Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops Quarterly Bulletin Q4 2020 - 0

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Volume 14 No. 4

October-December 2020




National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

ISSN 2094-6198

Terms of Use: The Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops Quarterly

Bulletin is a publication of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The
PSA reserves exclusive right to reproduce this publication in whatever
form. Should any portion of this publication be included in a report/article,
the title of the publication and the PSA should be cited as the source of
data. The PSA will not be responsible for any information derived from
the processing of data contained in this publication.

The Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops Quarterly Bulletin provides updates on
the production of major non-food and industrial crops, namely: abaca, coconut,
coffee, rubber, sugarcane, tobacco, and cacao. These crops are highlighted in
the report on the Value of Production of Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries
which the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) releases quarterly.

The fourth quarter 2020 issue of the Bulletin presents the final estimates of
production from July to September 2020 and the preliminary estimates from
October to December 2020. It also contains the preliminary estimates of area
planted for permanent crops, area harvested for temporary crops, and the
number of bearing trees for the period July to December 2020.

Generally, data contained herein were results of the Crops Production Survey
(CrPS) conducted quarterly by the PSA. However, the data on canes milled were
sourced entirely from the Sugar Regulatory Administration while production data
for coconut were largely from the CrPS. For a limited number of provinces, the
production data for coconut include the integrated results of the CrPS and the
Quarterly Coconut Production Survey (QCPS).


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

Quezon City, Philippines

February 2021

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Foreword ii
Background vi
Abaca 2
Coconut 4
Coffee 6
Rubber 8
Sugarcane 10
Tobacco 12
Cacao 14
Table No. Title Page No.
1 Volume of Production for Selected Non-Food and Industrial 18
Crops, Philippines, July-September: 2019-2020 and
October-December: 2019-2020/p
2 Volume of Production for Abaca (dried raw fiber), by Region 19
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
3 Volume of Production for Coconut (with husk), by Region 20
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
4 Volume of Production for Coffee (dried berries), by Region 21
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
5 Volume of Production for Rubber (cup lump), by Region 22
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
6 Volume of Production for Sugarcane by Region 23
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
7 Volume of Production for Tobacco (dried leaves), by Region 24
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
8 Volume of Production for Cacao (dried beans with pulp), by Region 25
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p
9 Area Planted/Harvested and Number of Bearing Trees for 26
Selected Non-Food and Industrial Crops, Philippines
July-December: 2019-2020/p
/p – Preliminary Estimate

Figure No. Title Page No.
1 Abaca Production by Region 1
October-December: 2019-2020/p
2 Distribution of Abaca Production by Region 2
October-December: 2019-2020/p
3 Coconut Production by Region 3
October-December: 2019-2020/p
4 Distribution of Coconut Production by Region 4
October-December: 2019-2020/p
5 Coffee Production by Region 5
October-December: 2019-2020/p
6 Distribution of Coffee Production by Type, Philippines 6
October-December: 2019-2020/p
7 Distribution of Coffee Production by Region 6
October-December: 2019-2020/p
8 Rubber Production by Region 7
October-December: 2019-2020/p
9 Distribution of Rubber Production by Region 8
October-December: 2019-2020/p
10 Sugarcane Production by Region 9
October-December: 2019-2020/p
11 Distribution of Sugarcane Production by Use, Philippines 10
October-December: 2019-2020/p
12 Distribution of Sugarcane Production by Region 10
October-December: 2019-2020/p
13 Tobacco Production by Region 11
October-December: 2019-2020/p
14 Distribution of Tobacco Production by Region, 12
October-December: 2019-2020/p
15 Cacao Production by Region 13
October-December: 2019-2020/p
16 Distribution of Cacao Production by Region 14
October-December: 2019-2020/p
/p – Preliminary Estimate


Scope and Coverage

The Crops Production Survey (CrPS) is the source of production data for all
crops other than palay and corn. Around 282 crops are covered in this survey.
For this bulletin, information on seven crops is reported. These crops are abaca,
coconut, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, tobacco, and cacao.

Estimates of production, area planted/harvested, and number of bearing

trees/hills are generated from the CrPS which has four survey rounds in a year,
that is, February, May, August and November.

Crops statistics cover all regions excluding the National Capital Region (NCR).

