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Appendix 1: Feasibility Study Content Outline

I. Title Page
• Title of the business, product or service
• Name/names of the researcher
II. Approval Sheet
III. Acknowledgement
IV. Table of Contents
V. Executive Summary
• Introduction to the business, new product or service (this will
include the price)
• Summary of Demand Gap analysis
• Technical Specifications of the Product or Service
• Summary of Compliance Requirements
• Financial and Economic Results
• Summary of Risk Indicators and plans
• Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
VI. Market Aspect
• Product Description
• Demand – Supply Gap Analysis
• Price
• Marketing Strategies
VII. Technical & Production Aspect (Technical and Operational
Aspect if merchandising and service)
• Technical (product or service) Specifications
• Resource Requirement (raw materials, technology support
• Plant and Storage Location and Layout
• Process Flows Description
• Intellectual Property (if any)
VIII. Management and Legal Aspect
• Assessment of the Organization Structure (Sole
Proprietorship vs Partnership vs Corporation vs Cooperative)
• Table of Organization
• Summary of Personnel Costing
• Summary of Compliance Requirements
IX. Financial and Economic Aspect
• Summary of Assumptions
• Pro-forma Financial Statements
• Data Financial Key Results

o Selected financial ratios
o Valuation (NPV, IRR, Payback)
X. Risk Management Plan
• Risk Indicators / Factors
• Risk Description
• Source of Risk
• Residual Risk Score (provide breakdown of Inherent Risk
Score and ORMI)
• Risk Treatment Plan
• Action Plan
XI. Appendices


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