S T M E N T
Information Adjustment
Theoretically, the output voltage increasesby a. Connect an AC voltmeter to the output termi-
6dB/oct in proportion to the frequency. nal. This time, be sure to connect a load re_
Practically, it decreases in the hish frequency sistor. (5Okil ohm)
range. b. Turn the equalizer selector to STD.
Fig. 7 shows the relation between frequency and c. Playback the signalsof BBBHzand 6.3kHz on
response. the test tape STD-341 and adjust the output
Lossesin response with the semi-fixed resistor for playback equa_
a. Eddy-current loss: This is caused by Eddy- lizer adjustment so that the difference becomes
current which flows in head core. Eddy_current 0.
loss is proportionate to the frequency. L-ch. . ... VR-104
b. Spacingloss: This is causedby a spacebetween R-ch.....VH-2O4
surfaceof head and that of tape coating. d. Depress the Equalizer Selector to Chrome and
This loss is also proportionate to the frequency. confirm that the reproduced level at 6.BkHz is
-4.5dB t1.5dB comparedwith
c. Gap loss: This loss is attributable to a gap of that at B33Hz.
the playback head, and is maximized when
the length of the head is equal to the wave-
length of the recorded signal.

P . B a c ke q u a l i z ecr u r v e


Actual curve Fig.g

----+ F (Hz)

Fig. 7


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lnformation Adjustment
This adjustment is to keep compatibility between a . Connect an AC volt meter to the output ter-
decks. This is to determine the level of VU meter minal (No.15, 16 and Ground) of the Dolby
so that the tape is magnetized in the 160 PWb/mm ass'y.
magnetic flux density when OVU input is sup- b . Apply the signal of 333H2 to INPUT and set
plied. Then, the VU meter reading will be OVU REC, to REC.
when playing a tape record by 160PWb/mm. c . Adjust the recording level control so that AC
o When the OVU adjustment is deviated. voltmeter reading become -7.7dBv(472mV).
a. When the OVU level is adjusted boo low, the At this time, Adjust the semi-fixed resistor
level distortion will increase because the level (VR-106, VR-206) so that the reading of the
approachesclose to the satulation point. level meter becomes- OVU.
b. When the level is too high, S/N will decrease L-ch No.15 VR-106
becauselevel difference between the signal and -7.7dBv(4t2mV) = - 4.7dBv (- 3dBv)
hissing noise of tape becomessmaller. 200PWb/mm differencebetween200Wb/
mm and 160PWb/mm.

1 T a p eh i s sn o i s e

Input -----)
F i g - 6 I n p u ta n dO u t p u tc h a r a c t e r i s t i c .

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8 . B I A ST R A P A D J U S T M E N T
lnformation Adjustment
A trap coil is inserted between the oscillator bnd a. Depress Recording and turn the playback
recording amplifier. Appropriate bias current volume level to the maximum.
should be supplied to the recording head, but it b. Connect an AC voltmeter and oscilloscopeto
should not affect the Oscillator, and the bias cur- the test point (No.95 or 96 and Ground)
rentmust not "leak" into the amplifier block. Adjust the bias trap coil (L-I02, L-202) so that
o Effect of detuned bias trap the bias waveform becomesminimum.
a. Beat signal is produced between the bias and
the 19kHz broadcastpilot signal. k-:l #33. Fonpage
b. Dolby works improperly and high level de- c. In every case with the bias selector set at STD
creases. or Chrome and with the recording level control
. Fig.12 showsthe Dolby curvesat variouslevels. set at mux or min, the bias leakage should be
Whena signal of - 40dB is recorded with a "leaked within -45dBv.
signal"of - 20dB, the Dolby circuit works with the If not, adjustL-101 and L-201.
curveof - 20d8. L-ch L-101
During playback, the Dolby unit operates at the R-ch L-201
level of -40dB becauseno "leaking,,bias signal is
t As a result, high frequency range is decreased.

Fis.t s
I Fig.12-a


-30d8 ---
.'-- W h e nr e c o r d i n q
When PlaYback



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9 . R E C O R D I N GB I A S A D J U S T M E N T
When recording, if only the recording signal is
applied to the head, the recorded signal distorts
because of the hysterisis characteristic. This can
be improved by applying a bias along with the Outpu Signal
recording signal. There are two kinds of biasing, ( ---A1/
DC biasingand AC biasing. ----\7-
AC bias is superior to DC biasing in all important
factors such as recording sensitivity, distortion +H
figures, S/N and dynamic range.
o Bias frequency should be over five times that il
of the highest recording frequency.
Fig. 17 shows the relation between biasing degree,
output level, distortion and frequency response.
As the biasing degreeincreases.
r f jt-
t n P u t> t 9 n a t

1. The output level increases gtadually, and r
reachesthe saturation leyel at a certain point. +Ho I
2. When biasing more, the output level and
distortion decrease.
3. Frequency response varies according to the
biasing degree. High range increaseswith over- D C b i a ss y s t e m
biasing, and decreaseswith underbiasing. With +B
a proper amount of bias, it becomesflat.

