Tugas Ke 2 Mata Kuliah Phonology and Phonetic (HENY CARIZA APRILIYANI 1988203001 PBING 5A)

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Nama : Heny Cariza Apriliyani

Kelas : PBING 5A
NPM : 1988203001

Phonology and Phonetic

1. What is phonetic alphabet ?

Answer :
The phonetic alphabet is a set of symbols or codes used to show what a speech sound
or letter sounds like. An example of the phonetic alphabet is the world "special" shown
as spe∫∂l. Any of various systems of code words for identifying letters in voice
2. What part is played by the lungs in speaking ?
Answer :
Phonetics studies human speech. Speech is produced by bringing air from the lungs to the
larynx (respiration), where the vocal folds may be held open to allow the air to pass
through or may vibrate to make a sound (phonation).
3. What do mean when we say a certain sound is voiced and another is voiceless ?
Answer :
✓ All sounds are either voiced or voiceless. Voiced sounds are those that make our vocal
chords vibrate when they are produced. Voiceless sounds are produced from air
passing through the mouth at different points.
✓ Underline the voiced consonant sounds in the following : Mud, Shunt, Belly, Leisure,
4. For each of the following words,check wheather the beginning sounds is voiced or
voiceless.Word Voiced Voiceless.
Answer :
a. Queen : Voiceless
b. Jump : Voiced
c. Sing : Voiceless
d. Chum : Voiceless
e. Shoot : Voiceless
f. Look : Voiced
g. Thing : Voiced
h. Then : Voiced
i. Green : Voiced
j. Not : Voiced
5. Name the cavities above the glottis trough which air can pass when we breathe out.
Answer : Pharynx
6. a) What happens in a velic closure ?
Answer :
In a velic closure, the velum moves up and comes into contact with the rear wall of the
pharynx thereby blocking the inflow of air to the nasal cavity. By preventing air escape
via the nasal cavity and permitting air escape via the oral cavity alone, oral sounds are
b) What consonants are produced with the velic closed ?
Answer :
A velic closure is one in which the soft palate or velum is raised to touch the back wall
of the pharynx in order to completely back the passage of air through the nasal cavity as
in the production of the stops like [p], [t], [.k], [g], [b], [d], and [ts], [d3].
7. What distinguishes vowel segments from consonant segment ?
Answer :
A vowel is a speech sound made with your mouth fairly open, the nucleus of a spoken
syllable. A consonant is a sound made with your mouth fairly closed.
8. Write the following words in phonetic transcription
Answer :

Mouth : maʊθ
Cat : kæt
Peach : piːʧ
Song : sɒŋ
Fan : fæn
Dodge : dɒʤ
Though : ðəʊ
Walked : wɔːkt

9. Give to examples for each of the following in English words:(refer to the English vowel
a) Close Back Vowel
Answer : u = Evaluation, together
b) Open Back Vowel
Answer : (unrounded: /ɑ/, /ɑː/ = calm, artist), (rounded: /o/, /oː/ = Location, employer)
c) Close Front Vowel
Answer : i = sheep, eat
d) Half-Close Front Vowel
Answer : e = make, say,
e) Open Front Vowel
Answer : æ = cat, laugh,
f) Half-Open Back Vowel
Answer : ɛ = get, met

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