Sampling Methodology

A non-probability survey is employed for the CrPS. A “5 by 5” design was used in

the selection of samples with province as survey domain. The top five producing
cities/municipalities of a certain crop are chosen from each province. Then, from
each of these cities/municipalities, five sample farmer-producers are selected as
respondents. In this two-stage design, city/municipality serves as the primary
sampling unit while farmer-producer is the secondary sampling unit.

Data Collection

For CrPS, data collection is conducted quarterly during the last 10 days of the
middle month of the quarter; that is, in February, May, August and November.
It gathers data on production, area planted/harvested, and number of bearing

1Source: Excerpts from Crops Statistics of the Philippines 2012-2016; ISSN-2012-0487

Concepts and Definitions

Crop production refers to the quantity produced and actually harvested for a
particular crop during the reference period. It includes those harvested but
damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvester’s share, reserved,
etc. It excludes those produced but not harvested due to low price, lack of
demand, force majeure or fortuitous events, etc.

Area planted refers to the actual physical area planted. This generally applies to
area reported for permanent crops and multi-harvest temporary crops. On the
other hand, area harvested refers to the actual area from which harvests were
realized. This excludes crop area which were totally damaged. It may be smaller
than the area planted. In crops statistics, this applies to temporary crops.

Bearing trees/hills refer to trees/hills where harvesting has been made in the past
and may or may not have borne fruits (productive) during the reference period
due to cyclical production pattern of the crop.

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Figure 1. Abaca Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)



Abaca fiber production from October to December 2020 at 17.61 thousand metric
tons registered an increase of 1.2 percent from the 17.40 thousand metric tons
output in the same quarter of 2019. (Table 1)

Bicol Region was still the top abaca fiber producer with 6.49 thousand metric
tons or 36.8 percent of the total production during the quarter. Eastern Visayas
and Davao Region came next with 17.2 percent and 13.2 percent shares,
respectively. (Figure 2 and Table 2)

Figure 2. Distribution of Abaca Production by Region

October-December: 2020/p

Figure 3. Coconut Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


The production of coconut from October to December 2020 declined to

4.06 million metric tons or by -0.3 percent, from 4.07 million metric tons in the
same quarter of the previous year. (Table 1)

Davao Region was the top coconut producer with 540.82 thousand metric tons
output or 13.3 percent of the total coconut production. This was followed by
Northern Mindanao and Zamboanga Peninsula with 12.0 percent and
10.9 percent shares, respectively. (Figure 4 and Table 3)

Figure 4. Distribution of Coconut Production by Region

October-December: 2020/p

Figure 5. Coffee Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Dried coffee berries production from October to December 2020 at

31.78 thousand metric tons was higher by 2.5 percent compared with the
31.02 thousand metric tons output in the same period of 2019. (Table 1)

Robusta coffee was still the most produced type which contributed 71.5 percent
to the total coffee output during the period. (Figure 6 and Table 1)

The top coffee producer was SOCCSKSARGEN with 12.70 thousand metric tons
output or 39.9 percent share to the total production during the quarter. This was
followed by Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
and Davao Region with respective shares of 21.0 percent and 15.9 percent.
(Figure 7 and Table 4)

Figure 6. Distribution of Coffee Figure 7. Distribution of Coffee

Production by Type, Philippines Production by Region
October-December: 2020/p October-December: 2020/p

Excelsa 0.9%

Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 8. Rubber Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


From October to December 2020, the production of rubber cup lump was
155.18 thousand metric tons, higher by 2.2 percent than the 151.79 thousand
metric tons output in the same quarter of 2019. (Table 1)

The top rubber-producing region for the quarter was SOCCSKSARGEN with
70.70 thousand metric tons output or 45.6 percent share to the total rubber
production. This was followed by Zamboanga Peninsula with 39.6 percent share.
(Figure 9 and Table 5)

Figure 9. Distribution of Rubber Production by Region

October-December: 2020/p

Figure 10. Sugarcane Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Production of sugarcane from October to December 2020 was estimated at

6.59 million metric tons or an increase of 10.0 percent from the 5.99 million
metric tons output in the same period of 2019. (Table 1)

Sugarcane for Centrifugal sugar contributed 99.2 percent of the total sugarcane
production. The remaining 0.8 percent was the combined shares of sugarcane
for Ethanol, Panocha/Muscovado, Chewing, and Basi/Vinegar. (Figure 11 and
Table 1)

