Artificial Intelligence For Bright Future

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<Gasal> <Tahun Akademik 2021/2022> - <SEMUA PROGRAM STUDI>

Artificial Intelligence for Bright Future

In the article adapted from with the title “Artificial
Intelligence: a curse or a blessing?” by Abby Hackbarth at the beginning of this article
mentioned arguments about artificial intelligence that is considered to be the beginning of the
global damage and the downfall of mankind, but this is just a myth. Artificial intelligence is very
helpful at this time, with the ability which is much more effective and intelligence possessed, AI
could work like a man and is eager to handle the job. I agree about this statement because I can
feel how useful this artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence artificial intelligence is already taking an important role in the daily
activities now, and also there are positive effects and negative too. AI can minimize the risk of
infection which can happen if it's done by humans, for example quoting by this article the
example is like fires, AI will quickly navigate the situation this danger, and the environment will
be more secure with AI. I agree with the statement that declared the Al is the intelligence that is
created to help humans not as a curse. According to Effendy Muhadjir, in dies natalis UP 2020,
AI is an artificial human who will not be able to beat the human intelligence. According to Jason
(2019), Artificial intelligence is a machine that will work in accordance with a program that is
made like the patterns of human thought. Let's look at our activity, we use our phone to order
like online transportation, and then the driver will pick us up to the point specified, this is one
form of artificial intelligence program which can be fast and accurate to carry out the command,
and help the driver on their job. Another example, when we use google to looking for something
with artificial intelligence program at google, the search results we want will appear and quite
related to what we want, and the search activities of this we can do repeatedly, this is one of the
advantages of AI that can process data quickly and repeatedly.
Artificial intelligence is the thing that we need to be thankful for, with proper use and
ability to be improved, will bring the world's advanced and more sophisticated, we can't resist the
development but we can control it

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akan diberikan sanksi sesuai peraturan yang berlaku


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