Input Signal

Fig-8 Zero bias system

A C b i a ss y s t e m Fig.16

6' t-

az ProperBias

i 3
------+ Biaslevel --------+Freouence
F i g . 1 7- a F i s .1 7 - b

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A. StandardTape B. C H R O M ET A P E

l 1. Connecta mV meter as shown in Photo ?.

2. Depressthe REC lever and set the REC level
Connecta mV meter as shown in Photo Z.
Set bias and EQ buttons to CHROME.
control at min, with bias and EQ buttons set 3. Record 333H2 and 6.3kHz signalsat the level
at STD. of - 20dB on the VU meters.
3. Adjust the semi-fixed resistor VR301: L-ch, 4. Playback the recorded signals and measure
VR302: R-ch so that the voltage between both them.
ends of the 10 ohm is resistor connected be- 5. Confirm that the output level of the 6.3kHz
tween the P/B head and ground is 1.b mV. signal is 0 - 2dB higher than that of the 333H2
Usually, this adjustment will be enough. If signal.
adjustment for a particular type of tape is 6. If it is more than 2dB higher than the level
required, adjust according to the following of the 333H2 signal, increasethe bias current.
procedure(Fig. 21--8,F on page ) If it is lower than the level of the 333H2 signal,
4. Apply 333H2 signalto input jacks. decreasethe bias current.
Record at the level of - 20dB on the VU me- 7. Confirm that the output level of the 6.3kHz
ters.(Use STD-601) signalis 0 - 2dB higher than that of the 33BHz.
5. Changethe frequency to 6.3kHz and record in
the samemanner as above.
6. Reproduce the recorded signal, and compare
the levels. If the level of the 6.3kHz signal is
1.5dB higher than that of the 333H2 signal,
the bias is adjusted correctly.
7. If the level of the 333H2 signal is higher than
the 6.3kHz signal,it means that the adjustment
is set for over-biased.
In this case, decreasethe bias current. If the
level of the 333H2 signal is more than 1.bdB
lower than the 6.3kHz signal, increasethe bias
8. Repeat the above steps 4-7 till the correct
value is obtained.


6- Photo 7


I 11SkHz

-----------> B ias level

Fi g .1 8

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GT-F91 91


o Do this adjustment after the OVU adjustment o This is for the Dolby operation. If this is im- f]
in Item.No.7. proper, it will cause low S/N and poor fre- I

o This is to enable tapes to be magnetized by quency characteristics. f

1. Connect mV meter to terminals No.15 and 16 I
160PWb/mm at the recordinglevel of OVU.
of the Dolby Ass'y.
1. With BIAS and EQ Tape Selectors at STD, set
Dolby NR to ON.
2 . Set Dolby NR button to ON.
2. Apply 333Hzl-10dB to the Input jacks and
3 . Tum VRa6r, sor (L & R channels)of Dolby
Ass'y to maximum.
connect mV meter to DolbY Ass'Y OUT
terminals (No.15, 16). Adjust Line controls 4 . While in record mode, apply 5kHz signal to
for - 7.?dB indication. the Input jacks.
3. Record 333H2/- 10dB on STD-601 (SONY 5 . Adjust Input level controls for 4.7dBv indica-
C-90HF or equiv.) and adjust VRror, to, fot tion on mV meter.
-7 .7dB playback level at the Dolby Ass'y OUT 6 . Reduce the Input jack Ievel by 4OdB.
7 . Adjust VRoor, 562for -34.?dBv indication on
terminals(No.15, 16).
mV meter.
4. Set BIAS and EQ Tape Selectors to Chrome.
Record and playback 333H2/- 10dB on STD- 8. Reducelevel applied in Step 4 by 30dB.
9. Adjust VRoo,, 5s1for 26.7dBv indication on
602A (TDK C-60KR or equiv.). Confirm that
mV meter.
the signal at Dolby Ass'y OUT terminals is
- 7.711.5dB. L-ch No.15 VR-401, VR-402
L-ch No.15 VR-107 R-ch No.16 VR-501, VR-502
R-ch No.16 VR-207 o.s.c.

mV meter

[Q]e No'226


-" 8dB

a 10 d B
-40d8 \\

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Fig. 22-g V"R1o;

v8402, . ,VR401


Dotbyitr.or, terminal
)q @Vtu,

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Fig . 22 -D Fig.22-E


VRzoo @ F is. 22-G




F ig. 22-H



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4-1, Meguno 1-Chome, Merguno-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan
75 Oxfo nd Dnive, Moorrachie, New Jensey O7O74, U.S.A.
Lurchagen-Haven9, 2O3O Antwenp, E}elgium
17A-184 Eloundany Fload, Bnaeside, Victonia 31 gS, Austnalia
o Nov.1976 Printedin Japan


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