Western Visayas remained as the top producer of sugarcane with

5.61 million metric tons output or 85.1 percent share to the total sugarcane
production. This was followed by Central Visayas and Northern Mindanao with
respective shares of 6.1 percent and 5.6 percent. (Figure 12 and Table 6)

Figure 11. Distribution of Sugarcane Figure 12. Distribution of Sugarcane

Production by Use, Philippines Production by Region
October-December: 2020/p October-December: 2020/p

All other uses

of sugarcane

Sugarcane for

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 13. Tobacco Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Tobacco dried leaves production from October to December 2020 at

643.20 metric tons improved by 13.4 percent from 567.24 metric tons output in
the same period of 2019. Native tobacco was the only produced variety during
the quarter. (Table 1)

Northern Mindanao contributed the largest bulk of tobacco production with

636.00 metric tons or 98.9 percent share to the country’s total tobacco
production. (Figure 14 and Table 7)

Figure 14. Distribution of Tobacco Production by Region

October-December: 2020/p

Figure 15. Cacao Production by Region, October-December: 2019-2020/p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


From October to December 2020, cacao production increased to

2.76 thousand metric tons or by 7.1 percent, from 2.58 thousand metric tons in
the same quarter of the previous year. (Table 1)

Davao Region remained as the major producer of cacao with 2.27 thousand
metric tons output or 82.0 percent share to the country’s total cacao production
for the quarter. (Figure 16 and Table 8)

Figure 16. Distribution of Cacao Production by Region

October-December: 2020/p

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Table 1. Volume of Production for Selected Non-Food and Industrial Crops, Philippines
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Crop July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020/p

Abaca (dried raw fiber) 20,050.97 20,087.96 17,404.24 17,614.08 0.2 1.2
Coconut (with husk) 4,059,701.25 4,002,313.99 4,072,809.27 4,058,938.40 -1.4 -0.3
Mature 3,957,577.12 3,897,808.58 3,974,520.04 3,959,194.79 -1.5 -0.4 97.5
Young 102,124.13 104,505.41 98,289.23 99,743.61 2.3 1.5 2.5
Coffee (dried berries) 5,787.03 5,748.24 31,020.40 31,783.71 -0.7 2.5
Arabica 1,551.03 1,645.31 7,322.67 7,626.81 6.1 4.2 24.0
Excelsa 383.48 378.87 1,188.12 1,162.13 -1.2 -2.2 3.7
Liberica 50.98 49.70 279.51 271.52 -2.5 -2.9 0.9
Robusta 3,801.54 3,674.36 22,230.11 22,723.26 -3.3 2.2 71.5
Rubber (cup lump) 108,775.56 104,433.03 151,794.91 155,179.13 -4.0 2.2
Sugarcane (cane) for: 403,569.03 499,441.94 5,990,309.45 6,591,998.60 23.8 10.0
Centrifugal sugar 273,669.00 361,890.00 5,939,348.00 6,541,682.00 32.2 10.1 99.2
Ethanol 106,527.22 114,381.47 4,310.08 4,902.80 7.4 13.8 0.1
Panocha/Muscovado 23,243.94 23,051.60 46,178.25 44,938.68 -0.8 -2.7 0.7
Chewing 67.03 63.83 229.07 227.10 -4.8 -0.9 0.0
Basi/Vinegar 61.85 55.03 244.06 248.02 -11.0 1.6 0.0
Tobacco (dried leaves) 1,302.93 911.52 567.24 643.20 -30.0 13.4
Native 771.28 911.52 444.18 643.20 18.2 44.8 100.0
Virginia 531.65 - 123.06 - - -
Other tobacco - - - - - -
Cacao (dried beans with pulp) 2,269.02 2,541.50 2,579.36 2,763.51 12.0 7.1

/p - Preliminary
- No production
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Notes: Percent share of varieties/uses to the total crop production
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 2. Volume of Production for Abaca (dried raw fiber), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 20,050.97 20,087.96 17,404.24 17,614.08 0.2 1.2 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) - - - - - - -

Region I (Ilocos Region) - - - - - - -
Region II (Cagayan Valley) - - - - - - -
Region III (Central Luzon) 17.05 16.20 2.36 1.18 -5.0 -50.1 0.0
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 3.20 1.10 1.86 1.05 -65.6 -43.5 0.0
MIMAROPA Region 34.19 34.54 24.24 27.62 1.0 13.9 0.2
Region V (Bicol Region) 8,576.87 8,707.59 6,494.07 6,486.29 1.5 -0.1 36.8
Region VI (Western Visayas) 632.31 732.28 845.98 781.28 15.8 -7.6 4.4
Region VII (Central Visayas) 87.28 51.33 89.75 51.12 -41.2 -43.0 0.3
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 3,275.68 3,284.62 3,016.46 3,032.95 0.3 0.5 17.2
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 162.40 175.77 195.05 222.35 8.2 14.0 1.3
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 786.22 827.62 900.69 1,091.57 5.3 21.2 6.2
Region XI (Davao Region) 2,865.61 2,670.88 2,266.53 2,317.54 -6.8 2.3 13.2
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 239.30 234.10 423.21 427.80 -2.2 1.1 2.4
Region XIII (Caraga) 2,283.49 2,259.92 1,982.91 2,009.38 -1.0 1.3 11.4
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 1,087.37 1,092.00 1,161.13 1,163.94 0.4 0.2 6.6
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
- No production
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 3. Volume of Production for Coconut (with husk), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 4,059,701.25 4,002,313.99 4,072,809.27 4,058,938.40 -1.4 -0.3 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 189.13 225.48 181.52 202.01 19.2 11.3 0.0
Region I (Ilocos Region) 10,578.58 10,990.44 13,780.06 14,622.26 3.9 6.1 0.4
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 19,436.30 22,382.07 19,066.92 21,807.07 15.2 14.4 0.5
Region III (Central Luzon) 41,380.02 39,749.23 30,643.32 27,951.70 -3.9 -8.8 0.7
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 626,085.84 611,741.54 374,164.62 353,038.99 -2.3 -5.6 8.7
MIMAROPA Region 135,984.37 124,203.64 383,098.70 375,983.51 -8.7 -1.9 9.3
Region V (Bicol Region) 389,780.99 370,527.07 361,291.13 339,803.85 -4.9 -5.9 8.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 125,516.23 129,319.67 142,638.65 140,722.77 3.0 -1.3 3.5
Region VII (Central Visayas) 102,961.32 95,355.70 124,651.11 118,289.57 -7.4 -5.1 2.9
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 357,768.36 343,612.68 298,703.38 304,969.90 -4.0 2.1 7.5
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 439,553.59 449,325.74 432,550.51 442,585.57 2.2 2.3 10.9
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 503,443.05 495,805.99 484,739.42 488,103.44 -1.5 0.7 12.0
Region XI (Davao Region) 466,991.31 481,516.17 533,098.72 540,824.65 3.1 1.4 13.3
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 293,465.26 290,203.65 284,687.99 291,455.91 -1.1 2.4 7.2
Region XIII (Caraga) 196,112.23 186,913.31 202,852.34 199,455.08 -4.7 -1.7 4.9
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 350,454.67 350,441.62 386,660.89 399,122.13 b/ 3.2 9.8
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
b/ - less than 0.05 percent decrease
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 4. Voume of Production for Coffee (dried berries), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 5,787.03 5,748.24 31,020.40 31,783.71 -0.7 2.5 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) - - 203.99 286.33 - 40.4 0.9

Region I (Ilocos Region) - - 16.72 18.42 - 10.2 0.1
Region II (Cagayan Valley) - - 49.00 47.02 - -4.0 0.1
Region III (Central Luzon) - 0.25 29.95 29.58 - -1.2 0.1
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) - - 166.14 135.61 - -18.4 0.4
MIMAROPA Region - - 77.10 69.12 - -10.4 0.2
Region V (Bicol Region) 14.51 12.22 109.91 83.50 -15.8 -24.0 0.3
Region VI (Western Visayas) 1.75 1.81 3,396.66 3,254.02 3.4 -4.2 10.2
Region VII (Central Visayas) 0.97 1.00 61.42 53.03 3.0 -13.7 0.2
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 0.79 1.28 32.53 30.61 62.0 -5.9 0.1
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 92.08 119.75 230.93 243.08 30.1 5.3 0.8
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 642.90 666.30 2,593.51 2,336.59 3.6 -9.9 7.4
Region XI (Davao Region) 2,005.25 2,065.60 4,980.02 5,051.95 3.0 1.4 15.9
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 1,453.01 1,456.17 11,576.14 12,697.38 0.2 9.7 39.9
Region XIII (Caraga) 819.43 667.41 794.19 767.82 -18.6 -3.3 2.4
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 756.34 756.45 6,702.20 6,679.66 a/ -0.3 21.0
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
- No production
a/ - less than 0.05 percent increase
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 5. Volume of Production for Rubber (cup lump), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020/p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
2019 2020 2019 2020/p Jul-Sep Oct-Dec/p 2020/p

PHILIPPINES 108,775.56 104,433.03 151,794.91 155,179.13 -4.0 2.2 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) - - - - - - -

Region I (Ilocos Region) - - - - - - -
Region II (Cagayan Valley) - - - - - - -
Region III (Central Luzon) - - - - - - -
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 3.24 3.21 8.80 8.50 -0.9 -3.4 0.0
MIMAROPA Region 39.63 40.97 35.96 38.52 3.4 7.1 0.0
Region V (Bicol Region) - - - - - - -
Region VI (Western Visayas) - - - - - - -
Region VII (Central Visayas) 12.73 17.46 15.00 31.32 37.2 108.8 0.0
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 6.15 5.60 6.68 5.80 -8.9 -13.2 0.0
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 41,812.42 43,523.39 58,339.53 61,503.41 4.1 5.4 39.6
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 3,423.61 3,055.63 5,733.70 5,043.00 -10.7 -12.0 3.2
Region XI (Davao Region) 4,515.93 4,762.08 3,171.85 3,104.73 5.5 -2.1 2.0
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 33,936.70 27,822.06 70,323.61 70,704.48 -18.0 0.5 45.6
Region XIII (Caraga) 4,800.89 4,864.65 4,425.67 4,956.15 1.3 12.0 3.2
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 20,224.26 20,337.98 9,734.10 9,783.22 0.6 0.5 6.3
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
- No production
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 6. Volume of Production for Sugarcane, by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 403,569.03 499,441.94 5,990,309.45 6,591,998.60 23.8 10.0 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 8.07 8.57 171.13 176.15 6.2 2.9 0.0
Region I (Ilocos Region) - - 1,053.18 1,052.51 - -0.1 0.0
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 106,837.33 114,683.34 4,437.45 5,039.45 7.3 13.6 0.1
Region III (Central Luzon) 1.50 1.30 96,019.05 39,241.72 -13.3 -59.1 0.6
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) - - 23,101.00 58,207.00 - 152.0 0.9
MIMAROPA Region - - - - - - -
Region V (Bicol Region) 13,615.76 13,513.59 14,613.25 12,448.88 -0.8 -14.8 0.2
Region VI (Western Visayas) 251,982.93 346,309.93 4,900,122.60 5,611,561.13 37.4 14.5 85.1
Region VII (Central Visayas) 22,815.50 916.00 354,978.71 400,871.41 -96.0 12.9 6.1
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 11.40 15,891.20 8.27 10.72 139,269.0 29.6 0.0
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 39.68 38.97 27.01 26.66 -1.8 -1.3 0.0
Region X (Northern Mindanao) - - 491,779.85 370,075.35 - -24.7 5.6
Region XI (Davao Region) 27.61 27.65 18.75 19.20 0.1 2.4 0.0
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 8,223.80 8,046.02 84,559.02 78,654.11 -2.2 -7.0 1.2
Region XIII (Caraga) 0.27 0.39 3.50 2.37 44.4 -32.3 0.0
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 5.18 4.97 19,416.68 14,611.95 -4.1 -24.7 0.2
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
- No production
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 7. Volume of Production for Tobacco (dried leaves), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 1,302.93 911.52 567.24 643.20 -30.0 13.4 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) - - - - - - -

Region I (Ilocos Region) - - - - - - -
Region II (Cagayan Valley) - - - - - - -
Region III (Central Luzon) - - - - - - -
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) - - - - - - -
MIMAROPA Region - - - - - - -
Region V (Bicol Region) - - - - - - -
Region VI (Western Visayas) - - - - - - -
Region VII (Central Visayas) 0.35 0.10 1.55 - -71.4 - -
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 2.06 2.03 0.54 0.32 -1.6 -40.4 0.0
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 1.86 1.98 1.65 1.74 6.4 5.7 0.3
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 1,291.65 900.52 558.06 636.00 -30.3 14.0 98.9
Region XI (Davao Region) 4.19 4.15 3.02 2.88 -0.9 -4.6 0.4
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 2.50 2.43 2.13 1.96 -2.8 -8.0 0.3
Region XIII (Caraga) 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.30 -3.1 0.2 0.0
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region - - - - - - -
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
- No production
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 8. Volume of Production for Cacao (dried beans with pulp), by Region
July-September: 2019-2020 and October-December: 2019-2020 /p

Production (in metric tons) Percent Percent

Region July-September October-December Change Share
/p /p /p
2019 2020 2019 2020 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2020

PHILIPPINES 2,269.02 2,541.50 2,579.36 2,763.51 12.0 7.1 100.0

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 1.77 1.89 2.95 3.32 6.7 12.5 0.1
Region I (Ilocos Region) 2.87 2.98 5.67 6.35 3.9 12.0 0.2
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 4.09 4.65 7.26 8.05 13.6 10.9 0.3
Region III (Central Luzon) 176.41 284.65 62.76 24.59 61.4 -60.8 0.9
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 0.35 0.36 4.03 3.76 2.9 -6.7 0.1
MIMAROPA Region 2.49 2.07 60.48 65.40 -16.8 8.1 2.4
Region V (Bicol Region) 4.83 4.54 11.53 10.11 -6.0 -12.3 0.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 14.18 16.51 18.83 22.49 16.4 19.4 0.8
Region VII (Central Visayas) 6.55 6.29 41.55 39.57 -4.0 -4.8 1.4
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 11.34 10.88 16.19 16.55 -4.1 2.2 0.6
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 78.42 94.62 73.60 91.36 20.7 24.1 3.3
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 54.57 67.33 49.97 58.14 23.4 16.3 2.1
Region XI (Davao Region) 1,775.11 1,907.63 2,103.63 2,267.12 7.5 7.8 82.0
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 49.49 53.37 50.92 71.61 7.8 40.6 2.6
Region XIII (Caraga) 31.94 29.31 57.82 62.83 -8.2 8.7 2.3
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region 54.61 54.42 12.16 12.26 -0.3 0.8 0.4
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)

/p - Preliminary
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 9. Area Planted/Harvested and Number of Bearing Trees for Selected
Non-Food and Industrial Crops, Philippines, July-December: 2019-2020 /p

Crop Percent
2019 2020

Area (in hectares)

Abaca 131,179.74 130,678.59 -0.4

Coconut 3,647,035.07 3,641,833.68 -0.1
Coffee 111,638.50 111,493.58 -0.1
Arabica 17,985.97 18,058.20 0.4
Excelsa 7,487.00 7,338.35 -2.0
Liberica 1,302.55 1,299.80 -0.2
Robusta 84,862.98 84,797.23 -0.1
Rubber 229,420.00 230,390.02 0.4
Sugarcane (cane) for: 117,668.69 123,520.42 5.0
Centrifugal sugar 112,396.13 118,332.70 5.3
Ethanol 3,903.58 3,810.50 -2.4
Panocha/Muscovado 1,312.78 1,322.78 0.8
Chewing 29.38 28.90 -1.6
Basi/Vinegar 26.83 25.55 -4.8
Tobacco 1,909.06 2,121.97 11.2
Native 1,469.06 1,805.97 22.9
Virginia 425.00 300.00 -29.4
Other tobacco 15.00 16.00 6.7
Cacao 30,234 31,270 3.4

Number of Bearing Trees

Coconut 345,361,132 344,967,144 -0.1

Coffee 74,366,984 74,883,116 0.7
Arabica 12,401,780 12,472,058 0.6
Excelsa 4,382,423 4,244,567 -3.1
Liberica 821,233 815,774 -0.7
Robusta 56,761,548 57,350,718 1.0
*Rubber 57,805,394 57,983,027 0.3
Cacao 5,735,981 6,211,104 8.3

/p - Preliminary
Notes: * - Tappable trees
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, October to December 2020 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

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